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My Musical Home


In July of 2009, I bought a previously owned mobile home and relocated it onto my parents' property where my kids and I have lived since, and where most of our paranormal experiences have taken place. The following are music-related.

The first time I heard music in my home and couldn't find the source was Christmas evening that same year. I had been visiting with my parents and had just gotten home at 9:40pm. My kids were gone, so it was just me. When I opened my living room door I could hear music; not TV or radio music. It was more like whistling (think Andy Griffith) or like an instrument of some kind. As soon as I stepped into the living room, the music stopped. Believing it was our ghost (, I said something like "That was different. What were you doing?" but didn't get a response. The whistle didn't come from a TV or radio; none were on. My desktop computer was on, but the speakers weren't, and it was on a website for purses. I know the noise came from inside my home because my dog Braxton walked up onto the deck with me and he didn't act like he heard anything at all outside. It was only after I opened the storm door that I heard it. And like I said, as soon as my foot hit the threshold, the whistling stopped.

While meditating one night in June of 2010, I could hear conversation in my living room, along with old-fashioned piano music. I could hear the voices as plainly as if the TV was on, but low enough that I couldn't clearly understand what they were saying. I tried to isolate just one voice, and it came through pretty loudly (not yelling, more like a volume that had been turned up), but I still couldn't make out what was being said. I do know the voices weren't talking to me. It felt residual... They were just carrying on a conversation with each other. I could see the scene in my head as if those sounds were occurring in a saloon that just happened to be in my living room. I could almost imagine the tinkling sound of glass. It wasn't a solid sound, more like something that I should hear if I was really hearing sounds coming from a saloon. When I heard the tinny piano music, I imagined someone at a bar or a piano with a glass in their hand. That's what I should have heard and that's what my mind was trying to supply. The other sounds were distinct as well, except for not being able to decipher what they were saying. The saloon sounds went on for what seemed like at least 15-20 minutes but when I'm meditating, I lose track of time, so it could have been anywhere from 5 minutes to 30. Because of how busy (aka noisy) my work day, I try to keep my house as quiet as possible. When my kids are gone, I have no intrusive noises. I wasn't even listening to any music while meditating.

About a month later at 11:55 pm, I was sitting at the computer, chatting with zzsgranny before getting ready to call it a night. All at once I could hear voices coming from my right side. It sounded like a ball game was on. The voices were staticky, not too loud, but loud enough that I had no problem hearing them. I've always thought it was a baseball game because of the time of year, but whatever game was being broadcast was fast paced and action filled. There was no other sound except the click of the ceiling fan. All electronics in the living room were off, except my computer.

Between 2010 and 2015, I have no record of any musical oddities. Until November 16th when I was woken at 1:45am and couldn't go back to sleep. While laying there, I heard music. It wasn't just instruments, there were females singing. The TV and radio were not on and I can't hear my kids' TVs, especially when my bedroom floor fan is on, as it always is. I never figured out what they were singing.

August of 2016, I was trying to get to sleep when I heard music in my bedroom. Like before, I couldn't identify the music, but it sounded instrumental. The music lasted about 10 minutes and then just faded away. This isn't the first time I have heard this type of music, but I never put it in my Journal. It was definitely prior to 2016; between 2010 and 2014. A few of those times someone else heard the music. The first time I had someone else witness it, I even turned off my fan and we still heard the music. On at least one of these occasions my kids weren't home, so I know it wasn't music coming from another room through the vents.

Not very often, but occasionally I get to hear music I enjoy. Like January of 2017 when I was woken around 5:00am, blessed with rock music, KISS style. The only words I could make out were definitely rock style. It sounded like it was a radio station because after the first song I heard had ended, I heard a DJ say "Mark Conway" and "summertime". The radio then continued playing rock music. After another song or two played, another commercial came on. After the commercial was over, the radio became very staticky and loud. Eventually I said, "Okay guys, either tune it in or turn it off." Finally, the radio went off. I have only one radio in the whole house which hasn't been plugged in for over 2 years. None of our gadgets were on: my phone was on the charger, tablet was dead. No TV on, nothing that could explain the music. It was loud enough if it had been an actual radio station, my son should have been able to hear it and would have yelled for me to turn it down, and it would have woken my, at the time 2-yr-old, grandson. For the record, I did Google Mark Conway. To my surprise, there is an Irish musician named Mark Conway. I listened to a couple of his songs and really enjoyed them.

