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Lyrics/stereo Communication


After reading the previous Stereo story, I thought I would add my own. I do admit I watch a lot of Ancient Aliens which I LOVE, so it's not surprising that when I was awakened out of deep sleep at 3:00AM in the middle of the night to my stereo blasting the Beatles lyrics "You Say Goodbye and I Say Hello" and I mean BLASTING LOUD, I was looking around for the grey alien standing in the shadows like in the Signs movie! Nope, he didn't show up, but the hair was standing up all over my body just the same!

I definitely have paranormal occurrences in my house (built in 1980). I'm fairly confident that it's me more than the house that attracts the phenomena. When you're a very sensitive type psychically you can attract astral plane energies because they sense it about you (maybe even see it in your aura as well as your weaknesses.) I do feel like I have an energy in my house, maybe more than one? I experience knocks when the house is silent, lights flickering when it wants my attention, tingling on my head, cheek, and body, and because I'm extremely sensitive flashes of light almost like seeing a firefly (they can be different colors and sometimes aren't even small, I have once seen a flash as big as a dinner plate.)

My energy seems to be loving? Can a "ghost" have a crush on you? My husband and daughter are channeling I believe, when they sing songs that just "pop up" in their heads that have lyrics for what this "ghost" wants to say to me (sometimes nice, sometimes not.) What worries me is the trying to get in your good graces stuff then Ted Bundy pops up!

I have asked my energy to leave, which it does sometimes, but always comes back. I have demanded it leave which it will for a while but always comes back. I have put sea salt and rosemary in the corners of my room (like a psychic told me to do) to no avail. She said it was no one I knew, another said it was a thought form of someone I know that's alive! I have prayed and prayed for protection and help. I have a set of oracle cards which have told me to "talk shop" with other like-minded individuals, and I wandered onto your site by "accident". So if any "experienced" person on your site has any suggestions or insight I would more than welcome your input.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Artisanlady, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-02)
It appears I should have reworded my statement to include do not provoke.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-02)
Okay, before this gets out of hand and turns into another one of those situations, please be respectful. Any comments deemed disrespectful will be deleted.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-02)
You're not the only one to lose those they love.

"I don't know why I have spilled my guts to defend myself from such a rude and malicious attack, just want the others reading to know the other side is real, their loved ones can see and hear everything they say and do, and they're are many, many things that go on that we still don't understand."

You want 'others' to know I'm a cruel and calculating person for speaking up. Nothing more, nothing less.
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-02)
To Tweed, you're correct on two points, The Bachelorette was currently on, but we've been watching almost since first season, so I didn't think it mattered which name I called it, you would get the point. Secondly, I was "informed" somewhat about Rook since I had read a comment he made to another newby, was impressed by what he had to say, and found his profile page where I read about him and his cleansing "ritual" - no purposeful misleading here. I have read hundreds of books on spiritual matters because I lost my first husband (my high school sweetheart) in a car accident, and have grieved over the loss for most of my life. I have also lost my grandparents, my father, my brother, my daughter's boyfriend, and several other friends. I read a lot about "the other side" because I desperately wanted to know where they went, and what happens when you die. It's entirely possible (from my reading) that I kept my high school sweetheart tied to the astral plane due to my excessive grieving. I really have a hard time with this, it kills me. In all my reading, I can honestly say I never came across any 3am superstition. I have read "a little" about nature spirits that I recalled after I made that comment, I guess I wasn't sure what he meant at first, but again not trying to mislead anyone. I really don't understand what the point would be in "acting like I don't know when I do?" I'm not here looking for attention, not here for accolades for my abilities, I was sincerely looking for help because I was at my wits end. I don't know why I have spilled my guts to defend myself from such a rude and malicious attack, just want the others reading to know the other side is real, their loved ones can see and hear everything they say and do, and they're are many, many things that go on that we still don't understand.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-02)

I read this last week and decided to say nothing. It reminds me of this:
Also this:

I'm not a big TV fan so perhaps others can correct me on this point. The Bachelor, is that even on at the moment? I was under the impression it's currently all about The Bachelorette in America, I may be wrong of course.

Also, you have indicated you're a new member. Yet you are oddly familiar with Rook, enough to refer to him as 'Rook'. Add to this an awareness of his cleansing 'ritual'. The word 'ritual' was not used by anyone except yourself, suggesting further awareness. Not to mention wondering if he'd ever comment.

If someone has read hundreds of spiritually related books, as you have stated on your profile, I find it hard to believe the same person would be completely unaware of the 3am superstition.

In one of the submissions linked above titled something along the lines of A House The Neighbours Say It's Cursed, the OP referred to performing cleansings HOWEVER this OP used 'deep cleanse' to describe a method. This is a term my husband and I use as a joke, it comes from a daggy skin care commercial. Yet here was someone who'd 'just joined' using 'deep cleanse' apparently as a technical term.

