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Somebody Wants Attention, I Think!


I moved to Suffolk around 9 years ago with my son. I met my (now) husband a couple of years prior to that. We both had unhappy previous relationships. We decided to move in together. We have a blended family and kids are now 12, 16 and 18.

We were essentially "starting again" and had to look for a four bedroom place to accommodate the family. We both love older properties and found one. It had to be the right price and neither of us are scared of hard work. The condition really would have put most people off but we absolutely fell in love with the place (nine years on we are still working on it). It had been on the market for a while. We offered, it was accepted, we were over the moon!

I remember the day I drove here after the sale had gone through. My husband had been here a day or so before. It was a November evening and I saw the lights on and through the window I saw our kids running around, a whole lot of life had been injected into this lonely house. It sounds strange but I had such a strong feeling the house was happy, as well as us.

The way I feel about our home hasn't changed but things have been happening, but only relatively recently, perhaps the last year or so. To be honest, I am so curious to find out what other people think.

The house was supposedly built in 1805 and I almost expected some unexplained activity, I'm quite sensitive to things, as is my husband. For the first eight years or so - absolutely nothing.

Our small rural village is drowned in local folk law and tales which I find fascinating. We have a derelict mill at the bottom of our garden and a lane nearby that a white witch is supposed to haunt. It's very dark here at night. Again, never bothered me at all - it's actually really nice and has a good feel.

I remember having an argument with my husband one evening and storming out the house. It was winter about 10pm so very dark. I walked across and sat in the old mill ruins and just cooled off (if there was anyone around I would have looked nuts!). I had an overwhelming feeling of comfort and calm. After about half an hour I went home and we sorted things out calmly. My husband later suggested it was the white witch guarding me in those late hours and calming me down - I'm not sure but open to it - it's quite a romantic idea.

Anyway, I am straying from the point of this story...

About a year ago I fell asleep on the sofa. My husband doesn't like it when I do that. Apart from anything, we both have very demanding full time jobs and renovating the house really takes it out of you. He nags me about getting proper sleep. Whilst asleep I felt a very gentle nudge (just like he would do) and it was obvious someone was trying to wake me. I woke but didn't open my eyes as I was comfortable and just wanted to be left. The same nudge two or three times. It was no good, I opened my eyes and said something like "ok, I'll come up", but my husband wasn't there. Still I put it down to my slow reaction and thought he must have just given up and gone back upstairs. I was about just to simply follow him up but the first thing I noticed (as I was coming round) was the lounge door was closed as absolutely no light coming in and there was certainly no noise from an opening or shutting of a door. My stomach started to turn at this point. I didn't hear my husband's footsteps going up our very creaky stairs either! Ok so now I'm freaked and still trying to justify things in my head, went into our bedroom. He's fast asleep. I popped my head into the kids rooms hoping it had been one of them (and still trying to justify what just happened). Yep, they were asleep too. I jumped into bed next to my husband, wrapped the duvet around me, willed sleep to come and it did.

The next morning I told my husband. He is open to the paranormal but I got the impression it was a half dream. This convinced me too, and it could have been. I still think about that night and I'm probably more uneasy about it now than I was then.

It was after this that the knocking started. It was less frequent back then and only me that heard it. I automatically looked at the clock when it happened and it's always between 3 and 3:30am. In itself I find that weird. We don't have the heating on a timer or anything like that. You could also argue it's a natural body rhythm to wake or be in a particular sleep state at that time, open to opinions. It just all seems too real. The reason I'm posting this is that my husband is now hearing it.

So, what happens? We go to bed, we go to sleep. At around 3am I wake with a start to hear two very gentle knocks on our bedroom door. The only way I can describe it is a gentle polite knock you would do before entering any room. It's not aggressive, it's not loud but it is very distinctive. The same gap between the knocks at the same time of night- and right there next to where I'm sleeping. I've jumped up a number of times and turned the light on/opened the door etc... Nothing and nobody. And that's it. I made sure I reported this to my husband each time. He began getting a little concerned but still hadn't heard it himself. I felt like an idiot. Until now.

