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Real Ghost Stories

The Stairway


I have always been inclined towards the paranormal. I myself have encountered quite such experiences and I often try to find out that who else in my contacts has been facing such issues so in that way I get to know more about such stuff. While I was looking for one such experience by any of my knowns, this incident came as an absolute shocker as the one to narrate me this incident was no one else but my father.

He told me that when he was young, like between his late teens to early youth, he encountered something which to date is a mystery.

The story begins as:

He went to his maternal uncle's place for a visit. His maternal aunt, uncle and their only son used to stay in that house. The house was in a small town in Rajasthan state of India. He reached there in the afternoon. The house as he described was build in an ancient manner and was one of those Haveli types. (Havelis are the palace like homes build in ancient times. In Rajasthan state you can find many such homes where people still live.) When he reached there his uncle was leaving for some work and their son, i.e. My dad's cousin was already out for his tuitions.

He greeted uncle and aunt. Aunt served him food and they sat gossiping. My father told that her aunt was very beautiful and had such a physique that she would be identifiable in the crowd of 1000s as well. She was very soft spoken and always has a smile on her face.

Now to understand the story further and better I will give you a brief explanation of the house. There were 4 rooms in the house and in between of those 4 rooms stood an open hall that is without a ceiling. Many old homes have this type of place. There is no roof on that particular area. The only covering to it is the natural sky. Mostly the residents of the house sit in that place to talk, have meals or even sleep. Now connected to that area was the stairway. The stairway was covered from both the sides. So usually it stayed dark even during the day. One could see through it if the light of the sun fell on it, i.e the peak time of the day.

At night it usually was dark and the faint light of the moon increased the visibility slightly. So moving further, it was evening and my dad's aunt was preparing for dinner. My father was sitting outside, in that open hall. He went to the bathroom and came back and called for his aunt. He looked in the kitchen and other rooms but she wasn't there. Just then he heard some sound coming from the stairway. He thought that she might be there so he went towards that direction. He saw a figure standing in the dark in the mid of the stairway. That figure wore a saree but it was too dark to see any further details. He was about to go to that figure that he got a tap on his back. Startled he looked back to find his aunt standing behind. He was shocked and looked again at the stairway and found nothing there. That figure was gone.

Upon asking, my aunt answered that she had gone outside the house to buy something from the street vendor. My father told her that he saw someone standing in the stairway which he thought was her. She laughed and said that he might have been mistaken as no one else is in the house, especially no other woman. My father was speechless but he then thought that his eyes might have played trick on him. My dad's uncle and cousin returned later that evening and had dinner together with my dad.

The following evening my dad and aunt were home alone again as the other two were out for their respective works. Aunt told my dad to stay in the open hall as she was going out to buy groceries. My father sat there reading a newspaper. He fell asleep while reading and woke up to the noise of bangles and anklets. Half awake he saw someone going up the stairs. He thought that her aunt might have returned. He called for her but there was no response.

He stood up and started to walk behind the figure walking up the stairs. He was only able to see the back of that figure wearing a saree but again there wasn't enough light to see more details. He could clearly hear the sound of anklets and bangles as the figure walked up. He climbed the stairs and started escalating and just then he heard his aunt calling his name, from behind. He turned and grew pale. His aunt was standing behind him. And as expected, when he looked in the front of him that figure was gone.

He was scared and immediately asked aunt that what was wrong with that house, to which she answered nothing. My dad told her the whole story and she again had the same response that he might have not been fully awake and must have imagined or hallucinated something. She further added that they have been living in that house for so many years and haven't encountered anything out of the ordinary. My father, unconvinced, later that night asked his uncle and cousin about the same but got the same response as aunt. Now he was scared to stay alone in that house.

A couple of days passed and nothing happened. My father now was ensured that he might have been imagining. Then one evening my father was sitting in the open hall reading a book and he saw a figure passing by the hall to the stairway. He again doubted for that figure to be his imagination and didn't pay attention but just then he heard a familiar voice asking him to come to the stairway.

He turned and saw the same figure going up the stairs and then stood midway. My dad called, "Aunt, is that you?"

The figure just nodded in a yes.

My father started following that figure. The figure stood still.

My father stopped for a moment and asked, "Are you going upstairs for some work? Do you need help? Want me to follow you?"

