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Hooded Shadow Person


Three nights ago I was sleeping on my left side, with my back to the bedroom door, when I was awakened by someone shaking my right shoulder to try and wake me up. I turned over to look at whoever was trying to wake me and all I saw was a dark figure of a person that appeared to be wearing a loose hood, like a robe with a hood.

I was a bit startled by that because of the fact it had touched me and woke me up, so I reached over and turned on my bedside touch lamp. I didn't have to take my eyes off of it in order to turn on the light. Therefore I was able to see something really strange when the light went on.

Normally, when the light goes on in a dark room, it looks instantly illuminated to me. This was the case with my bedroom when I turned on the light. It was all illuminated immediately - except for this shadow person (I couldn't tell if it was male or female). The shadow person didn't immediately disappear. It happened quickly, but slow enough that I could see its form shrink, like it was collapsing from the outer edges, into a point in the center where its head was. When everything collapsed to this point, the point seemed to explode (even a small dot of light) and disappear.

I haven't heard of a shadow person touching someone before, so I came onto this site the afternoon after the night of my experience and did a search for hooded shadow figure sightings. In my short look, I didn't see a story with anyone getting touched, but I didn't look deeply because I saw a story that I must have read a few weeks back that distracted me. It was written by a mother that said her 3 year old saw a hooded shadow figure with a robe and rope belt. This reminded me that when I was about 3, I told my mom that I saw a man in the corner of the house (regularly) and she asked me what he was wearing and I said a robe with a rope belt, although I didn't mention a hood and don't remember. So, I called my mom to ask her if I ever mentioned a hood on this figure that I saw as a child, and she said no. [By the way, my mom's interpretation of the figure that I saw was that it was Jesus because I said it was in a robe and rope belt. That wasn't my interpretation and I didn't have a clue at the time that there was a historical figure named Jesus, or any inkling of religion.]

Interestingly, my mom didn't ask me why I was inquiring, and I didn't mention my experience in response because I am in the habit of not bringing up the strange things that happen over at my house. Therefore, I was really surprised when my mom volunteered that a couple of nights earlier she had been laying in bed sleeping on her side when she felt someone pat her shoulder a few times, like it was comforting her. She thought it was my dad so she turned over to say something and he was far away on the other side of the bed with his back to her. She then turned on her side to face him and said that she felt something pat her again on her other shoulder. She said she wasn't frightened, but thought it was creepy. This is the first thing that is strange that has happened to her in her life. She is not one to see or experience unusual things and is a very happy, typical person. She said she had meant to tell me sooner, but forgot. I then told her about my shoulder shaking wake up, which would have been the night after her experience. My mother lives in the house next door to me, not that it is relevant.

I'm not quite sure what to make of this. There are three things that I find interesting about this experience. First, the shadow figure shook my shoulder to wake me up. Second, it collapsed into a pinpoint of light that 'exploded' out of view. Third, that the night before my mom experienced something patting her shoulder, twice, and she has never had any personal experience before and I wonder if her experience and mine are related.

I'm curious as to whether: (1) anyone else has experience with the hooded shadow person; (2) what the difference is between the normal shadow man (which I've seen before in my house) and the hooded shadow person; (3) if anyone has ever been touched by a shadow person; and (4) if anyone else has seen one collapse into a pinpoint of light and flash out?

Thanks for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DandK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Awake1111 (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
They are extraterrestrials I have been in contact w them since a child my mother witnessed 1 with me too. Sometimes youll see them wearing hooded cloaks. You cuda made a contract with them in a past lifetime to be on earth or they can be just observing studying you. Dont be afraid
Angel75 (2 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-01)
Dan, it has been happening for a little over a year. One even appeared in daylight to my husband and was up in his face checking him out. I can't say for my husband but I had this happen when I was a child. But not again until now. Two different homes. It puzzles me, what do they want? But the one as a child was a one time thing. Feel free to ask more questions. I am trying to figure them out as well. I know they are intelligent.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-30)
Angel75, Thanks for reading my story and letting me know this happens to you and your family also. I do have a couple of questions about it if you don't mind. How often is this happening to you? Is it just your current house, or has this happened to you other places you've lived?

It is tough that it takes you so long to fall asleep. Having a shadow figure poking at you while you're trying to fall asleep is not going to help!
Angel75 (2 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-30)
Dandk,thank you for your story. I had begun to wonder if I was alone with this. I have had them waking me up as well. Except they like to grab the tops of my feet. And here lately they have been thumping my toenails. They also tap me in the back. I know I am not dreaming. They have done this when I first lay down... Think I should mention it takes me hours to fall asleep. All I know is they can touch you. Thank you. Now I know we are not alone. Did I mention that it is not just me, they also do this to my husband and two of my youngest boys.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
Hi Red, I don't know how I missed your response! Thanks for writing it.

Your two apparition experiences are great. When you had your first one, did you immediately know what you were looking at? Or was it as they started to fade that you realized?

