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Odd Gifts And Vanishing Items


Like many of you, I'm the victim of the "ok where did it go?" and "Where did that come from?" syndrom. This seems to be a favorite game of ghosties world wide. Of course sometimes you can find a mundane reason something has wandered off; forgetfulness, pets, another human agent, but now and then you just have to scratch your head and say, "Huh..."

Mostly it's the 'gifts', for a lack of a better word, that make me frown with puzzlement. These did not happen all at once, but have taken place in this apartment over the years;

* thin lines of sand appearing on tables and other flat surfaces. No beach or sandboxes anywhere around.

* money just showing up out of no where, never a lot but just 'enough'.

* an old fashioned nail - the kind with flat sides, and a square head just appeared in the middle of my bedroom floor. It was rusted and bent.

Not like my bedroom is a main thoroughfare - so no idea how that got there.

* screws, staples, odd pieces of coloured glass just found scattered about different rooms at different times.

These are some examples, but the weirdest by far happened very recently, back in March. I had been doing hand wash in the bathtub, because I have a cat I always shake out the items before adding them to the soap water - wet pet hair is almost impossible to remove. Into the water they go, let them soak a bit, then scrub them one at a time. Drain the water, moving and pressing down on the items to get as much of the soap water out as possible, then refill to rinse. These happened to be white items, and after draining the rinse water, I decided they weren't very white, so I'd bleach them. Another refill with bleach and more soap, and a nice long soak. By now, that tub has been filled then drained 5 times, and is filled with very hot water. I'm draining out the bleach water, and in the bottom of the tub sits of all things a carrot coin! Crisp and very fresh looking. But... We haven't had carrots fresh, canned, or frozen in months.

In the same time frame as finding the carrot coin, other things of a non-paranormal nature took place. It had been discovered by the people in the downstairs apartment, that a homeless 'friend' of my roommate's was staying in the basement, which is completely illegal. Long story short, things got a bit heated, when I told this guy he had to go the first time. The second time, I said police would be called if he was even seen anywhere on the property. Think Charles Manson - that is the type of red flags my brain was urgently waving when I handed him his back pack and said he could not stay. Every fiber of my being screamed this was NOT a nice guy, down on his luck. Definitely not someone I wanted in my home or anywhere near me. Later, I would find out, that though not exactly Manson caliber this really was not a nice guy, he had prison time for violence and drugs, both taking and dealing, as well as assorted other crimes.

Late April I discovered my small silver jewel box was missing. I thought I half remembered moving it, but for the life of me could not find it anywhere. I looked high and low multiple times. In things, under, and behind. I even evoked the powers of OCD cleaning. That wee box was nowhere to be seen, and I was heart broken. Not only because it had sentimental value for me, but so did it's contents, the main 2 being my mom's twin ruby ring from the 40s, and a small cameo pendant that is around 90 years old. You just can't replace those sort of things.

I grilled my roomate on if his 'friend' or anyone else had been in our apartment, to which he said no.

June came, and I had started to think, maybe the flatmate wasn't being totally honest, as this little escaped of his 'friend' crashing in the basement had caused some friction. But, I still kept looking, even in the most illogical places for it to be (under the sink, the freezer, and even down in the basement.)

One night I was talking with a friend, and she asked about the box. I sighed and said, "Guess my last hope is with the ghosties - maybe they could find it." And that's when things got Weird, with a capitol W.

The next day, I was overcome by the urge to look again in the foyer closet. I had cleaned this closet inside out - twice in my search. Up on the shelf (which is above my head) sits a cardboard 'catch all' box. I'd been though it a few times already, but what the heck. With difficulty I brought it down, and peering in, there sat an old, wooden cigar box, I had NEVER seen before. Flatmate claimed the same. Inside that box was not only my silver box (with all it's contents!) but things that had been missing for months or years! Gotta say, I was so excited I was practically doing the pee-pee dance. There were my best scissors (gone 2 months), a ring the roomie lost 6 years ago, assorted change, a couple of old receipts from like 2013 and 1997 for groceries, and a few odds and ends. My best guess, is who ever was listening, took compassion on me and brought back every thing they could, plus a bit. But, I do wonder, if somewhere someone is saying, "Where did my cigar box go?"