The figure again nodded in a yes and said in a familiar tone, "Yes, come with me, I want to show you something" and then that figure started walking up again.

My father recognized the voice as his aunt's. He was about to follow when his uncle entered the house. My father turned towards him and went to greet him. He was about to turn back to the stairs when he saw his aunt coming from the room with towel draped on her hair. She had just returned from taking a bath.

This time my dad was absolutely horrified and after telling them everything, he urged to leave. My uncle calmed him down and said that there were no spirits or supernatural entities in that house as they have never had any such experience and none of them has ever seen anything suspicious.

My father was not at all convinced. That night he asked his cousin about the same and he told that he has never seen anything even when he was home alone. My father was still scared. He left the very next day and decided not to come back again.

After a year my dad's aunt came to visit my father's mother. My dad was also there. My grandmother asked my father to go visit his aunt's house sometime. Before my dad could answer in something, his aunt interrupted by saying, "It's okay. I met him today. It is enough. He is too scared to visit my house. I guess he didn't liked that place. It will be difficult for him to survive there."

My father recalls that there was a strange grin on his aunt's face while saying that and her voice seemed strange. My dad was terrified again. He was sure that whatever that thing was on the stairway wanted to take her up the stairs. He never went though. He don't know what could have happened if he had went.

Till date he has not visited his maternal uncle and aunt's place.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aakanksha10, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-14)
Your father is very lucky. That spirit would just have attacked him. Good story though 😊
Darkfox (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-29)
What a scary experience!. That spirit could possibly be a doppelganger.

It happened to my maternal aunt once that her husband was late one night and was drenched from top to bottom in the rain, and according to aunt he was acting weird and no matter what questions aunt ask him he nodded his head to answer yes or no, aunt thought that he was possibly drunk until in the morning she received a call from her husband saying "Sorry dear, the storm was very intriguing last night, so the trains were running in delay,

I also left you a message that I'll come home in the morning", to which my aunt was really terrified... So who was with her last night?... 😨. It even send a chill down my spine while writing this. But I'm glad that your father is alright. And in the end, I believe that your aunt finally faced this spirit by herself, it was good cause what it could have done if left unnoticed. 😨.

By the way, I found your account very intriguing. Looking forward to your next post 😊.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-28)
It seems like the entity was tapping into your father's aunt. Perhaps she was aware of it and was trying to protect it by denying its existence so no one would bother it. I am not saying that your great aunt was necessarily in league with the entity - it could have been effecting her thoughts with its own set of motives.

As an exceedingly "out there" suggestion - perhaps some sort of Faustian arrangement was in play. Perhaps your great aunt acquired her other worldly beauty by striking a deal with a rather nasty entity. Again, probably nonsense but it is what popped into my head.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
Is safe to come out now? 😟 [looks around warily] Hello Aakanksha, there was a troll trampling about a while ago, but thankfully the Mod Squad dealt with it.

I felt a chill down my spine reading about your father's experience. What a house! Haveli style architecture is ornate and beautiful. It would be fascinating to find out more about the history of the place. Like who lived there in the past and if anything happened there from ancient times?

It's strange about stairways and how they seem to attract spirits and such activity. I wonder if they act like portals, doorways or bridges - perhaps a transitional point between realms. One of my uncles saw children playing on the stairs in my grandmother's house. He didn't think anything was wrong until they disappeared right before his eyes.

Could your father have seen his aunt's doppelganger? Or a spirit mimicking her to play a trick on him? The fact that he felt terrified is significant - he sensed that it wasn't safe for him there.

Why did his aunt make a point of telling him to stay in the open hall when she went out to get groceries? What he wanted to sit in his room or be somewhere else? It was curious he only had those experiences when he was alone in the house.

It seems to me an odd choice of words for his aunt to say: "It will be difficult for him to survive there". Why not say "uncomfortable" or something else? "Survive" sounds a bit ominous, as if the place was full of danger or booby traps. Do you think there was some secret they were hiding from your father? 🤔

Does the family still own the house in Rajasthan? It might be interesting to see the place where it happened. But please, don't go there alone...! 😨
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
Aakanksha: We apologize but there was a nasty poster we were dealing with. I think you would've been more upset if you'd seen what this "person" was doing. Why they chose your thread to do it on no one knows, but we're on it and we continue to monitor the site. Thank you for your patience. 😊
Aakanksha10 (6 stories) (20 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
Wow... Why are there mostly irrelevant comments on my story? Who is Bannu and why is everyone after him?

