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"camilla" Encounter


Last summer me, my twin sister, my step sister, my brother and my brother's friend were bored while hanging out at my house in Calgary Alberta. So we decided to make a paper Ouija Board. Keep in mind, we've done this before but have never gotten anything to happen. We used a normal cup as the planchette, taped the board to the table, circled it with salt and lit some candles.

We only had two people on the board at the time, so me and my sister went first. After goofing around for a bit, I began to feel light-headed. I felt almost as if I could pass out at any moment and I could barely stand. The others felt this way too, but not nearly as bad. My sister suggested maybe we should get some air so we said goodbye and went into the backyard. Somehow, I immediately felt better. We went back in and we felt terrible again. After a while of sitting around hoping to feel better, we were bored again.

This was my idea, so it's kind of my fault this next part happened. I downloaded a ghost detector on my phone and walked around for a bit. This detector apparently "communicated with the spirits". I walked into my basement and encountered a "Vengeful Spirit" who wanted to kill me and my friends, according to the app. I think it's name was Camilla. It left, and I went back upstairs. After a while of "communicating" with other spirits, I walked in front of my fridge. Camilla apparently came back. My brother's friend who had downloaded the app followed behind me, wanting to communicate with Camilla. As soon as I asked one simple question; "Why are you here?" the friend was forced into the fridge. My sisters and brother all saw this.

Well, that's the end. Now I don't NEED to know, but I'd like your help. "Camilla" wasn't this spirit's real name. The real name started with "C" and was five letters long. Please, if you know do tell me. It may not be the real name, but then I'll be one step closer to figuring it out. Thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Skull_The_Demon, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-08)
Just a comment on the home made vs 'real' Ouija board. Given that most 'real' Ouija boards these days cone from the oh-so-sacred and hallowed hands of huge toy companies like Hasbro and Parker Brothers, I can't see how a homemade piece actually created with intent and energy could be less effective. Any item is only as powerful as one believes it to be anyway. So, of all the items in this story, I find this to be the most logical.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-01)


In the Place the First:

Home made, paper Ouija Board... Playing around with it... Placing 'salt' around it?

May I ask where you learned to use a Ouija Board?

What was the 'salt' supposed to do? I ask because 'salt' can be used to 'seal' an area, so by placing a 'ring of salt' around your homemade board you effectively blocked any spirits from being able to 'reach' the Board.

Of course that is just my 'two cents' based on experience...

In the Part the Second:

"I downloaded a ghost detector on my phone and walked around for a bit. This detector apparently "communicated with the spirits"."

The 'communication' part of this I can 'kind of' wrap my head around... Most phones have speakers and microphones and once a data base is loaded to them a spirit able to select a word from that data base... But if one goes with the theory that Spirits are 'Intelligent EMF' then they 'exist' in a frequency range modern day cellphones are not built to 'reach'.

The same can be said for the 'ghost detecting' part of the application... No matter what 'software' you down load the 'hardware' of your cellphone is not designed to pick up the frequency range, nor even the type of 'energy' that the majority of Ghost Hunters/Trackers seem to agree that spirits may be. EMF is measured in milligauss (sp) while cellphones operate using frequencies measured in Megahertz.

Oh heck here, this explains it better...

Gauss: Gauss is a unit of measurement of magnetic flux density. The definition for gauss is the following:

A guass is equal to 1 Mx/cm2 or 10-4 teslas.

The symbol for gauss is G

Then you have...

Hertz: Hertz is a unit of measurement of frequency. The definition for hertz is the following: One hertz is equal to one cycle per second.

Our cellphones work in the Mhz range which means...

Megahertz: noun - one million hertz, especially as a measure of the frequency of radio transmissions or the clock speed of a computer.

Phones just are not designed to 'measure' or detect EMF levels, and no software downloads can change that fact.

So I am not sure how your friend got 'pushed 'into' the fridge. Nor why everybody felt lightheaded but I am pretty sure it was not from an 'evil female spirit' that appeared in you basement.

Thanks for your submission.


LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-01)
5 letters beginning with C could be Clara

I second others that think the Ouija board can be playing with fire. Yes it can contact the unseen, but you don't know if you are opening doors that should stay closed.
nolasara (3 stories) (18 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-01)
Totally agree lilwolf and absolutely no offense was taken. Just sharing an experience I had. That was a good ten years ago and I am now aware of how absolutely foolish it was that we were "playing" with something like that. I don't want you to think I was being snippy. I have enjoyed reading your comments on other post and think you add much to the conversation. Good vibes to all! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)
nolasara, I'm not saying that homemade Ouija boards can't work. Personally I wouldn't know because I have never used one at all. I'm just saying that it sounds like an unreliable source. Especially for conjring a vengeful spirit on the first try.

