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The Victorian Doll


When I was a young girl my great Uncle had come into town to spend the week of the 4th of July with us. He loved to go to vendor markets when he came to visit seeing that he lived in the city and we live in the country side we have plenty around.

So his second day visiting my mom took us all to one of the nicer ones in Murphy, NC, which was my favorite one. I loved seeing all the old wagon wheels and going by the candle shop watching the older woman carefully dip the wicks in the colorful wax though my favorite stop was the wood carver. He would make beautiful statues out of cherry wood and big tree stumps. One of my favorite ones was a carving of an owl. I always loved the smell of his shop.

After my uncle had gone through and found two antique saws to hang in his workshop and a nice handmade dream catcher for my Aunt, it was time for lunch. We had stopped at a small cafe in the market to grab a burger and my mom noticed a new shop that had been added in right across from it so we decided to go look a little more after everyone had finished up.

As we walked in the opening (most of the shops didn't have doors) there was a huge wall of wind chimes a few stones and crystals for sale which I thought was funny because who would want to buy a rock, you can go down to a creek side and get all the rocks you wanted for free. (I was 7, so I didn't understand then) incense, books but one thing caught my attention more than anything was a small table with different dolls.

There were all kinds of them, some looked like fairies and some like old fashioned ladies, as I called them, but one stood out among the rest. She had brown curly hair with brown eyes, pale white skin, wine colored lips and a beautiful dark red dress with a gold flower pattern on the front, though I found it weird that she was still in her box.

I ran up to my mom and all but drug her to the doll and asked her why nobody would want to take such a pretty doll out of a box and that she looked sad in there. To which she said, "Its a porcelain doll and can break so the box kept her safe and she wasn't meant to be played with." So I asked her why she looked so sad in there and she told me dolls don't have emotions like we do she was made of glass, paint and fabric and to stop asking questions.

I knew she told me not to ask anymore questions but one more was boiling inside me and I had to ask her. So I put on my sweetest smile took her hand and asked if she would get me the doll. She smiled but said no, that I wasn't old enough to take care of her like I should, maybe when I was a little older. "But momma when I'm older this doll won't be here, some mean person will buy her and just leave her alone all the time making her even more sad!" My mom had heard enough."I told you dolls don't feel anything and were not buying it now go to the car."

I let go of my mom's hand ran back to the car and cried in the back seat. That doll was sad and all I wanted to do was make it better she needed me! I saw my mom, brother and Uncle walking towards the car so I dried my face and buckled up. As we pulled away I waved to the building and told the doll I was sorry. (As if she could see or hear me.) Of course my mom thought I was talking to her and said it was fine I just needed to accept the fact that I couldn't get everything that I wanted and to learn to control my emotions.

A few months rolled by and it was my birthday. We had a small family dinner and were just about to cut the cake when someone knocked on our door. It was a mail carrier with a big box. My mom signed the paper and thanked him with a confused look on her face until she saw the return address. "Its a package from your Uncle." I jumped up from my plate of chocolate cake and asked her to open it. When she did there was another box wrapped in party paper with balloons."It looks like you got another present, let\'s eat our cake and you can open it with the rest of them afterward."

I scarfed down my cake finished my milk and after helping with dishes was allowed to open my gifts. I saved my Uncle's gift for last because I knew he always got me something really nice. After opening my first two to find an American girl book and a locket with Eeyore on the face of it I was down to my final gift. There was a birthday card with five dollars and a note written inside that said "Now that your a year older, I think you can give her the love she deserves, Happy birthday we love you!"

I quickly tore back the paper to find the doll from the Vendor market. I was so excited, I carefully picked up the doll taking in every detail tears of joy streaming down my face, she was so beautiful! I put my doll up on the shelf in my room so I could see her whenever I wanted and mom let me call my uncle and thank him. I talked to my doll every night before I went to sleep and sometimes when I knew mom wasn't around I would take her down and have tea parties with her and decided to name her Samantha.

Surprisingly Samantha started a new tradition between my Uncle and I every year for my birthday or Christmas he got me a new porcelain doll, even up into my teens.

When I was 13 I moved in with my dad and of course my dolls went with me. My new room didn't have quite as much space as the one at my mom's but there was a huge shelf mounted to the wall. I had finished all my unpacking except for my dolls and a few pictures that needed to be hung up and I had school the next day so I told myself I would finish after school.

Later that night I heard what sounded like something moving in the box my dolls were in. Knowing my dad lived next to a field I thought it was a mouse, so I grabbed my flashlight, hammer in hand, slowly creeping over to the box. The closer I got to the box the more the movement stopped, I pulled back the flaps shined my light in there and didn't see anything but my dolls so I went back to bed and didn't hear anything for the rest of the night. When I got up to catch the bus the next morning I noticed that Samantha was laying on the floor next to the box.

