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Doppelganger Encounter That I Cannot Explain


About a year ago I relocated to the Delco area / Brookhaven, Pennsylvania from the city of Wilmington, Delaware. I came here to live with my boyfriend (Felix) of a year and a half. It's difficult to live in a new and unfamiliar city. I'm not near my circle of life long friends. Felix's friends have become my friends.

Mid/end of April we were all enjoying a BBQ together at Felix's best friend's house. The couple that own the house and invited us over are Hogan and Gina.

After eating and relaxing for an hour or so with other mutual friends, Gina politely asked me to go outside with her so we could talk. Gina is in management at a popular high end clothing store in a big mall nearby.

She became very serious and asked me why I came into her store, tried on a bunch of size six clothing (my size exactly), trashed the fitting room and never even bothered to say hello. I told her I didn't go to her store at all and the Saturday she claimed I was out shopping I was actually with Felix. Gina gradually became flustered and demanded to know why I would lie right to her face. She said I told another store associate my name. She asked me how it could be a different Adelaide with blonde hair exactly like mine who wears the same size clothing. I told her I don't know how that could have happened and there was no way it was me.

I told her being new to the area I did not even know how to get to the mall she worked at without getting lost nor did I ever have the money to even step foot in such an expensive store.

Things escalated. Gina became extremely upset and strongly felt I was blatantly lying to her. I became more upset trying to defend myself. She eventually began charging at me and threatened to call the police if I did not leave immediately.

I had a complete emotional meltdown and began uncontrollably crying. Everyone agreed Gina was very mad and I should go. I left and continued to cry myself to sleep. Dealing with the loss of what little new friendships I had in a new town was tough.

Felix had my back from the start. All along he told Gina I was nowhere near her store. Not long after I left he came home very mad. He said he told everyone it was not right to kick me out and he was sorry I was so upset. (Editor's Note: Irrelevant personal information deleted.) I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with both of our first child... About a month and a half after that night I found out I was pregnant. Currently we are overjoyed to be parents.

It's been a very happy and slightly scary experience so far. Just earlier tonight I learned doppelganger had a paranormal definition. I always just thought it was a funny term to describe people who look a like. I'd like to think I'm not a very spiritual person but I just don't know at this point. Since I have little experience with any of this I thought someone else out there may.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, adelaide143, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

adelaide143 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-08-03)
Wow! I still think about it to this day. I just now saw these comments. I checked everyday for the longest time. After this incident for some reason I became very intrigued by doppelgangers. It was edited out by moderators but in very polite terms I tried to explain this was the night I conceived. I was worried since bad luck was to come of the pregnancy. Baby girl is now six months old and the most beautiful chubby cherub ever. We totally lucked out because what an awesome baby we received! Thank you all for your support and information. For the longest time I thought my story was 100% over looked. Or the most ridiculous thing ever. To this day I have absolutely nothing there for " Gina "
adelaide143 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-08-03)
Wow! I still think about it to this day. I just now saw these comments. I checked everyday for the longest time. After this incident for some reason I became very intrigued by doppelgangers. It was edited out by in very polite terms I tried to explain this was the night I convinced. I was worried since bad luck was to come of the pregnancy. Baby girl is now six months old and the most beautiful chubby cherub ever. We totally lucked out because what an awesome baby we received! Thank you all for your support and information. For the longest time I thought my story was 100% over looked. Or the most ridiculous thing ever. To this day I have absolutely nothing there for " Gina "
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-08)
Girl25 - in order to get the help you need and appear to want, please submit your experience when the Submission page is open, which should he Monday. Please don't think we aren't concerned with your story, but we cannot help you on someone else's story.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-05)
I think this friend of your husband over reacted, there are millions of people in this world how can someone not ever expect to maybe see somone who looks like you. She should have belived you because you are the wife of her friend AKA your husband and if she were a true friend of his she would have had respected you. I hope you are able to find new friends good luck to you. I would not talk to that girl ever because if she wasan't willing to respect you then that means she won't ever do it. Here is breif description on dopplegangers.

