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She Hung Herself


This terrific experience which I gained four years back...

I currently stay at Jalpaiguri, WB, India. Before my dad's retirement we were eagerly looking for a house or bungalow. After a long effort we found a 10 years old bungalow in a luxurious area of New Jalpaiguri. It had marbled flooring and was 2 storied. We were just 4 members. My parents, myself and my elder sister. Don't know why, initially the owner of that bungalow was eager to sell it as soon possible, in low rate.

We purchased that bungalow in 2008 and after that we had been gaining some mysterious experiences.

One fine morning, while having breakfast my elder sister Rita (name changed, hereby) asked us "had anyone of us been working in kitchen, yesterday night, until 2:00 am?" at this, we really got surprised and told her that none of us had been in kitchen yesterday until 2:00 am. But she said that just at 2:00 am she woke up with a mysterious noise, it seemed to her that someone walking in the kitchen, moving the cooking utensils etc. She thought that perhaps mom had been in the kitchen, so she didn't give importance on it. But now she really got surprised. After hearing this from Rita, we initially laughed and assured her that it might be the rats in that old house or the whole incidence was her hearing mistake.

That night, Rita was sleeping beside me, she didn't wake me up. Slowly she left the bed and followed the noise. After sometime it seemed to her that the voice was coming from the toilet. So she went near the toilet, the door of which was closed from the outside. She found a horrible ghost of a woman looking towards her.

But the next night I gained a terrible experience. That was a moonlit night and I woke up a with a mysterious sound. At first it seemed to me that of a woman crying in this house. That voice was totally unknown and was just so pathetic.

I waited there for sometime and made sure that the noise was coming from from there. After that I pushed the door, it opened half. I could see everything because of moonlight. I saw clearly an apparition. A woman's apparition. She had been in situation of hanging herself.

I saw a long rope also. As I was watching her, it seemed to me she also looked at me and extended her hand towards me. I screamed in horror and I couldn't remember what happened after that. The next day morning I found myself on bed and my family was standing around me. I told them everything. My parents assured me the spirits of persons who's death an accidental, moves such way.

After that my parents arranged a ritual, spread everywhere the water of River Ganges (Hindu's Holy River), a priest chanted from the Gita (Hindu's sacred religious book). Later we heard that there was a family of two living in the bungalow previously. The lady had an affair with someone else and found herself guilty. After she was asked to sign a divorce by her husband, she hanged herself. The man left the house thereafter and sold the bungalow to another man from whom we people had bought the place. Hearing it all, was no less a shock to all of us. Later we moved to another residence but that incident will still remain in our memory and that's for sure.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Paranormal_SN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Your math skills are terrible for an engineering student!

"This terrific experience which I gained four years back..."

"We purchased that bungalow in 2008..."

2008 + 4 = 2012

No further comment. 😐
mythem (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
This story gave me the chills! I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been to see that woman. Was she still in the state of... You know what hanging does to someone's body? That state.

It seemed to me that the woman did not want to scare you. I think she was very sad at what happened during her life. She must've been, to hang herself. But maybe all she needed was a little help.

I really do hope someone did help her move on.

Best of luck,

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