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Other Sister


A few days ago, I had a really weird experience.

I was going out with my sister and we were getting ready. I saw her sitting at the computer. I'm not sure if she was doing anything, but she was definitely sitting there. Obviously this was strange, since we were going out and I encouraged her to hurry up. When she didn't respond, I assumed she was engrossed in something. Then I went upstairs... And she passed me on the stairs! She was wearing a dress, which the other sister wasn't. I just stared at her. I told her that I had just seen her in the back room. So we both looked at the computer, and sure enough, she was sitting there. My sister spoke to her other self and it turned to the sound of her voice. It didn't say anything and then turned back to the computer.

We were freaked and then ran out the front door. I got in the car and as we reversed round the corner, the other sister could be seen, still sitting there. I drove to a shop just to sit in the car park and reflect on everything we had just seen. My sister said it was wearing clothes that she had thrown out the day before, which we both think is quite weird. After an hour of discussing and trying to debunk what we'd seen, I drove back to the house.

Driving round slowly, I looked in the window, and to my relief, there was no one there. Taking advantage of the absence of the other sister, we ran in, grabbed our stuff and turned all the lights off. We then went to our parents and I haven't been back since. Our parents assume we are both making it up to get free board in their house.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sophiethunder, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sophiethunder (guest)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
She swims in the River Colne. I was worried that it might not be legal to swim there, but it is and so I can tell you.
sophiethunder (guest)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
Logan- My Sister and I are close so we are around each other all the time. We were only going round a friends house, but wanted to dress up for it.
You stay safe too.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
"I'm not going to tell you where Oceana swims because then you will know where she lives."

Is that so?
I'm sure that more than one community/town/city spreads along the banks of any given river in the UK. I don't see why telling it's name would reveal the exact place where she lives putting her in any kind of danger.

Perhaps this secrecy is aimed to protect the 'credibility' of your story?
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)

I hope all this to and fro and visiting scenarios are being done with some social responsibility mate. We have been in a state of lockdown in the UK for over 5 weeks now and from the sounds of your story, you and your sister seem to be out and about a bit... Stay home!
sophiethunder (guest)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
I think it was a doppelganger because there was no way for an intruder to get in. I have read stories that if you look at your own doppelganger, you die. That's why we ran. I wasn't about to let my sister die.

Also it disappeared without an exit as well.
Maybe it was a real person who was pretending to be my sister and had got in somehow.

Lady-glow, I'm not going to tell you where Oceana swims because then you will know where she lives. Also I'm not entirely sure it's legal to swim there.

I am at home. The cop who lives a few doors away tested for fingerprints, but could only find mine. Also he couldn't find where an intruder could've got in as the back door was locked and the front would've had finger prints other than mine on it, which it didn't.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)

I was expecting a proper detailed informative response from your side providing answer to the curiosities of all the posters but could say, I am a bit disappointed as a matter of fact, I can't upvote your reply.

"What was I supposed to say the police?"

I believe you could've atleast stated that someone tried to barge in the house, which is enough of a reason.

Like Melda I'm also curious regarding why you refer the girl as your "other sister". It confuses me even more wheather you want to state it's a human being or a paranormal entity.

I would appreciate if you will analyse the comments thoroughly and then post the missing details of your narrative. Otherwise, your account is full of holes and even if this incident is true then your description is portraying it as fake.

I was going through a few of your previous narratives and can't help but notice a similar pattern as this one. Just my opinion.

Yes, Tweed and sds unless the O/P clarify the confusing points I'll be joining you on the fence.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
Correction to my post: "incredible" not "inredible". I doubt whether such a word exists.

Regards, Melda
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
Hello sophiethunder, quite difficult to believe it. You say it is not a doppelganger. How did you conclude that whatever or whoever was a doppelganger or not?

Secondly, have you checked up what she was doing in the computer system? Do you still live with your parents after this incident?

It makes me hard to believe that it's a paranormal phenomenon and also the reaction of you and your sister. Well even after coming back to the house, why you didn't check up on what the person was sitting on the computer was doing.

Like Tweed, I am on the fence on this narrative.

Regards and respects to you.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-05)
Sophiethunder - Why do you refer to the lady sitting at the desk as your "other sister" and also as your sister's "other self"? "Other self" would imply a doppelganger or even a shape shifter. It was either a ghost or a doppelganger. I doubt whether any human being would conduct herself in such a manner, surely in this day and age she wouldn't need to creep into your home to use your computer.

I tend to agree with your parents, if you did in fact go running to them for protection.

You are creating a history of inredible and dubious experiences. Simply my opinion.

Regrds, Melda
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)
This is truly a bazaar of the bizarre! If this was a doppelganger, then it did not act like one. If it was a real entity, then 1) a person looking exactly like your sister took her clothes from the trash just to come in and look at your computer; 2) an entity of sorts elected to take the form of your sister wearing clothes she once had for some strange purpose; or 3) it was a visual illusion somehow transmitted from an external location or a shared hallucination. I tend to believe in the highest to lowest probability in the order I have given. If I had the wherewithal, I would dust for fingerprints on the off chance that you pick up a strange set of fingerprints, however, I do not know who has used your computer. I would assume that if you nor anyone else had touched your computer in the interim, then any new fingerprints would have logically been left by the mysterious person.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)

I don't understand why you and your sister had to leave the house in such a hurry.

Think about it, there was the two of you against one person, still you didn't tell her to get out of there not threatened her with calling the police?

I'm sure that anyone would have asked in a not so polite way who the heck she was and what she was doing in your house.

Are you still staying at your parents' place? Have you been at your house? If so, is everything normal?

Have you checked your computer's activity history? What was the doppelganger looking at?

This is not your first submission and surely not the last one, by now you should be aware that your story will be questioned, it would be a good idea to make an effort and add as many details to your narrative instead of trying to explain it based on the questions asked by the readers.
Please ensure that the information makes sense before pressing the "submit" button.

And, since I'm asking, please tell me the name of river in which Oceana swims.
sophiethunder (guest)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)
My sister was visiting because we were going out. I saw her from the side and I do think it was a doppelganger. Since I saw the side of her face, I know it was my sister and what was I supposed to say to the police?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)
I'm with Ladyglow and Alina.

Would've called the police if I saw the back of someone on the computer. There's that news item from years back, from America I think, about an idiot robber who updated his Facebook from the home's computer before leaving. The police nabbed him easily, think he left himself signed in, the numpty. Criminals do some dumb crud.

Maybe if you filled out your profile page it might make things easier to follow. Must say I have a hard time forming a picture of who you are from your narratives. There's a lot of inconsistencies that could be cleared up with more descriptions. Anyway, I find myself on the fence with every new post. Hope to be wrong and that you can clear everyone's confusion.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)
Hello Sophiethunder,

Umm... I'm at loss of words for this narrative.
A girl looking like your sister wearing her used thrown clothes and barging in your house. Its all creepy and weird to think of. It was quite rude of her.

Have you tried to call the police?

So what do you believe is this? A doppelganger? A long- lost twin?

Can you provide any further details regarding whether this girl witnessed is a human or a ghost?

Waiting for your response.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)
Seriously, you have never mentioned anything about a sister living with you.

Did she move to your place recently?
Was she living there when "The stones 2" took place? If so, did she witness the activity triggered by the stones?

I imagine that you have broken up with your boyfriend and the sandwich-making ghost, haven't you?
That one ghost was a keeper!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-04)
Your sister's clothes were not ready to move on, or, to move out?

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