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Odd Feelings And Experiences


I was at a friend's house and we were trying to talk to one of her relatives, so we got on the Ouija board. We followed all the instructions, not playing alone and not asking certain questions.

After a few minutes of no responses we were starting to give up and when we all took our hands off the lights started flickering and we were kind of freaked out so I went to put my hands back on the board and the planchette (?) literally flew at my friend's mirror and broke it.

We left her house and went to mine and that night like a bunch of weird stuff was happening to us. Cabinets opening by themselves among other things. This happened even though we closed it off and said "goodbye" and stuff.

Now every once and a while I get the sense that someone or somethings staring at me when I'm facing the ceiling on my bed. And sometimes there's a tapping on the frame. It hardly ever seems angry, but when it rains it pours.

I'll get the feeling of something pressing forward on my back as I walk down the hall, to the point of it hurting. It always stops when I enter another room. I'm only comfortable in one or two rooms in my house, the kitchen and the living room. I can't stand the laundry room, the bathroom, my room or the master bedroom.

Any thoughts on what this could be would be appreciate. I don't have much else to put here and I haven't gone over the word count, so here's some more details. I live in a small shared flat with my sister but she never said anything about experiences when I ask. The only other people I know of that experience anything like this are my friends that were with me that night.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-13)
Like Rook suggests the term poltergeist does come to mind.
Do you recall how long after the mirror broke was it before you closed the board?
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-13)
So, according to the Museum of Talking Boards,"The term "talking board" is the generic name for a message board with numbers, letters, and a movable message indicator. The message indicator, touched lightly by one or more persons, slides or pivots along the surface of the board to spell out words. Hence, the name "talking board." There is debate about whether the messages come from supernatural entities or are some form of psychological phenomenon originating from the players. Boards using pendulums, fixed spinners, or rolling balls, are not technically "talking boards" although they may have the same effect. Talking boards are also referred to as Ouija boards, witch boards, spirit boards, oracle boards, and most recently, channeling boards. The name "Ouija" is a registered trademark for Parker Brothers' William Fuld Talking Board Set." (
The Discovery Channel (,, and quite a few others seem to agree.
Perhaps if you would expound on what the differences are, we could better understand where you are coming from?
Another thing I am curious about is you suggested if I "ever want to play with a board..." Have you not been taught that it is NOT a toy and should not be played with? Especially by those with little to no knowledge about such things? And yet, you would suggest doing this to someone?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-13)
A Ouija board IS a spirit board. *Ouija* is the trademark of the spirit board produced by Parker Brothers (now Hasbro), who produce a bunch of other board games.


And since I don't want to just cite Wiki:

MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-13)

I understand what you are saying but there are still plenty of differences between a Ouijia Board and a Spirit Board.
Yes they do the same thing but are still very much so different.

Yes they can be closed, but not entirely. If a spirit has traveled through the board, it'll stay open until the spirit is dealt with, sometimes they are, sometimes they are not.

I understand that you are basing off your own experience and so on, but so am I.
I have coven friends, mediums and people whom do this daily telling me things and teaching me upon my own research, please understand my side of this information as well.

I hope you understand,

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-13)

I've been 'involved' studying the paranormal sense I was 7-8 years old... I was born 28 July 1967 so that's what... Just about 40 years of experience and in all that time... All that time the term spiritual board and Ouija Board have been used INTERCHANGABLY.

Ondividuals seem to use the term 'spiritual board' to AVOID the NEGITIVE CONOTATIONS that saying Ouija Board bring with it. They are the same thing... They CAN be closed... If not SPIRITS would continue to enter through the connection created when a BOARD is used to contact the Spirit Realm.

The reason 'hauntings' continue AFTER a BOARD has been 'closed' is because a spirit was able to cross over into the physical realm BEFORE the BOARD was closed... Once this happens there are ways to 'deal' with it... But the BOTTOM LINE is this...


(sigh) A rose by any other name...


MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-12)

OB can never be closed, if you read each of the stories here you can tell that even when people say 'goodbye' that they still are haunted or something after coming in contact with the board.
It also has my own personal experience as I went in contact with a OB and a spiritual board and now constantly having surroundings of them. (Spiritual Board is when no negative or evil spirits can contact you, only the good ones, so if you ever want to play with a board, use a spiritual board I suggest.)

Also, I have asked my familiar friends who generally live by this, have a coven or as such.

After I first posted here, I left for a few months and learnt all I can, and still am learning, however it if up to you and the others if you believe, decide to do your own research and so on.

All I am asking, is take my word into mind and be careful.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-12)
I was wondering where you got your information that an OB could never be closed? This is something I've never heard of and think would be worth looking into.
MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-11)
Once opened a OB, you cannot close it. Even if you say 'goodbye'. After evoking the board, no matter what, it's awake and will always be there. It just depends if it can bother you or not.

I suggest maybe getting some cleansing crystal and sage.
First of, place the crystal in pure water under a full moon for a night, then either place the under your pillow or in each of the rooms you don't feel right in. It's always good to hold onto on.
With the sage, burn it around the house.

I hope this helps.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
Rook may have a point about it being a poltergeist or the beginning of one. There is a lot of evidence and some very sound theories that suggest our universe, is one big giant electrical field of energy and what we are as individuals, are conductors of consciousness who basically construct reality from with in that field on a consensus that generally are pretty relative to Newtonian principles, what goes up goes down etc. But on a microscopic level, everything in our universe is basically connected as one, the atoms in your home, the atoms in your mirror and the atoms in you are just that "atoms"... And as consciousness conductors, we can sometimes defy Newtonian law and create activity of which all these atoms move around through the energy of thought patterns pertained to the individuals who are sourcing them, usually it's teenagers who create the poltergeist. As a trigger, it may be fear, it may be trauma, it may be hormonal?... Generally though, an Ouija Board will kick start these anti Newtonian experiences when those using them, are not experienced or have these misconceptions of thought patterns creating a potential energy that brings the home to life in a sense. I think you are perhaps at the start of one!

Regards Daz!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
Great advice has already been offered, The feelings you are describing could very well be due to high EMF...

Another other thing to take into consideration is your age... My guess is you are between 14-16 years old... Well the term Polterguiest comes to mind...

Please ask any questions you may have. Thank you for sharing.


Bonifaz (2 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
First of all: Ouija Boards are very dangerous things that shouldn't be messed about with, like just using it to contact a dead relative. They should only be used by experienced mediums or ghost hunters, and even then only with a lot of precautions taken, like rosaries, a bible and holy water in the immediate vicinity.
In your special case, I think that there was some entity lurking about, not wanting to be noticed and just wainting for the right moment to strike. That happened when you put your finger back on the planchette, and the spirit destroyed the mirror with it. I guess it is still there, teasing you. That might stop soon, or it might get worse.
One question: how long ago was it, when you used the Ouija Board?
HunterOfGhost (3 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
If you are feeling uneasy in only certain rooms throughout the house you may want to do an emf sweep. Emf stands for Electro Magnetic Field. Using a device that can read the emf's, go from room to room and see if there is a spike in the rooms you feel uneasy in. Anything that uses electric can cause a spike so be sure to turn off all appliances and even unplug them if possible. If you do enter a room and the emf's are high, try to find the source, wall outlet, television, lightswitch, things of that nature. If the emf spikes come and go without finding a source of the spike then maybe you should have more concern. Now, the reason I give this advise is because being exposed to high emf's can cause a number of side affects such as nausea, the feeling of being watched, being paranoid, halucinations, headache and a number of others. I hope this helped and that things get better for you.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
That's terrible! is possible that it will go away on its own after 7 years, that's the rule when braking a mirror. 😨
I hope ZoZo is not the one following you and your friends.

It would be a good idea to perform a cleansing of your house and to get rid of the blasted OB, those things are bad news.

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