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Spirit Likes Me? - Please Help?


Lately I've dabbled with contacting a certain spirit (will not say who) via EMF and ever since that day I've had weird encounters.

I feel like these tickle-like touches on my face, hands, as well as my legs and feet. I always feel like fingers are lightly touching my hair and dragging them down and then repeating that action. I'll also feel like someone lightly poking at my head and will put my hand on said spot and then it stops.

Whenever that would happen, I would use my EMF and ask if it woke me up and it blinks green, which means yes.

For two nights straight I woke up around 3 am for no apparent reason. Again, I've used the EMF to ask if he woke me up and it blinked green. I asked if he was going to do it again and it blinked green, which explained the second time I woke up at 3 am.

Whenever I finish a session love songs play, even though I don't own that many love songs, it's usually like jpop or other foreign music. I usually ask if he can somehow control the music playing and it blinked green.

Today at lunch I as talking to a few friends and I felt like this light finger touching my cheek. I tried my best to ignore it, which somehow worked. I was hearing music on my phone and every song was about love and missing you and overall topics that surrounded love. A few songs even had like "I'm waiting for you, love" lyrics. I was kind of freaked out.

At night I'll hear noises or sometimes watch a shadow, but so far it hasn't misplaced things or thrown anything, nor have I woken up with scratches, so I'm assuming that it's not a bad spirit

I'd use a Ouija Board to get a more thorough answer, but I'm too scared.

I actually asked it if I should a Ouija Board and it blinked dark green, which means no. I told it that I was tempted to and it blinked no. I asked if the Ouija Board overall is a bad and dangerous item (I acted dumb) and it blinked green.

It seems to always be in my room whenever I decide to do a session. I once asked it if it likes hanging around my room and talk to me and it blinked green.

Can someone help me explain why? Was it because I contacted it first?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Yaboigoo, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-25)
LovelyNov... I'd like to clarify when you say "EMF" I'm assuming you are referring to and EMF meter. I'd like to know if said meter is of the dedicated variety with an antenna, or is it a phone app?
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
[at] lady-glow

The reason why my story started off as vague is because it was something that barely happened. (keyword: barely) and I just started using the EMF a little more as the days went by, thus making me add whatever new experience I had just endured in the session.

Apologies if it came off as contradictory, but I mean, I can't argue with that.

Honestly, the activity in my home has descreased, so luckily I'm not experiencing like door knocks everyday or something.

Plus, I use the EMF whenever I'm bored, which is probably a dumb idea, but I dunno. If anything, it makes me meet new spirits that tend to pass by.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
Am I being over distrustful?

LovelyNov - I'm having trouble following your comments! In the first place, it would have been great if, from the beginning, you had included in your narrative all the important information that you had been adding little by little to your story through your comments.

With all due respect but, in my opinion, some of your answers are, if not contradictory, at least, confusing.

From your story:
"...via EMF and ever since that day I've had weird encounters."

After you were asked your motives for contacting this spirit your answer was:
" there was a few weird activity happening, but I sort of assumed it was because we were slowly leaving the house and building a new one..."

Do you mean there was some activity happening at your place (did any member of your family experienced it?), but it escalated and targeted you after performing the first EMF session?

"The activity concerning whatever was in my home didn't show any bad activity"
What kind of activity was this, perhaps the sound of footsteps, shadows seen in the corner of the eye, disappearing objects, other?

" I just assumed that it must be the spirits that probably lived here and died."
Do you know the history of the house and the land where it is built? How old is the house? Are you aware if someone has died at the premises?

I don't want to nitpick your story but, just like you, I take everything with a grain of salt!

This is getting too long... But I don't want to cut it off before asking what is going on with your entity whom "it's sort of a famous spirit" that favors music like "jpop or other foreign music" to let you know his feelings - That should narrow his identity to someone FAMOUS that passed away RECENTLY... Perhaps, somewhere in Texas?... If not for the jpop hint, I would ask if you're being haunted by John F. Kennedy!
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
[at] sherm784

Stuff has been happening, but it's nothing too extreme. If anything, it's always touching my fingers and my forehead and my feet? It's this weird feeling.

If anything, I've been extremely cautious when doing my sessions.
sherm784 (19 stories) (27 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
It sounds like you're doing all the right things to try and find out who he is and why this is happening. Keep posting if stuff like this continues.
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
[at] CuriousDee

Always! I tend to ask a few questions that I actually researched on my own that not many people knew and it got every single question correct.

