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My Mother Has Seen My Doppleganger


So something has been happening lately that at first, I didn't put much thought into. But now it's starting to get strange. First off, I am a complete pleb when it comes to paranormal knowledge. But my mom has been seeing my doppelganger. So I do not know what a doppelganger is and I do not know if it is related to some kind of entity (or possible thought form/tulpa) that's stalked my life (refer back to past stories for that information if you want).

So any help I could get from this would be great. I have a stressful life and have tons of anxiety and symptoms of depression. I state this because some people have pointed out that having negative feelings/emotions can make a person vulnerable to things on the other side.

A few weeks ago or so, my mom woke up in the middle of the night and saw me walk past her into the bedroom holding my laptop. There was no mistake. She saw my exact face and Apple laptop. I didn't say a word to her. When she went to check on me, I was asleep. In the morning she told me about it and she said it scared her. Just today, she heard and saw me again go into the bedroom. When she came out, I was sitting in the living room and she asked me if I went in there just now and I said no.

What the heck is happening now? Now I am extremely sensitive to any spirits/entities that have existed in our apartments and in the Victorian house museums I've been to. So what is happening? Is there a ghost taking on my form? Is it a thought form? As I typed this, I literally heard someone snap their fingers next to my ear. I have no idea what's going on.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DirtCreature, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-03-17)
Oh my god, I'm secretly a Biblio fangirl lol

Thank you!

I do regret deleting my account now because my stories would be linked to my account. Hindsight, am I right?

[at] Granny, I hope to get to that attitude one day haha
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-03-17)
I find it offensive. I, along with others on this site, are skeptical people. I personally would have been agnostic about the paranormal had I not seen so many things in my life. I think most people hold their personal beliefs because of family and cultural values coupled with experience. We have a very scientific approach to many things in our lives because of our society so I think people feel embarrassed to have spiritual religious beliefs because of its reliance on personal experience and faith. I do get that wave of terror telling people things hoping they don't think I'm stupid or crazy. 😨 But being open minded shouldn't be looked down upon granted it's approached with reason.

Also mods, why is there no forum on ygs? I am just curious.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-03-17)
DirtCreature: Things like that used to bother me a lot. But I've gotten to the point in my life (after many years haha) where I just don't really care how skeptics or non-believers view me and my beliefs.

I've had many personal experiences. Some by myself, but also with others present. Until the naysayers have their own experience there's really isn't any way to dissuade them or change their minds.

Let them say what they want. After all, they are entitled to their opinion, even if they're wrong 😆 😆
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-17)
DC! You're back!
I've been trying to catch up and get back to YGS over the last 4 months with a rather erratic track record. Much happening in my life & in the paranormal; I'm trying to write up what's been happening. I was sad when your profile vanished (*both* BCA & DC!), so I'd like to say "Yay!" and I'm glad to see that "I'm here to stay now."

I know that there are acceptable and unacceptable discussions about tensions between faith, belief, dogma, and experience; as you've stated that the primary issue was "internal conflict... With my paranormal beliefs," I have one short quote that I find helpful. Bertrand Russell's dictum was, "It doesn't matter what you believe, so long as you don't believe it completely." Believe & behave as you see fit, within or without a religious tradition, but don't get caught up in it to the point you can't take pause to an objective view and question the rules or instructions. I tell my students that if they ask questions about their faith *and* they like the answers they get, then the worst thing that can happen is they become better-informed participants in their religion.

To give you an answer to the question you asked; yes, I hate that. Most of my paranormal experiences led to my questioning people's adherence to religious dogma, not just their religious faith. Strangely, most of the stuff I've dealt with has been examples of post-mortal existence, paranormally-obtained knowledge, etc., that prevents my moving from "agnostic" to "atheist." Atheism requires the same strength of belief as any religious practice; agnostics tend to judge humanely those whose religion is clearly a positive influence in their lives. Likewise, if an oppressive religious practice is more than someone can tolerate, then that individual would benefit from rejecting that practice. In either case, there's not a good justification for claiming that the person's actions are because of a fear of death; it's religious practices that instill a fear of living a full life that concern me.

I've always thought it is reassuring that --between fifty and eighty years from now-- I'll have the opportunity to hand over my successes & failures, lay down my burdens, wish my loved ones 'farewell,' and discover what is really out there afterwards. A multitude of philosophical and religious teachings that claim to be 'facts' exist in this world; however, I'm looking forward to finding out for myself. I'm hoping that Swedenborg was on to something, but I won't be disappointed if he was wrong.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-03-17)
I don't think anyone has ever accused me of being afraid of death. Although, I have been told that believing in the Afterlife, or anything of a religious nature is 'just a crutch', and 'superstitious', because there's no hard core 'proof'. To me that's rather myopic.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-03-17)
Since there aren't forums here, I decided to post this on my old stories.