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, valkricry, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

PBnJilly (18 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-29)
I adore you... Thank you! As I said, it's been a long time since I've been on here. I'd be lying if I said I can completely remember the tone and the personality of the site. I remember a lot of intelligent people who brought up some great points on the stories I'd read, and who offered a different view on the experience itself.

I can't recall having read those guidelines, and if I did, it was years ago. I'll definitely be more careful how I go about it. Thank you again!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-11-28)
Although I appreciate your enthusiasm for getting permissions to use stories, you do need to be careful not to 'spam' the site (saying the same thing over and over like an advert), don't forget to comment on the story itself.
Also, you might add about your YouTube channel on your profile, I notice your email is on there. Then after you comment on the story, you could add that you'd be interested in using to please see profile for contact info.
Our Contact page has information about using the stories and getting permission, if you haven't already read it.
PBnJilly (18 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-27)

Thank you so very much! I worry about getting some of the permissions, as there are users who don't come here anymore, or check their account, or have their email listed. Their stories are SOOO good though, and that's the shame of it!

I'm doing well though, love. How are you? We've just been trying to ride out this whole pandemic thing and praying to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you're well and life is in a good place for you!

Again, thank you so much for your permission! It means the world right now! I'll definitely let you know when we're up and running.

Sending love and light,
PB n Jilly
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-11-26)
Oh. My. Gosh! How the heck are you?
Many of us have our emails posted on our profiles, and that's about the extent we have for a 'connect with the writer' thing.
THANK you for seeking permission to use my stories! It should be alright. Let me know when you've the channel up and running.:)
PBnJilly (18 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-26)
Hey Val,
It's been forever since I've been on here and I'm glad to see some new posts from some of my favorite posters since the last time I was on. I looked for a way to message you privately, but I don't believe this site has that.

Anyways, the purpose of my contacting you is to ask if my YouTube channel may narrate in videos some of your stories posted on this site. I love so many of these stories and often ones from other websites too, but sometimes I'd rather have them read to me than read them myself. However, I'd never want to do this without the blessing of and permission by the author. I'd credit you for the story or leave it anonymous, it's up to you.

My brother and I are just starting our YouTube channel and I'll be honest, we don't even have more than a trailer of what's to come posted on it yet. It's going to be a mix of all true topics like crime cases, narrated "scary" stories covering a variety of topics, and videos on other spooky/horror content like the occult and paranormal. That's a little about us, so you'll know what your work would be featured in.

Either way, thank you for your time and thank you for so many stories from you that I have enjoyed reading over the years.
i-have-a-crush-on-firestar (1 stories) (24 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-26)
that is wonderful you found all that, you should thank them, it is very kind of them
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-12)
Awww, 😟 I'm bummed out that I missed the Halloween party! Wish we could get notices here of such things. 😜 Thanks Val and Martin. I had my speakers on with I clicked on the link and nearly jumped out of my seat!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
πŸ‘» You're invited! πŸ‘»
Walk through haunted Trespauze Manor, featuring over 20 rooms and cemetery.
Perhaps you'd prefer to immerse yourself in total darkness while exploring Loss Mine - beware the denizens that slither and crawl within!
In the Witch's Kitchen find the ingredients she wants or suffer the curse!
πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈNEW! This year's latest offering is the Treasure of the Crimson Dread. Can you find the long lost treasure while battling zombies and a thieving monkey?
Of course other tricks and treats await you!
This Halloween treat yourself to an adventure at

Happy Halloween, everybody!