I thought it odd but had to go so I didn't think on it much more. Later that afternoon I decided to put my dolls on the shelf across from my bed so I could make the room look nicer; it was almost the exact same from when I was little and my brother and I went to visit, down to the pink faded walls.

I decided as I was carefully putting my dolls on the high shelf that since most my dolls were out of their boxes I may as well take Sam out of hers and that by doing so it would look nicer. So I carefully cut her from the strings and mounted her on the stand straightened her dress and put her in the back since she was one of the taller ones placing the rest of the dolls around her.

As I was carrying out the boxes to the burn pile I noticed something strange about the box Samantha was in, the name Alyssa was written on the bottom of the box in black sharpie. I thought maybe that was the name of the former owner and shrugged it off though I questioned why I was just now seeing it considering I was the one who dusted her box and kept it clean.

I tossed the box in and started the fire, made a quick check and light up a smoke like usual when I burned trash I knew my dad would skin me so I had to be careful. I was watching the fire making sure it stayed in the burn ring when there was a massive POP and the fire got huge and turned a bright blue.

I ran to the shed grabbed the water bucket dad insisted I keep handy and doused it out thinking maybe I missed something at the bottom of the barrel but nothing was in there but ash and bits of soggy boxes that didn't burn all the way.

Realizing it was 4:00pm I knew my dad would be home soon so I ran inside to start dinner racking my brain trying to figure out what would cause the fire to get so big so fast but couldn't think of anything. I didn't use lighter fluid or gas so it didn't make sense...

Later that night after all my chores and a shower I decided to be guttsy sneak out and have one more smoke. As I was going out my door and I swear that I heard a female voice whisper my name. Considering that I was the only female in the house, that was a bit creepy so I grabbed my coat and dashed out.

I light my smoke and tried to clear my head, "you're just tired and besides you know how to take care of anything that could be in the house. Whatever it is just face it!" I ducked out my cigarette and went to go back inside making sure to be real quiet because the screen door squeaked and dashed into my room.

Just starting to dose off I started to hear the female voice whispering my name again. I tried to ignore it but it kept getting louder until I could hear it in my head. I sat up shielded my mind and body and asked what it wanted of me, the voice changed from soft and feminine to a dark and low "Nothing you have freed me, and now I can have anyone I desire."

I commanded the spirit to leave it was not welcome in our home, it laughed and said "A weakling trying to command me!" I felt a sting on the side of my face reached up to find that I was bleeding. Filled with anger I demanded that it show its self, As soon as I said that Samantha came flying off the shelf and hit the foot of my bed surprisingly enough the doll did not shatter. I grabbed the doll and used a purification method that I was taught though the doll shook I did not hear another word for the rest of the night.

