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My Mother In-law Her First Paranormal Experience


As stated in the title my mother in-law had her first paranormal experience the night before last.

Before I tell you about it I have to tell you that before she met me she didn't believe in anything paranormal or supernatural. She was a skeptic even after I've made predictions that came true.

One year I found out that I was able to predict when it was going to snow. It was a pretty bad winter that year but I could see it snowing when it wasn't so I knew we were going to get snow within a couple of days. It got to the point where my mother in-law would tell me to stop making it snow. I told her that I was not MAKING it snow, I was just predicting that it was going to snow. The same thing happened for several winters stretched over the years including this past winter which was bad as a lot of you know. I'm surprised that she hasn't blamed me for the heat waves we've had this summer.

Okay now onto her first paranormal experience. I should mention that she will be 86 on the 26th of this month. She was having trouble getting comfortable. When she finally did get into a comfortable spot, she told me that when her head hit the pillow she saw my 13 year old dog D just standing there by her bed. She looked really worried and asked me what that meant because she got all nervous and had trouble getting to sleep. She didn't tell me how long she saw him but she was visibly shaken. I didn't know exactly what it meant but I told her I felt it was a bad omen.

I don't know what to make of this one. I hope my father in-law will clear things up for me because I'm not liking the feeling I have.

Any ideas are welcome

Thank you


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RedWolf, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
I have no problem. You didn't have to go to the trouble of moving my comment. I just wish bella had seen it. I was ready to write Martin myself, to complain about bella. She was rude to you and Miracles to the point that if I could I would reach through the screen and slapped her.

No need to thank me. I hate when posters are rude to you and granny. It really pisses me off when someone throws a 3 day temper tantrum which happened not so long ago. You shouldn't have to deal with that. Well now that you 2 have cut this one down at the knees. Both of you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-26)
Red - thank you for your support. You said a lot of the things I was thinking and felt it best to keep my mouth shut. This point is for you 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-26)
Since I had to "stick to my guns" and remove this from another thread, I'll post here on yours.

You seem to think you are the only one who has had a story rejected. Y.G.S prefers first person accounts. Not stories that are told to you by other people as retelling a story can have exaggerated, or omitted parts of the story. As a published author you should know this and I said all of us that have stories published on this site are published authors. All we need to do is get Martins permission to use a story or stories to write an article or book. So don't go throwing in our faces that you are a Published Author as if you are better than the rest of us. For Pete'sake anyone who has a joke or Military published in Readers Digest is a published author.
So get off your High Horse, grow up, or whatever you have to do, we don't want a prissy story teller who has a tantrum because their story hasn't had been published on our site. I also notice that you have kept this in the public domain rather than e-mailing either zzsgranny or miracles so you are just trying to get more attention.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-22)

Your MIL sounds like someone my wife knows and calls friend... No matter 'how bad' you are feeling, no matter how bad your day has been 'theirs' was worse... Yet no matter 'how bad' things are they still find the time and energy to Help others when what they really need to be doing is taking care of themselves.

Now that you have 'put things into perspective' it may have been an 'entertaining way' to let her know a check up is way past due.

Thanks for sharing.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-22)
To Spockie, Hessian,&mimi,
My MIL does NOT live with me. So in that case HOW did she see even part of my dog at her house about 3.5 miles away from my house? As I told you the dog is alive and well, he didn't astral project his head to her house for any reason. Like I said in my response my FIL might have shown her D's face and head to show her her own mortality. Believe me it's something he would do.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-22)
I am sorry that I haven't answered your questions fo awhile. But my tablet has been acting up and so has my computer. I may have to do this in 2 parts because of it freezing.
You are right val she lives in a condo not far from me.
Okay I have explained that D is okay.
My MIL is a whole other pain in the a§§. The woman has osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. There is nothing that can be done for the osteo.
But she has been getting methotrexate and another drug for her R.A. Both are used in the treatment of cancer. She had a stent and a pacemaker put in about 6 years ago. Now she is having symptoms that she had pre- pacemaker. She takes a friend shopping, the doctors etc. This woman can drive but won't. My MIL will come to my house afterward and she is huffing and puffing like she ran a marathon. She complains she can't walk too far and that her feet and ankles get swollen. She would press her thumb into her ankle and an indentation would stay for awhile. I told her that she needed to go to the cardiologist. She never went. In July I lied to her and said I had a dream in which my father in-law said she should go to the cardiologist. She told me it was a strange coincidence because her cardiologists office said they wanted to see her by the end of the month. I asked her how the appointment went and she said the appointment at the end of August. I asked her in early September how the appointment went and she said her appointment was at the end of the month. I asked her if she wanted me to go with her and she gave me a snotty no. She has a litany of aches and pains. Some of them I can be sympathetic to but others pi§§ me off. She has come into my house loudly complaining about her hemorrhoids bothering her. She has no shame because she has said this in front of my grown sons, which embarrasses them. It pi§§es my youngest son when she complains about her back because mine is so much worse.
As far as her seeing D that night. You all know I had a bad feeling I said that it was a bad omen. The day after I wrote the original story I asked her what D was doing when she saw him. She said oh, no I just saw his face and head. That is why I came over early because she thought he had died the night before. I'm wondering if my FIN showed her D's head and face to remind her of her own mortatlity. It wouldn't surprise me because he was a joker in life and has always done something like move things to let me know he's here.
As for me saying it was a bad omen, my gut felt twisted and all of my muscles spasmed up to my neck gave me a headache and chills. When this happens and I don't get a premonition it could mean anything could happen and doesn't have to have anything to do with her. But in this case I think that if she doesn't go to her cardiologist soon she is going to have a massive heart attack. A pacemakers life span is only about 6 years and a stent can get so full it's like a blockage. So if I scared her,good,maybe she will go to the cardiologist. A doctors office NEVER calls to tell you to come in for something good. It's time for my mother in-law to take care of herself rather than worry about her friends needs.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-19)
I just realized your MIL may not live with you. If she doesn't, please have her checked out by a doctor. There are health problems that can cause the elderly to hallucinate.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-19)
I thought your MIL was seeing a dog that had passed when I first read this. I'm not sure why you think this was paranormal.