Within a day or two after being woken by rock music, I was tormented with Bluegrass Gospel. I don't like Bluegrass at all. Thankfully this didn't last as long as the rock, nor did it appear there was a hidden message in it. Just music. I just had to ride out the blasted Bluegrass.

The last time in 2017 that music was heard was in August. I was laying in bed waiting on my little one (grandson) to wake, when he said, "What was that sound?" I thought he was asleep until he looked up at me and asked me again. I told him it may have been the fan. He sat up, cocked his head a little and said, "No, the fan doesn't sound like music. This is a song 'whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa' like that," he said. I didn't hear it but don't doubt he did.

The music started again in April of this year. One night I clearly heard what sounded like music coming from the living room. We were all in bed, nothing that could be playing music was on. A few nights later, I heard the words "the wind up and pitch!" I don't know who was playing, but it sounded like Marty Brennaman (voice of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team for those not familiar with our sports). I didn't hear the crack of the bat hitting the ball or anything after that, just "the wind up and pitch!" which was very loud and clear. When I hear things like this, I always either lean up or move my head so I can hear well. The sounds don't go away when I do that.

Sometime between 9:00 and 9:30am early one May morning, while laying in bed, I heard females singing. I have no idea what musical genre it was; it was unfamiliar which basically means anything other than country or rock. The music was faint but sounded like it was coming from either my laundry room or kitchen, which are near my bedroom. I got up a few minutes later to go to the bathroom and the music had stopped.

A couple of days later, I was sitting on the couch watching Supernatural, when I heard what sounded to me like a radio commercial: men talking with background music. It definitely wasn't on the episode of Supernatural I was watching.

Around 10:00pm the last of June, I heard music again. I don't know what genre it was, but I could almost make out the words. I heard a male singer and a guitar but there didn't appear to be any backup singers or other instruments. I checked with my oldest son, but he didn't have music on in the living room. My 4-yr-old (grandson) was in bed with me but he didn't hear it. I could still hear the music when I sat up.

My last musical entry, for now, happened July 4th. It was 10:30pm when I heard the music. Again, I checked with my oldest son to see if he had music on in the living room and like before, he didn't. It took me a few minutes before I realized I know this song. It was Metallica's The Unforgiven. I don't believe it is a case of my subconscious supplying the song because for the previous three days I had Poison's Something to Believe In and Every Rose Has Its Thorn playing nonstop in my head.

In May of this year, I set my recorder when the boys and I left. When I finally had time to listen to the whole 7 hour recording, I heard a male (sounds like a teenager) say "check"; three different times a female said something, or made a noise, that sounds like a strong "t" (tuh); I heard whispering several times but it isn't loud enough for me to decipher. And I heard music, which made me very happy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)

Heck no! I'm not a fan of Bluegrass either 😜

❤ Dee ❤
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Rex-T, you provided the canvas and the vision, and created a superb theoretical painting of the situation. All I did was add a few daubs of theory-paint here and there. My hat is off to you sir, for your technical insights on this puzzler.

Your observation that most of the incidents occurred at night (which I completely missed) was key.

Best Regards,

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
CuriousDee - hahahaha now that is funny 😁 I'm glad it made you think of me though LOL Did you stop? 😉
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)

I saw a sign for a Bluegrass festival while out this past weekend and thought of you 😉

Rex-T and DarkStar - Thank you for the amazing information! You both went above and beyond, thanks guys! 😊

- Dee
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Caz - this weekend I was telling a friend about the music and mentioned that I haven't been privileged to hear classical, jazz or blues. And I don't think I've heard the same music more than once. You are very fortunate 😊 Thank you for sharing that with me/us ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
DarkStar and Rex-T - Between the thoughts and theories, as well as web info, from everyone here and in my real life, I think we can chalk most of these up to non-paranormal experiences 😊 There are a couple I'm not too sure fall into the non-para category, but we'll see as time goes on.

