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Strange Visitors


It's been over two years since I last submitted an experience. Since then, so much has happened. Within a 3 month period, to the day, I lost my older sister, her husband (my brother-in-law) and my niece. All were natural although very sudden deaths. Suffice it to say, it was an extremely emotional period.

One early afternoon, shortly after this, on a clear sunny day, I was sitting watching a program on TV. I was totally alone and I wasn't really paying attention, as I was still deep in mourning. As I sat there I saw a tall man walk past my living room window. He was black from head to toe. As he slowly sauntered past, he turned to look at me and I could clearly see his eyes, white and bright. It was only the window separating us. I was shocked. The first thought that came to mind was my gardener but he was away, the next thought was an intruder, no, it couldn't be. If it WERE a person he would have to open two gates to exit the property. The first gate is approx. 7 ft high and extremely heavy. Opening this gate makes a very loud, very distinctive sound, but there was no sound at all (this gate is directly next to the window I was looking through, there is no way it could be opened without me hearing it clearly). The 2nd gate, also huge, leads to the street and was locked with a chain and heavy duty lock. This is the ONLY way out of the property with absolutely no way of scaling the fence without serious injury.

The minute I realized that there was no sound of the gates opening, I got up and walked from window to window to see where he had disappeared to. Our windows are big, so by walking through the house I can see the entire back and front yard. He was nowhere to be found. I was a little nervous as crime is prevalent in South Africa, but after a few minutes I realized that my dogs hadn't even barked, which was highly unusual.

When I finally went and sat down again and thought about what I had seen, I realized that this man was dressed entirely in black and his face (and hands? Can't remember seeing his hands) was just as black as his clothes. The only thing that stood out clearly was his white eyes looking straight at me.

I wrote this off to my imagination so didn't even mention it to my husband when he finally got home.

Approx. 2 or 3 days later my hubby and I were again in the living room, again in broad daylight. My hubby was sitting with his back to the window, facing my kitchen and I was sitting facing him when he suddenly jumped up and said, "there's a strange woman in the kitchen". Well, there was nobody. He said he saw her walk toward the kitchen door but there was no sound of the screen door opening or any sign of anyone on our property. Hubby later told me, the woman looked totally real but older, taller and slimmer than me.

It was then that I told him of the "black" man and raised the possibility of it being visitations, which really worried my hubby (he is a scaredy cat of note). So, with his blessing (and pleading), I cleansed the house and placed quartz crystals in and around our home at the first possible opportunity.

Since then, all has been very quiet.

I find this entire situation extremely puzzling and have absolutely no explanation for what, or who, we saw.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, annie16, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-24)
Hi Annie16

Yes I it is usually difficult to find out the history of certain places here in S.A,but I agree with you that the shadows you and your husband saw could be this couple.
annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-24)
Hi Rajine. I do know the previous owner (man) passed away in the house. The wife sold the property to us and passed away about 2 years later. I personally believe that the woman my husband saw, may be this lady. In SA it's really almost impossible to trace the history of homes so I have no way of saying how many owners the home has had. It was built in the early 60's though.
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-23)
Hi Annie16

Does your home have a long history and different previous owners? If so then maybe it could be a previous owner who may have passed away there.
annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-23)
[at] Rajine, thank you for your comment. These "beings" my husband and I saw seemed as real as you and I. Every entity, (for lack of a better word) I have ever seen, appears as a solid, real, living person. That's why I am always a little confused or shocked at seeing them. I didn't feel anything bad, it was just 2 people that were where they shouldn't be.

[at] Melda, thank you, it is still an ongoing struggle to reconcile with the loss. You said good or guardian spirits 🤔. Hmm, could be, but I agree, residual or wandering spirits don't make sense at all.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-23)
Annie - Losing three close family members in such a short space of time is devastating. My very sincere condolences.

Obviously these weren't your family members or you and your husband would have recognised them. Perhaps good spirits, or perhaps guardians, sent to check on you? Residual doesn't make sense to me in this scenario and neither does wandering spirits. Just my opinion.

I'm sure you'll receive more input from other readers.

I wish you the best.

By the way, the cleansing was an excellent idea, just in case the spirits weren't as benign as they appeared!

Regards, Melda
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-22)
Also a cleansing should be done on a regular basis, try to wear clear quartz crystals as well to channel positive energy to yourself and your family
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-22)
Hi Annie16

Firstly I'd like to offer my condolences on the passing of your sister, brother in law and niece, do you think perhaps it could be their spirits coming to see you for one last time? Also what sort of vibe did you get from the shadow you saw? Did it feel menacing or malevolent or was it the opposite.

I've also had an experience with a shadow person I looked directly at it but "he" was a full white shadow in the shape of a man.

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