Does the droning in your ears, like you heard before the yacht party when you saw the ghosts, sound anything like a lot of static in your ears? I get that sometimes. I think it's another reason I like to wear earplugs when I sleep.

I have a question about the ground zero ghosts. I'm heading to your story to ask it, or see if it was already answered.
MaybeADreamer (4 stories) (58 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-24)
Hi DandK,

I think I have been touched by a shadow person. In my story "shadow abduction" I was grabbed and pulled by one.

Although I don't know what it's all about, I'm sure we will all be ok and if we are meant to work it out we most likely will.

Do not worry about it, relax. Worrying only gives it a reason to come back.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)
Hi Dan

To answer your question about if I ever had a full body apparition. Yes I have, the first time was on 9/11/01. My kids were in bed and I was watching television when a couple of my dogs were hiding (I had 5 at the time) and the rest were by me and were growling in a low growl. I look out of my back sliding glass door I saw an older Fireman in his dress blues holding the hand of a little girl both looking at me. I acknowledged their presence by waving and the older Fireman nodded and the both faded. The second time I saw a full body apparition was when I was going on a yacht party and had to pass ground zero. I wrote a story about it here called Upsetting Experience before Yacht Party. The ghosts were so solid I was side stepping them. I had a headache because of all the spirits, I think they were trying to communicate with me but all I heard was like a droning sound if you know what I mean, too many people talking at once.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)

Yes, it's the same house. Lots of strange things happen here often.
You're right about the possibility that I might try to dismiss something due to my imagination. I can't tell you how many times I likely do that and later wonder if I had paid attention better would I have actually had an experience. In any case, I've tried to get to the point on the big experiences to make myself stop, think, and be rational. I'll observe and try to get as much information in a very short period of time as possible because I don't know how long the event is going to last. I have to be on my toes and be rational almost immediately because these things happen when you least expect it and you never know what it's going to be.

I thought your proposal about the shadow figure showing me how it disappears was an interesting possibility. I like to think that because it makes it more than a random event; an intelligent event. Then I start to think about who it could be and I like the thought that a loved one is trying to communicate with me. But bottom line though is that I have no idea, so I try not to go the route of that type of speculation since it leads down a fantasy road.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)
Hi Ashar123,
That's very interesting that you describe a dark lady based on the clothes. I think I describe this hooded figure as a man only because it was like the shadow man that I had previously seen in terms of the appears of the darkness of the shape. But there was no other indication that it was a man or a woman.

I read some of your stories and am fascinated that this appeared to you as well (and apparently to others!). Did you ever see it disappear into a point of light that 'flashed' away?

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)
Hi Red,

Thanks for reading my story. I think you have a good question. I've also wondered about where to define ghost versus shadow person, or if they are the same thing but with different appearance. I just don't know. I guess I just differentiate by the appearance. The shadow person is a dark figure and it looks like it is absorbing all the light where it is. I think that is what makes it seem so dark and different around the edges from something that is just an object in the room.

I've never had what I would consider a viewing of a full body apparition. The most physical form I've ever seen (that I remember - so, outside of the strange things my mom says I saw when I was a child, besides the angel) was just a mist right after my boyfriend's mother passed. I might not have noticed that if it hadn't of passed through me (which was an obvious feeling of energy going through my body) and gave me a really comforting feeling. Other ghost encounters have been through moving objects, lights, or sounds.

Have you had a full bodied apparition encounter?

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)

I liked your story but as I have never encountered a shadow person I'm afraid I won't be much help. But I do have a question. If this shadow person manifested fully so s/he could shake you awake,wouldn't that make him/her a regular ghost? I am not trying to be a smarta$$ I genuinely want to know what you think.

ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-29)
Hi Dandk,

The thought of the hooded entity gave me goosebumps. I have been undergoing the same experience for the last few years and my early childhood. Like you I am also confused regarding this hooded lady in my life whom I call "The Dark Lady"

Nice to know someone else has also experienced the same as I did but it has never touched me. I think it want to tell you something.

Thanks for sharing!
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-28)
I looked at your other posts, I'm assuming you are still in the same house you saw the shadow move to the bathroom? Then the flashing of light discussion, etc.?

I notice near the end of your submission you had a lot of questions that seem to be addressed by this current submission. - how do they leave - being one of them. It was probably time to go, so it woke you up so you could watch.

Verification of the reality of the shadow and its leaving is given by your mom, someone who doesn't let her imagination run. That's in case you wanted to dismiss the whole thing as imagination or a dream.

Sounds like they've been around a while, but are starting to interact on a conscious level.

The irritability after you remember lights is probably because you're up all night from them, so can't get your sleep. Everyone's grouchy after a late night up with things popping in and out of the room, it's normal.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Shelbyloree, I wondered also at the time about a relative or some connection, but couldn't come up with anything. Most everyone in the family has passed on.

