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A Pressure That Took My Power


This is hard for me to say because I have read a lot of the stories and the critics are pretty tough. This is a true story with all my heart and I still wonder all the time what the heck it was that happened.

I lived in a place called Big Bear Lake California for a very long time. Born and raised and the house my mom lived in was a beautiful house full of love and GOD. She was a keep to yourself mom for the most part until I started having these really weird experiences.

This hasn't happened in a about 10 years now (I am 30 years old) but I remember it like it was yesterday. The home we lived in was pretty and very old. For years in that house I felt like I was always being followed and at night when I was a teenager I would ask to sleep with my mom because I was scared but she would say no. She would ask me why, what was wrong but I wouldn't really know what the answer to that was. Really, I just was scared. At night I would fall asleep by finally passing out from being tired. In my light sleep I would try to wake up and open my eyes but my eyes were sealed. I was awake but I couldn't move and I would scream for help to wake me up but I had no help. I know for a fact that these were not dreams. I would try to open my mouth and my eyes and sometimes scratch if I could and there would be marks around my mouth when I finally was able to wake up. I felt a deep pressure over me and inside of me in pure panic. After we moved out of that house its been gone. I don't dream bad stuff and I haven't had the feeling of pressure over me or inside of me ever since then.

The feeling when I would finally be able to open my eyes while I am sitting up trying to wake up/open my mouth for help or open my eyes was like a black mass feeling that's ugly. It was over powering and it made me feel like I was crazy. I AM NOT CRAZY, I am normal and have no issues other than work related stresses.

I want to know what that was and I want to know what could have caused it. It happened every night around 3-4 am and I was awake! This was not a dream.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sally1985, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SAYURI (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-18)
You did the right thing moving out from that house. That wasn't a ghost but an evil spirit which wanted to hurt you.
GoldPhoenix (24 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-10)
[at] Zoza

If you want to advertise a book why not just skip straight to the point instead of posting unproven nonsence
AZWILDCAT (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-03)
This has happened twice to me, it has nothing to do with sleep, stress, fear... I had a spiritual experience, I could hear the voice say my name, when I could finally move and sit up my electric alarm clock had stopped for almost an hour.
ShilRoy13 (10 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-03)
Probably, it was intense sleep paralysis causing hallucinations around you. The fear is inside you, not in the house. 😊
Zozazoth (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-01)
Everyone is so cautious and over sceptical. It was an inter-dimensional entity. Sleep paralysis "hallucinations" is a speculative and very weak theory. Its clearly nonsense if you look at several witness descriptions of these entities. These entities cause paralysis at least some of the time. They are parasitic basically and suck energy from you: emotional energy -whatever that is exactly. I have seriously seen one suck fear from me as an orangey brown vapour. They also can suck normal power from electrical and heat sources too. Weird eh. They can be associated with a house or they can attach to a person and go where-ever they go. They can be seen sometimes as dark shapes moving spontaneously in your vision when your eyes are closed at night. I had one for while. I know it wasn't a dream. I could sense it in the house watching me.
Being fatigued or stressed or fearful weakens you and makes you more vunerable to be parasitised by them. It can be a compounding cycle.
Its really quite amazing and interesting when you start to learn about these things and the multi-dimesional nature of our reality. But its also disturbing that it is somehow a secret being kept or maintained by certain factions. The materialist world-view is protecting and enabling these entities to use humans like farm animals. A good book about is "Close Encounters of the Possession Kind". But reading lots of witness accounts is the best way to learn about them. There are well over a thousand on the net.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-30)
Sally, so glad to hear this. It sounds like you've been coming to grips with this for a while now. Fascinating you feel things by colour. 😊
Sally1985 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
Hi Tweed,

Ive been thinking about it for the past 24 hours. I tried last night tonot think about it but its kind of interesting to me now. I feel the energy in my house a lot not by feel but by color
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
I'm pretty sure it was sleep paralysis. When we sleep, the part of our brain that controls conscious movement shuts off so we won't act out our dreams and hurt ourselves or others. Sometimes, we think we are awake but we are still partially asleep. We are aware of our surroundings, but can't move, cry out or take a deep breath. Try sleeping on your side. That works for me.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
Sally, I'd like to suggest putting some thought into how you feel about your abilities.
It's ok to be a sensitive and choose not to communicate with anything. Being sensitive doesn't mean you owe the paranormal world anything. Honestly, if it's not for you, that's fine.