I woke up determined to stop things before they could get worse, the next morning I asked my dad if he would take me to the thrift store so I could take my dolls that I felt they were taking up too much space and he agreed, but asked why and what had happened to my face. I couldn't tell him what really happened because he is very religious so I told him that I was just getting too old to collect them anymore, and that my cat Meowie scratched me. After I got rid of them all I swore to myself that I would never own a porcelain doll again. As to how that spirit got attached to the doll I have no clue, but I know that I never want to run into it again.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Silentwings, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-26)
Thank you again zzgranny. I'll do that. I really enjoy this OP stories, and want to be able to read their other ones, without having to run across it by luck.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
You can type the username (OP) into the search box, Right hand side, up near the top. This will generate a semi-list of things they've written, and comments they've made.
Hope that helps.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
Zzzgranny, thank you for responding! Honestly, y'all seem to be very good about doing that, even though it's under an old post. So I'm very grateful for you being so good at keeping up with questions on this site! But I'm aware that they've deactivated their page, but is there no other way that all their stories they had wrote, be under a certain setting? Or I just have to do what I've been doing, and just be happy when I come across another one of their stories?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-18)
Twilight: You can't click on their name and see their profile because their profile no longer exists. Sorry!
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-18)
I'm sure the OP won't see this, since it seems their account is deactivated, 😢 but I've really enjoyed the stories you've wrote. This one, like other's mentioned, reminds me of Annabel. To the mods of this site, would y'all be able to answer why I can't click on this OP's name, and see ALL of their stories? I've only been able to run across their stories. I really would like to be able to see all their stories together, like how everyone else's are set up, so I can read them all, instead of hoping to come across them. Hopefully one of y'all (mods) will see this, and be able to answer my question.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-18)
Rithika, I actually have experienced a lot of things in that house and I plan to write about them. I'm currently deciding if I should just put it in one long story or if I should break them down into individual ones. I know you didn't mean anything bad by it. For some reason they saw it as new age and anything new age was considered witchcraft. It was difficult at times, but I did what I could.
rithika (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-18)
Oh! I'm really happy that you're stronger now. Have you had another experiences in your father's house? The witchcraft accusation is a little too much isn't it? I mean cleansing a house is nothing like witchcraft. People should be more open minded. Society can be a B****, sometimes. I don't mean any offence to your father or your grandfather. I'm sorry if it came across that way.
With love,
Rithika ❤ 😠 😆
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Rithika,Thank you for the hug, I am stronger because of it. Unfortunately at the time I had no way of getting the things I needed to cleanse the house because I didn't have a job and sage and proper incense are not cheap lol and my only transportation was my dad as my grandfather couldn't drive and both are highly religous (Pentecostal) and they wouldn't have been too happy with me if they caught me trying to purify the house in such a way, I would have been accused of witchcraft and that would have started world war 3. So I just had to try and maintain the best I could.
rithika (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Silentwings, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with the other person. Some things just scar your soul, I understand. I really do. As for the activities in your father's house, why didn't you cleanse the house when you knew about the activities. I don't know if I'm making sense, but yeah.
I really enjoyed this story and a free hug from me. Haha ❤ 😁
~Rithika ❤
igotnorolemodel (2 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Yeah I totally agree with that. People can be pretty cruel. Much love to you and take care!:)
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Igotnorolemodel,It definitely was a very unnerving experience to say the least. Yes, the whispers are very unsettling, as long as I have heard strange whispers from things and spirits you would think that it wouldn't effect me in such a way but each time it does more than send chills down my spine. As for spirits being able to take possession of things with faces, yes that is very true and unfortunately it is very easy for someone whom uses dark magic to cause harm through a picture if they are skilled enough they don't need one. Some can use something as simple as a strand of hair, and article of clothing and some even a mental image in their mind though that can be very dangerous in itself because there is a higher chance of backlash. As to why I am very careful as to whom I associate with and how I treat others. You never truely know what a person is capable of.
igotnorolemodel (2 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
That's a good creepy story! Aww man, I can only imagine what it feels like to hear those whispers.:/

I used to love collecting Barbie dolls growing up even though my parents weren't too happy about it. They never told me why exactly until I got older. Thankfully, nothing ever happened. The belief is that dolls attract "evil spirits". Dolls or anything that has a face (including photographs) are best not to be kept around the house. It's believed that these spirits would enter these dolls or photos for whatever purpose. And if you look at it in another way, people who wish to curse others through black magic or something can easily use photographs of their victim to do it. Interesting, right? Haha
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
DarkAngel,I'm sorry that you had to experience that as well. It's a very difficult situation to face but in the end I am stronger and wiser because of it. I know what it's like to learn to survive at an early age as well but I also know that what happens in the past should stay there. The best way to get over a painful event is to be better than the situation and the person who wronged you be strong and alert at all times throwing the shackles of shame,anger,vengeance and sadness to the way side because in the end they only weigh down your soul.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Silentwings- I am sorry to hear about your childhood, I know what it is to go through those type of things, I had the same things happen to me while in the care of my mother... But living with my father was no better. I learned how to survive at a young age living from place to place up until I started my freshman year of high school, that was the most stability that I had in my whole life. I pray for peace and happy memories for your adult life. ❤
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Samtillie,Probably so its been 11 years since I donated her and she was a beautiful doll, I just hope the new owner dosent have the same problem I did. 😕
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Well, I don't know about you lot but I was papping my pants reading this, very creepy! Great story, I wonder if your Samantha doll was sold on.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
msforgetmenot, that is a possibility I didn't think of but maybe it did considering I have been sensitive from a very young age maybe it was drawing me to her. So many questions with such few ways of finding answers especially since the vendors market my Uncle bought her from burned down last year.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Silentwings, Yes, porcelain dolls and young girls go together. Thinking about your experience, do you think it possible, what ever was part of that doll had drawn you to it. Like... Buy me... Buy me... The reason why you wanted her so badly. In fact, the reason why she looked sad.
I am sorry another little girl ended up with her, however, perhaps there are not all that many with a talent of communication. So it probably didn't matter.
About you burning the boxes, we are not allowed to burn outside trash in MA, not even leaves, pollution and all that.
As a commercial artist, I did learn about various chemicals used for ink and paint, many are flammable.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
msforgetmenot,It's long gone now and though it staind the soul it didn't break me. 😊 Thanks for the hug, back to the experience with the doll though at least I know that ink can cause a brighter/blue flame which was a high possibility though I wonder how it would still ignite in such a way if the ink had been there awhile.-shrugs- at least I know that I am older and have more knowledge pertaining to things of this nature not to give it away but rather just face it head on or disguard it. I just hope my daughter isn't a fan of them when she gets older, I still don't like being around porcelain dolls to this day.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Oh Silentwings, I an so sorry you had to experience something like that, you didn't have to tell. Sometimes though it is better talked about thus, giving you the ability to forgive.
I wish I could give you a hug...
I am so glad your Dad was able to have you and that part of your life was over.
Here I was thinking you chose him, thinking he would be easier on you.
I am so sorry.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Rithika, it was no coincidence, something definitely took possession of my doll unfortunately I think it was triggered by all the activity at my dad's house.

