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In Over My Head


Twice in my life I went on 'ghost hunts' so to speak. One was just out of curiosity and involved a member of a storm chasing team I was on. He turned out not to be a very skilled driver during storm chases, but it was an interesting experience because of his driving. But that is not why I'm submitting this.

At the time this happened, I worked as a trainer for a call center, inbound calls as I won't do outbound calls; they are against my religious beliefs that involving leaving people alone, and a coworker at the desk next to mine did quality assurance for the same ISP. She overheard me talking about a ghost hunt and mentioned her belief that her apartment complex might be haunted. I would prefer she post the experience, but as I have not been able to contact her, I shall share my notes and leave it at that.

She related to me what seemed, to me, to be the usual things that tip people off they may be experiencing a haunting: things moving around, going missing, the feeling of being watched, and feeling a presence with certain strong emotions, usually negative emotions of anger and hatred. I asked her for her address so I could check the newspaper archives for the place, and checked older maps for the city to check out the history.

The apartment complex was near a major university which may or may not be in the Big Ten Conference, and was built in the 1970s. It housed mainly students throughout most of its existence and so had more turnover than some other apartment complexes I know of. Also, being off campus student housing, it seemed there was some experimenting going on: drugs, alcohol, maybe other things too, but there did not seem to be many police runs for drug offenses.

There were, however, many police calls relating to murders and suicides. Either could be the results of personal stress, getting pissed off at folks, or feeling overwhelmed with coursework. This is just speculation on my part as to why there were so many deaths in the rather small complex.

With this out of the way, I tried to do some remote sensing. Something I've done twice before when my dog went missing, I tried to home in on his 'signal', find out where he was and then went to find him with a 100% success rate. When I tried that on the apartment complex, I could not. Something blocked me. It concerned me, but I decided not to push it that way. A few days later when I was in the university area, I decided to drive by. I did not stop for I could feel something decidedly unfriendly. At this point, I decided to tell my coworker I would not be investigating her situation any further and was going to recommend she contact wiser people than me.

(Today, I would refer her to Rook...)

The next time we met at work, she told me she had an EVP to play for me. Now, sadly, I will admit I don't have the recording. I would love to share it and get opinions on it, but there we are. When she played it for me, we both heard her ask: What do you want? A voice responded in a rather hissy sound, somewhat like the sessussulation of leaves in the wind. It said something like ssooollsss. She interpreted this to be solace. To me, it seemed more like souls.

Given what I experienced and learned in the early investigation, I told her, this was a very unfriendly spirit. It may not want her and her family dead specifically, but it would not have been sad if they died. A few months after this, we each took jobs at other companies. We did see each other a few times afterward, but slowly lost contact.

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RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-13)
Kiki, sorry for taking so long to reply.

I don't think I can elaborate on it as I'm not that aware of it or experienced enough. Closing my eyes, trying to put my senses in that location and then opening my eyes is about the only way I could describe it.

Hope that helps.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-18)
RCRuskin! Thanks for your post!

I definitely think that your certain intuition, natural sense/s and assertion is an essential goodie in deciding when to deeper explore a person, land or object.

If I break down the word, described as, "ssooollsss" into syllables, would it not be proper to assume the word to be sols, instead of, so-lace? The crux of syllables usefulness and denotation is within the vowel usage.
Google definition: "a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; for example, there are two syllables in water and three in inferno."

On my last point, I can speak / write for hours, and I apologize because I adhere that it was not your primary proposition to the readers is the "remote viewing" ideation. I have come across articles written on this topic but there was not much feedback or information provided on the subject. May I ask;

1. Is remote viewing as construed in your story the same as, when a person may close their eyes and find this faculty is seeing elsewhere, and is determining a different location or person, which, is not conscious nor premeditated, or, within the vicinity of normal and adequate sight sensory perception?
For example, refer to post by trentinray.
1A. Could you elaborate further on this phenomena or ability, if possible?

2. Is determined by your own sensory-perception which is able to view a location or person which is not in the vicinity of normal and adequate sight sensory perception? (As described in the, "envisioning by consciousness and sensory... Something", post?
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-01)
Hi, Bella. Happy new year.

I am not a trained professional, so not do what I do.:) To answer your question, I do the sensing thing by envisioning by consciousness and sensory... Something, as a balloon the size of my head and gradually enlarge it. If I'm looking for something in a known direction, I enlarge the bubble in just that direction, otherwise, I just enlarge the bubble/balloon.