Thanks to Martin for allowing me to post this!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-09-02)
Cherubim, that's very true, especially when it comes to things paranormal. I've never really 'stressed' over the return of things, but when they just wander off it's so 'argh!' When things come back, I always say thank- you, because that's just manners. Sometimes I wonder if the returner is the same as the taker. Or if as mentioned before it's no one's doing, but plane shifting.
Speaking of things going missing, a friend of mine had inherited a house with one of those niches in the wall for a patron Saint to sit? The statue was unfamiliar to me, about 3 feet tall, with an almost demonic looking face (reminded me of some Aztec masks I've seen) and weighed around 50 pounds or so. She decided to banish it to the back garden. Next morning it was back in the niche. This went on for awhile, and no matter where she moved it, it came back to the niche. She finally gave in and let it be.
Well, as fate would have it, she was the victim of a robbery and they took everything worth anything, including that statue. At least we all assumed the statue was taken as it was missing. About a week later, she rounds the corner to see it back in its niche!
Talk about freaking out! Afterwards she kept finding, in very obvious places, things that had been taken, sprinkled out over the years.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-01)
Haha! Actually I'm a good house keeper. That's why I noticed the object missing just sitting there four years later. I've had things that went missing in a haunted house I lived in show up to where we live NOW. I used to stress out over it, but it's become almost normal anymore. I felt better when I went to a friends house that showed me something on her patio that had been gone for years as well. It helps to realize you're not alone in all this. ❀
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-09-01)
Wow, Cherubim! It was just laying out on the table in plain sight!? In itself, that doesn't sound like a biggie - but after FOUR years?
Unless you're A) the world's worst housekeeper,[imagine mountains of stuff piled up on that table.] B) said table was in some hidden out of the way, seldom used corner, or C) you looked for it the way most kids do - from the couch, while watching TV, I sure can't explain it.
I've no idea on the why it happens or some of us and not others. Maybe it plays into our sensitivity somehow?
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-31)
Your story was like a slice of deja vu for me. I have things disappear and reappear all the time. One item was gone and four years later was just laying out on a table where you couldn't miss it. I do wonder why this happens to some of us? Thank goodness you were able to get rid of that unsavory man that was trying to stay in your basement!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-31)
Wow, Dar77! I noticed you've read several of my accounts and commented. I just want to say thank you for the lovely comments!
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-29)
What a delightful story. Thanks for sharing and such grammar and punctuation as well! Good for you. I look forward to reading more of your stories.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-29)
Aww, Caz, thank you very much. I really needed to hear something good about myself as I've been going through a rough patch lately, so maybe you're a wee bit gifted yourself and sensed this. Again thank you.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-27)
Hi Val,
I've just read all of your stories, yes, all 45 of them over the last two days and more than a few brought me to tears. Please don't ever think you are not special. Not only are you extremely couragious, but you also have a lovely sense of humour and a great generosity of heart! In fact, you are one of the nicest people I have never had the good fortune to meet. Bless you! ((Big Hugs))
PS...You're a great writer too!
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
Hi Val,
You may well not attribute these things to something special about yourself and others may indeed try to rationalise their similar events into normalcy, perhaps because they're a wee bit scared, but the fact is that most people don't have these 'events' at all!
LOL...yes of course I've mislaid stuff lots of times in my life, but having thought about it, I don't remember ever finding it in a weird place where I couldn't have left it or lost it myself, like down the side of my chair or something! Neither have I ever found it lying out in plain sight in a place I've just looked.
You say you might not mind a second chance to show what you've learned, but you are obviously more 'spiritually aware' than I am and that's the difference. I believe the reason for that is you are an older spirit and have reincarnated more times than I have! Perhaps, many more times!
I honestly believe my young sister who was extremely psychic, was a very old soul and suspect my mother was too, but not as old as my sister who I believe was commonly known as 'a ghost magnet' and lived a lot of her life in fear, until she at last got help.
As for you, I definately think 'someone has your back'!

