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An Old Life Passes A New Life Begins


There is always one family member that we connect with in a very special way, for me it was my Paw (my mom's dad). My mom used to tell me when I was little that I was his shadow, wherever he was I wasn't far behind. Paw wasn't one to really show his affection with hugs and things of that nature but all 4 of his grandkids knew he loved us.

He would build us rope swings, tell us stories from his childhood, set us straight when we were in the wrong and dry our tears when we got hurt or when some boy broke mine or our my cousin Jessie's heart. Since I was the second oldest grandchild, I was right in between my older cousin David and my younger brother Shawn. Considering Jessie is four years younger than me, I had to be one of the boys or do my own thing.

I was building forts, throwing pine cones pretending they were grenades and shooting BB guns while most girls were playing with baby dolls and playing dress up. Though I still liked dolls and dress up, I knew better than to do that around the boys.

Unfortunately all good things come to and end. We all grew up, got jobs and started our own families and things took a turn for the worse with my Paw. We found out that he had COPD (it's a lung disease) and with him being in his late 60's and already having severe diabetes, his body just wasn't healing fast enough and after three months of being in and out of the hospital his will to fight was gone.

We had just brought him home for hospice and since I worked nights I would go over during the day and help David take care of him while our Nanna worked. I noticed that I was very nauseated and tired but I thought it was from not getting a lot of sleep and stress. After a week of it getting worse something told me to take a pregnancy test.

Considering my doctor told me my chances of having a baby after miscarrying my first were slim to none I tried to ignore it but the nagging feeling wouldn't go away. So before work one night I took a test and to my shock it was positive. Joy and fear filled my heart but I decided to keep it to myself. With everything going on there wasn't really a right time to tell my family.

The next day while I was there alone with my Paw making sure he was comfortable and his vitals were OK, he grabbed my hand and said "Little girl, you listen to me good. I know this ole crud is going to get me but don't you cry one tear. I've lived a good life and I've watched all my grandbabies grow up. I'm proud of all of you, understand me?"

I choked back my tears and smiled at him, kissing him on the forehead. His voice was shaky and I knew it took a lot just for him to tell me that. "Yes Paw, I understand", my voice trying to break. I stopped myself, gaining my composure and told my Paw that I loved him.

Later that night at work, his words rolling through my head, it took everything not to break. He had lived a good life married to my Nanna and has two kids of his own, watched us four grow up and even got to meet his great-grandson (my nephew) but I knew he would never get to meet my baby and it broke my heart in the worst way.

I wanted to beg God for him to have more time, for a miracle but I knew my Paw would just keep suffering and the miracle I had wanted was already growing inside me. Not long after that thought the work phone rang and my coworker said it was for me. My feet felt so heavy as I went to answer, had the worst already happened?

I answered and mom told me that the nurse stopped in and said any family that wanted to be there with him needed to come soon. I told my boss and he let me leave early. As soon as I stepped foot in their small house I could feel death hanging heavy in the air. They were just about to take off his oxygen when I had approached his bedside, I took his hand but I couldn't say a word.

Remembering my promise to him earlier that day, I gently squeezed his hand and for a minute I swear every bit of his pain down to his labored breathing sunk into me but for that moment he looked peaceful. We then heard the monitor beep and I watched him take his final breath his grip on my hand released. It was then that I heard in my soul "An old life passes, a new life begins", and I have held on to that saying ever since.

As I walked up to his coffin during his funeral, his scent and a warmth surrounded me. I knew it was his way of letting me know he was with me and for that I was thankful.

Eight months and a week later I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The day had been filled with family and congratulations so my little one and I were tired, the nurse had ushered everyone out as Lilly had woke up for her feeding when I heard light footsteps coming in my room.

Thinking it was a nurse to check my stitches, I covered up a bit trying not to disturb Lilly and turned to see no one but rather I heard my Paw's voice "She is beautiful, I am so proud of you." Knowing that my Paw had come to see my baby girl was one of the best moments of my day.

Even now with Lilly being two he still comes to visit us. A few days ago it was just Lilly and I in the apartment and I heard her squeal in the playroom and say "Hey there!" I knew her dad hadn't come in because I would have heard the door open from the kitchen. So I went to her playroom and there my Paw was sitting on the floor watching her. It's my first time seeing him since he died, he turned and smiled at me and walked away. I am still surprised Lilly saw him, but I'm glad she was able to meet him even if it was only his spirit.