Darkangel, it was definitely a freaky experience to say the least I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

Msforgetmenot,Now that I think of it, the idea of donating it was probably not the best of my ideas. If I could go back to my 13 year old self that's one of the many things I would have told myself. I suppose just because I was so attached to her I couldn't bring myself to destroy her. As to how I ended up at my dad's at the age of 13 well some very inappropriate things happened not at my mother's hands but someone else that moved in with us without going into too much detail let's just say that spirits and things of other relams are not the only things that haunt/scarred me. So child protective services got involved and gave my mother the chance to make the person leave, give me to another family member or I would become possession of the state and because she didn't believe it happened which I can only add up to denial or the fact that I was a problem child I don't know nor care anymore, My dad became my full guardian and raised me until I was 18.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Well, I am thinking this as I type:
Silentwings, you have gained knowledge, and now know that in your opinion there is something evil in the doll you had enjoyed and had loved.
Yet your Father is taking it and donating it to another unsuspecting child. That, in my mind, is not responsible. It would seem, it should have been destroyed or discarded.
I also wondered how you ended up at your Dad's place when you were 13 as your Mother seemed to be doing a good job, teaching you responsibility and from your words I gathered she was strict as well.
I also can with some knowledge, tell you certain ink or dyes will be more flammable, and could likely burn higher or brighter.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Silentwings- That is story is a trip! This is the second story that I have read about attachments, I surely hope no one gets that doll. Reminds me of the movie Annabelle. Glad you got rid of it.
rithika (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Oh ok. I still think it's kind of weird that the doll spoke to you (telepathically)
I mean there should have been something that triggered that off right? It just can't be a weird coincidence.
~Rithika 😲 😕
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Rithika, I'm good thank you, that is a possibility that I thought of was maybe the former owner had put something on the box to keep it under control but honestly I'm not sure. The box was the original decorative one that the doll came in. So if the doll was inhibitated before hand it would have to be by something of another sort, Like a binding or something of that nature.
rithika (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Hi silentwings,
How are you? This is a very interesting story, I think, one of my favorites. Do you think maybe, the doll was put in a cardboard box to confine it? Maybe it was already possessed and the previous owner put her in there to confine her. Here in India, haunted dolls are usually put in a wooden box and locked up. Or they hammer a nail into their heads to apparently keep the spirit from haunting others. This is just a suggestion. Anyways I'm sorry about the turn of events.
~with love,
Rithika ❤
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Sheetal, the more I think about it there is a slight resemblance though thankfully it didn't get that bad. I still wonder who Alyssa is, previous owner, a name given to the doll by a previous owner... I suppose that I will never know. Thank-you,I always try to write my experiences so that it is clear, easy to understand and yet the reader can feel like they are there as I explain it.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Hi, Silentwings... I enjoyed your story from core...:) I just wonder who the Alyssa is? May be something like anabelle doll... Great story and you explained it perfectly.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
Tweed, that was the only thing I could figure as well was maybe the ink because the doll was in a cardboard box, no plastic facing it was simply open. She was held in by like a sturdy string but no plastic was involved. It happened so long ago that I wouldn't be able to go back and ask the woman who sold it or who owned it before though I wish I could. For all I know the spirit could have been there before it was bought for me or it could have manifested after I took her out of the box maybe that's why when I first saw her I thought she was sad. Maybe there was something on the box keeping it captive but that would have been detectable, as sensitive as I am to things like that. It really was a bummer because I loved that doll and I hope that whoever has her now isn't having any problems.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Silentwings, I'm real sorry the doll turned from a much loved treasure to a violent little so and so. 😢
I'm going to guess it had something to do with you becoming a young lady. The terrible teens and all that, with poltergeist activity seems likely, considering there was a lot of activity already at your fathers place. Taking her out of the box seems to have activated something too. I *think* this was something getting at you through the doll, not the actual doll itself. Perhaps the energy around the doll from you over the years attracted something like poltergeist activity at that time. If you had treasured something else, it would have manifested there instead.
The blue flame, perhaps this was from the name Alyssa written in something like a sharpie. Perhaps the ink, if ignited, turns blue. Don't know. Does anyone here know what packaging chemicals or dyes could produce a blue flame?

Thanks for sharing another interesting story! Sorry things turned nasty though.😳

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