The energy tends to throw me off. Usually I feel that one and ones that have like this stern soldier-like "tough guy" type of energy and it makes it very impossible to ask any questions without fearing that it might go all the way to red or like get mad easily.

But I sort of got bored of using the EMF, so there are days where I literally don't pay an ounce of attention to it and I resume doing whatever it is that I have to do.

Benign or not, keeping my guard up is the only thing that I can do in order to not be gullible and automatically believe it.

So far I haven't been attacked or had nightmares, so at this point I don't really know what that spirit would be.

The activity concerning whatever was in my home didn't show any bad activity or attacked anyone in the family, which is why I just assumed that it must be the spirits that probably lived here and died. That's a possibility, but who really knows.

And haha, gotcha!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
For some reason, I had a feeling the spirit would be considered famous. It does sound like you know about keeping your guard up. There is always the possibility that you are in contact with something that has malicious intent.

Honestly, I would advise you to refrain from using the EMF detector. Just in case it invites something negative. Plus, there is the possibility that the activity could heighten and cause some real distress.

I'm sure you know all this. Don't worry about typing too fast, I'm used to it. I have two teenagers 😉
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
[at] CuriousDee

Yeah, there was a few weird activity happening, but I sort of assumed it was because we were slowly leaving the house and building a new one, which will soon be done and livable.

And yeah, it's sort of a famous spirit. I kind of reached out as sort of a laughing matter, not knowing that I possibly contacted it?

All I can say is this one certain song always plays. I can press shuffle God knows how many times and it will always pop up. I sort of assume that that certain spirit is around. (Although I can be completely wrong about this!)

I've used the EMF before and asked if that was its favorite song and it said yes, so maybe that's why?

Haha please don't apologize, it's totally fine! Your typing pace shouldn't be something to apologize about! Maybe I should slow down when replying to comments, haha. Now I feel bad. I'll make sure to wait a couple of minutes if you have another reply! I don't mind!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
Whoops, I see you posted while I was typing up my last comment. 😜 I'm rather slow at it. 😊
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)

As far as confusion on why you decided to contact this spirit; Usually there is a reason such as, reaching out to a deceased loved one. We are just interested in why you decided to use the EMF detector in the first place. You don't have to disclose the name or relationship with this spirit at all. It's normal for members to ask for clarification and ask questions. We are just interested in your experience and want to help. 😊

Did you know this spirit before they passed (a family member, friend, etc)?

Is this the spirit of someone considered famous?

Was there any activity in your house that spurred on the idea of using the EMF detector for contact?

We mean no offense, like I said, it's common for members to ask questions. 😊
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
[at] lady-glow

Which is why I take everything with a grain of salt! I can't just be 100% gullible and be like "Wowie! It really is you!"

Also, the reason why I keep this spirit as somewhat of a secret is because it's pretty silly, really. I actually feel like an idiot now. Hah.

Although, the energy on that spirit is really...calm? Like it's sort of like a laid back, calm, chill, and comforting sort of energy/feeling. You can't miss it.

As to my first EMF session, I remember using it to see who was here and surprisingly I was able to communicate with a few spirits that must've been passing by, as they said no when I asked if they lived around here. Most of them agreed on the Ouija Board while others said no and agreed when I asked if it was because it was bad. I must've been curious enough to see if it was possible to contact said spirit. I asked various questions.

And about that... Maybe if you're determined enough, haha. I never really thought about using an EMF as like a way to communicate with certain spirits.

Needless to say, I have met a few interesting ones that come on during my sessions from time to time.

If you're planning on doing an a session (be it whatever your reasons may be) start off with a positive and clear head. That usually helps.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
LovelyNov - I respect your request for keeping the entitie's identity private but, would it be possible to be more specific about the reason that made you contact 'him'?

Would you mind to describe your first EMF session?
I'm having trouble understanding if you contacted a specific spirit whom had a reason to try to communicate with you or if you were expecting any random entity to answer.

Also, are you sure the spirit is who they claim to be? Don't discard the possibility of them lying to you trying to win your trust to later show their true colours.

Do you think I could get in touch with Rudolph Valentino by using and EMF reader? 😘
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
[at] CuriousDee

Haha, thank you. I'm not really one to contact spirits with bad intentions.

I sort of did an EMF session earlier and wow was that something. Even if things turned out okay I don't think that I'll be dabbling in anything like that as frequently as I did.

