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The Disembodied Voice From The Wood


When I was younger, me, my cousin, (N) and our aunt (J) went for a walk outdoors down the holler. Well me being the curious little kid I was I walked down over the hill on the other side of the road. I got a little way down hill, and on down the hill towards my right I hear my cousin's voice. "Savannah, come here" At first I thought it was 'N' but I didn't see her. The area down hill was visible everywhere, just skinny little trees and flat land.

It confused me and made me feel a bit uneasy cause it was obvious there were no humans nor animals that I could see there. I walked down a little further to where her voice last came from, and again I hear "Hurry up, come on" and this time it was a little further down then where it had been. I knew something was up cause she wasn't there, no one was there. I got scared and yelled for my aunt.

They both walked over to the side of the road looking down at me, I was scared and confused, cause I know for a fact what had just went on! I told my aunt and cousin, they both swore and promised it wasn't neither of them, my cousin had been with her standing up on the road so it wasn't her. The voice of 'N' was coming from down hill trying to lure me away. Of course they looked and seen no one or nothing. The voice just seemed to be coming from air in front of me.

The next day or two, I was out on the front porch playing by myself as they set in the house. Note that these encounters and the disembodied voice, I smelt a strong scent of pennies. I looked over and seen like 50 baby black snakes crawling over each other, staying in the same place. In my mind something kept wanting me to go over to the snakes, but I didn't, I ran and got aunt 'J' to come out to see them. As soon as we got out there the stench and the snakes were gone.

As soon as she went back in the house the snakes came right back! Same spot! Stench came first! I hollered but of course she wouldn't come back cause it was "my imagination". I got creeped out and went inside for the next day or two.

When I finally got brave enough to go back outside, I kept feeling like I needed to walk down the road towards the old garage. Well, I did cause I wanted to face my fears of not leaving the porch and get on with my life. Well, as soon as I got towards the other side of the garage. There was this huge buck, standing on it's hind legs! Staring at me.

I froze in fear cause it's big black eyes were staring through my soul. It acted human. I kicked in to flight mode as soon as I turned my body to run, keeping my eyes glued on it. It opened it's mouth and talked in aunt 'J's' voice, "Come here Rose" I ran, and when I did it was screaming mimicking 'J' "PLEASE COME BACK HERE ROSE" in the gawd awfullest scream. (Rose is my middle name by the way).

By time I hit the door I was bawling. Cause I knew 'J' wouldn't believe me. That scream has scarred me and stuck with me to this day. I told my aunt and mamaw and in a way I think they kind of believed me cause I was crying and being as serious as a heart attack. I never wanted to go outside after that. It seemed it kept trying to lure me and convince me to come to it.

This is 100% truth, the deer was a regular healthy deer, no over active imagination, not a dream, not crazy, no drugs, but reality. Any idea's what it is? What it wanted? Why it followed me home and stalked me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Clairvoyant_Disease, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

greenpondmike (1 stories) (82 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-15)
I agree with gigakhan. I strongly believe that you can protect yourself against anything evil like that by rebuking it in the name of Jesus. It might not work on something natural though--I don't know. Hopefully that's over and maybe you won't have to face it again. If you still live in that area please stay away from the woods. Sometimes it's best to only face your fears when they corner you--depends on the situation. God bless you.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
I think when a bunch of snakes are like that they probably just hatched from eggs if they were baby snakes. I think it's gross but I've heard of this where a bunch of snakes are all together like that. Plus the smell...that's the smell of the snakes. I smelled that smell once when a bunch of snakes were all born in our basement somehow. It's a very gross smell. It was in the later summer and early fall which is the time period you mentioned. I think it's creepy but not necessarily paranormal. The deer...hmmmm...I don't disbelieve you. I'm sure you heard the voice and saw the deer but maybe the voice was coming from somewhere else and it just appeared to come from the deer.
Gigakhan (2 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-11)
It seems to have been a windigo. No joke, it's believed to mimic familiar voices in order to catch you. When it does, it will eat you...seriously... They're born when someone is lost and starving cut off from any help. Just be careful when outside
Clairvoyant_Disease (2 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
I was around 3-4-5 years old, she is 7 years older than me. Summer or going on fall if it wasn't already autumn, it was daylight each time these events occurred. They said they didn't hear the voice, but all of us heard something or someone following close behind us up on the hillside as we were walking out/heading back but seen no one or anything. It was physically audible. It's not like the inside of the head kind of hear but outside lol. All the baby snakes were some type of black snakes.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)

