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House Puppy 2


Just an update. On Friday night, 8 June, I went to bed quite late. My hubby and step-son were still out as my husband was preparing for a classic car race on Saturday. When they finally got home around 23h30, I was still awake but fell asleep very quickly. Around 00h15 and 00h30, I woke up to the feeling of a puppy jumping onto the bed, walking up to behind my knees then making himself comfortable and then lying shivering (its very cold here at the moment). I sat up thinking it was my step-son's puppy as they were sleeping over but couldn't see anything. I swiped my hand over the bed where I felt the puppy but there was nothing. I settled down again and again I felt the puppy walk across my legs then settled down again and again I felt the shivering.

At this stage I got up and walked to my step-son's room to see if his puppy had come out but their door was closed. There was no way his puppy could have been in my room. At this stage it was 00h30 (I checked). Nothing happened when I finally went back to bed.

On Saturday night, when my step-son and hubby returned from the racing around 21h00 hours. My step-son was sitting on the carpet stroking his puppy as it lay in front of the heater. Suddenly he jerked his left arm inward and looked to his left. He then told me he saw a puppy brush by him as if it were also looking for attention.

Someone mentioned to me that maybe the ghost puppy is making itself more known when there are other puppies around. Could this be? My one dog did give birth to 3 puppies on Thursday and my step-son slept over with his puppy from Thursday through to Saturday. Of course, after he saw and felt the ghost puppy, he packed up and left in one H*ll of a hurry. 😁 😁 😁

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, annie16, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-30)
A recent update. As stated in the comments, the puppy seemed to have left. It now appears as if the puppy left with my step-son. His puppy died shortly after this sleepover. My step-son recently went to visit a friend who can and has always seen spirits. While visiting, X asked my step-son if he knows there is a dog with him, thinking it might be his own puppy he asked what the puppy looked like. X describe out ghost puppy to a T. There is NO WAY he could have known about this puppy.
sugarANDspice (19 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-10)
that's so sweet!
I miss my dog that died when my drunk neighbor ran him over, hes an ***hole. 😭

S&s ❤
annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-25)
Thank you all for your comments. It is much appreciated. Sadly, it seems that the puppy has left as I haven't seen her since this encounter. Hopefully she is where she belongs and can rest peacefully. 😳
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-25)
Hi Annie,

What a adorable creature it is, making itself comfortable near you, I guess it likes the company of your family members as much as the puppies there, animals actually get excited in the presence of their own species the same way as the humans feel lonely.

I got a kitty just a few months ago, but in her recent days of arrival she use to scream a lot, she most probably felt lonely so my father decided to keep her with the puppies to which I strongly opposed but for my surprise all of them got along very well, the puppies were too astounded like an "alien" has arrived in their territory so whenever they saw kitty they used to hide, it was so cute to watch them like that but now they are a big joint family.

Chiku (1 stories) (21 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-24)
Annie, it was really nice to read your narrative. Last line made me LOL.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-22)
Sweet little thing! It makes sense to me that having more puppies around would excite the little critter ❤ Just makes me sad that he seems so cold - would it feel too creepy to hold up the covers for him to crawl under? Not sure if I'd have the guts myself but the shivering might convince me...
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-22)
annie16 - This little dog has clearly decided to settle in for a while and decided to make itself as comfortable as possible 😊

I think it's also very possible that it finds the presence of other dogs very comforting and is doing its best to make its presence known and share the attention. More than likely it came from a household with other animals and isn't used to being a loner. Possibly also slept on somebody's bed during its lifetime.

I would love to know where it lived during its life but I think you're fortunate that it adopted you!

Regards, Melda

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