Does anyone else get peeved when people say you have paranormal beliefs because of a fear of death? I don't know who else has had this said but it is utterly excruciating. To downgrade a person's spiritual or religious beliefs like that is so short sighted and close minded.
DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-20)
Thank you ^^

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-20)
This is from the Submission Guidelines: " Although we allow stories from a very close relative, like your parents, or child, who shared it with you in intimacy, not to entertain, we cannot allow stories from "a friend of a friend" as it is not reliable." So, I would say that if it is an experience of a family member that you trust was telling the truth and not embroidering details to make it more scary or entertaining, then it would be submissible.
DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-20)
To the mods, are we allowed to post family experiences if we were not there? I just want to double check before I make a submission.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-15)
No worries I am safe! Haha. Nothing negative has happened lately. Just weird things.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-15)

I agree the doppelganger seems to be an astral projection atleast things haven't got worse.

I still don't believe it to be negative so I don't think the doppelganger is anything to worry about.

I did think about you and was slightly worried that things may have became negative when I saw the title and I am very glad it hasn't.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-15)
Still having experiences. I suppose that's just the consequence of being sensitive and having a mother who is as well. You'll never truly escape having a paranormal experience big or small. At least that's what I think haha.

Yeah, Goggzy, for a little while it was just the usual stuff, me picking up on stuff, hearing stuff, but this started happening. My mom witnessed my dopple (or what we've come to believe is me astral projecting) about 4 times now. The last time she saw me when I was asleep. I was rocking back and forth and wearing my sleeping clothes (which consist of a t shirt). She wanted to say something but it disappeared. As of late, my mom has not seen it after that.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-15)
I haven't been on this for awhile so didn't realise you were still having issues. I came on to start a story before we do a investigation this weekend purely because with 5 minutes of entering a room to talk to the man who has had experience's I ended up with a couple bad Scratch's on my chest.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-12)
Sorry, yes I think that makes sense to answer your question. Get a little sidetracked typing on my phone.

My family moved every 6-7 years like clockwork growing up. No matter where I went things were always the same regarding the spirit realm stuff.

And when trying to figure stuff out about spirit realm stuff (personally) I'm notoriously awful with my predictions. But it never hurts to research - and take note of little oddities. Everything may clarify given enough time.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-12)
Thank you Shelby and Manafon for your help. I bet my money on it being that and if not, it still makes everything more at ease. I'd love to read those. Going to definitely find these and read them!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-12)
Hi shelbyloree--Myers suggests that a person can conceivably astrally travel when wide awake as (he postulated) our dream life, or "subliminal operations" (thoughts, feelings etc.) continue as we go about our day in a fully conscious state just as they do while we are unconscious.

It seems like a good possibility that BlackCatAttack is unconsciously sending an element of her personality that can be perceived by her mother. The Society of Psychical Research conducted tests many, many years ago, in which a person would consciously try to make their image, or apparition, appear to percipients who had no prior knowledge this was going to happen. Several of these tests were successful and the "apparition" appeared to the percipients as solid and human like.

Although BlackCatAttack wasn't consciously sending her image to her mother, it seems that a similar result has ensued. It's mysterious but fascinating stuff.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-12)
That may be what Mana was getting to with Meyers' quote. Rather than the problem being embedded or stuck on this plane, everything may be happening at the astral level.

It's just getting confusing because at that level things are so fluid and constantly changing, you haven't got much hope of making any sense out of it. (Just a dream - just my imagination.)

Recall old fairy tales when people would wander off into another 'realm' where time moved differently (one night passed there while a hundred years passed here), or when a sidhe would come at night for her human lover.

Oh, while I'm on the subject, I highly recommend Michael Scott's Tales of the Bard trilogy. It's out of print, so you'd have to order from ABE, but he is an Irish folklorist who wrote really good fantasy books based on his research that covers a ton of information. The cover drawing of the third book (Death's Law) might ring a bell too.

I don't personally get the feeling something is mimicking you and walking around to be devious, I'm sure what your mom saw was you. One more piece to the puzzle.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-12)
If I'm astral projecting without knowing it, is it possible that I only know this entity through that? So it isn't attached to the apartment or my new one, but to whatever it is ghosts live in... Just something I was thinking about. Wonder if there are stories like that on here. People only communicating with spirits through astral.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-12)
No, it doesn't.

Mine ended up being a real person with astral projection, simply enough. We seemed to have been tuned to the same frequency or something, clicked pretty well and very familiar with each other. Found him a week before his dad died suddenly, then once the mourning passed, we parted. (Extremely edited version here) I haven't come across a similar case though.

I don't necessarily think yours is that cut and dry, but it might not be quite as complicated as it appears right now. Things tend to appear much murkier when you're at the center, but may clarify as time goes on.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
That's very possible. I've tried to figure out for a long time what time period this entity came from but after a while, and looking back at my past, looking through my journal entries, I sometimes wonder if it's even human at all.

