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Was It To Possess Me?


This happened to me two years back. I was studying engineering at a college in Howrah which is a city in India. This place is 60 km from my home, where I initially stayed as a paying guest.

When I joined, I used to commute to and fro in my motorbike. I used to love those rides as I love riding bike. I used to start at 7 in the morning and reach home back by 9 pm or so. I traveled to work in this fashion for more than 3 months despite my mother's disapproval. After a long argument my mother won and, as per her wish, I decided to rent a room near to my office. I found a cheap hotel that would accommodate me if I paid rent on monthly basis. I checked out the room where I would be spending 5 days in a week. I found the room kind of livable, so I decided to move in asap.

After a month of stay I got quite comfortable with the room. One day I went out for a movie with my girlfriend and after taking her back to her house, I came back to my room. Before going to sleep I felt a bit of suffocation, so I decided to open the windows. I did that and made my bed and was checking Facebook in my laptop and fell asleep. I was not asleep but in a state which can be said as half awake and half asleep (hope that doesn't sound naive) and all of a sudden I felt something heavy on my chest.

I opened my eyes and could see a dark figure hovering over me, it was like sitting on my chest. I tried to use my hands to push that thing of my chest but was unsuccessful, then tried to get up but again it was as if I can't move any part of my body. I tried to ask, "Who are you?" but the sound coming out from my mouth was, "Woooaaaauuuu." Meanwhile the weight on my chest was increasing. I started to pray to lord Shiv in my mind. Then I started reciting hanuman chalisa. After three or four lines, I felt the weight was reducing and I could breathe better. I could see the black figure kind of retracting away and this gave me some hope and I prayed hard. After couple of minutes, which I felt like an eternity, this black figure just slid past out of the window.

As soon as it left, I could move again. I quickly jumped out of the bed and closed the window, then switched on the lights. I just couldn't sleep so I packed my bag and left to my home. My mother was surprised to see me at 4 am in the morning, but when I narrated the incident she quickly did some prayers for me after lighting a pooja lamp. In the morning she took me to a holy person who gave me a thread which I had to wear in my right arm. After that she said that I am safe and nothing would harm me anymore. I was so terrified but I have faith in God, so that thought pacified my fear.

I did go back to the room after a week. This time I took some holy stuff that my mother got from the nearby temple and tied them in front of the door and the window. I stayed in that room for 3 more months and with God's grace never had any other encounters.

Later, when I spoke to the guy in the eatery regarding this, he said that the floor where I stayed had only one occupant and that was me. No one dared to live in that floor as there had been couple of suicides in the adjoining rooms. And many times, people who have lived there experienced weird phenomenon just the way I had.

Even now I am confused thinking what was the entity that tried to haunt me that night. And another thing is I had stayed there for quite some time before that incident and I had never felt any thing creepy. May be it was some dark spirit which wanted to possess me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Paranormal_SN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

itsdan4u (23 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-16)
Paranormal SN, thanks for the wonderful story. Experiencing what you did could be very scary indeed. However I think it may actually not be anything paranormal. People in the thread have mentioned a situation of sleep paralysis. I have been through that situation many a times. It's a scary but a normal phenomenon. The dark figure you saw could be a result of being in half sleep and your brain trying to concoct dreams relevant to what you were feeling as the brain is known to do that (when kids pee in bed when they can't hold it anymore they will tell u that sometimes they had a dream of taking a leak in park after a walk or something) hope this helps
Benny_Lundon (2 stories) (33 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-18)
Hi Paranormal_SN, Great writing, thanks.
I feel as though you experienced sleep paralysis that night, scary enough in its own right. It would be interesting to find out if previous or current tenants have experienced something similar.
Could be sleep paralysis or it could be something all together different?
piyuprmr (1 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
loved your story kind of genuine 😊 and thanks for sharing it we hope nothing like this happens again in your life god bless ya! 😁
Monty998 (1 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
Yes I understand what you are saying with physical/mental etc needs to be ruled out. But as an experienced demonologist and ex wizard yourself, you should be able to vibe the story and rule out any mundane relationship immediately. I am surprised you are not doing that? Why? Are you now in a state where you act extra super logical? Or is it that you cannot vibe cannot project remotely what happened? By the way the science thing you told just now is exactly what I said in the previous comment but in different words. We have emailed a lot and finally you came to a conclusion that my experience was all an elaborate imagination, so I decided not to talk about it but to show it when its needed. So how can I continue this discussion in one of your topic? We have tried that before.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)

You are welcome. Thank you for sharing. Now please pardon the interruption...


Science DOES NOT hold all the answers if it did then there would be nothing PARANORMAL and as you pointed out disease and sickness would be a thing of the past.

However we live in a world where science does not answer EVERYTHING... But there are things it can the shape of a wing can cause lift... Vaccinations for certain diseases and advances towards cures for the various diseases you mention to name a few.

While the Spiritual World exists and there are things that science cannot explain it DOES NOT mean EVEWRYTHING odd that happens is from the SPIRITUAL REALM. That's why everything Natural/Medical/Mental has to be ruled out before the Paranormal can be considered.

If you wish you continue this discussion please pick any of my previous experiences and let's take it up there.


Monty998 (1 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
Rook, with all due respect, if science hold answer to everything then where is the cure for AIDS? Or Cancer? How long has humanity suffered from this dreadful disease? How long before science has a breakthrough? Science is limited to physical world only, it cannot crossover to astral world and start proving or disproving things. Yes the OP did state it happened once, but is it proven that paranormal experience needs to happen repeatedly in order to qualify as paranormal? Yes paranormal could happen while sleeping doesn't mean it happened or it means it did happen.

The reason why I say it did happen in this case is because the same thing happened to me just 2 weeks ago, the only difference is that I did not lose control over my body nor mind. I was completely aware of what was happening, besides I felt the being walking on my bed and I felt indentation before the attack.
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
thanks to you people for your all of your information... It's very kind of you to open up and cooperate about the 'sleep paralysis''s definitely of great help to me 😊
With Regards,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)

Not EVERYTHING that we experience is an attack or visitation from the Spirit world. There are times when SCIENCE actually holds an answer for something we experienced...

The O/P stated that this was a 'one time' event and DID NOT describe any other events or experiences that lead towards this experience being PARANORMAL in the least.

Just because something paranormal 'COULD' happen while we are 'half asleep' does not mean that it WILL or DID.



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rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
Thank you for sharing and I am glad your Faith is strong. I would like to suggest that this may have been a case of Sleep Paralysis.

You stated this...

" I did that and made my bed and was checking Facebook in my laptop and fell Paralysisasleep. I was not asleep but in a state which can be said as half awake and half asleep (hope that doesn't sound naive) and all of a sudden I felt something heavy on my chest."

When we sleep our bodies release a chemical that prevents us from 'acting out' our dreams... We may roll over or switch positions but in general we lay pretty still. However if our mind happens to 'wake up' faster than this chemical is absorbed by our bodies we find ourselves unable to move... We 'feel' like someone or something is sitting on us, holding us down and this 'state' may include visual/audio hallucinations...It's all 'real' it actually happened to us, but no actual spirit/ghost/entity has to be involved.

Because this was a 'one off' occurrence and you did not experience other elements of a haunting in this 'room', before or after your experience... Make me think it was a case of sleep paralysis, thank you for sharing.


AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
You are a very talented writer - you recount a story beautifully! I am glad that nothing further happened!

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