This is another thing that happened to me and left me scratching my head and wondering WTH? There were two separate incidences, one outside and the other inside, but both were similar so I'll put them together and see if anyone has any ideas on what this might have been.
The first time this happened, I was outside, walking our pug. I'll say this was either 2009 or 2010. It was when our first pug was full grown, but before we got the second one.
It was past dark and warm outside, so either late spring or during the summer months. I take her on her leash to the north end of our home, between the house and an old concrete silo that's been there all my life. I don't know how old it is, at least 55 years, it was here when my parents bought the land in '59. I don't even think the silo figures into the story, but giving you an idea of where I was.
Anyway, I'm waiting for her to do her business, of course she's taking her time, smelling each individual blade of grass, When I hear and feel a major thud behind us. I mean, it felt like a boulder had fallen from the sky, maybe five or six feet behind me, it made the ground shake. We both spun around to see...nothing.
I have a flashlight and look all around, there's nothing there. The grass has been cut, so it's short, no trees nearby, nothing fell from the silo, it's in fairly good shape. There was no sound before or after other than the usual night time noises.
The next time something similar happened was within the past 6 months. Also during the night time hours. I was sitting at my computer desk as I am now, probably playing an online game, when it sounds like someone took a big, thick, heavy, hard covered book and slammed it down with all their strength right behind my chair. The dogs instantly start barking, I swing around to see...nothing.
Again I check all around the area for something that fell, I even checked the rest of the house. But the sound of it came from directly behind me, say within two to three feet. Nothing has fallen, nothing is out of place.
Any ideas of what this is or does this have some kind of meaning to anyone?