A few things then... Can you provide an age range that you were when these experiences happened? (8-10...10-12...12-14...14-16...16-18?)

The voice was physically audible? Was it loud enough your Aunt and Cousin may have heard it? Or was it more visceral (felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body)?

As for the snakes... What time of year did this happen? I ask because Red-sided garter snakes form "mating balls," in which one female can find herself outnumbered by dozens of frantically-writhing males. The noise of your Aunt 'may' have scared them for a moment however as soon as they felt 'safe' again they started all over again.

As for the deer... I was not implying that it was someone in a costume, merely stating that The Lord of the Forest is depicted as a deer or a man with antlers...

I can not help but picture a scene from the Evil Dead when I read your description of the deer...

"There was this huge buck, standing on it's hind legs! Staring at me.

I froze in fear cause it's big black eyes were staring through my soul. It acted human. I kicked in to flight mode as soon as I turned my body to run, keeping my eyes glued on it. It opened it's mouth and talked in aunt 'J's' voice, "Come here Rose" I ran, and when I did it was screaming mimicking 'J' "PLEASE COME BACK HERE ROSE" in the gawd awfullest scream."

All I see are the mounted animal heads from the Evil Dead laughing manically...

You ask this...

"Any idea's what it is? What it wanted? Why it followed me home and stalked me?"

All I can say for sure is this... Not enough information...

Still on the fence.


Clairvoyant_Disease (2 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
I can't remember exactly how old we were and no, it was not her. She was with my aunt the whole time and they both said that she did not call my name or even get loud enough for it to echo or to really reach my ears, she didn't even say none of the words that "her" voice coming from down the hill was saying. And her voice was right in front of me, in the air like someone standing in front of me but there wasn't no one around. I was under a strict guardian as a child, was never allowed to watch scary movies, no scare pranks, didn't start learning about the boogeyman until I was a teen, I also had no reason to be scared at the time. The snakes were only in one spot, wouldn't leave it, only when my aunt came out they left, then AS SOON as she went back in they came right back in the same spot. The smell reminded me of old stinky pennies, yeah some type of coppery metallic smell. The deer was a REAL deer, no costume, an actual real buck, nothing fake about it. Loll
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Not to be rude but how old were you and your cousin when you experienced these things? I ask because you stated this...

"Well me being the curious little kid I was I walked down over the hill on the other side of the road. I got a little way down hill, and on down the hill towards my right I hear my cousin's voice."

Could your cousin have been calling you because they could not see you AND is it possible that it just seemed their voice came from the direction you heard it from. Hills and 'scrub' and small trees can actually effect how we hear things.

The rest of this 'experience' makes me go hummm...

The smell of pennies? Do you mean a coppery, metallic type smell?

The ball of snakes, depending of what kind they were this may have happened, just as you describe it... Was this 'ball' of snakes staying in one place or making its way across the yard or alongside the house?

You next describe a talking deer standing on its hind legs... My first thought was 'The Lord of the Forest' most imagery depicts this Fae creature as a well built man with stag horns on his head, dressed in leather with a cloak... But other descriptions have 'him' as a Large Stag with a white or greenish glow about it that speaks to individuals.

Waving from the fence.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Oh my!
This is the second submission in the last few days in which the OP's had an encounter with rather weird deer. 😨
Do such kind of animals really roam around?

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