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Real Ghost Stories

My Dad Returned!


I have submitted this story years ago to the's ghost story site. It seems to have gone defunct, so since I landed here, I have decided to share it with YGS crew!

My Father was a remarkable carpenter and talented builder of custom homes. My husband and I bought a lot near Mom & Dads, as they were getting on in years and we wanted to be in the neighborhood in case they needed us. Dad was our first choice to help us build the house, even though he had suffered a couple of strokes, had surgery on his arteries to correct the situation and was still of sound mind and just itching for a challenge! He and I designed the house together, and Dad sub contracted the construction out to his tried and true resources. We lived in that home for many years, loving it and feeling quite lucky. The lot was 3/4 of an acre so our son had room to roam!

Years passed Dad's strength was on the wane. Dad now used a three wheeled "scooter" to come down the block for a visit. It was a really spiffy one with nubby tires and lots of get up and go! It had a whirring sound as he sped along and a cute little horn which he employed to get our attention. That way, we would come out of the house and sit on the porch and have a chat with him while he stayed in his cart. Our son was in Junior High School when we lost Dad. Mom was doing ok, but our decision to live near to their home seemed to be the right one. I would cook for Mom 3 or 4 nights a week and make sure she was doing well. Being a nurse, I worked a full 40-50 hour week, but I never minded the extra Mom Duty!

One day, I was off work, might have been a weekend, it was so long ago, I cannot remember. My Son and I were the only ones home. I in the kitchen, my son down at the other end of the house in his room. I froze as I heard a familiar whirring sound coming up our circle drive. I stepped into the entry hall and met my son, who had heard it too! We were just looking at each other, listening to the sound when we heard the usual "Beep Beep" of Dad's horn. I was stunned! My son was white as a, well you know, but at least he had the wit to open the front door. It opened to... Nothing! We both let out a sigh of relief. I don't know what I would have done if Dad was out there on his scooter! We both heard it and reacted as we always did, coming together to visit with Dad. That is as close as I had ever come to a ghost sighting! My Hubby is the psychic one!

After discussion, my son said that Grandpa was just coming for a visit, to the house he built for our family. To my knowledge, it never happened again. We have since moved now that Mom is gone too. Our new home is extremely quiet, Thank You!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BeagleMom, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-25)
Oh who is chopping onions in here... ❤ I always get super emotional to do with family loss. This brought me tears of joy. I am glad you and your son both got to share that experience, how wonderful of him and it sure shows his spirit with the beep beep. God bless.
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
Hi babygoatpuller!

So thoughtful of you to remark on my story. I have a few irons in the fire, but once things settle down, I will think about sorting out our "911 F Street ~ Eureka, Ca." stories! I think I will break them up into incidents rather than do a grand tomb of the occurrences! Don't want you to be disappointed, but there wasn't any chain dragging going on! LOL!

Mother of Beagles
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-05)
This is so sweet BeagleMom. I love these feel good, to the point accounts. What better way to get your attention than with a whirring, beep-beep scooter! He definitely made sure you knew it was him. 😊

Can't wait to read your accounts from Eureka. A wonderful old No. California town that stole my heart when I drove through a few years back. UN-forgettable!
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-05)
BeagleMom; My pleasure! I enjoy this story very much!

Love from São Paulo
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-05)
Thank you roylynx and Temilicious for taking time to reply!

My Son always said his Grandpa was with him. I always thought he was being philosophical. I did feel a great sense of relief now that you mentioned it roylinx. Not even sure why. I knew that dad was a believer, but it was nice to know that he did go somewhere where he could wheel about in his cart and go visiting if the whim took him!

Unfortunately I have no memory of anything that dramatically affected us that would warrant a visit from dad. But, he had a great sense of humor and would have enjoyed getting our attention in that specific manner.

Temilicious, my husbands Great Aunt Lottie always wore Avon Honeysuckle cologne. For a long time after she passed, he would tell me that his Aunt Lottie was with him in the car as he drove to work from time to time. She loved him alot, and worried about his welfare constantly.
Thank you both for your remarks! Happy 2017!

Mother of Beagles
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Oh my! This story is touching!
Whenever our closed ones are here, we kind of feel a sadness, well, not because that the person is gone we felt the unfinished business that they wanted to finish up, that sort of sadness. I usually could feel a relief (at least I did) after knowing that they had come to "finish up" what they want to do. I can feel warmth on my opened eyes thinking back how I know my grandmother visited... Hope you agree or had the same "relieved" feelings too. Cheers!

Blessing from São Paulo
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
It's always comforting knowing that our loved ones check up on us every now and then.

For the first couple of months after my mom's passing on, there were whiffs of her perfume all around the house only I could smell. It used to comfort me because my heart was aching so much for her.

Do you remember if there was anything significant happening in your life or your son's that could've made your dad stop by? I know you said it was a long time ago.

Really touching story, thank you. ❤
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Hello BeagleMom,

Thanks for replying. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year! Sarah is right, your dad really sounds like a lovely man. Can't wait to read about your haunted house experiences in Eureka 😊

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Heavenly Days! Sorry I have been absent, but my computer died and I was without for a few days. Happy New Year! Happy New iMac!
Dear PoliexterLy, Fergie, mythemSweetsunshine1800, ashar123, Manafon#1, Argette, and sweet Sarah, Thank You all for reading my account! You all are so gracious in your comments. I want to say yes, Sarah, Dad was a lovely man! Thank you to those who put my story in your faves! I am honored to be there! As time permits, I will be sharing stories of our haunted house in Eureka, California. Back in our college days, we ended up living there 2 times!

Mother of Beagles
Sarah (1 stories) (53 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Such a cute story. Your dad sounded like a lovely man. I loved that he popped around for a visit
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Wonderful story and so uplifting! Thank you for shaing, and telling it so well.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
BeagleMom--Like everyone else who has commented, I thoroughly enjoyed your touching account. Family members have many ways to pay us a visit once they pass over. Sometimes a familiar scent, a hint of music, a voice or a full on apparition. They know what their doing too--your Dad almost certainly figured you and your son would recognize the whirring sound and the "beep beep" of the horn.

Your son was right, your Dad was coming to let you know that he is, in his own way, still around.
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
The sweetest account on this site. Not a drop of terror, not that chilling encounter yet heart winning. Going to my favs. 😊

Thanks for sharing! And Happy New Year! 😊

Thanks for sharing! 😊
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
Hello BeagleMom,

Thank you for sharing this lovely experience. Its great when loved ones visit to check upon us even after their death. This one is going straight to my favs 😁

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,
mythem (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
What a sweet story! I think your dad was just coming for a visit, as he did when he was alive. These things are never meant to be scary, but they can be a bit suprising, can't they? I would know! Anyway, thanks so much for sharing your experience.

Best of luck,
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
BeagleMom, how special! 😁 I truly believe our past loved ones check up on us every now and then.
Thank you for sharing.
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-02)
That's so awesome that your dad came to visit you! 😁 I'm sure he was just checking up on everything

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