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Zeus - The End Of The Line?


I have written before about my beautiful black Labrador x, Zeus. My companion, my protector, my 'alarm system' for the corporeal and non-corporeal. Here is the end of his story, or is it?

For those of you who have a soft heart as far as animals go, I am posting a tissue warning now.

Just over two years ago, on New Year's Eve, Zeus had a traumatic experience. My husband (Ray) and I were at a party with our granddaughter Shenay, when our neighbour phoned us to let us know that Zeus was in their yard. Some idiots from up the road had been throwing fireworks into our yard (at Zeus?) Zeus had scaled the 6 foot wall into their yard to escape. We left the party immediately and fetched an extremely traumatized Zeus. He appeared to be intact, only in shock.

About a month or so later, we discovered a lump on the side of Zeus' jaw. At first I thought it was an insect bite, so kept an eye on it. It grew larger. To cut a long story short, over the next year, we had Zeus to five different vets, all of whom gave similar diagnoses and advice. Zeus had a sialocele, probably caused by trauma. On reflection, probably sustained that New Year's Eve, and we just hadn't noticed it in his panicked state. An operation would be dangerous and there was no guarantee that it wouldn't grow back, even faster. We decided to 'ride it out' until we could see signs of it being detrimental to his health.

On February 18 I awakened at 6:30 to a horrifying sight. There were blood trails all over the house. Zeus' sialocele had 'burst' during the night. I was greatly distressed, but I knew that the end of the line had come for my precious fur baby. I phoned the lady from our local SPCA, with whom I had become friendly. She had promised that when the time came, she would do the necessary, on our property. She arrived sometime after 11:00.

Zeus willingly went with us into the back yard. I sat down on the lawn and after sniffing the lethal contents of medicine box the lady carried, he sat down with me. It was almost as if he knew what was going to happen. Zeus lay down with his head on my lap and looked up at me as she slipped the needle into a vein. All the while I was fondling his ear, stroking his neck and talking to him - saying goodbye. Thus, he slipped over the rainbow bridge. Zeus now occupies a marked grave in our back yard.

Two mornings later, Friday 20th, I woke up from a dream in which I saw Zeus. He no longer had the big bulge on the right side of his face, but an empty 'bag' dangling down. It was as if the sialocele had shriveled up and only the excess skin was left.

Sunday 22nd, I again awakened from a dream of Zeus. This time he was perfect in every way. I wonder if he came back to let me know that he was 'all better' now. Ray claims that on the previous night, before he retired, he heard Zeus give one bark out the front, and went to investigate. Of course, nothing was to be seen.

Monday 23rd, Ray was awakened in the night by Zeus' 'call' to be let out. He got up and went through to the lounge, only to realize that Zeus is no longer with us.

On a couple of occasions, I was almost positive that I heard the sound of Zeus outside our bedroom door. Naturally, this can be wishful thinking on my part.

Wednesday 25th, sometime during the morning, I was in the kitchen. I heard Zeus' 'knock' on the kitchen security gate - his signal that his food bowl was empty. Of course, when I went to investigate, there was no sign of anything that could have caused that bump on the gate.

On 12 March, we received visitors. The gentleman had been friends with our youngest daughter. Two days earlier, he had heard of her passing and came to pay his respects, bringing his wife with him. We met the wife for the first time. At one stage, Ray and the lady were in the kitchen together. She emerged from the passage rubbing her arms and saying, "Look, I have got gooseflesh." The reason for this is, she saw Zeus outside our back door. She had been at the back door when she told Ray that she saw movement. Ray asked, "What movement?" She replied that she had seen a black dog. Ray answered that we used to have a black dog, then took her through to Shen's room to see the grave from the window. She turned to Ray and said "It was a black Labrador!" Ray replied, "You are quite correct.

She had no way of previously hearing of this.

I believe I am not crazy in thinking that my big beautiful boy is sticking around a while longer.

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Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-31)
Update: Two weeks ago hubby was still away from home doing his Xmas job as Santa, our granddaughter, Shenay, was in bed already, in her room. I was laying on top of my bed, reading.
As I lay, stretched out and propped on my left elbow, I noticed movement at the foot of the bed.
You know how you can see things without looking directly at them? That is what happened to me. I saw Zeus rounding the foot of the bed, as he used to do, to get his nightly 'loving'. Just as his ear was about to touch my foot, I jerked my head up in surprise - presumably to get a better look at him. In that instant, he vanished.

I am kicking myself now, wondering what would have happened if I never jerked my head. 😢
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-19)
I am glad you had a nice vacation. I do hope that you write another story for us from that experience you had.
As for Kaia yes I did know what I was getting into and if she turns out to be even half the dog that Nikki and Niko were she is going to be one special dog because they were both amazing.
Wishing you Ray and the rest of your family a very special Holiday Season. ❤
Mystic25 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)
Fergie, that's completely understandable, but at least you know he is with you both in spirit and in your heart.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)
Thank you Mystic25, I do miss Zeus terribly, especially now, when my husband is away at work. Although I have adopted another dog, she will never take that special spot in my heart that Zeus held. 😢

Thanks for reading and your sweet comment.
Mystic25 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)
This is such a beautiful yet sad event, When you love a pet to such a great extent and they die its like a loved one dying, at least he still visits and isn't suffering anymore, Thanks for sharing this.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)

I have heard of Malamutes 'talking' before, actually watched a video of one - I was totally blown away!