Most often today, however as reports of doppelgangers show they seem to be neither sinister nor evil, nor do they herald streaks of bad luck.

(Although some have been known to cause mischief.) They just seem to be, going about their business as if they are normal human beings. And perhaps they are.

Many reports of doppelgangers are probably cases of mistaken identity, but such an explanation becomes harder to accept when they are seen by best friends, siblings, and parents who know the real person intimately. It seems hard to believe that they would be fooled by another person who simply resembles the original. And how likely is it that they would have the exact same haircut and clothes, as is so often reported?
Sandy1690 (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-24)
I just wish you more of true and reasonable friends. ❤

I'm amazed why your boyfriend didn't left the place with you!

It might be just a similar looking person and not doppelganger.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-31)
What the heck are you talking about? We are here to help people not tell
Tall tales. If you don't have constructive advice to give please don't comment.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-31)
On the face of it, sounds to me like someone who bore a striking resemblance to yourself went into the store and caused trouble.

Unless Gina could absolutely prove beyond a doubt it was you, then she was way out of line speaking to you that way.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-31)
Years ago my sisters friend came over one day. She said to me why didn't you say hello to me the other day? I don't remember where she was but I was at home at the time she was talking about. My mother backed me up and told her I was with her the whole day. I've never seen a pale person get any paler than she already was.
When we were younger I had a sister that looked so much like me that we could be each others Doppelgangers. Very few people outside of our family and friends could tell us apart. Now here's the thing she had darker hair and was a little taller than me but other than that we each could fit the description of a thousand other people at least.
Is it possible that Gina asked the sales girl if the other woman's name was Adelaide, and so as not to get into trouble the sales girl said yes?

Congratulations on the new baby

This comment from mysticalavenger5 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

LBReyes (2 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-28)
What a peculiar story, I have to say that what really stood out to me was that your boyfriend did not leave with you when you were asked to leave, but later, not cool, and also for Gina to blow up over that seems rather much, better to have good people around you then that flip out for nothing.
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
So sorry that you had this upsetting experience. My understanding is that most people have at least one lookalike and that there are actually a limited number of personality-types in a given society, something that people who travel a lot realize after a while. And there are theories that celebrities or well-known figures are sometimes replaced with their mirror-image (e.g. JFK had an almost identical-looking staff member, was he the one actually assassinated?) Moving to a new area can be weird enough as it is! And if this 'Adelaide' caused so much trouble, why didn't they have here arrested? The whole thing could have been settled at the outset! Often, the truth comes to light in the end, we can hope! Congrats and best of luck in the future.
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Yeah Gina sounds like a piece, yeah that's it. Forget about her, you don't need people that would be that upset over something so material anyway. Sorry for the loss of your friends though. But friends are really a dime a dozen, true friends will be very few but precious. Congratulations on your pregnancy! My wife and I recently became new parents after a lot of trying. Take care of yourself and keep us posted on anything going on. By the way doppelganger can be your "twin" or identical other. I have met a person that looked very much like me and we both just stared at one another for quite some time. After finally speaking to him it turned out we were nothing alike! A very weird experience lol. Anyway, good luck to you and thank you for sharing. I found this an intriguing read!
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Hi, this is an odd story. Have you considered that this Gina could have made this up? After all it doesn't sound like you know her well. Plus a high end store would surely have CCTV. I could imagine her challenging you with evidence of what you did like cctv, but without evidence, I do think this was a foolish thing of Gina to do to you. I can imagine there are many girls that look similar to you with the same name. From your own say so, it doesn't sound like you have visited the mall at that time so how could the assistant relate this to you? If she has never met you. If I was you I'd forget about this EPISODE of Gina's, have a blooming pregnancy and look after yourself ❤
annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-27)
Hi adelaide143, Congratulations on the pregnancy. Wow, what a strange experience. Sorry I can't help, unfortunately I have never heard of anything similar. However, doppelganger is sometimes used to describe people who look very much alike. So, you weren't wrong in your assumption. I sincerely hope someone on this site can help you.

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