[at] valkicry thanks for reminding everyone that my story does exist
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-22)
Something I shouldn't have to say, but will; comments that are nothing more than a copy and paste of a previous comment or just part of the story will be deleted. That is a type of plagiarism and will not stand.
Now, can we please give comments back over to Aakanksha's experience? Thank you.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-22)
The internet is an anonymous place where people run rampant. Don't feed the fire. Just ignore them. People are attention vampires, Melda. 😕
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-22)
Bangu what is truly horrifying is the fact that you still have the nerve to comment on this site.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-21)
No worries Miracles. You stopped me from breaking the golden rule - do not add fuel to the fire.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-21)
Hi Aakanksha10, quite creepy. Still would love to know more about it. What about your father's cousin, his aunt and uncle? Are they still living in that house? You can even now do some research on the house, if your relatives are still living there.

I still feel that it would not have been an imagination and your dad's uncle or aunt might have hidden some information from your dad since he was already scared. That is my thinking.

Regards and respects to you.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-21)
Sorry for the bad turn the comments took on your story, aakanksha. And to Rex-T and Melda, I deleted your comments to try and keep him from prolonging this b.s.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)

No worries, we knew you would take care of business. I'm sure this person will be back, but as far as I'm concerned, they are wasting their energy. It's just another spineless keyboard warrior hiding behind their screen, spouting off inarticulate 'crap'. 😜

I'm sorry you have to deal with that too.

Lady-glow: you rock! I love the way you keep cool no matter what 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
lady-glow - yes it would, and that is a lot more considerate than I was thinking LOL
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
Miracles - thanks to you, I'm sure, at some point, everyone just stopped reading his nonsense.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just flush them down the toilet? 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
lady-glow, CuriousDee and everyone else - I am so sorry y'all had to put up with that crap. Unfortunately I am sure this one will be back before the account can be banned. And even that, as Bangu and all his personalities know, won't stop the idiot from doing this. We'll try our best to keep on top of it.

Again, I'm sorry y'all had to deal with this.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
*affect, sorry, phone typing.

Banning is definitely a temporary solution.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
Lmaaaooo Bangu. 😆
I love Internet trolls. Got quite the ego to think some unintelligible comments effect people. Yo, man you need hobbies.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)

It's quite obvious this person has been on the site before. Oh, to have so much time on your hands...

Like I said, they must be such an unhappy person. It's not healthy you know. 😜

I guess I'd better rethink my 'crap' stories, because one person has deemed them unworthy. Or my right to comment and post. Oh wait... That doesn't bother me. Hehehehe! I guess the jig is up! 😁
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
CuriousDee - do you see a pattern here?

Spikiwee69... Anubis return... BanGONE?
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
Sigh. It's times like this that I feel sorry for the mods... Sorry mods 😕
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
Oh bangu... I feel sorry for you. You come across as a very unhappy person... With a lot of time on your hands. Maybe find a constructive hobby?

Any who... I'm bored already.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
bangu - if you don't want to be banned from the site, you better stop your bang-banging comments, just wait for one of the moderators to read your postings and you'll be gone like a puff of smoke.

Everyone's opinion is welcomed to the site as long as we act with respect towards the rest of the members.😠
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)

If you and the people you know haven't encountered anything paranormal, why bother posting on this site? It appears that you don't believe in anything paranormal, however it doesn't give you the right to label someone's account as 'crap'. That is just plain rude and ignorant.

If you have issues with a story, you should state; "I believe this is not true because..." Or something similar. It's called being polite. I'm sure you understand. There are rules and guidelines regarding posting comments, opinions, etc.
saamri (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-18)
Scary... But m sure tht the uncle and his family is hiding something from your father...
StephanieHyde (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-18)
Seems like a possible demonic possession. Creepy! I wouldn't go back. 😨
SAMthedude (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-18)
OMG! It is truly horrifying, I'm glad that your father's alright. It could be some evil entity who means some harm to the family. Cause I have heard that spirits of indian women are very vengeful. But still investigating the issue was dangerous too. I have question regarding this, that maybe that spirit is only visible to your father cause the rest of the family seems to have never encountered it. It would be interesting to find out why? 😊. By the way, nice twist. At the beginning I thought your father's aunt was the ghost 😁.

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