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
Caz, I don't attribute these things to anything 'special' about myself, but rather tend to think other's rationalize their events into normalcy. Not that every miss placed item is to be blamed on the paranormal. Have you never misplaced something (where the heck did I put my ___) only to find it either someplace weird or where you looked before?
When my kids were around, it was a lot easier to blame them, or that I was tired or stressed. Heck, even the dog made a great scapegoat. But when you've no one to blame, except yourself, it gets a lot harder. Sure I could shove it off on the roommate, but what about the years prior, when I lived alone? I'd like to also note here, there seems to be a different 'feel' to a 'returned' or 'gift' then when it's been simply misplaced, or walked in (say on the bottom of a shoe or dropped from a visitor). It never last long, just a very slight tingle or vibration. Of course that could be just my imagination generated by the shock/puzzlement of it being.
Your idea of reincarnation, might be correct. Personally, I've never wrapped my head fully around the concept. On one hand, I do like the idea of being given another chance at showing I've learned and become a better human through this life, on the other I'm like, "Gads, once was enough!"
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
Lucia, hello!
Although your idea of a human agent is logical it just doesn't wash, mostly because of our set up. I live in a second story walk up apartment. The main door is always locked, even when we're home. I'm up very steep NOISEY stairs, behind another locked door. There's no evidence of a break in and only my jewel box went missing. Also, during the time of it's return I was at home on vacay from work.
I just can't imagine anyone willing to pick 2 locks and risk jail to return it. Not to mention, other really expensive items were in plain view, this entire time span. (I admit it, my place is somewhat of a museum - except for the furniture -gads that needs replacing big time! πŸ˜†) Having said that, I will say, it is not out of the realm of possibilities that if my flatmate had a hand in it, he could have gotten it back from 'Charles' and hidden it there. However, none of his 'tells' played out. He's mentally around an immature 14, and can not hide feelings well, or secrets. He would have been hinting at me to research the closet, or would have 'found' the box for me.
During the 3 months I was off, we had 0 visitors.
My kitty is an indoor beasty. So if he had carted the carrot coin into the tub, it would have been from within the apartment confines. As I mentioned, we hadn't had carrots in months, and this would not only take my cleaning into question, but it did look awfully fresh. Even if he had, where'd he get it from? Good point though!
Honestly it's because of the simpler, weirder 'gifts' I wonder if ghosties had a had in the return of my jewel box.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
Biblio, interesting, very interesting.
You're remark about about " To the layman, of any culture, the spirit would simply appear to be "Native American," " (ok, the double quotation mark at the end looks odd, but not sure how else to punctuate that. πŸ˜†) has merit. Just yesterday the guy across the street referred to the downstairs tenant as 'an Oriental lady', which is correct, more specific would be Korean, but being unversed in the differences he simply used the larger grouping. For this to apply to spectral meetings as well, seems highly logical. However, what about within that particular group? Would not one member of a particular grouping recognize another member of the same grouping as 'antiquated' for lack of a better term? Or 'not of this time'?
I'm not sure, Edgar Cayce's projecting himself (astral time travel?) back in time is the same as spectral visitations, but it does fit neatly with the theory that from the paranormal's point of view that time has no meaning as we know it. For example to a ghostie from 1819, 2019 is still 1819. In a time slip from the aforementioned time, the same applies. Somehow for a brief moment 2019 becomes 1819.
Perhaps the planes are more like tectonic plates, not merely stacked one above the other, but moving. I believe the accepted number of planes is 7 (in Buddhism it's 31), with the planes not really 'places' but existing around us all the time. I read somewhere that a galaxy is a series of 49 interpenetrating spheres of matter from all 49 planes, and that a solar system is a series of 7 interpenetrating spheres of matter from 7 planes, and it's all created with the same 3 atoms. It was also suggested that each of the 7 planes has 7 subplanes. If we take that as a given, then why wouldn't the same chord in a different octave play out? [" Cross-dimensional physics would require that aspects the superstructure of the multiverse (called 'branes') be in harmony with one another. This would be a bit like playing the three major chords of C# Major (C#M, F#M, & G#M) in two different octaves simultaneously. This harmony, or quantum resonance, *theoretically* would allow for some interactivity, such as transmission of information, between the two branes."] After all at its base there is the same 3 atoms, which may or may not be vibrating at the same speed. (Gads, I'm making my own head hurt, and I hope this is making some kind of sense.)
If we use the ripple effect illustration, and combine it with the tectonic (moving) planes theory and place ourselves 'sandwiched' as it were on a somewhat middle plane (higher being future, lower being past) of course some of the vibrations (or spirits) are going to be of a diminished presence on our plane. That is not to say they don't exist but rather go undetected. Maybe the last time you tripped over 'nothing' it was actually something you just couldn't see. Hmmmm... However add in atmospheric conditions and our own 'vibration' or mind set in the moment, and voila! We see it. Only to later lose it.
I would love to hear your further thoughts on this matter.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
Oh my goodness Biblio! Your brain must be a biological computer! Actually, I think all brains are biological computers, but yours is much better tuned than most! I've read your comment several times and can't claim to understand most of it, but I think I've just about got the gist, so want to add my tuppence worth to the conversation. Don't worry though. If any tinfoil hat is required...I'm sure it'll be just my size!
I do know that things (including people) can mysteriously and perhaps accidentally get transferred from one place to another, so that could be an example of what you were saying. In fact I remember reading a story some years ago, telling how a foreign soldier in uniform suddenly found himself on the street of a strange city which turned out to be over a thousand miles away from where he'd been walking!
However, I think what happened to Val is totally different altogether. Her precious items may well have been transported accidentaly, but I believe the return of them was no accident. Someone had taken great care to keep them all together and even managed to find a box for the purpose.
Also, I do wonder why things like that only seem to happen to certain people. Maybe those who have psychic abilities? I have none, so these things never happen to me and nor do they happen to most 'ordinary' people I know!
PS...I may not have psychic abilities, but I have had several experiences over the last few years or so, courtesy of my psychic sister. The reason I've never written about them on here, is simply because I felt that even though I was involved, they weren't really my stories to tell.