No offense intended just my opinion, especially if You don't have a lot of experience using one. Do I think its possible for one to work, maybe I think it just depends on the person using it.

nolasara (3 stories) (18 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)
I don't have much to say about the story, but would like to comment to Lilwolf about homemade Ouija boards. I worked in an old building in the French Quarter in New Orleans several years ago. I was working in a gift shop that had an upstairs stock room. One afternoon I was upstairs with another employee who said she was sure the place was haunted. It's the French Quarter, according to most people EVERYWHERE is haunted. Lol. So long story short, she made a board out of a piece of poster board and used a take out lid from egg drop soup with a hole cut in it for the pointer. It gaves us a name, dates they lived, their age, what they did for a living. I don't believe the other girl was being dishonest. It was an amazing experience.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)
Skull, I have some advice and questions.

First of its NEVER a good idea to just play around with an Ouija board or the supernatural in general. It opens You and anyone involved to some bad things.
2nd A paper Ouija board, You just drew one on a piece of paper and it was effect enough to bring forward an angry spirit? I'm sorry not trying to be rude but I have a hard time believing that.

I've talked with people and read a few stories on here where someone tried to use an Ouija board to communicate and it hardly ever just happens on the first go. Not unless it was already there in the first place and that's with a REAL board.

3RD The part where You said that You felt light headed and so did the others could have been the presence of a spirit or it could be the simple fact that You had a strong adrenaline rush going. A combo of using a Ouija board well sorta You drew one, hoping to hear from a spirit, fear because You don't know what's going to happen etc. Was it your first time doing this?

4th the ghost apps on phones are not a reliable source. They can be fun but usually not legit. If You want a real chance of hearing a ghost get a tape recorder it dosen't have to be anything fancy and set it up and wait. IF there is a spirit in your house that can and wants to communicate You will find out.

Now for questions when You say that Your friend was pushed into the fridge do you mean he crashed into the front or side of it?

Also how do You know that Camilla wasn't the spirit's real name, that the name starts with C and that its 5 letters long?

I'm not exactly sure how any of us are supposed to know the name but I can try to help You by giving you some advice. Please stop playing with Ouija boards real or not and the supernatural in general It is never smart to mess around with a spiritual tool that You don't know how to fully use.

Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)

My first reaction to the fridge issue was also that it must have been a humongous fridge. Lol. That didn't sit well with me so I went with the alternative. It would be great if the OP would clarify 😭.

If the OP is using the same app that I tried, the 'spirit' would have been female. The app only ever gives female names. I know I 'encountered' one with a name starting with C but for the life of me I can't remember the name. I will post it if it comes back to me.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)
Bee_Beans - yeah, sometimes my imagination runs wild. 😁
Still, I find it hard to believe that much activity after just one OB session, specially if there wasn't a previous history of the house being haunted.

Now, it's going to be hard to come up with a name for this 'spirit' without knowing if it is male or female, and without knowing if it was telling the truth or if it was lying. 🤔
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)

Perhaps the OP means that the friend was pushed into the outside of the fridge instead of actually forced inside the fridge. Just a thought.

Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)
Hi Skull_The_Demon

Based on how you describe the app, I am pretty sure I have tried out the same one. It is complete nonsense. The answers to your questions run on a loop. If you ask a question that doesn't contain any keywords stored in the app's database, it just repeats the same answer or falls back on one of the standard ones ("Do you believe?" or "Get out" etc). It's a fun app to scare gullible friends with but it certainly is not real.

Scary story, though.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
Either your fridge is humongous or your friend is a mini-midget... Otherwise I can't fathom a person fitting into a fridge.

I have my doubts about those ghost detector applications but, after reading your story it makes me wonder their effectivity, it seams that it opened the gates of hell and a legion of demos came through your home made Ouija board! 😁

Scary story... Wrong forum.
This site is meant for real paranormal experiences... Just my humble opinion. 😉
catleyablu (17 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
Can you provide more detail as to why you believe this entity's name starts with a 'C'? I've always heard it is best not to research too much into negative spirits...

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