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That's How I Came To Believe It


After completion of my B.Tech I got a banker job in Varanasi, West Bengal, India. There I stayed at a working men's hostel. That hostel was really very good with all amenities and facilities. I had one roommate and he was also working at a very reputed private sector bank. When I checked into the hostel I experienced some chilling feeling but I thought that because it was a new place that was why I was feeling so uneasy. I then settled there and within few days I and my roommate became close friends.

Life was really smooth. After few weeks my roommate told me that he was getting engaged and he had to go for two days (I clearly remember the date. His engagement date was 29th April 2009). He went on 28th April. That day I was all alone in our room. I was preparing for the C.F.A. Examination so, I used to study late night until 2 am.

On 28th April after coming from the office I immediately felt some headache so slept for some time. I had a very horrifying dream of crematorium. Now, here I want to tell you one more thing that on 27th me and my roommate went for a boat trip over the holy Ganges (Ganga river) and we saw Manikarnika Ghat while boating. Shamshaan (funeral) Ghaat is a place where Hindus perform cremation at any time i.e. 24/7 days in Varanasi.

Now, when I saw that I felt the same tingling sensation. But again shook my headache off. But when I saw the same dream I was really very disturbed. After dinner I went for my studies. Nothing happened until 1am. I went for a coffee break. While sipping the coffee I was listening to my favorite songs and suddenly I heard a scratching sound. At first I thought there was some problem with my smartphone but then it intensified.

I stopped the song and tried to listen to the sound. Then I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door but nobody was there. I thought now my mind is playing games so I should go to sleep and went to bed. I was very tired so within few minutes I was asleep (I forgot to mention that I had fever that day but as I had CFA exam within couple of weeks so strained myself that much). I suddenly felt cold and shivered of cold I opened my eyes and saw that my blanket was at floor.

I clearly remember that I again took blanket but after few minutes again it was at floor. Now I got very dizzy as was very tired plus I was in a grip of fever. So, I decided to take Calpol (antipyretic). After few minutes what happened still terrifies me even today. I again heard that scratchy sound, frantic beating at door and the shower in bathroom opened automatically. Now at that point I was very sure that something creepy was there. I immediately started reading Hanuman Chalisa (Hymns of Lord Hanumanji) repeatedly. Then everything stopped. Then it started again now I heard some laughter a female voice too.

I shouted and then called another room mate's name. They came immediately. But I was so scared that I was hesitant in opening the door. After that they called me over phone then I opened the door and fainted. That was exactly 4am. When I woke up I was in the local hospital and was 9am. I left that place immediately after that. Now, I believe in ghosts and paranormal activities. I perform daily puja and I will pray to Hanumanji that none encounters such an horrendous experience in their lives like I had.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Paranormal_SN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-06)
Hello Paranormal, quite a creepy experience you had. I am also from Varanasi. But above you wrote "After completion of my B.Tech I got a banker job in Varanasi, West Bengal, India",but Varanasi is in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and not in the eastran province of West Bengal!
Looking forward to know more in this...

Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-06)
That was totally eerie. I must let you know that you're one of my favorite authors, the way you explain everything is appreciable. I just wanted to know why you experienced that abnormal incident on that particular occasion. You said you had fever, could it be just some hallucinations?
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-23)
yeah...exactly... I guess what you said is so true [at] AugustaM 😊
With Regards,
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-20)
I've had an exam go badly before - it's rotten but the feeling passes and it certainly seems like you tried:-) Here's to better things!:-)
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
thank you so much [at] AugustaM...and what you said is absolutely correct 😁 & yes! Everything went well just except for the 'exam thing' which ultimately I couldn't crack though 😆
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
I think the biggest problem here was the fever (and sleep deprivation and stress) - it could be that everything you experienced was just a fever dream. But perhaps you were just taking ill when you saw the funeral on the holy river and something decided to take advantage of your body's weekend state and play a few nasty pranks on you. I would imagine that a body weakened by illness would present a tempting target to some minor nasty entity keen for a bit of mean spirited fun. Either way, it is a very good thing that you are happy and healthy again now:-) I hope the exam went well - you earned it after all that hard work!
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
the city's location mentioned has been entered wrong in case of a hassle while typing in... Anyway inconveniences is deeply regretted. 😜
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)
thank you #snackbar & yes I do admit that I suffer from sleep paralysis...& it's just worse going through the same... Another thing which I would like to clear up is of the place's location I have mentioned, that is, Varanasi which is not in 'West Bengal' but in the 'Uttar Pradesh' state of India.
With Regards,
Snackbar (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)
Well what it sounds like is a sleep paralysis since you go to 1 to 2 am without sleep that's the most realistic thing. You were in shock for awhile and and under stress why you could not open the door. I would advise you to get help for this not to happen.

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