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Pillow Talk


Occasionally I am introduced to something that is different than the paranormal I am used to, such as the music I mentioned in my most recent story. (Thank you to those who helped me understand that one is probably not paranormal in nature.) This is another one of those different things and all insight is welcomed and appreciated.

The first experience I had with this was February 10, 2015. I had gone to bed and laid my head down (left ear on the pillow), when I felt and heard a vibrating sound and a noise under my ear as if someone was saying "Ehhhhhhhhh". My reaction was WTH is that?! There is nothing under the pillows, nor is there anything under my mattress. What caused that freaking vibration?! Of course, I lifted the pillows to see if anything was under there because I wasn't about to just put my hand under and feel (visions of rattlesnake here). There was nothing. I heard and felt the vibration/voice twice more that night: at 11:36pm and again a few minutes later. When I got up the next morning and made my bed, I checked just to make sure there was nothing under the pillows. Nothing there at all. I was fully awake all three times I heard/felt it and all three times the voice was female.

The next time I experienced it was June 29, 2015. This time I heard and felt the vibration sound and a male voice under my ear (I'm not sure which ear but am guessing left). I even lifted my pillows to make sure there was nothing under them that could make either sound.

Things quieted down for about two years. Then on August 22, 2017, somewhere between 3:30am and 4:00am, I was laying on my right side, completely awake, when I heard "ewwwwwweeeeeeewwwwww" or "eee oooo eeee ooo" (sort of like in the Witch Doctor song) in a deep, low tone coming from under my pillow. I think this one was male. I also felt the vibration of that sound under my pillow. But this time I wasn't in my bedroom. I was sleeping in a spare bedroom.

And then things quieted down again until just recently. On May 5, 2018, I had just gotten settled but not yet close to sleep, when I felt and heard a teenage male voice coming from under my pillow (right ear). He said something that sounded like hello but wasn't perfectly clear. A few minutes later I heard a female voice say two different things, still from underneath my pillow and still with vibration. What she said was only a one syllable word each time, so I couldn't make it out.

Around 10:30pm on June 4, 2018, I was laying on my left side, when I heard and felt a male voice say a 2-syllable word that began with the e sound. I heard and felt it come from under my pillow.

The most recent was on the 10th of July. I shared this on a story of Tweed's because Manafon had an eerily similar experience that same night, at almost exactly the same time. I was laying on my left side when I heard from my underneath my pillow a young male voice yell help.

I sleep with two pillows and feel/hear the voice/vibration is between the pillows. I have changed the position of my bed numerous times since these experiences began. I have also changed my bedding, not that I think that would make a difference but who knows.

I honestly have no idea why I hear the voices, with vibration, coming from under my pillow because I hear voices from different areas in my home.

The only thing I can see that is weird, but I am sure has no bearing, is three of the incidents are family members' birthdays. Thanks for reading and as I said, any and all input, thoughts, theories are welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-07-06)
If you are reading comments and find some of them don't make sense or they seem to be missing something, it is because a comment or two was deleted.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-03-11)
Jubilee and Rex-T - You may remember I live in a mobile home; exterior is vinyl siding but has aluminum ductwork, straps to tie it down, etc. There is nothing else under except ground.

My bed has a wood frame with steel rails and wooden slats. The floor is covered with laminate flooring. I'm trying to think if there is anything that could create these sounds or be a conduit and I am coming up with nothing, which is why I appreciate and consider all theories.

I've been sitting here trying to figure out if the ductwork to my floor vent could be a conductor but I don't think it is. 🤔 The head of my bed is approximately 20' from the floor vent and the ductwork ends at the vent. I can understand the vent could be the explanation for the buzzing sound when my bed is against my windows, which is about 3' from the vent but not for the past umpteen months.

Yes, Rex, the music and pillow talk take place in the same home. I'm open to all suggestions and am trying them, debunking possibilities when I can. After reading through my Journal, I realize these happen during the night as well as morning. I think only once was I not fully awake when this has happened. Fully awake to me is when I am conscious of what is going on around me and have been at least for several minutes.

I'm getting ready to submit another along this same line. It being just a little different 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-03-11)
CuriousDee - LOL at times I think we all sound a bit like a loon even though we know we're not 😜

This is why I started my Journal almost 20 years ago. Putting in writing things that I couldn't explain or understand has helped me, even though there are still things I can't explain. Sharing them on YGS and with friends made here has certainly helped ease the "Oh My God! I'm crazy!" feeling. I honestly like knowing other people, like you, share similar experiences.

I need to keep better track of the time I hear the noises versus the last time I remember being awake.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-03-11)
DandK - no, I don't wear jewelry to bed and don't own a watch. I don't even wear earrings anymore.

The only thing that could possibly account for a strange noise by my bed would be my cell phone but I always turn the notification and call ringers off. I hate being disturbed by notifications when I'm sleeping LOL But I don't think my phone is the culprit because it hasn't always been on the nightstand by my bed. My phone's location is determined by the arrangement of my furniture and sometimes my bed and nightstand aren't side by side. I've also upgraded my phone several times since the first time I remember hearing something from under my pillow.

Thank you for your thoughts 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-03-11)
I am so sorry. I didn't realize I hadn't responded to many of you. I will do that ASAP.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
To our members: Please, when typing a comment, use punctuation, sentences, paragraphs, etc. It makes things so much easier to read and understand. And please proofread before publishing your comment.

As many of us do, I type fast and my phone also has a mind of its own and tries its best to make a fool of me by correcting me like a teenager. There is no reason to publish a comment made in haste that ends up causing major confusion because it was typed fast and no attention paid to grammar, punctuation or spelling. Slow down and proofread.