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otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Beautiful, just beautiful. I'm so happy Paw comes to see your daughter and you are blessed to be able to see him. The universe in motion, how spectacular! Xxx
Fariya (7 stories) (52 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Omg reading this made me cry. I could feel so much pain while reading this. Such a beautiful story:' (
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-23)
Redwolf, Thank-you very much 😊 I honestly hope Lilly and I both get to see him again. I still feel him when I am at my Nana's house and I never want him to feel unwelcome in my home or around me. It's awesome that you're father-in-law still comes to visit you, its awesome knowing that he lives you as his own, and humours that he wishes his birth daughter was more like you.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-22)
I loved your story and I am so happy that Lilly got to see her paw paw. I to believe that spirits can come and go as they want. My father in-law visits all the time and sometimes my grandfather visits. I am not holding them back. In fact I am the daughter that my father in-law wishes his own daughter was like. He admitted this to me in life.
I hope that Lilly gets a great many visits from her paw paw in her lifetime.
Blessings to you
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-19)
Valkricry,It really was a double blessing in disguise 😊 Maybe it is a southern saying, but I've noticed it to be proven true. One time I tested the theory and counted the amount of people in the obituary and the biths and there are usually almost the exact same amount of births as deaths in our town and I rarely believe in coincidence. I'm very glad my Paw got to see Lilly and vice versa it means so much to me.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-19)
I think it's wonderful that not just your daughter saw your Paw, but you did too. Seems to me like that was a double blessing.
Maybe it's a southern thing... I too heard, "An Old Life Passes A New Life Begins", as my mother passed. It had just been confirmed I was pregnant. Turned out to be a girl also. 😐 My Mom was from Kentucky and it was her voice I heard say it, even though she was on support and unable to vocalize. (A side note: her family referred to grandpa as 'Paw-paw'.)
Eh...I'm blathering - sorry. More coffee needed here. 😊
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-18)
Sheetal, thank-you very much, its something I will always cherish.

Rithika,She really is my biggest blessing and I am going to give her the best life I can. Some people are just like that, they may not be physically affectionate through hugs and things of that nature but have their own way of showing love which to me can mean much more than words and things of that nature.
rithika (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-18)
Hi silentwings,
I just came across this beautiful story.
Congratulations on your baby girl, even though I'm super late.
Also, I know it's stupid to say this and some people may not like it but, I really am sorry about your miscarriage.
I hope Lily has a wonderful, beautiful life.
You know, your Paw is a lot like mine. He too never expresses his love for us, but we all know he loves us. He too is my mum's dad and I love him to bits. I don't know what I'd do if something was to happen to him.
With all my love,
Rithika ❤
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-18)
Hi, Silentwings... This story is simply beautiful... Tear rolled from my eyes... This is the eternal love on which this world has exist... Thanks for sharing... ❤
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
ZulaGirl, No he was buried in the graveyard next to the church he attended. 😊
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)

Good to hear from you, as always.

Have a great Thursday!

ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Dear SW,

I can tell you feel very strongly about this and that is fine. Ultimately, it is up to you.

I wish you and your family many blessings as well.


P.S. Did you keep his ashes... Just curious.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Vinodie, thank you 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's something I will never forget.
Vinodie (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
What a beautifully written experience. Thank you for sharing:)
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Zula Girl, please allow me to clear up a few things. When I saw him in my daughters play room, it was the last time, he also was not in his older form. He looked young again and I mention that because in my opinion it means he has been rejuvenated he isn't in pain or sick anymore, Has he passed on I don't know. When I stated to Tweed I still talk to him and I know he still listens nor is he far away, that dosent mean I haven't let him go. That night as I stood by his bedside and I drew as much pain and discomfort that I could from him so he could pass in peace I also told him in my mind that he could go home. He was half Cherokee and while he believed in heaven or hell he also bealived in a land of spirits of the Cherokee which currently I don't remember what he called it but I told him that night he didn't have to stay I am not holding him here. I love my Paw just as much as I did when I was that little girl that followed him around watching how he sharpened his knives and learned how to shoot a gun from among other things and I always will. I personally believe he chooses to come back and check on not only Lilly and I but my family because he loves us so much. My brother has even told me that he has seen our Paw once and often times says he can feel Paw with him in great times of stress, sadness and even said at my nephews first birthday party he could feel him there, I think Tweed is right and he is just watching over us like a guardian but he knows he is free to leave whenever he likes. As for my daughter not having a haunted childhood, she wasn't afraid of him she was laughing and smiling trying to share her blocks with him. Do I wish her to be able to see everything in the spirit relam no, though I am glad she was able to meet my Paw. It could be unavoidable that she has the ability to see into the spiritual realm, I am gifted in multiple ways I was born like this and did some if those gifts pass down to Lilly I don't know part of me things yes, will she hold on to them I don't know. I do know that I have no plans of telling her about them or trying to teach her how to use them unless she comes to me and ask or tells me about something and then I will explain what's going on or what she is seeing or sensing. But even what I have experienced through my childhood and on into my adult years has not made my childhood bad if anything it has made me realize that there is another world out there and I have and still am learning how to handle it but it has also made me intune with multiple things. I also want you to know that I do not write this out of defense or ill feelings but only to clarify things a bit more, I would never try to hold my Paw here but I am very grateful that he still comes and sees Lilly and I.

