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Real Ghost Stories

The Person At The Other End Of The Room 3


I just realized something that freaked me out. In my previous story I mentioned that my parents have felt a force push up from underneath their mattress. Well, we've also noticed that one of my dogs acts very strange around my parents' bed. He creeps around it with his head down, occasionally glancing underneath or sometimes freezing all together. He seems to be terrified of something under the bed. I never put these two together until just now.

Also, in regards to the basement where I saw the apparition... That same dog absolutely will not go anywhere near the basement. My other dog will but always acts strange when he does. And he's always very anxious to leave. Both dogs will also bark or growl at what appears to be nothing. And my parents' cats sometimes stare at thin air.

I guess I'll have to pay more attention to the behavior of animals. I think, if I went ghost hunting, I might consider taking a dog along. Has anyone here ever heard of someone using a dog for that purpose?

I guess I'll also take this opportunity to offer an update. Me, my sister, and my sister's friend have all felt something touch us when we're in the house. It feels, to me, like someone gently laying their hand on my arm or head. And it is, by far, the creepiest thing that's ever happened here. It's bad enough hearing or seeing something but, at least for me, feeling something is ten times worse. Nothing violent so far though. It just feels like someone reaching out and letting me know they're there. Like I didn't know already.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Haunteee, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Haunteee, Val is right that some investigators take their dogs with them. It can work as long as you take precautions.

The dog has to be kept a leash at all times. That's for the dogs protection. You don't want your dog becoming scared, running off, and getting lost. But even if a dog is on a leash, never take one with you while investigating a cemetery. It sometimes irks the inhabitants.

I'm sure you've already taken care of this, but make sure your dog is up to date on shots. If you're investigating an older building that's been abandoned,there's always going to be the chance that rats or other small animals might have moved in. You don't want the possibility of an unvaccinated dog being biten by something.

The great thing about having a dog with you while investigating is that some dogs are extremely sensitive to the presence of paranormal presences. They can be your early warning system. Having your dog with you can definitely make the experience more interesting.

Even though the pros might outweigh the cons, there are some things to keep in mind. Not all dogs enjoy being on an investigation. It makes them nervous. And there's also the chance, slim but real, of the dog being attacked by an entity.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Hauntee, you asked about taking a dog along ghost haunting. There's a TV series called "Ghost Hunters", and several times one of the guys brought his dog along on investigations. So, yes it is done.
When I was younger, I was always exploring abandoned places (mostly old houses) with my dog at my side, even though I wasn't 'ghost hunting' - I just adore old places, and suffered from acute curiosity. There were several times that he came handy. The thing is, you really need to 'listen' to the clues your puppy gives you. I'd also caution you to NEVER EVER, go 'ghost hunting' on your own. I'm the first to admit, what I did in my younger days was more than a bit dumb. You just don't know what might happen, and it's best to have someone with you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-26)
Oh and for the record the 'patch of dirt' may have been where the old furnace was located... Just a guess...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-26)
Well I've read number 2 and number 3 and I see that you are a 'young adult' so I have some questions for you...

How old were you (ages between) when this started happening... (you mention age 10 in 'Part 2')? In particular how old were you when the bed began to 'move' and the footsteps were heard?

You mentioned the home was built in the 1920's...do you know if the electriacal system was worked on? Or how old the wiring in the home? I ask becasue Puberty + HIGH EMF = Great Conditions for anamials or people to freak out over 'natural causes' (EMF Sensitivity causing the issues) right through a possible poterguiest fueled by 'teen hormones and High EMF' in the household.

These conditions may have attracted a spirit or entity BUT the Natural causes have to be ruled out first.

Details, details, details... Have you kept a Journal? If not start... It can help determine just what is going on... And do not be the only one who keeps one... Have at least one other Family memeber and even a Friend who visits often keep one so you can compare them.

Thanks for sharing, please keep us updated.


Haunteee (2 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-25)
You're welcome Chapulin. And thanks for commenting. My parents still live there because they can't afford to move. And no, nobody has investigated the patch of dirt in the basement. I think it's because nobody wants to know.
chapulin1234 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-25)
Thanks for your story Haunteee, I would totally be freaked out if someone touches me too!, if I may ask, why are your parents still in that house? And has anyone investigated bit more about what is that coffin size piece on your basement?
Chapulin ❤

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