The experience has now transferred to him but seems a bit more intense. He's also hearing footsteps on the stairs and much more regular than I ever did. It's almost nightly now. It's the worst it's been last night. He said he was woken almost every hour by the knocks or footsteps or both. In a sleepy state that may be exaggerated but he's certainly very tired today.

For me too, a new experience at a different time of day. The other evening I was alone in the house taking a bath. I had my headphones in but thought I heard the knocks on the bathroom door this time. I turned my music off and didn't hear it again. What I did feel was cold air in the steamy bathroom. I was actually on the cusp of calling my husband to come home but I didn't. I knew it would sound ridiculous and also he was due back in half an hour. I braved it out and told him when he got in. He admitted to me he had also experienced the cold sensation.

So, this is all very recent but seems to be ramping up. I must add that at the moment we feel no malice in whatever this is...wait...even while I'm typing this I feel that cold air again. It's about 9am now and I have a full house. Hubby is in the bath and kids upstairs. This is weird and making me even more determined to type...

Thoughts please. New to this site, don't know where else to go with this. I'd like to log this activity somewhere to like minds and opinions.

Still cold in here... I'll update hubby when he's out the bath shortly... To be continued, perhaps?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MW, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-18)
The reason the activity has recently begun in earnest, I would imagine, is due to your 12 year old child just hitting adolescence. At that age and time in life, spirit energies can use their turbulence like a "battery" source. How is the 12 year old doing? That might be my first concern. What is the history of the home itself? Is there by chance an old man in your village who is a bit of an odd duck but knows the town history and may be a dowser? If you bring him round he should be able to tell you who and what it is and what they want. I'm getting something to do with a well on the property. And some jewelry is coming to mind as well. Some spirit is missing something or concerned about it. Has your husband tried automatic writing or drawing? He may be able to get further information that way. And I'm picking up you can get messages in dreams fairly readily. Just speak out loud what you want to know before you turn in and see what happens. All the best
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-18)
The Lost Voyage 11 - I'm happy to see another agree to that theory, about that topic seeming to draw attention from the spiritual side. I feel like it doesn't get said enough, how dangerous it can be, to just get caught up in all that stuff etc, to where you're attracting spirits to you. It's a constant struggle for me, to want to benge watch paranormal shows, and talk about that stuff, then having to worry if you drew attention to yourself, while doing so. I think what you said you do, to protect yourself from having this problem, is a very smart idea. I know I should protect myself, when I do things like my Oracle or Tarot readings, so not to have this happen, but didn't really think to do so when wanting to watch paranormal shows etc, or just talk about it. That's a really good idea to start doing though!😄 I hope to hear back from the poster of this soon, as I'd like to know if this could possibly be a reason for the increased activity around their home?
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (7 stories) (248 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-16)
Twilight1011 - You bring up a good point as well, regarding how the different ways talking about or watching ghost stories etc, can draw that type of activity to you. Many posters on this site alone mention the eerie feelings they have while trying to put their story into words and submit it.

I myself even posted a story of this very thing happening to me when I was a teen engaging in a lengthy conversation about ghosts and learned first hand what can happen!

Since then I have made sure to protect myself and set appropriate boundaries when reading or commenting on stories on this or any supernatural site, watching any kind of ghost stories AND especially talking about this kind of topic or relaying stories to others. I make it clear, though I'm extremely interested in this topic, it is NOT an open invitation for an experience 😁

That may be something to consider as well MW, it may play a role in the activity picking up after it initially started. Still and all if any new remodeling coincided with the first encounters starting up, there are ways to deal with that as well.