Regardless of the why and how, I enjoy the music... Most of it anyway LOL. I don't think I want to do anything to change it, unless it ends up totally bluegrass anything.

Thank you very much for your ideas and for taking the time to search out info for me. I truly appreciate it 😊
Caz (342 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-31)
Thanks Miracles for yet another interesting story! There was a time when I may have had something similar in my home. I was laying awake in bed one night, when I was surprised to hear a piano start to play. We had an electric organ in our home, but no piano. So intrigued and just a wee bit scared, I got out of bed and went to listen at the bedroom door which I opened a little and was instantly spellbound. There were no other musical instruments to be heard, just a lone piano playing the most beautiful concerto I have ever heard.
Quite frankly... It blew me away! When it was over, I quietly closed the door and went back to bed... And my husband slept through the whole thing! As I lay in bed, I wondered if it had come from the clock radio in the kitchen, though I knew that was switched off, but I checked the following morning, just to be sure! This music was so beautiful, I wanted to hear it again and as it happened... I did just that. I heard it 4 or five times over a period of several weeks and LOL... My husband slept through it every time! Unfortunately...I've never heard it since! I thought it was paranormal at the time, but now I'm not so sure...LOL...especially since I read somewhere that some people can pick up broadcasts through fillings in there teeth! 😁
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Darkstar,

What can I say but "I concur Dr Watson". I could have benefited from your knowledge back in the 80's, instead of wasting time trying to turn houses into makeshift "Faraday Cages"! Sorry guys, this was a way to set up a space that would block all radio signals and other types of electronic radiation.

I suppose the phenomenon could still be a case of overlapping realities (music from another time) but that would be even harder to prove.

Anyway, good to know you're out there if Miracles still needs help.

DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi, Miracles...

I think that Rex-T has done a superb job in describing the many technical aspects of how your home may be picking up broadcast AM radio at certain times. I would like to stand on his shoulders, so to speak, and add a couple of little details.

There are many examples of metal wire, pipe, and even barbed wire fencing emitting sound when in the presence of a broadcast radio signal. The power of the station's transmitter and/or the location of the "listener" close to the transmitter will affect the presence and loudness of the sound. The length of the metal item determines if it can receive the signal or not, as it must be a certain fraction of the radio wave's length to resonate with it, to the point that it vibrates enough to emit sound.

I would bet that something in your trailer's structure or its furniture will turn out to be just the right length and size to resonate with the AM radio station you're hearing.

Also, there are powerful AM radio stations (known as'clear-channel' stations) that are allowed to broadcast at up to 50, 000 watts at night. They can be heard many hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles away from their actual locations; conditions in the ionosphere can sometimes intensify their signal so that they sound like they are from a local station, not one clear across the country. This is called 'skip', or skywave propagation.

That's why I think most of your incidents were in the evening, when the skip effect is greatest. The sun pretty much drowns out the effect during the day.

I think that you have an interesting combination of something in your home that is just the right shape to resonate with a powerful radio signal from somewhere that, under just the right conditions, will hit your 'receiver' and make it talk and sing.

Does this sound plausible to you?


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-24)
Spockie - I joke sometimes about ghosts being blown into the mobile homes along with the insulation LOL

Some of my experiences are inconclusive as far as being residual or intelligent; some I firmly believe are intelligent and others are probably residual but I don't know that for sure.

Out of all the possible pararnormal things I've experienced, the music is one of the best (except for the Bluegrass Gospel LOL).
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-24)
Rex-T - ah! Definitely some homework involved here. I have a battery powered radio but it has no batteries LOL I'll be buying some to test this theory.