The suggestion of using this technique to play hide-n-seek reminded me of one time we played. My uncle has an acre, dotted with trees and bushes, and other good hiding places, in the country near Philadelphia, PA. No street lights, so after sunset, it gets dark. We'd put on dark clothes and use the back porch as home base, then scatter and hide in the yard. I was 'it' and started hearing rustling in one of the trees very close to home base. As I counted, at weighed option who would most likely be trying to climb that tree. Once died, I called out 'and tap tap and Uncle who is hiding in the tree.' He muttered a bad word and asked how I knew it was him.
Bella16 (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-01)
Damn, I want to play hide and seek with you. How do you even do that 'sensing' thing? Were you born with it?

Thanks, and Happy New Year.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-01)
Of course you may call me Val.
Your description of the Youtube EVP gave me a much needed chuckle.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)

Thanks for your quick response. While it is nothing like the sensation I experienced, I'll know to be cautious if it ever arises while my brain is (to quote Mr. Burns' best line) "...doing that thing again." I agree that any day that I learned a fact was not wasted. (I hate teachers who get to the front of the room and just talk at their students; I want to be impressed by their questions and discoveries.)

While I have a slew of words I love (yes, I did used to read the dictionary), I don't think that there has ever been so optimistic a word as "Horizon." It is a description not of the distance to travel, but of the potential in the individual to select a direction and to explore. ("Peculiar" runs a close second, for similar reasons. 😊)

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Biblio, it is a good day when I learn something new, I think. First off, it indicates I'm still alive in some sense. 😁

I never thought to make note of how it felt at the time, shame on me, but going from my recollection, I would say it felt more like running into a wall than anything else. I could see/sense the surrounding homes and businesses, but that plot of land that was the apartment complex was shielded from me. I knew there was something there to see, I had Google Earth opened to help me locate the address, but I could not see it. I hope that helps.

P.S. My favorite word is serendipity: the art of finding useful things when you are not looking for them.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Greetings, Ruskin.

(Is it odd that I've always referred to you as "Ruskin" but everyone else uses "RC"? I'll change to using "RC" if you prefer.)

I've loved the word "susurrus" since I read it in a poem (maybe by John Hodgen?) about 20 years ago. As you and Val were debating it, I looked it up; while I'd thought it to be an example of onomatopoeia (like "bang" and "pop"), it turns out that it's a Latin example of onomatopoeia, and has been around for thousands of years! I too have learned something new today! 😁

Now, to my question. What did the deliberate block feel like? I'd like to know because I had an odd experience (details later in this paragraph), and I would like your description of the events to help me to understand. Now, I'm not an "astral traveller" --I, too, would send people to Rook for advice on that score-- but I've had several experiences with postcognition. In one discussion (I believe with Val) I had the odd sensation that I wasn't so much running into a shield or a block so much as I was unable to focus my attention onto the details of the subject; it was less a direct confrontation and more a sense of having the target being aware that I was looking for him and he would slide off of my mind, like he was too well camouflaged for me to see clearly.

Thanks for any clarification or details you can give to me. (My question seems a little nutty to me, but I went ahead and asked anyway...)

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Val, may I call you Val?, I wonder the same. I saw a youtube video that purports to be an EVP but is probably a parody of them.

Medium: If there is anyone here who wishes to communicate with us, please move the table.
Voice: I can't move the table. I have no arms!

Yes, it was a vague recording, and could have been either.

Also, I just baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

Tweed, the spirit of greed, yeah.:)

I don't think there is anything on earth that is evil unto itself, only how it is used or misused.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
We'll call it even and I'll share my cookies with you 😊.
Now back to your post. I found the interpretation of what you said about the EVP quite interesting, as it inter-plays with something I've come to believe about them - specifically where your co-worker heard solace and you heard souls, that is words and phrases that we 'hear' are strongly influenced, not only by the sounds that reach us, but also by our knowledge, beliefs, and expectations. A kind of auditory pareidolia. Please note, I'm not saying that EVPs are bunk, or a complete trick of hearing, but rather they can be influenced as to how we interpret them: she's hoping Big Bad isn't really at her house, and your gut is saying the opposite, so you each hear what 'supports' your 'feeling' of the matter.
I wonder if there's ever been a 'clear' EVP?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Hi RC,

This gave me chills. I wondered if the negativity was coming from someone or something at the student accommodation, not necessarily a ghost entity but something originating from the occupants. Whatever that might be, may have been what you heard on the EVP.
I'm actually glad you were 'blocked' from the place, that's for the best I think.

