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A Rainy Day


It was a Saturday summer evening and it was pouring buckets. My vacations were going on so I had went to my grandmother's place which was a small village with very less population. It was peaceful there but you would not see many people so hanging out alone at that time wasn't really an appreciated task. But I had gone out for some sight seeing in the outskirts of the village and I wanted to click some pictures. You can rarely find such beautiful natural surroundings in a city so I wanted to make the most out of my trip. But I guess I chose a wrong time to go for it. I was stuck at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come and I didn't knew what was taking the bus so long to come. Had the rain stopped, I would have walked home. But it was not possible. On top of that I was the single soul at the bus stop and as it was getting dark I wanted to get home as fast as possible so was waiting desperately for the bus.

After a while bus arrived. It was an empty bus. I took it and sat at the front. Not a single soul except me and the driver. Well that can be a problem with such villages. I was happy that the whole bus belonged to me and that I will finally be reaching home as the journey was not so long, only 4 stops.

The driver started driving. It was getting dark and I wanted to reach home as soon as possible. The bus stopped at another spot and an aged woman got in. She sat next to me. I wondered that why were there so less people to take a bus. The rain was making it difficult for the driver to drive and the horrible roads contributed equally to it. I felt as if this 4 stop journey would take ages to complete. But I was left with no option so I sat quietly waiting for my stop to come.

After few seconds the woman asked me that where was I heading to, to which I replied gently and asked her the same to which she replied that the last stop is her destination.

For a moment there was silence. Then she asked me what did I do. I told her that I am a student. She smiled and said that I should make it fast to the home as it's not safe for a girl of my age to stay out at this hour and that too all alone. She also figured out that I was new to that village to which I nodded in a yes and told her that I was there to visit my grandma.

I started looking out of the window, though it was dark and I couldn't see anything but still I found it as a way of avoiding that woman. To me, that woman seemed strange.

After a while the woman asked me that whether I believed in ghosts or not and this surprised me. I answered in a yes but was still wondering that why was she asking such a question.

She told me that she has seen ghosts for real. My curiosity increased and I started listening to her with keen interest.

She further narrated- "I was just married then, I was very beautiful and shy. I didn't knew anything and was naive. My husband was a nice man and took care of me. It all started when I visited his village to meet his distant family members and paying tribute to the ancestors.

I was young then and so was free spirited and enthusiastic about everything. I went to roam around in the village and saw an old house on my way. Looking at it I felt that it was empty from quite some time. There was no one around and I thus went into the house.

The house was completely a mess. I think someone left from here in a great hurry. The house was spooky and I felt uncomfortable inside so I headed back and that was when I saw her for the first time."

-"whom?", I interrupted

-" the lady in the black. (she continued) I thought that she must be living here so I chased her. She stopped suddenly and I was scared. She turned and she looked horrible. She was a ghost. I screamed loudly and ran away.

I told this to my husband and everyone else in the house. They advised me to not to go that place at it was haunted by the spirit of that lady.

After it she often appeared in my dreams and I was scared. I started knowing more about ghosts after that. I studied about them. There is one thing about ghosts, they make you feel that they belong to this world and they indulge you in their conversation. They only show their real face when you get a hint that they are not what they pretend to be and you express your fear towards them.

Your fear gives them strength."

She ended her story. I sat quietly and smiled towards her. I was thinking about what she told me and just then I happened to look in the mirror of the bus in front of me. It was in mid of where me and that old woman was sitting. So accordingly one half of me was visible in that mirror and the other half would be of that old woman.

I grew pale as I saw only one reflection in the mirror and that was mine. No reflection of that old lady. I took out my compact powder and pretended to apply some on my face while carefully directing it's mirror towards her and again I saw no reflection of her in it. I by now knew that what was going on and I was about to scream but just then I remembered what she had told me, 'your fear gives them strength.'

It was still raining outside. My destination was 1 stop away. I decided to sit quietly and wait for my stop. All this while she didn't spoke anything and neither did I.

Finally my stop arrived. I wanted to get out as soon as possible. I stood up and got off the seat and that was when she spoke.