Aah! So you have a 'history' with Malamutes, and knew what you were letting yourself in for. I feel more comfortable now, for your sake, with your choice of dog.

We left our mutt in the care (but still in our yard) of the lady next door while we went to New Zealand for my brother's wedding. I swear, that woman tried to kill Cleo with kindness! On our return, she was even fatter than when we left. I can't bare the thought of starving animals, so I try to feed her just a little bit less. LOL, maybe Cleo was destined to be with a plump family?

Hubby and I were in New Zealand for almost six weeks and enjoyed it thoroughly. The country (we only got to see North Island) is beautiful and the life-style is so much more 'free' than here in SA. No burglar bars or 6ft walls to be seen on any of the houses - it was wonderful!

We were taken to the Bay of Islands for a long weekend, to stay at the historic village of Russell. On the Saturday night, I had an experience which may be worthy of a YGS experience. I shall have to collect my notes and type it out, in the near future.

Yes Red, I can understand your fear of major surgery. I too would prolong the due date as much as possible.

Red, I wish you and yours a wonderful festive season. I will keep you in my prayers. ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)
I forgot to ask where you went when you went overseas? I hope you enjoyed yourself. Take care my friend.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)
You are right Malamutes are hard to train if you don't use a firm hand. They don't mature until they are 2. I have had 2 other Malamutes, my mother got 1 for the family when I was 16, and I adopted 1 a few months after we moved into our present house. He was emaciated and I brought him back to health. The funny thing is the one my mother got for the family was named Nikki and the one I adopted was named Niko before I adopted him.
Kaia is smart and knows I'm the boss,she's stubborn, but she's young. Malamutes are actually very smart dogs and "talk" better
Than any other breed. My mother was told their vocal chords are
Different than other dogs and can actually form words. Nikki could say quite a few words besides I love you. She would clearly
Say I want that, give it to me, where's grandma etc. Yes my son is helping me with her the Kaia but for the most part she listens to me. She has taken to grabbing my fingers with her teeth and bringing me to were she wants me to be. For example of morning she brought me to where her food is kept. Another she brought me to the love seat because she wanted more to lay down.
As far as my smoking is going I am trying but some days are worse than others. I think once the holidays are over I will get the
Patches, truth is if I wasn't so scared of more surgery it would be
Easier to quit if that makes sense. During the day when my husband is at work and even before he goes to bed I don't smoke as much as I used to because I have to go in my room to get a cigarette. But after he guides to bed I smoke more because I have to bring them into the living room.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)

Thank you for reading, and your lovely comments. I am blushing all over again. 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
Hi Red,

I am sure I do recall you mentioning getting a new puppy, or you were going to get one - LOL, age makes one's memory fuzzy 😕. But good grief Red, your seven-month-old pup weighs as much as my eleven-year-old granddaughter. *Phew!*

A M'Loot Malamute you say? I believe they grow bigger than the average Alaskan Malamute. I hope you have Large grounds and a strong son to take her for walks. I have also heard, (don't know how true it is) that Malamute's are the most difficult dogs to train. I wish you tons of luck with your new "puppy". ❤

BTW, how is the quitting smoking coming on? When I went oversees recently, I managed to cut down to six per day. The price was exorbitant, so I Had to do something. I have tried to keep to that level, but, some days are better than others, right? I will be rooting for you Red! 😉
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
Beautiful experience, beautifully told. Thanks Fergie 😁
(Here's my 50 characters worth)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
Hi Fergie,
I don't remember if I told you about getting a new puppy. We got a M'Loot Malamute. She weighed 32 pounds when we got her. She is 7 months old now and weighs 92. 8 pounds.
marrie22 (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
First of all I wanted said i'm very sorry for your loss (Zeus). I myself have a black Labrador to. And she is a wonderful dog. But why you have to put Zeus down so soon? Could you have him check out at a different vet? And maybe he could of live a little longer. I don't know. But i'm glad to Zeus is still around... 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-09)
Hi Logan,

Thank you for your empathy and condolences. Zeus was more than just a dog to me. And yes, I have very fond memories of him. Sometimes the memories leave me sad, but other times they leave me grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Thank you for reading, and your comment Logan.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-09)
Griff84, Thank you for your comment, sympathies and understanding. 😊

Your experience was tangible with Ben, mine with Zeus was just auditory. Yours is like "Wow"! Wish I could have an experience like you did.

If our love for each other (Zeus and mine) is as strong as I think it is, Zeus will still be around for a while, even if we don't see or hear him.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-08)
Aah Vonboekmann, you honour me with your presence.
I know, sometimes life gets in the way of one's little pleasures.

There has been no sign of Zeus recently. Maybe I have just been too busy with our granddaughter (she is with us for school winter break), or he thinks we have settled in well enough with our new fur-kid. Who knows? He will Always have a special place in my heart!