I've made various posts about this spirit and people still don't get why I seem to have somewhat of a "strong" connection with this particular spirit. Maybe it's because of how I am as a person? That's the only thing that I could think of.

Again, I appreciate your comment!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)

Thank you for the clarification. The site doesn't have email notification, but when you log on, you can click on your account at the top of the page and then click New Comments.

It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. My only advice is to be careful with contacting spirits.

Thanks again,
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
[at] CuriousDee

I apologize for the lack of information, as it was something that barely happened.

My reason for contacting this spirit? I'd say it was purely out of boredom. Oh, and curiosity.

I did end the EMF sessions for a bit and the touching stopped, but when I did one yesterday I had this raging headache and when I had ended it, the pain stopped.

I've asked the spirit before if it somewhat uses the music to express how it feels and it says yes, so I mean. This only happens after a session. When I had quit doing them, the music was just random, as it should be. It wasn't one love song after another.

Also, I don't have a crush or anything like that, currently. I'm pretty much focused on other things that don't regard love or anything like that. I'm pretty much content with being single.

Yeah, as I've said before, I'm not using a Ouija Board, nor do I plan on using one anytime soon. A family member used one recently and got some chilling responses, yet that still doesn't make me want to use one. I know what its capable of and I know that it's not a "toy" that should be messed with. The reason for asking that was a test of mine to see if it'd be like "Yes! You should use one even if it's an evil thing!"

I appreciate your comment nonetheless.

Also, apologies for the late reply. If this website sent an email whenever I recieved a comment on this post it'd be really helpful, plus I would've responded sooner.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-05-21)
A reminder from the Comments Guidelines:
Posts that are abusive, vulgar, insulting or spammy will be deleted. If a person persists in posting such messages numerous times, they will be blocked / banned from this site. We also reserve the right to delete comments that are juvenile, off-topic, very poorly written, unintelligible, incoherent, messages all in UPPERCASE or with every first letter capitalized, and anything that looks like promotional material.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-21)

I agree with lady-glow, more details are needed. You didn't experience any activity before using the EMF? Why did you feel the need to contact this spirit?

I can't help but wonder if there is any electrical interference tainting the EMF results? However, I would think the chances are slim. I'm not a techie. 😜

I definitely don't recommend using a Ouija Board though. You don't know 'who or what' you're inviting.

It sounds as if you are feeling a bit unnerved with this spirit's contact. Maybe stop using the EMF detector and see how things go for awhile.

I think the type of songs you are hearing aren't necessarily related to the situation. You didn't mention if you are in a relationship or were recently in one. Noticing the love songs could have something to do with a relationship (if you are in one) or simply because you are interested in someone (a crush? Is that term still used? I'm showing my age now).

Just a few ideas. Hopefully, you can provide some clarity, but if you don't feel the need to, consider some of the helpful suggestions by the members. We do want to help, so no worries on feeling judged or silly.

All the best,
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-20)
[at] Thor220

No worries, haha. I will not be using a Ouija Board anytime soon or ever for that fact. I know that they're not good, nor are they a solution to find out whoever this spirit is. Thank you for your comment, though!
LovelyNov (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-18)
[at] lady-glow I did it out of curiosity. I'm not looking for some love connection, obviously. If I did then wow would that be a different case.

However, the lyrics describe certain things, so I mean either that's a coincidence or something else.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-18)
More information, please.

May I ask what made you contact this spirit? Was there something that made you think there was a presence in your room or did you just decide to start asking questions while using the EMF?
Are you sure nothing is interfering with the EMF? It's possible that what you think is this spirit's answer is nothing else than the reading for some electronic gadget.

As for the "love songs", well, the vast majority of lyrics are about love, aren't they?

"At night I'll hear noises or sometimes watch a shadow..."
Could it be the house settling?

If you think all these "activity" began after you started the EMF sessions, then you have the power to stop it, you never know what could you be inviting by playing 'ghost-hunter'; keep yourself away from the Ouija board and find more productive hobbies than dabbling with the occult.

If you think teenage boys are stupid you are right, but if you are looking for a sentimental relationship, even a stupid boy is a better option than a ghost.
Thor220 (4 stories) (15 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-17)
In my experience ouija boards are always a bad idea. It opens up portals that may allow some seriously dark entities to come through. As for why this spirit just started to communicate with you it could be something that has been there for a while but once you started showing it attention and it realized you were aware of it's presence it may be trying to communicate. But I would still use caution.

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