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Someone Wants To Sleep On My Bed


Everybody has their own favorite side of the bed when they sleep. Just like others, I have too but after the unforgettable experience I had it changes everything.

When I was a kid I used to share room with my older sister. We also share the same bed sometimes, but after she graduated college she moved in to Manila for her job.

So I have our room on my own. At first I was so happy because I really want a room on my own, but I guess my experience made me more believe on the saying "be careful on what you wish for". Remember my first story? That was just the beginning.

I don't know if my third eye is open or what but I can damn sense and feel other entities. Believe me I'm not happy about it, I'm a coward. I get scared easily and based on what I've heard from my friends, that spirits can sense your fear and they approach you because of that.

I had this habit to staying up late at night doing stuff, but mostly just watching TV. I am the last one to sleep. It happened one night I was killing time by watching a movie just like the usual. Then I got tired and I feel sleepy.

To give you guys a picture of my room, here's the detail. My room is the first door on our mini hallway (our house is a bungalow style no 2nd floor). When you open the door, my bed is on the left side. It's a double deck. I like to sleep on the left side of the bed, because it's easier to get up, the right side is facing my wall.

So this is what happened. I lay down turn the lights off, lying sideways on my left with a pillow on my arm. I can't remember but I think it was 2 or 3 am. A very bad thing to be still awake...

I close my eyes try to get some sleep then suddenly something happened. I felt something or someone just lay beside me (on my right side). How did I know that? Because my bed LITERALLY moved and it slowly laying beside me.

That moment I wasn't moving I was so sacred I'm having a hard time to breath and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I want to cry that time but I can't move. Then it got worse because my back starts to get numb and feel heavier like it was getting close to me. I prayed hard on my mind because I can't even move a muscle. It last for like more than half an hour. Then I started to feel light again, the chills I feel were gone. Then for no reason I turned around to see what it was but when I turned around no one was there (anymore).

After that experience I always sleep on the middle and I make sure that I put pillows on both side so no one will sleep beside me again.

I wasn't able to see them but damn sure I can feel them: (

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sweettooth, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sachinvijay (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-31)
Pray always... Dear friend... My story is different but... In my case after a long time... I saw...something
Johnny_Blart (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-07)
You might have felt a chill running down your spine while you were experiencing it. Its damn scary when something sleeps beside you.

From other similar stories I have read, I think that the spirit/ghost just wanted to take a nap or wanted to sleep. It might be sleeping everyday but you wouldn't have sensed it before if you were asleep.

So just a few questions:
1) Did you change your daily sleeping time that day and was awake a little more time than usual? 2) How did it felt? Means approx. Size of body and and sensation (Rough or Gentle)

Just a advice based on my personal experience:
I always used to stay awake until 2:00am before. But you don't realise that by doing so your body is losing a lot of energy and your ability to fight disease also gets lowered. I have suffered from it myself and just wanted to warn you. Take care
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-05)
hi [at] samtille
Yup I know that, like I said everything I post here is true it's okay if no one believes me I just share what I have experienced.

What I meant for "i know what I feel and saw" i'm referring to my first story. Have read you seen it? They always came to me unseen,

I hope I have answered your question. Thank you I appreciate your comment.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-05)
Hi Sweettooth
I know you mentioned that you are aware of your health and that you go to the gym etc. But having 8 hours of sleep is essential to keep you healthy. Having the correct amount of sleep enables your mind and body to function correctly. Lack of sleep, as many people will be aware of causes confusion, disorientation and many other things. Combined with doing this over a long period of time is not good for anyone, just thought I'd mention this.

Just one thing I wanted to ask. In one of your comments you state, "I know what I felt and saw". I'm slightly confused as you said you didn't see anything. Thanks.
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-03)
[at] sheetal no need to say sorry it's kind of interesting too I've googled it and I have found a lot about it. It's almost a like white lady. πŸ˜‰
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-03)
Hey... Sorry for starting Kuntilanak concept in your story... I just wanted to know more about from the people... So I asked you... I've read everything available on net about Kuntilanak 😁

Sorry again
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
[at] DBD oops yup I stand corrected its indonesia... I've googled it they're pregnant women who died form giving birth or died with a child on their womb
DeathByDonut (guest)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
Never heard that before in India.
Kuntilanak is definitely not from India I guess
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
hi sheetal:)
thanks don't worry I don't stay up late anymore...
About the 'Kuntilanak'i actually don't have any idea but the sound of the name is like it came from india or somewhere a ghost of a woman, like a white lady...:)
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
redwolf what you told me scared the shiat out of me... Because I really felt an entity right beside me.: (
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
hi tweed thanks for the concern:) I ask her she told me it's a lady in white and she's floating actually she's not the only one who saw that lady and they believe it's the lady on the huge tree right beside our house... That's another story i'll tell soon.
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
okay first things first...