Thank you for your post Vonboekmann, I appreciate it.
Warmest regards to you too.
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-06)

I can say nothing else but 'I feel your pain'. I am sorry for the huge loss and hope the memories help you get through each day my fried! I am sure he has found the rainbow bridge and is wagging his happy tail and will surely have plenty of friends.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-06)
Fergie, I will echo what everyone has already said, sorry to hear about the loss of your faithful friend. Although it could just be wishful thinking with regards to hearing him, I certainly prefer to think he is still on watch by your side.

I has a similar experience a few years ago, we lost an old friend 'Ben' a German Shepherd / Labrador cross, very sad. He used to come into my room in the morning and stand under my outstretched arm forcing me to tickle him... Well after he has passed, this continued for a short time, almost to help me come to terms.

Anyways, thanks for sharing 😊
Vonboeckmann (guest)
10 years ago (2015-07-06)
Hi Fergie,
I have been a bit busy as of late and not reading one of my favourite sites.
Dear Zeus, I have read all the adventures and I am sincerely sorry to know he has passed. Yet has he really passed? Perhaps lingered on to help you adjust. Dogs have strong loyalty being ever faithful. I believe they are with us for a reason. Fergie I often think of you all and wish you honest happiness for the future. Kindest regards J
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-05)
I've been well, Fergie. Thanks for asking! Just been pretty busy these past few months. I realized I hadn't been here in a while and now I'm back to binging on relaxing ghost stories before bed.:)
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-04)
WOW! WiniPu4, had me in tears, too. That is a very powerful description of your experience with your border collie. Thank you for describing it. Your skills/abilities/gifts (whatever you call them) are, for want of a better word, advanced. That is a very cool experience, all the way around, the closeness between you two, and the light. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-04)
WiniPu4, You give me great hope that all is as I wish on the other side. As I was saying goodbye to Zeus, I was telling him to find Angel on the other side, and to wait for me there.
Oh gosh, I am typing through a blur of tears!

You have had amazing experiences Wini. Thank you for giving so much hope. ❤
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-04)
Hello, Fergie:

I have NO doubt that Zeus is with your daughter. I often see a dark blur where our little 18 y/o female Border Collie would sit at the top of our tall stairs, and is usually accompanied by noises and a flashing spark (or two) nearby which I believe is my mother-in-law, or her brother (my hubby's uncle) that had our furbaby before we did. Before she passed, I made it clear to them that they were to keep an eye on her until my arrival. I also guided her to them while she passed. As I sat with her body afterwards, there was a large flash of light in between her body and me. I knew it was her departing and saying goodbye. I have a very strong faith that our loved ones (regardless of species) are all part of our "spirit group" and interact regularly on the other side of life.
Many Blessings,
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-03)
Triskaideka, How great to hear from you again! 😁How the heck have you been?

Lol, you know I don't give warnings for nothing, eh?
You are probably right... I cried buckets full!

Much love and hugs to you too
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-03)
Thank you for the tissue warnings. They were necessary. I have little doubt he wanted to console you. Much love and hugs. <3
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-02)
Hi babygoatpuller, lovely to hear from you again.
Thank you for the condolences, and yes, wouldn't it be lovely if Angel and Zeus visited together - now That would give me peace of mind! 😉

Sorry my submissions are so few and far between these days, wish I could 'order' them, *Sigh*! Things have been awfully quiet around here lately. Thanks for the compliment though.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-02)
Hi LoveOfAbundance, I am happy to hear that you enjoy my posts.
Our first ever dog, as a family, was a black female Lab, which our eldest daughter named Bambi (guess who had just seen her first Walt Disney film?) That dog was remarkable with our kids, and an excellent watchdog as well. I love black Labs!
I do cherish Zeus' memory, and Bambi's, I only wish our new furbaby was half the watchdog they were. 😆
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-01)
I'm so sorry for the loss of your Zeus Fergi. I was thinking he was probably with Angel. And like her, he's going to check in on you. Who knows, maybe they'll make a visit together. 😊

It's always great to have a read from you. Too long in between but always worth the wait.

LoveOfAbundance (2 stories) (27 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-01)
Hi Fergie! I really enjoy your posts. Pets definitely check in with us from time to time after passing. Zeus' story brought a tear to my eye. My first ever best friend was a black lab named Pinkerton. He was my constant companion. Now, I have a sweet black lab girl named Keiko. She is there for my son just as Pinky was for me. Cherish Zeus' memory and congratulations on your new fur baby!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-01)
Hello Wini,

Your condolences are appreciated. I have read many stories of other folks fur kids visiting after they passed, but as this is the first time it has happened to me, I feel awe-struck and melancholy at the same time.
I think that our bond with Zeus was so much stronger, as we snatched him back from the jaws of death about five years ago, when he was poisoned. We nursed him for months to undo the serious damage that his alimentary canal underwent. That is when he and I Really bonded.
I certainly hope Zeus is with our deceased daughter, they had many games together in the corporeal world.

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