When I commented on another member's stereo related submission here:
I grew suspicious of the comment you left after mine. My comment was unusually emotional, for me at least, and I couldn't shake the feeling 'someone' was consciously attempting to appeal to me, in a baiting fashion. Or I may be becoming a cynical narcissist.

Believing people are channelling lyrics on your behalf is 'projecting' in my opinion.

There's just enough descriptions and information to leave everything open ended and subject to change at the whims of a romantic fantasy.

Your story inspired me to take a week break from YGS.
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
Appreciate all the comments. Interesting to note, I am of Irish descent myself and married an Irishman. I will take a look at the Good Fairy Bad Fairy book, and thank you for your recommendations. Say a prayer for me and my spirit. Adieu.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
Did some more research before I came back but shelbyloree has already written most of what I wanted to say lol

Well, additionally, you can meditate as well to make your own spiritual power stronger to repel the spirit if it is harmful to you, otherwise there is nothing to be worried of.

Love from São Paulo

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
Whatever it is, if you truly want it gone, it will go. If you have a doubt, it won't go or quiet down (you've already figured that out).

Cleaning/cleansing rituals, and rituals in general, move you into what anthropologists call The Area of Liminality. It's a suspension of self, a time apart. You go in one thing (like a maiden) and come out something else (like a bride). A wedding would be a social aspect of this 'time apart.'

With energy cleaning it follows the same thought - I am setting myself apart right now to perform this cleansing (this ritual). When I am done with it, I will emerge from this without the energy that has been bothering me.

If rituals are familiar to you, you will have an easier time going this route. If not, as Rook mentioned, it may not do anything and you may have to find a different way of shaking it. Never hurts to try though.

If you are unfamiliar with nature spirits, a browse through folklore may interest you. The Irish in particular have a lot of nature sprites who fall in love with humans. Brian Froud's Good Fairy/Bad Fairy book may be something to take a look at. He drew and recorded a lot of the nature sprites. Still not clear if he actually saw them or he's just saying he did, ha!
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
Not EMF, not my daughter (moved out recently - no teens here), and not sure even what a nature spirit is... My spirit has "traveled" recently with me to another state when I was visiting a friend in need, so not sure the locale even matters.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
Ah...could be either. However me thinks it is more than likely more akin to a nature spirit of some type than a 'projected thought form'. That is if a spirit is involved at all... How old is your daughter (you do not have to provide that info)? If she is young enough to be starting puberty then some of the activity could be Poltergeist in nature and some of it could be 'manifesting' because of the level of your sensitivity... Except what you are 'feeling' is high levels of EMF rather than the presence of a spirit.

You ask if an entity is involved does it come from the light... If it turns out that a spirit is involved then I would say that will depend on how you treat it. Being a 'nature' spirit it will be neutral and will simply react to how it feels its being treated. Also, it understands the concept of 'stop', go away however sense it is 'of' the area your home is built on it does not do either for long. A Ritual would give your request structure and this is something a nature spirit would understand as nature has a very complicated structure... But by 'structuring' (ie: a cleansing ritual) your request there is a chance it will understand what you are asking better and then leave you alone, as per your request and not just for a short period of time.

I hope that clears up what I was trying to say.



Do you know the history of the property prior to your home being built on it in 1980?
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
Hi rook, I was wondering if you would ever comment... So are you saying my spirit is one from the light, or are you saying it might be a thought form of someone who's living?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)

Your experience and your comments have caught my attention. You may have given yourself the answer to your situation in one of two ways.

First: You mention being very sensitive... Have you had your home checked for EMF LEVELS (Electromagnetic Frequencies)? At high levels individuals who are sensitive can experience many, if not all, of the things you have described and the 'song lyrics' may just be a truly random occurrence.

Second: There is a spirit, however it is not a ghost (former human) which may explain (in part) why it has not really complied with your request that it 'go to the light' that 'it has been forgiven' that it can 'move on'. As a non-human 9not a ghost) entity it doesn't quite grasp what you are asking/telling it to do.

My cleansing may... Yes I say MAY, help or it may not... The 'ritual' it follows is designed to push out, evil, negative, malevolent energy's, spirits/ghosts, non-human entities and if this entity is not then it may not be affected...however, saying that, it may actually understand the 'ritual' aspect of what you are doing and respect your request to be left alone.

Please keep us posted.


Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
I will add one more detail, I have never felt a draft or coldness in any way, but I feel a pressure change and my ears will pop like when you're in a plane, when it's close to me.
Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-01)
To answer sds, I don't know what 3am stuff you refer to, it's only happened once. I've never felt malevolence, more like amorous. I have saged my house, and put Rosemary and salt in the corners of my bedroom (as a psychic recommended). It didn't work. I have read that "ghosts" can read your mind. Ghosts Among Us by James Van Praagh being one of many. So I have asked it to leave in my head, even outlining for it how to find the light for it to enter. I have explained to it that it's loved ones would be there and there was nothing to fear, it would not be punished, it is forgiven. Then, in frustration, I have even yelled at it to leave me alone and demanded it leave my house since I didn't want it to think I wanted it to stay. Nothing has worked, it goes away "somewhat" when I withdraw my attention from it, but the minute I wonder if it's finally gone, it comes back. I will add a funny note, it comes to watch the Bachelor on Monday nights with me and my daughter and it will flash me when it wants me to acknowledge it. We get very emotional (crying sometimes) and I feel it stroke my head! I will try Rook's cleansing ritual when the weather is cooler (opening all windows), as I have never gone by a "ritual" before...
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-30)
Hi Artisanlady, thanks for sharing your experience. Please don't believe in that 3 a.m. Stuff. It does not have any relations to paranormal activities.

You said that you demanded it to go and it went back for sometime and again it surfaced. How did you demand or request it? You said it is an energy. When you did experience it for the first time, how did you feel? Whether you felt it as a benign one or malicious? That is quite important. Because generally your first feeling about an entity is 99% true. If you had felt it as negative or malicious, then it is better that you get rid of it. Please do visit Rook's profile page and try out his method of cleansing the home. You can also shield yourself using that method. If you use it, thank him for that and his method works.

Kindly respond about how you communicated with it to leave and then we shall discuss further.

Regards and respects to you.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-30)
Your experience is very interesting. As other posters have said that music can be sometimes an interesting mean to communicate. Even I had a experience when I used to listen to my favorite song late night and some part of it was repeated in a whispering sound by an unknown entity.

Secondly, you never know that it is a benevolent or manvolent presence in your life so its better to get rid of it. These entities are skilled and in deceiving us. They may seem positive and when we start paying attention to them they finish us. Ignorance and praying is the only solution.

It can also be a possibility that it want to tell you about something but the psychic said that its someone whom you don't know so the chances for the reason being so are less.

Thanks for sharing! 😊
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-28)
What shelbyloree said is very interesting!
Yes, just like old day when phones aren't smart and e-mails are rare,
When shy people communicate they use varieties of methods! Like any experienced teachers will say, classics! Yes, "classics" they are old not fashionable but they always catches our heart.

Love from São Paulo

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-28)
Using music to communicate to IT could be useful too. For instance the Von Trapp's 'So long, farewell' song from The Sound of Music comes to mind for you. Might aquaint yourself with the lyrics and break out in song when something odd happens.

I had a song stuck in my head when I had a ghost problem, sounds silly but I typed them out here. I assumed the lyrics were to tell me what happened, as soon as I got rid of the ghost the song got out of my head and hasn't come back.

I have yet to find an exact parallel for what's happened with Z and me, I've looked everywhere, but guess it's an odd case. Life being stranger than fiction I suppose.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Artisanlady, well, it's hard to say which books works, as I did some more researches some people says that reading a children's book and sometimes reading Shakespeare could work. Feel free to try it yourself!

Love from São Paulo

Artisanlady (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Shelbyloree, it is comforting to know someone else has experienced something similar, thank you for that. And Roylynx, I would love any books you could recommend on spirits & music, as I encounter this communication a lot!
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-26)
It knows you are trying to shake it, but it doesn't seem to want to go (hello hello! I don't know why you say goodbye...).

I have something sort of similar, although the visiting energy is a living person far away. I always thought it was my imagination, a ghost, etc., until he appeared.

Now I know when the good feeling comes around, less and less all of the time, I know it's him visiting. I don't get too caught up in it, since I have a family of my own.

I don't know if yours is similar, but drawing boundaries and sticking with them might help. Like letting them know it's not ok to turn the radio on at 3am thank you.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Hello and welcome!
I don't know if it helps but I have done a research about Music and spirits. I noticed that most cases about music are somewhat like a thought of the past ones. Lyrics of a song is full of emotions that sometimes even us (alive person) use them to express our emotions inside, also, music can change the atmosphere of the place too.
Talking about spirits, they are known to be very advanced to use such "things", not just music sometime a written letter or a book, to express their own feelings.

Reading your story it seems that there is a romantic being, yes, it could sometimes be a person alive but most of these cases are messages from the past ones. Try listening to it more, if you really find that you can't help it, let it know by ignoring it. If it get aggressive let your psychic know.

Blessings from São Paulo


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