Love and light to you Zulagirl

Tweed, I agree with you and think he is a guardian and thank you for sharing your point of few on this. -hugs for you- I truely appreciate it.

Samtillie, Thank you, it was a very beautiful experience and I am very thankful that he still visits and I wish that everyone who wanted it could have the opportunity, there is something so peaceful and reassuring about knowing that the person you love is happy and recovered after they pass. 😊
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Silentwings, what a sad but beautiful experience you have told us about. I agree with Tweed, love is eternal and never dies. You are so fortunate to have your loved one visit you and your daughter, I think many of us would love to experience the same. ❤
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Furthermore, as someone who had an excessively haunted childhood this put me in good stead. It's made me into an attuned adult. My haunted upbringing was positive for the most part. I wouldn't change it for the world. I feel it's silly to instill fear of the unknown. Embrace knowledge, always, it's a good thing. 😉
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)

Many of us here believe that ghosts can travel between realms at will. Without hindrance or wrongdoing. Silentwings has not 'loved' her Paw, she 'loves' him, present tense. She has the right to continue her relationship with her loved ones in a way she and them feel comfortable. Many contributors to this site continue their relationships with loved ones on the other side. Circumstances change, but love never dies, nor do deep bonds. There's no harm done to anyone. On the contrary, I feel to deny one access to loved ones is destructive. This is where the topic of guardian stems from. I've no doubt her Paw has taken on this role in their life now.
The concept of crossing over, never to cross back again seems strange to me. In my opinion this is a relic from an oppressive aspect to religion and history. Many feel differently about this today. I understand you have everyones best interest at heart, and mean you no disrespect.
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-17)
Right off, I know you are not going to like what I have to say, but it should be said. Keep this story. Print it out and save it. Keep it always to remember the connection you shared with someone you loved so well. But, you have to let him go. Even if he doesn't want to, you ought to tell him to go. His soul deserves to progress and your daughter deserves to have not an overtly haunted childhood.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Tweed, Thank you so much he indeed was and still is a very loving and gentle man. He always listened and treated us all the same but different in his own way. I will always love him and sometimes still catch myself talking to him and even though I don't always feel him I know he isn't far away.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Silentwings, no doubt your Paw is a loving guardian figure today as much as ever before. Be proud of who you are. Not everyone is strong enough to embrace the company of loved ones from beyond. You wrote so well of your Paw, I feel like I know him. He sounds like such a sweet and gentle man. 😊

Thanks for sharing.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Caz, True most children can see spirits or through the veil so to speak I didn't really take that into consideration. In a way I hope she can hold on to that ability like I did and in other ways I hope she doesn't because as we all know not everything out there is pleasant. I am very grateful for Lilly, she is a beautiful, smart and unique little girl, my biggest blessing indeed.

Dreamer01, Thank you, I am glad that you enjoyed it and I have a lot of other experiences that I'm planning to share later on.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
happy, sad, happy, miracle... Another great story and thanks for sharing. 😊
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
I'm not surprised she could see him! I think most kids can at that age, but then forget as they grow! I'm sure my daughter saw someone when she was around a year old! A couple of times when I was giving her a goodnight cuddle before putting her in her in her cot, she pointed over my shoulder and said "Mummy...Lady!" It used to creep me out a little if I'm honest, because I had no idea who she was seeing! That house was brand new and apart from that, there was no reason to believe it was haunted... So I didn't worry too much, but I got it blessed anyway! The other thing about your story that made me cry, was you being blessed with a little daughter you thought you might never have! 😊
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
I was very happy that she met him and that he was able to see her. I was surprised she could see him honestly.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
No...not tears of sadness this time! Happiness that your daughter and her great Grandpa found each other! 😊
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Caz,-hugs back- thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it. I promise the future ones I have to post are not quite so saddening.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-16)
Another wonderful story Silentwings! You made me cry again! (hug)

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