I look forward to hearing if this is the case or not?
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-16)
The Lost Voyage 11 - I'm glad you mentioned the recent possibility, of any new renovations being done around the house. I forgot that I had wanted to ask about that as well, but unfortunately with constant distractions going on around me (my kid's lol), while I tried to write my first post to this, I forgot that part.😅 But I was thinking the same thing, on whether or not something new was being done around the house, that could possibly be something that the ghost, who might have already been there, didn't agree with, and is trying to let you know? If you have done something new, does the starting & planning time of this project, match with when the activity seemed to pick up?
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-16)
MW, not sure if this means anything to what you're experiencing, but I've heard when you start to think about the paranormal world more, from talking about it, and starting to be more aware of your surroundings, that you can end up attracting the paranormal side to you, as they see you're more opened to noticing them now. I don't know if that's possibly the case for you, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I know when it comes to my hubby and I, whenever we start to talk more about that stuff, and start watching a lot of paranormal stuff, it seems to increase the activity around us, that normally wasn't as noticeable before. My other theory, has anyone in your home, in this time period you've said it's picked up, brought anything used into the house? Like antiques or something given from a family member etc? My reason for asking this, is because if so, then it's possible whatever was brought into your home, could possibly have some spirit attached to it. If it's a past family member that you knew, it could be them looking over you, as you've said how it doesn't feel bad. But these are just some theories I've thought of. They may not be the case with you, but like I said, I thought it was worth mentioning, incase it could be of help to you. Whatever is in your house though, I think it's best to go with your instinct, so if it doesn't feel like something that means y'all harm, then there's most likely nothing to worry about, in that case. I do want to at least state this as a caution, whatever you decide to do, be careful! Like I had said before, noticing the activity now, and reacting to it etc, can be what draws whatever it is, in more, as you're now giving it the attention it needs, to be able to get stronger etc. I don't say this caution to make it sound like something bad, I'm only mentioning it so you can be aware of this. Listen to your intuition about it, and make sure not to go against whatever your intention is trying to tell you. Welcome to YGS!☺ and I look forward to reading your updates about this. Sending you good vibes 😊
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (7 stories) (248 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-16)
Hello MW, interesting story, thanks for sharing it!

It has been noted that remodeling in and of itself can stir up ghostly activity, usually that of a prior resident.

I understand that you had mentioned you have been working on this home for 9 years now with no activity, that has been something that started recently?

Has the haunting activity coincided with some remodeling/restoration project that just began, ie: maybe getting around to a closet space or bathroom etc that hasn't been touched on prior?

My point being that, whatever resides in the house (assuming it's not someone passing through, like a relative visiting) may have been fine with the remodel up until now, but maybe you started working on a room or a space recently that it doesn't want altered? That would explain why you've heard nothing up until now.

I'd be curious to know, as well as what else might have occurred since you posted this experience!
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
4 months ago (2024-03-14)
I don't think it's weird that you are getting used to it, especially since from what I gather, it's a daily occurance, the wildlife cam is a good idea and if you can, an EVP voice recorder would also help I think.
MW (1 stories) (2 posts)
5 months ago (2024-03-11)
Still nothing sinister but I heard the footsteps at 4:30am last night. Very clear, nothing at all other than that. Is it weird that I'm getting used to it? We are thinking of setting up a wildlife cam we have for the garden. I wonder if that will pick anything up?
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
5 months ago (2024-03-11)
So far you and your husband have experienced pleasant things, although the knocking around 3am is a bit suspicious, given that lots of people associate it with evil, but if nothing sinister is happening I think you should just ignore it.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 months ago (2024-03-10)
I thought there might be a connection, but it seems too great a time gap to me. Though I'm sure ghosts and spirits do not experience time the same way we do. I have no idea what the connection could be.
CantunSEEit74 (4 stories) (63 posts)
5 months ago (2024-03-10)
MW A medium is a direct way to find who is around and in your space. Nothing worse than a long term out of pocket remodel and then have spirit activity cluttering up your mind and wellbeing. Been there, got the T shirt. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
MW (1 stories) (2 posts)
5 months ago (2024-03-10)
Hi, nice to meet you!

I would say a year or two. Do you think there is a connection?

Many thanks.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 months ago (2024-03-10)
Hi. Welcome to YGS, MW. I'm the resident open minded but opinionated grump here. 😁

Question: how much time passed between you visiting the mill to cool down and then the first experience?


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