She said-" I guess you are a good student. You take your lessons seriously." and she smiled.

I grew pale once again and hurriedly got off the bus. I started walking towards home as fast as I could. My heart was throbbing. I thought that she told me that my fear will give these entities strength and I had control over my fear and that is why I was saved.

Well yes, it was a lesson learnt. Overcome your fear. Get hold of your fear and emotions and you can get out of any situation. Though at that time I was scared, but now I stared feeling somewhat relieved.

That no matter who or what she was, she taught me a valuable lesson.

It was still raining, but I was almost home now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aakanksha10, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Hilarygosick (guest)
6 years ago (2018-05-17)
To LG- yeah maybe you're right 😁... But it was a good horror movie though. That old lady was the ghost killing those children 😨...
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-30)
To LG- I think If Anil Kapoor powdered his nose, he would might had looked like Leslie Nelson in Draculla movie LOL.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-30)
Hilarygosick - I hope Anil Kapoor didn't have to powder his nose, too, in that movie! 😜
Hilarygosick (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-30)
Hey aakansha, you know your story reminds me of a scene of a bollywood horror movie in which actor anil kapoor had the same incident happened to him. 😁 But I'm not implying your story to be fake or something so please no offencement. As far as I'm concerned country sides are the most spookiest places you ever want to go to. I'm telling this from my personal experiences I had in my grandpa's house when I used to visit them on vacation when I was a kid. I've heard many myths and legends there. And from the details in your story the one you had this encounter is probably the ghost called "demon hag". My grandpa told me about it when I was a kid but I still remember it though 😁. Despite of their name these spirits are not really demonic or possessive or anything. Actually they are the guiding spirits who lost their way while going to heaven or something like that. They use to scare travelers who they find don't belong to their area, some legends say they're pretty fond of children and loves to narrate stories to them (though they're horror stories) 😢. But they never meant any harm but will only scare you death. My grandpa too encountered with one in his 20's which I would like to share someday with my other experiences. These spirits usually appears in rainy or stormy nights or sometimes during the winter when there is less visibility due to fog or mist. By the way nice story, you were pretty brave out there. I would have been dead when I realize that I'm sitting next to something which is not a human.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-29)
sush - I know you asked for the o/p to respond, but seriously? 😕
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-29)
One question that I would like to ask from the o/p, when there were no reflections on the mirror of the old lady then how would have that bus driver seen that lady from his windscreen? That was also glass.
Just querious.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-29)
gypsyking - although this isn't my story, your questions made me curious because they seemed to be self-explanatory. I'm not from India, but I Googled and learned that it does rain during the summer.

And regarding the mirror question, I believe what she meant was she directed the view of her compact (makeup) mirror toward the old woman, not one of the bus mirrors.
gypsyking410 (13 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-29)
"...It was a Saturday summer evening and it was pouring buckets..."

Rains in summer? Was it s freak rain shower?

"...I took out my compact powder and pretended to apply some on my face while carefully directing it's mirror towards her..."

Can you explain what type of bus it was? Since you mentioned its a village, I am guessing its the local ST bus (State Transport). I don't think these bus's have any mirrors in front, of if they do have the central rear view mirror, You would have to stand up in order to direct the mirror...
They do have the rear mirrors on the sides of the bus, but to adjust that mirror you would have to open the window, and it was raining heavily remember...
Aakanksha10 (6 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-08)
[at] lady-glow well talking about the stops, there are only 2 major stops the other places where the bus stops is if the driver sees people waiting for the bus. Its not like cities where you have marked booths. I exactly don't remember why the driver stopped the bus, it was dark outside as I stated and I was not able to see clearly so I am not sure if there were other people too or it was just that old woman who the driver also saw.

No I didn't told this to my grandma as she gets scared easily and with her age you wouldn't really want to scare her. I just didn't saw her reflection in the mirror of the bus as well as my compact. All human beings have their reflections. So if she was like us why wasn't there any reflection of hers? It might be possible that she had been once residing in that village and died in some bus accident or something? I don't know perhaps.