OK! The other thing I want to talk about is why nobody ever seems to see spirits from centuries way back, such as cavemen ect?
Could it simply be they have long since reincarnated?
As far as Native Americans are concerned, they've always held a special place in my heart, because I've always felt they have a better understanding of Nature and the conciousness of 'all living things', even down to a blade of grass and I believe they are the most 'Spiritually aware' race on the planet.
Could it be they are more often seen because they've managed to 'avoid the light' and therefore avoided reincarnation?
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
Could it be a possibility that the Charles Manson guy broke in and took the jewelry box then brought it back with the cigar box? Or another person?

The carrot could be from the cat. Maybe Kitty dug it out of somewhere, carried it for awhile and dropped it in there?

I think the simple things are weirder like the sand lines and the colored glass. I totally believe those are otherworldly gifts but for what reason? Those are things that don't make sense which equals freaky. I'd be more freaked by lines of sand than a cigar box myself because I would reason the box's placement somehow but the sand...that's just weird.

Now, the theory of why don't we see ghosts from the early ages more often is one I pondered often too. I really don't know. I guess they get reabsorbed into the atmosphere somehow over time.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-23)
Val, once again, I find myself taking the time to ponder your provocative supernatural suggestions.

"The other thing I wonder about is why we never hear about specters from the really far past. America's seem to start around Pilgrims... I assume the American Indian had ancestors which would pre-date any white settlers, but I've yet to hear of anyone bumping into one." While it is possible for the spirits of Native American people to remain coherent entities for extended periods, I suspect it would take an individual well-versed in the *specific* cultural behaviors, attire, and rituals of that spirit's tribal or national history to pin down how long the spirit has lingered in this world. To the layman, of any culture, the spirit would simply appear to be "Native American."

"...with England going further back (assumably because it's historically older)." The relevant ghost narrative I recall best was of a fellow working on an evening shift watching a division of Roman Soldiers walking below the level of the floor/road, and his surprise that very few of the men were clean-shaven as depicted in art, film, etc. It was later revealed by historians that inhabitants of lands conquered by Rome were permitted to grow their beards even during their military service, as their cultures viewed beards as proof of adulthood.

"However we don't seem to hear about Biblical figures or cavepeople, from the modern observer of the paranormal." I recall reading that the mystic Edgar Cayce once pushed himself to see how far back in time he could project himself, and that he claimed to have met individuals who had low, ridged foreheads and wide-spaced eyes who were frankly shocked to see him. (I don't have the exact source on this to hand, but it should be possible to look it up online.)

To find say a flint arrowhead, or something like that within the confines of my space, would really freak me out. So then, am I to assume only certain planes can converge with other planes?" I think that this juncture would be a good time to include time-slip phenomena as a related topic, as the basic event is similar to the your questioning the spirits' limited temporal range. Cross-dimensional physics would require that aspects the superstructure of the multiverse (called 'branes') be in harmony with one another. This would be a bit like playing the three major chords of C# Major (C#M, F#M, & G#M) in two different octaves simultaneously. This harmony, or quantum resonance, *theoretically* would allow for some interactivity, such as transmission of information, between the two branes. Before anyone writes this off as a theory requiring me to construct an aluminum foil hat, there are FOUR documented regions of the universe with the wrong stellar distribution in them because our universe's expansion collided with (or bounced off of) four other universes, which shifted the matter *inside* our universe like ripples bouncing off the side of a swimming pool. These other universes wouldn't even need to be "parallel universes" to our own, but they've left evidence of their existence in the data we can observe.

