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Real Ghost Stories

That Strange Feeling


This incident happened last year on the 20th of December.

I was returning from work and was already late. The path to my home from the workplace is somewhat remote. Not much public transports go to that part of our area. As I grew up here that's why I am habituated to living here. I was never scared to commute to and fro from my workplace to my home at any time of day or even at night.

I somehow managed to take an autorickshaw that agreed to drop me at a place that was a bit far away from my home. It was no issue for me to walk up that much distance alone.

But, here comes the thing that everything just got so weird...

As soon as I got off the autorickshaw, I swear I felt like somebody else too got off along with me. Since my only aim was to get to home in no time, I didn't think of the matter much.

Now comes the weirder part...

The autorickshaw driver looked at me and then turned and looked behind at the backseat. He again looked at me and looked back. He did this 2 more times. I was quite amused at this behavior of his. I couldn't stop myself from asking him about this peculiar action.

And the reason he told me was pretty strange and confusing.

He said that when I took the auto, he clearly saw a girl, about the same height as me, getting in the auto... And yes, she sat beside me.

But now there's no one! And he clearly doesn't remember the girl getting off anywhere until we reached here.

So, where the heck did she go?!

I laughed a bit and brushed off the whole conversation and started to walk towards my home. I don't know how else to put this but to be very honest, there was something in the surrounding that day (night) that send chills straight down my spine.

I was damn sure that I wasn't ALONE! I wasn't walking ALONE!

While covering the whole distance, from the stoppage - to - my home, I constantly had this feeling of somebody being with me.

And once I got inside my home, don't know why... I turned back to... Uh, to have a look at something - or - at someone?!

But, again I had a feeling. This time different, though; I had the feeling of getting looked at, by someone, I don't know who; but by whoever was standing there, outside my house... On the other side of the road.

(Thank you for reading this guys, and hope that you all will pardon me for my poor English. Thank you once again.)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, The_Dark_Soul, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-28)
Dark Soul, Your kind words and condolences are warmly received. Thank you.
The_Dark_Soul (5 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-28)
Hello nacpat88.

Thank you for sharing your experience. And yes I too agree on this theory that some spirits do crave for company.

Stay safe. Stay healthy.
The_Dark_Soul (5 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-28)
Hello MythBelieve,

I get what you're saying. I appreciate and respect that. But am quite sure about this one thing; it isn't "about psychology".

I do not have the right words to explain --- it's more about experiencing.
The_Dark_Soul (5 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-28)
Hello lady-glow, how are you?

No one "I" know has died. Neither in relatives nor any neighbor.

And yes, I do pray for peace for the one who's presence I feel.

Rest is God's wish.
The_Dark_Soul (5 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-28)
Hello CrimsonTopaz,

Thank you for sharing your experience. Accept my Condolences. I pray for your mom's peace.
nacpat88 (3 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-24)
Hi The_Dark_Soul

I experienced something similar. I actually met a person several times even spoke with him only to be told later that he was a ghost. I did not feel any fear when I saw or spoke to him. I think sometimes spirits also crave for some company. Stay safe.

MythBelieve (1 stories) (7 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-21)
Maybe it has more to do with psychology, until the rickshaw driver didn't tell you anything, you didn't notice anything unusual... But as soon as he said you about the girl, you became more conscious of things around you... Which is a normal thing... Like when you watch some ghost movies at night... Suddenly you are more afraid at night because already there is a sense of fear in your mind which heighten your senses
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-17)
Ladyglow, you are such a beautiful soul. Your words of kindness lift my spirits and your hugs have reached Australia. Thank you lovely lady.
-The Dark Soul- You will find comfort in getting lots of knowledge here, hang in there.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-17)
Hi, CrimsonTopaz.

"I usually talk to my mums presence and tell her to go to the light and to RIP."

I'm sure your Mother is already in a place of light and peace, and the presence you feel are her thoughts of love and care for you. I like to think that our loved ones whom have passed away live side by side with us, even if we are unable to perceive them with our physical senses.

Sending you a big hug.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-17)
Hi T_D_S.

It is interesting that the driver would be the one seeing the girl, and that you felt her walking by your side. Both of you witnessed this manifestation in a different way.

As for who could this woman be, I wonder if you are aware of the passing of a female relative or friend around the time of your encounter, or if you are aware of a female whom might have died in the area some time ago.

If you ever feel this presence again, you may say a prayer with the intention of them finding peace or, perhaps, ask for a religious service with the intention of sending this spirit to the light.

Thanks for sharing.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-16)
The dark soul, you are very brave indeed walking home in those remote parts of your neighbourhood alone. (Or in this case, not alone at all) I feel my late father's presence often but unlike my sister, I don't see him. I also have a strong feeling of my recently late mums presence. I usually talk to my mums presence and tell her to go to the light and to RIP. Maybe the girl who shadows you is lost. Perhaps tell her to go to light. Thanks for sharing.
The_Dark_Soul (5 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-12)
Hello Rajine,

First of all, Thank you for appreciating my English 😁.

Now coming to your questions:-

1) No. Actually, while getting into the auto-rickshaw I had my earphones in my ears as I was heavily invested in the news updates of the Russia - Ukraine war. This is the reason why I couldn't pay much attention to my surroundings at that time.

2) Yeah, It was when I got off the auto-rickshaw and was paying the driver.

3) Yeah, I think I did. But, am also not quite sure about them being related to any paranormal kind of stuff.

I'll keep you guys updated.
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-11)
Hi The_Dark_Soul

Firstly,your English is excellent, when you got in the auto rickshaw did feel anyone get in? Or was it just when you jumped off to walk home?
Also have you experienced anything strange after this incident?

On a lighter note, perhaps this female spirit likes you😅

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