Talking about my 1st story, I don't if she is sensitive to paranormal or not but she never had any such experience before that night and nor even after that. But yes I have had quite a few experiences. Will share them one by one.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-05)
Aakanksha - thanks for replaying though, to be honest, after reading your answer I got more questions.

"...what if I see something that other can't? "

Could you please describe in a more detailed way the bus stops along that road? Are there any booths marking the spots where the passengers get on/off the bus or do the drivers stop at any random place when someone is asking for a ride (like a taxi driver'd do)? If there are booths, do the drivers stop and wait there even if there are no people waiting to board their bus?

I'm asking these because the way your narrative is, doesn't explain if the driver stopped to pick up the lady after HE SAW her waiting and calling for the bus, or if he stopped because he had to do it regardless if he DIDN'T SEE anyone waiting at the stop.

And what about your friend 'X' from your previous story, is she sensitive to the paranormal? Otherwise, how do you explain her seen 'Swati' and the long interaction both of you held with that ghost during the night she came knocking at your bedroom's door?

"...They only show their real face when you get a hint that they are not what they pretend to be and you express your fear towards them.
Your fear gives them strength."

If, according to the lady, ghosts become stronger from people's fear, wouldn't it be in the ghosts' best interest to show themselves to as many persons as possible so they could feast and gorge from their feelings of dread and horror?

I'm interested to know if you told your grandmother about your encounter and, if you did, what did she say?

As far as I know, ghosts are attached to places that meant something to them during their life.
Fidel Castro's spirit wouldn't be seen at the Taj Mahal, neither Queen Victoria would scare the tourists bathing in the sunny beaches of Bermuda. So, I would expect your ghost either lived in the area or died somewhere nearby the road. Is your grandma aware of a previous resident fitting the description of this lady?

"...I had control over my fear and that is why I was saved."

What exactly you were saved from?
Aakanksha10 (6 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-05)
[at] aartis well thanks for commenting. And how should I exactly take your 'advice'?
Aakanksha10 (6 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-05)
[at] lady-glow well I told that in the end it was when I realized who or what she was. When you are in such a situation many things won't come to your mind which normally would have. Do you really think that amidst all this and when I knew who she was, I would have stopped and asked the driver that whether he has seen this old lady. I just wanted to get out of the bus. Well yes in small villages even the most insignificant thing can be the topic for discussion but what if I see something that other can't? What will they discuss then? And yes buses can be empty. How am I supposed to know why she sat besides me? And I already mentioned that I had a strange feeling about her so I was least interested in any conversation with her.
Aakanksha10 (6 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-05)
[at] rynne well I am in a habit of carrying compact and all with me, no matter where I go. See the one who faces things better knows it. I am not asking anyone to surely believe it. Everybody can have their own opinion.
rynne (70 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-04)
You took your compact powder, to go sightseeing in the outskirts-of a small village with very less population. Hmm. Convenient too that she sat next to you in an empty bus. A "ghost" sharing her own encounter with a ghost! You even remembered when and what you interrupted her with.

Yes, agree with the earlier comments, doesn't seem like your real ghost story.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-24)
This is a strange experience. It seems that your encounter with the old woman was quite lengthy? I'm not sure what to think. Interesting nonetheless. 😉
aartis (1 stories) (10 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-23)
I've read both your stories and while I read many stories on this site but hardly comment, I could not stop myself commenting on yours.

My two piece for you. Apply as scriptwriter for Bollywood horror genre.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-23)
"...I was very beautiful and shy...
I was young then and so was free spirited and enthusiastic about everything..." 😕
A bit contradictory, if I may say.

Due to the long interaction held between the lady ghost and you, I imagine many people has fainted when encountering her... And her battery is charged to last forever.

Did you ask your grandma if other people have reported similar encounters?
Did you ask the bus driver if he saw the woman getting on the bus and during the duration of the ride? Do you know if this was the first time she rode his bus.
I ask because according to your narrative "was a small village" and, in smaller communities, even the most insignificant events are public knowledge... Worse than Facebook! 😁

Interesting, though, I don't necessarily agree with all the information given by the ghost.

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