It can be frightening when those we love get to be your MIL's age. We know our time is limited. Is it possible your concerns are causing you to interpret things as bad signs?
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-19)
I don't recall you ever mentioning your mother-in-law moving in with you? She has her own place, doesn't she? In which case her seeing D would be a bit unsettling...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-19)
Rook & Tweed
Yes D is still alive. He was at the vet a few weeks ago. Although he is overweight even though he is on a weight maintenance diet the only health problems he has are fatty tumors and arthritis.
Rook- you probably thought D had died because I wrote a story about my dog Jethro had to be put down because he had liver cancer. I wrote a story about my grandfather and father in-law (both deceased) hanging around annoyed at me because Jethro was in pain. I told them not to be annoyed with me but to open my husband's eyes because he refused to see what I saw. My husband was off that Saturday and finally admitted it was time to left him go.
A few weeks later he saw how miserable I felt and allowed me to get a puppy. She's a M' Loot (extra large) Malamute that we named Kaia
As far as her liking my dogs. Hmm. Well for some reason they are happy to see her and crowd her at the door. She will give them dog treats and a pat on the head, then wants them to go away. If they don't go away she will smack them, push them away with her foot, or try to make them out no matter what the weather conditions are. My dogs LOVE everybody and wouldn't hurt anybody unless someone tried to hurt somebody in my family, especially me.
More later before my table locks up again.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-18)
I have been trying to respond to you all at once but my tablet and computer have both been freezing. I will have to break everything down into several sections later today.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Your MIL is 86. There are several things that could explain what she saw. I think it's jumping the gun to say it was paranormal.
Hessian1776 (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Dear RedWolf,

You mention your dog "D" is 13 years old - normally that is quite senior for the canine species. Could it have been that the dog was in some kind of discomfort and trying to tell your Mother-In-Law that maybe it needs to go outside or needs attending to? I used to have a dog years ago, he passed away at the age of 14, during his final months of life, he would often sit or stand in front of us and whine or look sad (its the only way I can describe his expression) - he was trying to tell us he was in pain so we would stop what we were doing and try to comfort him as much as we could. I would agree with Spockie, please take your Mother-In-Law to a doctor as soon as possible, she could very well be ill (and the "D" sniffed it, i.e. Tumors, which they have been known to be able to do) given her advanced age. Also, if she is having pain getting comfortable, she may have circulation problems, this is very serious since it could advance to blood clots (unattended to, this could lead to a stroke). Please pay the Vet a visit as well just to cover all your bases.

My take is this; Many times what seems to be one thing on the surface is quite something else. Strange behavior is not an indication of other-worldly hands at work. More times than not, we push a reality that is hard to come to terms with onto the other-worldly hands. Just stating my point of view and more importantly, another possibility of what might be going on.

Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
In the first place, people should not tell a nervous old lady that something like this might be a bad omen. You don't even know that and in a situation like this you should be comforting and reassuring even if you are worried. You can't always predict what a dog will do and why. As another poster said, he could have sensed her nervousness and was drawn to her. What I would do is have your mother in law checked out by a doctor to see if she has any new health problems.
LoveOfAbundance (2 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Why did you take this as a bad omen? Is your mother-in-law a good person? Is your dog a great dog? I'm guessing yes to both. Are you afraid it was a sign that your MIL may die soon? If so, why is that bad? We all die. Death is not a bad thing. Your dog was probably there to comfort her and make the transition easier.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Hey Red,

Kudos to you for bending a non-believer! Seriously my step-mum, who's the biggest nihilist I know, would have wrote this off as a dream.

Perhaps a bit of a stupid question here, but is D here in the physical sense? I was a bit unclear on this too.

Also I realise you probably want to gauge others reactions on here and not lead anyone. But I would love to know, at some stage, why you feel this is a bad omen.
I didn't 'feel' anything bad while I read this, other than when I got to your reaction, which I feel you should always trust. But like Rook said without more to go on it's hard to say. Does your mother in-law like dogs?

Will await your responses. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
My apologies if D is still alive... I somehow got the impression D had passed... Please tell me I did understand that your dog was not actually physically present when this happened.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)

Without more details its kind of hard to say.

How long did she see 'D' for?

What was 'D's' appearance... What did he look like?

What was 'D' doing while she 'saw' him?

Not to scare you but could 'D' have been alerting to an illness? Dogs can do this when physically with us why not after they have passed... I would ask her how she's feeling and keep an eye on her... Watch for low energy... Not as active and or more aches and pains than before...?

Your dog appearing to her is interesting in and of itself... Did she and 'D' get along?

Thanks for sharing.


Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Red...Dogs are amazing creatures and can sense feelings and emotions in people! Maybe he could 'sense' your mother in law's discomfort and paid her an impromptu visit, to see if she was ok! Is your dog fond of her? Funnily enough, your story strikes me as similar to a story I've just posted on! It's called 'She's Sitting Beside Me' and it's still on the current list on the right! Perhaps you should read it!

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