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Real Ghost Stories

Movie Night


After going 90 miles a minute all week long, my boyfriend and I wanted to stay home and relax. What better way then to watch movies? So, we get the air mattress out and set it up in front of the TV in the middle of the living room. Which I might add is all open; has vaulted ceilings, connects to the dining room and the kitchen, then the door to their parents' room. And, you can see the stairs leading upstairs to more bedrooms and the loft that walks into the music room. Their kitchen had an island bar through the middle, with bar stools lined up on the outside (very important).

We decided we wanted popcorn and a few other snacks and drinks. Once we were finished, we started flipping through the channels. Both of us were feeling a few scary movies... When we came across "Paranormal Activity 2." Now, if you have read my previous stories, you know damn well I HATE those movies and have not been capable of sleeping in my own room, still to this day. But, thinking since we are at his house - I felt safe - we can watch the movie. (Irony right?!) But lucky me, I fell asleep halfway through the movie, considering the endings scare me the most...

Hours pass, when I wake up to the TV blaring the snow shiat. Of course, scaring me half to death and not wanting his dad to wake up mad, I jumped up real quick and shut the TV off. I laid back down and a few minutes had passed when I started hearing the sound of chairs being scooted across the floor. My boyfriend was to my back and his dog, Dixie was snuggled up next to me. I tried to think back, was someone else up? What day was it? Does his parents have to work? Is it one of his brothers?

As I laid there, Dixie started to growl. And, that is when I started to panic. I continued to lay there motionless, until her hair on her back started to stand, and the noise only 10 steps away became louder and more prominent. Dixie gets in a defensive stance and starts to bark with her snarls. Now, by this time, I start mule kicking my boyfriend trying to wake him up. I guess between me kicking him and Dixie barking, he finally wakes up startled and realizes Dixie's tone, he flies up and turns the lights on.

And wouldn't you guess? Not a damn thing was in the room. All of the bar stools was scattered throughout the kitchen and the grandfather clock strikes 0300...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ashlcoopa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Peace887 (guest)
9 years ago (2016-02-09)
Does leave me wondering if the scary movie had possibly made you more jumpy than normal and the dog sensed it from you so also got unusually unnerved, interesting account.
TRUCK (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-05)
Red and Dandk, I few years ago discovery channel did a "documentary" on how the have found mermaids. I tried to explain to my aunt it was fake, but she kept going on about how they had video and skeletons, etc...
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-04)
Red, that's funny. I have to admit I've watched and enjoyed that show. It's been good entertainment on occasion.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-04)
My son likes to watch Paranormal Witness. A show that they use actors to re-enact the haunting. Some of the cases are interesting. But for the most part we laugh or roll our eyes because we know a lot of the stories are scripted,badly.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-04)
Red, I have to comment on your comment about those paranormal activity shows not being real... My mom said to me a few months ago that she had to tell me about a really scary documentary that she saw on tv one night in the wee hours of the morning when she couldn't sleep. She said it was so scary and bothered her so much that she had been wanting to tell me about it for days, but wasn't sure if it would bother me to hear about. She was so scared she had to change the channel.

But she finally had to share because she was really upset by what she saw. I encouraged her to tell me and she proceeded to tell me that 'they' have been documenting paranormal activity in someone's home and saw video footage of the woman standing by the side of her bed at night for hours. This is where I cut her off and told her it wasn't real. Her entire demeanor relaxed and she said how relieved she was to hear that. It was so funny I wanted to laugh, but didn't dare because she had been so serious!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-01)
Could it be that your boyfriends brothers moved the chairs around as a gag since they knew what movie you were watching? Since you were asleep your boy friend might have helped. All it would take is some fishing line to set everything up. Even the 3A.M. Thing could be set up.
By the way you do know that are those movies aren't real right? I laughed at the end of that movie. I even had to check the video case to see if a friend (now deceased) of my husband and I had anything to do with the movie. He didn't but knew the person who wrote the script.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-29)
Hello ashlcoopa, I do apologise to you if I had offended your sentiments. It was never meant to paint a picture as if you were not telling the truth. Not at all. On the contrary, I just gave some logical explanations that could have been plausible and that is all. Further, I also said that you could ask your boy friend and his family members if they had felt any presence in that room. Anyway, once again I feel sorry if your feelings are offended.

Dear Miracles, I thank you very much for supporting me.

Regards and respects to both of you.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-28)
ashlcoopa - I'm sorry, but where/how did SDS insinuate you were lying? SDS provided very logical explanations for something that could be normal rather than paranormal, which is what we try to do on this site.
ashlcoopa (7 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-28)
Their family do not acknowledge such things. They believe in only the Holy Ghost. When they pray some will even speak in tongue. Like I said, I wouldn't have posted this if there was another reason behind the noises AND stools being moved. I do not have the extra time to just make things up. I just felt I should share my experiences like everyone else does, not be told they're lying. My boyfriend never believed in ghost etc, after dating me questions it. Because a lot happens. Even when I was a child there was always things my parents would ignore.
Thanks for your input.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-28)
Hi ashlcoopa, like Mack, I don't have my belief on 3 a.m. Stuff, it is more cliched to be a witch-hour but it is not. You might assert that things have been happening to you at this hour. I feel that it might be a coincidence.

But, I just want to know what you boy friend told about the incident? Did he turn the TV off when he dozed off? Did you investigate the matter further? Dogs do snarl at nights, it could be random or perhaps they might have seen something. Did you discuss with others of your boy friend's family? If so, what was their reaction? Did your boy friend felt any presence anytime in the house or in the place where you saw the TV? Or did anyone of his household did have any such experiences?

Why I say so is that I know that you are scared of seeing horror movies and that you dozed off and perhaps you woke up when the TV was on full sound and you immediately switched it off. In the darkness, sounds feel like as if they have come from near while actually they could have been from the adjoining room or bedroom, where your boy friend's parents were sleeping. Just a theory.

Please do respond.

Regards and respects to you.

ashlcoopa (7 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-27)
Thanks Mack for your input, if you read my previous stories the time 0300 an myself occur a lot for activity. And "their" are stated in the story as the brothers? No Dixie is not known to bark and get defensive to her own family, as any dog is not like this. And if anyone else was up, I wouldn't have wrote this.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-27)
Wow...What happened next!? This story ended very suddenly. It left me with many questions:

Had there been any activity such as that in that house before?
You say "...the door to THEIR parents room..." Who are THEY?
What did you and your boyfriend discuss straight afterwards?
Had "Dixie" been prone to growling before or since like that?
Did you check with other people in the house that they hadn't been blundering around in the wee hours?
What did other people who lived there have to say about it?

And to be honest, with all due respect, your last line that finished the story about the Grandfather clock chiming 3 AM just gave the whole thing a bit of a over-dramatic, cliched feel which, unfortunately, makes the story a bit less credible (in my humble opinion)



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