I did a viewing once on a location. However, a near by building was giving off some exceptional nastiness, it was very distracting. Later, out of interest, using the interwebs I looked up the business district where the 'nasty' building was and there were, not one but two banks. They were like HQ for some major bank branches. Man that made me laugh! 😆

But it's not always comical and I think you remained where you were supposed to be, aware, but detached. As you said 'in over my head', a wise thing to acknowledge. 😊
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
[at] Valkricry, I'm the one who should be sorry. I just found that other word while looking up sussurate, and recalled a certain other story here, plus many other things I've witnessed or heard of. The Dunning-Kruger effect was not intended to be a poke at anyone specifically, but we've all known, I think, folks who think they know more than they actually do and come off looking even more stupid.

Wikipedia here:

And, of course, there is also ❤

Happy New Year.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
RC, that's a pretty word, much nicer sounding than psithurism, more lyrical than rustling, AND a new word for me! 😊
However, I did get the feeling that you felt as if I was trying to be 'smart' with my question, and for that, I'm sorry. I guess my attempt at being humorous or 'cute' with the phrasing of it, may have come through as being snarky, or condescending. It truly was not meant that way, I really do love learning new words. Honestly, any perceived insult was totally unintentional and if it did come across that way, then I am sorry.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
[at] trentinray, what you describe is quite like what I experienced, only it was more conscious on my part. I would imagine my conscious awareness as a balloon and I would try to expand it, especially in the direction of what interested me, assuming I know relatively where it is, distance and direction. In the case of my missing dog, I just kept expanding my mind, calling out his name mentally, until I got a response.

The first time I tried it, when I contacted my dog, I got the impression something heavy was on top of him and I endeavored to lift it off and toss it aside, then looked through my dog's eyes to see where he was, and guided him home. Five minutes later, he scratched at the door and we opened it to find he had been in a fight, had been bitten on the ear, so we went to an emergency vet.

It scared me from trying the trick again, but I eventually did.

Pretty sure I don't want to make it my specialty, however.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
[at] Valkricry, it could be a misspelled word.:)

When I first encountered the word, it was defined as the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. Just did a Google search and it came up with the word susurrate, to rustle, murmur or whisper. As far as relaxing white noise, susurration ranks, for me, right up there with the sound of rain pattering on the window, or roof of a front porch while I'm relaxing there. And if I get both, so much better.

And since you like words so much, I just stumbled on this while looking up my word:

Ultracrepidarian: pertaining to a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside their area of expertise. So it would be part of the Dunning-Kruger principle, perhaps?
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-30)
RC- I am curious about the remote viewing you spoke of. A few months ago I had four experiences where I was just getting settled in bed, and it felt like I opened my eyes and I was somewhere else. The first one I don't remember the surroundings, it scared the crap out of me and immediately opened my eyes. It kind of felt like while my eyes were closed I was opening a different set of eyelids to see what I was seeing, but it was so real, I felt like I was in this other place, not at all in my own bed. Is this similar to your "remote viewing?"
Thank you for sharing your story 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-30)
RC, question? What is 'sessussulation'? The only word I can think of is the synonym of sound:"sonorousness", as I took you to mean the sound of leaves in the wind. Am I right? Do I get a cookie? Or am I going to learn a new word? (Teasing, a bit, but seriously I've never seen that word, sessussulation, before, and you know I love learning new words. 😊)
I liked this accounting, though I felt bad for your friend. It sounds to me that with practice you'd do very well with remote viewing 'on command'.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-30)
[at] Miracles: Yes, my coworker did eventually move out of the apartment complex. I saw her purely by coincidence at a WalMart a year before I moved out of Columbus and we had a lunch together, so I know she, and her husband and baby did get out of their safely. Though, as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle put it: a devil with merely local powers like a parish vestry is too inconceivable a thing. At least, she had no other horrors to report to me.

I hope someone did put up a shield. That thing was, I am certain, very nasty.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-30)
RC - this fell perfectly into our guidelines 😊 Thank you for sharing this. It gives a different perspective on investigations, as well as remote viewing.

I have only done remote viewing twice. The first time was completely unintentional. The second time I was asked by a friend to see if I could help with a situation so I did. After that, I decided that was something better left to people more experienced than I. I was a bit concerned I may end up somewhere I didn't want to be, or a situation I didn't want to see.

I wonder if someone else living in the apartment had put up a protective shield, unintentionally blocking you as well.

Did your friend end up moving out of the apartment?
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-30)
This is a good read RC. I think it's good you went with your gut and decided not to go further with the remote sensing or investigating. Your gut is usually the first and sometimes the only thing you should listen to.

I was with a friend, driving around looking for a good rock hunting place in Nevada. I turned off the freeway and started up this one road, can't remember the name of it now but I was suddenly overwhelmed with this feeling of dread and couldn't go another ten feet. I flipped the car around and hightailed it out of there. Sharon looked at me and started nodding her head and asked me, "did you feel it to?".

Always go with your gut!

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