Alternate universes, such as the classic idea of each choice making new potential universes diverging from the shared history, can't be divided into merely Universe A and Universe B; each decision has a range of alternative outcomes, including some of those differences being minor enough to allow some matter/energy feedback or interactivity on the quantum level. It's not matter and energy being created or destroyed [thereby undermining E=mc2]; rather, it's like the electron/slit experiment in which a single electron passes through both the left and right slits in a sheet of cardboard and leaving two simultaneous though separated impacts upon the target. Paradimensional flow between synchronous universes, then, requires that matter and energy at the most miniscule known levels be in a multitude of potential states simultaneously. This would, then, permit people to have knowledge of events in so-called "alternative" realities, potentially even having solid objects "slip" from one to another & back, because when investigated as to whether or not the quantum-level physics supports Universe A or Universe B as the objective "reality," the answer would be "yes," just as it would be for all of the possible iterations between A and B. Quantum state phenomena do not adhere to Newtonian physics, to perceived temporal progression, or even to atomic differentiation (i.e.; quantum entanglement would not be limited to both entangled particles being housed within the same probability stream).

Good lord, Val! See what you've made me do? Yikes!

This barrage of brainstorming has been a lot of fun; it also suggest that the short answer to your question would be "provided they're close enough, then yes."

I'm going to reheat my now-chilled coffee & give this some further thought.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-22)
Melda! So lovely to 'see' you! I agree, missing items seem to arrive in their own time, NOT when we're looking for them. I do hope your watch shows back up.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-22)
Hi Biblio!
I've no idea what we'd call such an event, but to me it makes some sense. Especially with some of the odd 'gifts' I've received over the years.Note: I only listed some of what has been found within the parameters of my apartment, what one could term a controlled space. The odds of someone having lost or dropped these items is very, very slim.
The other thing I wonder about is why we never hear about specters from the really far past. America's seem to start around Pilgrims, with England going further back (assumably because it's historically older). However we don't seem to hear about Biblical figures or cavepeople, from the modern observer of the paranormal. I assume the American Indian had ancestors which would pre-date any white settlers, but I've yet to hear of anyone bumping into one. To find say a flint arrowhead, or something like that within the confines of my space, would really freak me out. So then, am I to assume only certain planes can converge with other planes? Hmmm...
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-22)
lady-glow, I too wonder 'what would a ghost want/do with that?' Do the spirits of different generations/nationalities gather together and have spectral show and tells, or something? Do spirits know they're dead - in the sense we think of as dead? Or are they still living life as they know it? Hmmmm...
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-22)
Val - That is so interesting! I find this subject fascinating as I have also had a number of similar experiences.

I won't go through my whole list of disappearing and reappearing items but at the moment I am begging for my gold watch to be returned. It isn't something I wear every day so I keep it in a certain space in my dressing table.

What I have discovered is that when you search for these items you normally don't find them. They have a tendency to turn up at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected place!

As I said, fascinating stuff.

Regards, Melda
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-21)
Greetings, Val.

Just the other day, I was discussing spirits leaving interesting gifts with Rhino. Now you've got my mind racing with your suggestion, "What if it isn't their work at all, but a result of the planes of existence merging? At the same time we're wondering where the heck X went, 'someone' is wondering where the heck X came from? And when the planes separated again things return, but sometimes somewhere else, because the 'new owner' had moved it?"

What would we call such a phenomenon? "Paradimensional Object Removal, Adjustment, & Location Shifts" gives us the acronym "P.O.R.T.A.L.S." That sounds more serious than "quantum hide-and-seek" or the pop-culture reference "glitch in the matrix."

Great; now I'm not going to get to sleep because I'll be turning this idea around in my head all night...

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-19)
Fascinating experience, I'm glad you got your valuables back. As for the little things, go figure what significance/importance they could have for a ghost. Definitively food for thought.

Thanks for sharing.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-08-18)
Hi Jubeele,
That purple wool thing is weird, especially since I know you've no pets or small kids around. As I've said before, this thing of things disappearing and showing up somewhere else or not at all seems to be a world wide phenomena.
I sometimes wonder if the things get 'borrowed' for a bit (to what end, I'm not sure. With jewelry perhaps its for one of those ghostly parties some folks claim to have hear/seen.) and then returned.
Or could it be out of curiosity, a wanting to study the item. Maybe it didn't exist in their time frame, or they admire the craftsmanship. Maybe there's klepto ghosts as well. Or what if -
What if it isn't their work at all, but a result of the planes of existence merging? At the same time we're wondering where the heck X went, 'someone' is wondering where the heck X came from? And when the planes separated again things return, but sometimes somewhere else, because the 'new owner' had moved it? πŸ€”

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