As for the aluminum framing, I have wood ceiling trusses and floor joists and wood studs, both inner and exterior walls. I do have metal straps that anchor my home to keep it from moving in high winds. Vinyl siding but metal roof, as you noted. There is metal ductwork underneath; aluminum window frames, one aluminum door and one steel.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-24)
Sush - I've actually wondered that same thing. Is there a message I'm supposed to figure out? But I haven't been able to connect any of the music to something that makes sense to me, either at the time or later. And you're welcome 😊
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-24)
I think Rex-T might be right. There are other possibilities to consider, of course. This could be residual, stored in the mobile home somehow like music recorded on tape. Also, something in the mobile home could be collecting and broadcasting radio waves from out of the past still floating around in the atmosphere, which is like a residual haunting, but with more of a physical origin. Just my thoughts. I wouldn't mind having a haunting like yours, I think... As long as playing music and bits of commentary is all it does.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-24)
Good Evening to Miracles!

This is something which is very much a new subject for me in terms of listening or hearing such musical vibrations in the lonlyness or unearthly hours. This is an experience about which I had never heard before nor did I have any knowledge about it.
I might be completely wrong here but does it have any possibility that Do these sound waves or songs, transmit messages of some kind because when you are sensitive towards the supernatural world, such energies are tend to automatically attract you towards it self.

Thanks for sharing this informative and knowledgeable experience with us.

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-24)
Miracles, Dee and possibly others,

I would first advise to read Miracles experience carefully and then read all the comments.

A very brief summary -
* The phenomenon started when the mobile home was relocated to parent's property. All experiences have been linked to the mobile home. The home will probably have a metal frame (assumption) with a metal roof (confirmed). High likelihood that the metal frame and roof is acting like a receiver for radio signals.
* The majority of occurrences have been in the 'dark hours' with little to no wind and clear skies. The property is situated in a valley. One or more radio/mobile phone transmitters are located within the same valley (assumption). Valleys are susceptible to temperature inversions which can cause AM and FM radio signals to bounce off the inversion layer and the ground. This effect concentrates signal strength and range in a localised area under the inversion layer (like in a valley).
* Miracles and her grandson can hear the music/voices but other family members do not (assumption). As a few posters suggested, our bodies do act like 'Human Antennas'. Everybody is 'tuned' differently, so some will hear/feel things that others won't.

Below is a link to a fairly simple explanation of temperature inversion and radio signals from a Meteorologist in North Carolina.

So, how can you test to see if Radio Frequency Interference is the cause?

The cheapest way is to get hold of a battery powered AM/FM radio. When the phenomenon occurs, listen to the content of the signal (music, conversation, etc) and then turn on the radio. Switch the radio to FM and slowly tune into each station in the FM band. If you tune into the same signal, note the frequency (set of numbers on the dial or digital display) - you may even get lucky and get the radio station's name. If this doesn't work switch to the AM band and try again.

Of course, you may not get anything but I'd advise to switch off the radio and check that you can still hear the signal. If not, you may have to wait and try again later.

While Googling to check my facts, I did notice that the USA have similar telecommunication laws as Australia. The authorities are very strict about over-exposing people to electromagnetic radiation and will act on complaints. So if you are successful in identifying the transmission frequency, the next step would be to track down and talk to the right people.

Please note that this is only one of two explanations (that I can think of).

Another possibility is that the mobile home has inherited some kind of residual energy. I'm no expert on this, but it is nice to imagine a home filled with music and wonder. Just not sure on what the neighbours might think. Below is a link to a discussion paper by Dr Neil Cherry on Human Antennas.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-23)

I'm with Miracles... I find your input and knowledge fascinating. Please share here if you can. 😊

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-23)
Rex-T - of course an email is fine but there may be others who are following this who would like to know, maybe curiosity or someone who has experienced the same. It's completely up to you how you want to share your thoughts, though 😊
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-23)

I realized that I'd given you all the 'techno-babble' about what I think is causing this but no mention of an 'end game' strategy.

One part being confirmation of the cause and (if all goes well) a possible cure.

I believe your location and the church with the antenna are significant and related.

Problem is that I've used up my quota of boring our YGS family witless, so I'll send you an email instead (hope that's ok). Who knows, if things turn out it may make a good YGS story.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-22)
Rex-T - I never considered a broadcast tower because we are in the middle of a valley in the country, trees surrounding me on 3 sides (one of those sides has a sizable creek behind the trees; the other two sides have streams), and the nearest cell tower is over 10 miles away.