I can't explain this one. I haven't seen (or felt) anything since, which is a bit odd since I usually feel something touching me often as I'm doing things around the house. I have heard things, but I've submitted that as a separate story a week or so ago.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
SPiNX - apology accepted 😊 We try to keep the rules the same for everyone.
SPiNX (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Sorry... New to sharing stuff and new to this site I do apologize 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
SPiNX - please do not copy/paste your exact comment on different stories. If you would like advice and/or help with your situation, submit it as your own story rather than post it in the comments section of other stories.
SPiNX (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
Cloaked hooded figure! Pointy nose or almost like a abstract pointed jaw... I had a lucid dream encounter. I became lucid in my dream (laying down sideways on a couch) I began floating slightly in a fetal position in mid air floating around a corner inside a house. Beyond the corner I reach a room where I see "it" to put it into visual perspective (around 3 ft tall floating in the air with a the flowing cloaked hood, classic ghostly blackish tone to it. No bottom to him, it, just floating there showing off basically) what I mean is I was lucid floating around but then stopped beyond my control. The little creepy dude had me "hooked" you could say... I began to struggle to breath to the point of suffocation... All while staring him down. And that's when I wake up. My nose was a little stopped?...not much to say for rational explanation beyond that. I am not afraid of supernatural phenomenon... But this one time... I had fear in my dream of having something intervene... Or rather sabotage my lucid dream to the point of limbo. I woke up with curiosity as my true mature mental state is clear. I find it interesting... It's like it showed off to me that I can be afraid beyond self control... But it was a cheap shot... And I know it was not a creation of my own self through simply dreaming. I never had an encounter like it before... In other words... Someone wanted to prove something to me or just "Fnck" with me since I was going through a lot of personal transitions of my mental health having to do with anxiety and such... I was lucid Dreaming... Not awake... I'm not sure why but whatever it is clearly wants attention for reputation beyond its realm of counciousnes or frequency... Ghost stuff... It's complicated.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-26)
Actually yes, that does make sense. Sort of a bending of light while they are here and then a release of energy when they depart, through a rip or wormhole type thing.

I think it was a documentary show. She was walking along in the forest and came across some old stone building (ancient king's tomb maybe) and when she walked down into it, it turned into some sort of path. The further she went the more shadow people she saw running around and disappearing along the path.

The gateway theory was her own idea, although it could have been anything. Wish I could remember more.

No idea about the robe and belt, seems they're either dressed as monks (robe) or bullfighters (hats), are they taking costume design from 19th century Spain?! It's a bit silly.

I just wondered about another relative since the same thing happened the same week to your mom next door. It sounds like it might be a location issue.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-26)
Shelbyloree, was the show where the lady found the gateway a fictional show or documentary? I would love to know if she saw them disappear into a pinpoint of light.

The quantum stuff is interesting if we think about this shadow man in that arena. First, when he disappeared his form collapsed. So we have the space contracts portion of time travel at least. The pinpoint of light is like light emission when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower one.

So now to get really weird on you, maybe the shadow man looks dark, like devoid of light, because he has some mechanism to go from a lower energy state to a higher one (where we are) by absorbing any light in the region he wants to exist. Then to go back he will emit the leftover small amount of unused light that he was harboring.

I've wondered about any warning, but can't come up with anything.

Thanks for your comment.

Aussiedaz! Where are you? All this quantum talk makes me miss our conversations!
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-26)
I recall watching something about shadow people being from a different reality and they pop in and out of our reality for whatever reason. Some lady found their gateway in the woods and had some peculiar experiences.

If you have ever seen the movie, 'What the bleep do we know?' about quantum physics, jumping around through time and space as an energy is pretty standard I seem to recall, along with being in different places at the same time. It was applied in the movie as light energy but may be relevant here.

Seems it wanted to draw both your attentions to it or something important - is a relative ill? Is it forewarning an earthquake? Etc.

Sorry, guess more questions than answers from me. Shadow people are weird.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Tweed, thank you for the reference to the other story! The entity I saw though had the same look as the other shadow man I saw, except this one had a hood over his head, and he shook me awake for some reason. The touching part kind of freaks me out.

Tonight I just made the connection between the flash of light I saw when this hooded figure disappeared when I turned on the light, and the previous light flashes I used to see in my room. I think they are originating from the same thing.

If their origin is the same, there must be a lot of them around, crowding us.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Hi DandK,

Kind of squeezing YGS in lately, so I'm keeping my comments short. Last year this was submitted:

Rook reckoned they might have been ET's.

Shadow entities in my opinion fall into at least two known types
(Again, my opinion only)
1) A semi manifested ghost, be it person, or cat or any being you can think of.

2) An actual entity unto it's own, almost always appearing tall, human-like, red eyes, some describe a long coat.

Perhaps this hooded shadow person was a semi manifested whatever the heck the other person submitted about, like the same type of entity.

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