If you decide you want to welcome some of it, that's great too. There's not a sensitive in existence that hasn't gone through a bad patch of scary stuff. We learn to protect ourselves and with time it gets easier and less frightening.
Sally1985 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
I know that it comes with what you are saying. I have always been spooked if you would say that when I am by myself. I have felt my hair be swiped by something and my bangs moved from in front of my eyes. My grandmother would always do that so I thought it was her one time. I ended up talking to myself in the room as if she was there for some reason. There are a lot of things that are starting to make sense but I don't exactly like it either. I live a lot of my time at home spooked and I am in no way psychotic or anything like that.
shadk (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
hmmm, there's an simple explanation to the thing you lived. Have you heard of "sleep paralysis"? It's rare but it happens, it leave people with a feeling of pressure on their chest, some might hallucinate seeing a human dark form sitting on their chest. As I got it, it's a kind of defense from your brain.
lafido (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
well as far as it have been i'm glad you move out of the house hehee... I once read in some article that whatever might be there might be an evil one besides it would have been a scary experience
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)


Sensitive (noun) 1: a person having occult or psychical abilities

For me basicly a sensitive is anyone who can 'feel, hear, or see' the energy that makes up a spirit or entity. You may only be able to do one OR maybe all of them, but only under the right conditions. The individual may only be sensitive when they sleep... There really is no 'hard and fast' definition because we know so little about it. Individual will be more sensitive to natural causes of EMF as well... May cause 'false positives'...

Hope that helps... And please if anyone else has a definition of a sensitive feel free to join the conversation.


eyecandy (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
This is what I found: To describe those people who are more in-tune to paranormal events a term was created - "highly sensitive person" or HSP. According to some researchers, those that are HSP have a biological difference that allows their nervous system to process sensory data much more deeply and thoroughly than the average person. Yes, it can also be hereditary. It is estimated that approximately 15-20% of humans have nervous systems that can be described as HSP. Normally I say that 86% of all stats are made up, but several prominent researchers have the same findings, so I am 78.6% sure the figure is 95% accurate.

I believe its like being able to see and talk to spirits or being able to hear what they are saying/speaking.
Sally1985 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
I need to understand what a sensitive is please? I have a feeling were on target I just need to understand it better
eyecandy (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
It could have simply been an out of body experience. I don't know what you do but an OOBE is a big feeling of not being where your body is. It hardly ever happens and does not last very long. It feels like you can see and hear and move to different places or even fly, but all the time your body is sleeping in bed. It feels very strange. Sometimes can even lead to sleep paralysis. Which sounds like you had experienced.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
Sally, I agree with Rook about entertaining the mundane physical explanations, they can save a lot of worry in the long run.
That cats losing traction comparison made me smile.

Some of what you're saying indicates that you're naturally sensitive and, yeup, you'll attract the good and the bad paranormal wise.

I get a lot of comfort from looking for physical explanations. Always surprised just how many astonishingly unexplainable things turn out to be something really boring and obvious.

Want to let you know that I have recently been plagued by a bad presence, for the first time ever, which has successfully drained my energy levels here and there. About a year of trying to explain it away with physical explanations has been in vain.
I do understand some of what you're going through on a personal level. However what is plaguing me may be nothing like what is plaguing you. I have no idea.

I'm only typing this to you here because I get the sense you're freaking out about your own experience. So wanted you to know 'you're not alone!'
It's not mannerly to impart my experiences on your story. I will submit it one day but to be honest I keep putting it off. The reason why hopefully will help you...

I'm bored of thinking about it! I'm proud of this 'boredom' because the more we fear, the tighter the hold.

I got to this point recently because of Rook's cleansing method. (Or any cleansing method, really) They really help you get back to 'you' so you can claim your power back.

The dreams you describe I'd say are down to you, so give yourself credit for that!

If your experience with fatigue is down to something paranormal please know that it's happened before, to many others and they've come out the other side just fine. You have yourself, remember? 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)

If you have had and or are still experienceing precognitive dreams it is a good indication you MAY be a sensitive. Because of this you may 'feel' or 'see' the spirits, energies. This is a 'two way' street, if you can feel or see them they can interact with you, unless you shield, protect or otherwise 'shut' yourself off from your sensitivity.