After reading your comment I Googled and the closest broadcast tower is listed as a church 8 miles away. I wasn't even aware of it LOL. Considering I am technologically challenged, I don't whether or not that is close enough to cause me to hear music. Thank you for that information 😊
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-22)

This is just my take on what you are going through with your home.

From a professional aspect, your experience is intriguing. Part of my old job role was to investigate instances of unexplained voices, music, etc, over telephone calls. What is happening in your home sounds similar to a few cases that were eventually solved.

The most extreme case that I experienced was a two story brick house, across the road from our national broadcaster. Most of the time, you could hear a faint conversation or musical undertone, while other times you'd have the local radio station blaring out of every speaker in the front rooms! I'm talking appliances like microwave ovens, alarm clock radios, TV's, etc, regardless of whether they were turned on or not.

Why was it louder on some days and not all the time?

The answer being an atmospheric condition called temperature inversion. It usually is a cause of fog (if moisture is present) and/or little to no wind (especially at night). It apparently magnifies the radio signal to travel under the inversion (ie: along the ground and into homes).

If your house is acting like an antenna, any change in the dynamics of your home (like placing a foot on the threshold) can also change the volume of what you are hearing. This affect is called Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and if your home is constructed with a metal frame/metal skin, there is a chance that it can be solved - although, while you're getting rock and roll music (Gene Symonds singing 'God of Thunder' live is better than a cup of coffee to get you going of a morning) I would prefer to leave things the way they are.

As for Bluegrass Gospel and the Winchester Boys - the concept cracks me up. I can imagine Dean reciting the Latin Verses to banish the demon when Bluegrass Gospel starts up on Sam's immortal laptop. The demon begs Dean to send him back!

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)

I don't meditate often either, I try, but my brain decides to throw everything but the kitchen sink at me. 😁 You might be sensitive regardless of meditation.

This IS a head scratcher. I like Val's theory too. It's all very interesting. The ear wax comment had me cracking up 😊 Hey, you never know!

Dee ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Melda - thanks 😊 Fascinating is how I describe everything paranormal LOL I love it and it excites me, which makes people get tired of hearing about my experiences LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
granny - hahahaha I never thought about that even though I've heard about it. Two years ago my dentist replaced my original fillings (silver) with composite fillings (white). Said they would look better 😁 But seriously, who is going to be looking in my mouth other than a dr or dentist? 😕

Wonder if these composite fillings are antennas too? Just thought of something. Little boy doesn't have fillings.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Miracles: Just to touch on Val's comment, I've heard of people being able to pick up radio signals because of the fillings in their teeth 😁, so depending on the metal content in the bedrock your trailer sits on, combined with your sensitivity to sound I think it's possible that you're hearing random AM radio.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
lady-glow - there have been more recent musical events that I like even better 😁 I'll update when there are enough to make it worthwhile.

I just figured somebody was a little upset with val and me lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
val - my metal roof was installed in the spring of 2012. I haven't had time to see how that relates to the music yet.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Val - lady-glow is quite correct. In fact I removed negative points. Somebody is bored again and having fun with the karma arrows. I noticed a few more unnecessary ones on some other recent stories.

Regards, Melda
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Hmmm...I didn't notice any negative karma, but then I never really pay that much attention to it. If it ever goes into the multiples on a comment, then I might. But the one here or there? Too many variables involved, to worry about it.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Miracles - This is certainly a head-scratcher!

There have been some interesting, sensible comments on your continuing musical experiences and I'm afraid I don't have anything further to offer except to say that it's all a little weird and fascinating.

I have experienced radio and TV talk and occasionally music coming from my lounge area but nothing even near what you are experiencing.

Very interesting and thought-provoking!

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Miracles - I really enjoyed reading your experience and the thread of comments. Glad to know that, except for that one day, you have liked the music.

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. - what's up with all those negative karma points directed to you and Val? 🤔

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