A number of years ago I was good friends with a girl who, for the sake of storytelling, we'll call T. Now T and I lived in an old, small town in Connecticut. T's house was set on a very large piece of land that also had an abandoned building and an old barn turned garage.
We must have been about 11 or 12 at the time and we thought the abandoned building was especially interesting as it was falling apart and the doors and windows had been boarded shut. We often made up stories that it was an old factory and it had closed because people died in it often and that it was haunted.
One day T and I were in her livingroom watching a marathon of the show A Haunting, a show about "true" hauntings happening all over the US. So we were watching this show and I looked out the window toward her garage (it looked to be about 2 stories high with a circle window on the top floor) I looked up towards the window and saw what looked like a figure or some kind standing infront of it. I was totally spooked, especially since earlier that day we were poking around the abandoned building and then watched A Haunting.
I asked T to go look at the window as well, she said she also saw the figure but we decided to ignore it. Thinking our overactive imaginations were playing tricks on us and went back to the show.
A few hours later her parents went to run an errand and we were left alone at her house. When we noticed it getting dark outside we heard some strange and very faint noises coming from her basement. Just small things like a creak or a small bang but since we were already creeped out enough from the day we decided to move to her room upstairs.
When we got into her room we closed and locked the door and kept the lights off except one flashlight and the TV was on for some additional light but without the sound. For a while nothing happened, we just sat, me with the flashlight pointed at the door knob in fear of someone trying to get in and T by my side. But then we heard footsteps, footsteps that seemed to be climbing the stairs to her room. And sure enough the footseps stoped just outside her door.
We waited a moment staring at the knob hoping it wouldn't turn but our fear and also juvenile impatience got the better of us and T decided to ask this thing a question. "If you come in peace don't do anything, but if you come to kill us stomp twice" is what she said, and I don't think I'll ever be able to forget those words because right after they were said we heard two stomps outside her door.
We waited for this thing to come and kill us but all we heard after that was some footsteps and then the front door closing. Thinking her parents must have returned, we ran downstairs only to find nothing and no one. Around 5 minutes later her parents returned, we asked them if they had just gotten home or if they were messing with us but they seemed to genuinely not know what we were talking about.
To this day (I'm now 18) I have no idea what happened that day, if we both just had very over active imaginations and watched way too much TV or if something had truly come to scare us or kill us. All I know is that I will never forget this experience and that it should be shared.
Maybe I'm just a very gullible person.