You're right though. All reveals itself in time... Getting anxious over it won't make it easier.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
I think it's ok for the OP to wander a bit. It's when commenters get sidetracked the mods stop it.

I've gone back to your previous stories, I'm glad you got ahold of Kat, very similar situations it sounds like.

I was curious about alternative explanations, because for 28 years, I thought I had a ghost following me as well. Or a fairy or some spirit thing, couldn't figure out what he was.

Turned out I had ahold of the wrong end of the stick big time, since he revealed himself only in pieces (didn't even get a name out of him until I was 19) so I was left to ponder the situation for years at a stretch. Yeah, it was annoying. Hindsight it was a no duh, but in the middle of it was a whole lot of what the...?

Hang in there, all may be revealed in time, or not. Maybe someone or something was attracted to your mom, but since she was not interested, or paying attention, it turned its attentions to you, a more interested participant?

To tie in with the Doppelgänger your mom has been seeing, and to tie back in with this experience, maybe 'they' have finally found a way to get her attention or something, don't know.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
I understand you now Manafon haha. Yes, that right there is pretty much why I keep trying to figure out what is happening... It's driven me into a hole trying to figure it out that I've come to the conclusion at times that I must be crazy because it's just easier. "Probably just hallucinating, yknow?"

I've had some theories about it. I do keep a journal with my experiences and haven't seen a pattern... If you go back to my san diego story, I started seeing a shadow man/men and after that, all apartments were seemingly haunted. Now I've seen other apparitions in the NJ apartment but this dark energy is consistent so it's possible this thing originates in the first apartment (san diego) and as Shelby said we have "similar" energies or something.

But again it's just an idea I have. It could be anything really. Whoops, is this bad to go off track on my own published story? I don't know if that's a rule on this site or not.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
Well if the same thing is happening in multiple locations, I would look at what's consistent at both places.

I'd say it could be attached to an object in the house (even a piece of jewelry, size wouldn't matter), something biological (it could be an ancestor, or recently deceased family member trying to tell you something), or it could be attracted to you based on your energy imprint as you've said.

The last one might be tricky for a human, but maybe not so difficult for something else. Abductees have reported being followed state to state (we know you by your light) and many wonder why they *always* wind up living in a 'haunted' house.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
BlackCatAttack--What I meant is that in the many, many case study books on psychical phenomenon I have read over the years I have never come across a well documented instance of a person being stalked by a ghost. Could it happen? I suppose it is possible and I know there are other reports of such things on this site.

From my perspective, I would think it just as likely there could be other explanations. You seem to be open to that possibility as well. As others commonly suggest on YGS, you would probably benefit from keeping a journal to see if over time any patterns emerge.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
I did believe I was being stalked before that because I kept hearing and glimpsing at stuff in my new place but there was a part of me that was skeptical of it until the visitation dreams started up here. So it made me wonder why an entity I've seen in New Jersey is now appearing here in Florida. I can't think of any other reason why that would happen other than high emf levels or something else, or maybe even a tulpa I accidentally created." So besides those two possible reasons, it made me start thinking there was a stalker on hand especially since other people have experienced similar things on here. I don't hold steadfast to any theory. It's entirely possible, there is nothing stalking me at all and that I came to that conclusion because of sensitivity to entities or even just energies... Whatever it is it's perplexing.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
I believed myself to be stalked because I have visitation dreams from the same entity in two states now. So that has led me to believe that. I've read quite a few stories on here of others seeming to have an entity following them.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
Hi BlackCatAttack--I have never read of a person being "stalked" by a ghost. There are lots of cases of spirits being seen in the same location over and over again (referred to as a 'haunting apparition') but someone else would have to comment on a ghost stalker.

However, as you do seem to be sensitive to perceiving psychical phenomenon, it would seem logical that you could have "visitation dreams" and occasionally perceive apparitions. It is probably best not to create elaborate scenarios of ghosts stalking you though. Once you get it in your mind that you are being stalked, every shadow and bump in the night can suddenly seem imparted with a significance they simply don't have.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-10)
Going back to my stalker, if you've seen those stories... Would me being so sensitive and projecting have to do with why they have showed up in my dreams and why I've seen other apparitions?

Because I wonder if the two are connected.
This is a great discussion.

I saw a story of a woman on here who's husband had died around Christmas? And she was pregnant and crying in the kitchen. She moved out of the house and the people who moved in there reported seeing an apparition of a crying pregnant woman. It was insane.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-10)
shelbyloree--It's very cool you found that Norwegian term. As for the meaning of the quote from Meyers, I believe, what he is saying is that our unconscious, or "dream life", continues to operate concurrently with our waking state. In essence then, an astral projection can theoretically, occur even during an "agent's" waking hours.

BlackCatAttack is seemingly a person who is psychically sensitive and is, potentially, astrally traveling without consciously attempting to do so. This, by the way, is a fun discussion.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-10)
I found the Norwegian term: vardogr. Spell check fought me on that one!

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