Psycho? Well i'm here to tell everybody my experience i'm not pleasing or begging anyone to believe me, I know what I feel I know what I saw. Thank you and God Bless. (bossmathan).

2nd yes I used to stay up late but I am aware of my health so I take care of it by going to the gym and eating healthy... Thanks for the concern but I don't believe that has something to do with my paranormal experiences (bossmathan)

What my teacher told me that what she saw is a lady in white wondering around the house it was late at night she told me the lady she saw is floating not walking...

The woman who died on our house was my half sisters mom she died because what we called "bangungot" or nightmare in English it happens to people who ate a lot of food then sleep without taking a rest first.

And last to all the comments thank you all I appreciate it either it was a good one or a bad one, I still post a lot of my experience thank you guys Love Lots...:)
❀ πŸ˜‰
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
"psycho lock sensors"?!?!

Would you care to elaborate on just what those are bossmathan?

I would really like to know.

With Great Curiosity,

bossmathan (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-02)
its is just fake thing. This girl is already afraid of all the things around her so it happen when sleeping alone. Its her mind that chilled her out. Reason 1 she was not having good sleep because of late night movies. Reason 2 her mind was under psycho lock sensors that's the thing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-01)
Sweettooth: what do you mean by 'died by nightmare'?
If the lady died in her sleep the cause could have been a medical condition, -do you know if she had a health problem before her passing?

Was an autopsy done to the body? If so, have you read the medical report?

I'm not denying your experience but think the reason for the death of the lady was different.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
DeathByDonut (guest)
10 years ago (2015-08-01)
Thanks for the information.

What exactly did your teacher saw?
Will you ask her about looks of what she saw?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-01)
Hi Sweettooth,

When your teacher saw someone around your house do you mean the teacher was sure it was a ghost? I would hate that you had a living person up to no good hanging around. I'm not linking what your teacher saw to your bed experience. I only ask because I was concerned by what your teacher saw.
Take care.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-01)
You don't have to worry about spirits unless they are malevolent. Malevolent spirits are not the same as demons, demons are way more nastier and harder to get rid of. If you don't want any spirits in your house just tell them they are not welcome and they must leave.
It works for me.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-01)
Hey sweettooth... Just one advice... Do not keep waking up so long in night... It is bad for health as well as for paranormal stuff too... I liked your story...

P.S. You are from Philippines... So can I ask you about 'Kuntilanak' Legend?... I've watched the movie... But would like to know is it real or just a urban legend?

Thanks in Advance 😁
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-31)

Well our house was built near a creak. My school is near to our house like walking distance. So one of my teacher was heading home she told me she saw some thing wondering around outside of our house...

The mother of my step-siblings died of nightmare right on that house and I have some experience that i'll tell soon

Thanks for commenting:)
DeathByDonut (guest)
10 years ago (2015-07-31)
If its that old then there must be something in that house. If you don't know much about house then try asking your parents/ neighbours, they might also have had any experiences near your house and must know something if anything wrong happened in your house before you were born.

If you are feeling the presence of many spirits then your house might be build on a burial ground or cemetery. Just try to find out about it. My house is also built on old burial ground and there are a hell lot of spirits roaming in backside of my house but there are mostly good spirits and don't harm.

Yours respectfully,
Sweettooth (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-31)
Hi DBD...
Well that house is really old like its already there even before I was born... I don't know if they are connected because I've encounter a lot of paranormal stuff... And believe it or not I'm sure they are lot of them.
DeathByDonut (guest)
10 years ago (2015-07-31)
I liked your name and its cute😁.

I think the entity was just taking a sleep and is harmless because I believe ghosts sleep like us and those who sleep like this are mostly connected to that area/place/house. I advice you to carry out some investigation about your area/locality,house and find out more information. And be sure to post your finding as it always helps to get even a little information that we don't know.

Is your first story connected to this or is it 2nd part? Just asked

Yours respectfully,

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