This also means that you MAY react to natural or high sources of EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) which may cause symptoms ranging from rashes, upset stomach, headaches, itching skin, all the way up to halucinations.

This is why when investigating individuals experiences so many questions MUST be asked... And why every MUNDANE reason must be ruled out before the PARANORMAL can even be considered. So... If it was not, molds or mildews in the old home you were in and it was not high levels of EMF and it was not fatigue induced 'issues' then there MAY have been a spirit taking advantage of your sensitivity to them and because you were 'wide open' they were able to drain your energy.

I have posted a Method on my profile that may help you... Its mostly for a Home or Room Cleansing, but a part of it explains how to build a personal shield.

Thanks for sharing, keep us posted and remember... Not everything that goes 'BUMP' in the night is a Ghost... Cats loose traction on hard wood floors when chaseing mice...😉


Sally1985 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)
Hi Rookdygin,

I was always exhausted when I woke up! I always wanted to go back to bed and my school work lacked due to it. I would sleep in and refuse to wake up so many days out of the week. Then there were days that I would wake up and just feel normal. Not refreshed but ok. I know this sounds crazy but I still have dreams that to this day comes true and I remember that I just dreamed about it a few nights before. That happened a lot to me there more than it happens to me now. I know it sounds strange but its true and I thought that might have something to do with it too.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)

When these experiences happened did you wake up (not at the time it happned) the following morning and feel drained or refreashed?

You say..."I need to know what that was!" The fact is you may not ever know what it truly was. We can offer our opinions but until a lot more is understood about Spirits, entites... Heck everything paranormal you may never get an answer.

I asked how you felt the next day because you may have experienced a couple of things... Waking up feeling refreashed could indicate that these experiences were your bodies way of 'dumping' the stress and negative energy. If you woke up the next morning and felt completely drained then perhaps a spirit or entity was attracted to your stress levels and 'fed' off of it causing you to feel drained. I can not say for sure based on the information you have provided.


Sally1985 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)
I still need to know why I felt this ugly gloomy pressure in my body. It was like, its so hard to explain. It was like something was taking all the power I had. I need to know what that was!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)

I am not going to say one way or the other about this experience... It could have been S/P or an actual spirit sitting on your chest... Or even an alergic reaction to something.

I will ask this... Do you know if the home was ever checked for mold? Not only can some molds cause alergic reactions but some may even cause halucinations...

Also...Type 'Big Bear Lake California' into the 'Search this Site' block near the top right corner of this page... It seems this is a very active area, perhaps your not the only one who has shared an experience about this property in Big Bear CA.


Sally1985 (1 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)
Hi Tweed,

You know, I had considered that it could be the sleep paralysis my self as I got older. The only concern is the minute I moved out of that house it stopped and I was energized again. I feel like there was something there I just don't know what.
StardustedLuna (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)

So your not crazy and what happened to you happens, until this day, no matter where I move or go, to me. I wake up around 2-4am, Mostly 3:33am every night when I am home. I don't know why either so I can't answer that question but I will say this. The nights I burn white candles, I don't wake up and my room is calm.

I do agree with Tweed, however 😁
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-27)
Hi there Sally,

This sounds fatigue related brought on by the fear and stress of trying to stay awake. I think you were experiencing sleep paralysis. However the frequency of it suggests it could have been a sleep disorder (possibly). But as it's no longer happening I'm leaning towards sleep paralysis combine with fatigue and stress.
When your body wants to sleep, but you are still awake, your nerves begin to relax. Sometimes there's a glitch and we'll experience one of those falling dreams which we suddenly wake from. This is caused by our nerves and muscles relaxing.
I know you weren't dreaming when this occurred but it's possible (and common in fatigue) to experience the same phenomena whilst completely conscious.

You probably were sensing a presence in your home. Can't give an opinion if it was good or bad. It's possible your natural fear, from sensing it, was magnified by the stress your mind and body were under and all these combined factors made you believe it was bad.

I really wouldn't worry that a bad spirit was taking your power. The physical explanation seems very likely. 😊

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