If comments had to pass through editors' hands, many wouldn't make it.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-12)

Why does Tonto have his ear pressed to the ground? Why does sound travel further underwater? Is you and your pillow acting like a receiver?

The first two questions are easy to answer - Tonto was having a nap and sound travels further in a thicker medium. However, the third not so!

I recall your musical home and the pillow talk and I'm assuming that both incidences took place in the same home on the same location. The other common factor is (of course) you.

Are there other common factors? I think so. Both the 'musical' and 'pillow' incidences seem to happen in the 'dark hours'. Do they also happen when you are winding down for the day (ie: you are in a relaxed state)?

You are already starting to narrow this down to one or two common causes (changing location of the bed and the bedding) which will eventually indicate mundane or paranormal answers.

Just keep thinking outside of the square, for instance Tweed's and BGP's suggestions. My suggestion is simply consider how long it takes you to get to sleep (I'm out as soon as my head hits the pillow - no time to hear any talk).

Hope I have helped, rather than hindered. There has to be an answer, just narrow down the 'what ifs'.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-12)
Hi Miracles, this is certainly a puzzle. When I was living in Singapore, on hot sticky nights, I'd grab my pillow and sleep on the living room floor, which was concrete, laid over with lino. Lying there, I'd hear all sorts of noises travelling through the floor; voices from neighbouring flats, footsteps and other sounds of activity. They seem to come across so much clearer then.

You know the expression "keep an ear to the ground"? I wonder if traditional trackers really do that (like in the movies) to get a better sense of their quarry's movements. Could the voices were coming from under the bed, travelling through the floor? As if your place was operating like some kind of giant soundbox? But for all we know, the voices could be some type of residual echo.

I shall refer this to my resident technician (aka Rex-T). This was a great read. Thanks for sharing with us. 😁
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)

I've been following the comments and am sort of perplexed by this one. I don't really have much to add. I've heard random voices/words and muffled conversations near bedtime (not close to sleeping), but your account sounds similar to what I've experienced just prior to AP or OBE. I know I've brought this up before, but there are some similarities. A difference being that you are awake and alert when you've heard the voices. When I've heard voices prior to 'separation', they are very clear and sometimes sound as if they are coming from the pillow (other times near my ear or in my head). Now I sound like a loon. 😜

My other theory is something I mentioned on your musical home account. It could be that you are sensitive and open to spirit, and at bedtime you are relaxed and more receptive or tuned in.

Just some ideas and thoughts. Your pillow talk incidents are quite intriguing. 😊

Thanks for sharing ❤
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Miracles, first, I heard a woman sighing (twice) sounding like her head was on my pillow.
Second, were you wearing anything on a wrist or earrings or necklace at any of those times? If you were wearing a Fitbit or watch, I could see the possibility of sound generation or interference. Other jewelry around head could, as a long shot, be a receiver.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Hi Miracles,

I am just trying to find a logical explanation, but I must confess that now that I know there are more reports of similar cases it's harder to find one! When it happened to me I just dismissed it as a figment of my imagination, but now you have me scratching my head... 🤔

Oh, about my profile name, thank you! I really do believe true beauty lies within. 😊 ❤
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Thanks, Miracles! Just trying to rule out anything "normal". I'm stumped! Thanks for the update... Sounds a lot like my place. 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Tweed - I skipped you because I had to get up and go to my bedroom LOL My pillows and pillow shams (for those not familiar with that term, a sham is normally a decorative pillowcase or pillowslip that covers a pillow not normally used. I, however, use mine LOL) are 100% polyester; pillowslips/cases are cotton and polyester.

By the way, I don't believe in dumb questions or suggestions. Never know what they may turn up if asked 😁 If unspoken, we are left wondering what if.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
BeautInside (like your profile name) - I can't say with any certainty that something isn't causing me to hear these voices under my pillow, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it could be. 😕 We've lived here for 9 years so I would think if it was something causing this to happen, I would have noticed within at least the first year of living here instead of it taking 6 years. However, I am trying to think if there is anything and as I was typing this, I realized there may be something but I have to do some digging. I'll let you know if it is something I think has any relevance. Thanks for the suggestion 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Cups - I took a look at your profile before composing this. Nope, I'm rural too. There are a total of 5 homes on our road including mine, which is situated at the dead end. Our neighbors are my parents who live in front of us and an elderly neighbor to the left (actually across from my parents). I can't hear doors shutting in my driveway so hearing anything from my mom and dad or our neighbor across the road is not likely. Nothing in my backyard except grass, weeds, trees, substantial sized creek and the occasional deer and other wildlife.

I will admit the first time I heard the voice under my pillow seriously freaked me out 😲 I've gotten used to it now so it's strange when time passes and I don't have anything happen.

Thanks for reading and for your thoughts 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
BGP - that is definitely a possibility. I think I'll give this a shot and see what happens. I'll let you know if I hear anything. Thanks for the idea 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Melda - if we keep our personalities after we die, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to think we might be able to keep our learned skills. That is a good theory. Definitely has me thinking. Thanks 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
lookingforamiracle - there is a joke just waiting to be made here LOL

Nazz, if your friend ever has a theory about why and how he heard the woman crying, please let me know. I know it isn't my imagination but I would like to know how this happens, especially under the pillow.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Manafon - I do remember you mentioning that your wife heard something but my memory is so bad anymore that I tried to find it to read it again. I'm glad I did because rereading your experiences was very enjoyable 😊

I think you could be right about down time being a key in hearing the voices. My body is trying to relax, even though my mind might still be in overdrive LOL

Thanks for reading and leaving me your thoughts 😊
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi Miracles,

You brought up a very interesting subject!

Something very similar happened to me once, I was lying on my side and thought I heard a voice coming from my pillow. No distinct words, just a female voice as I can recall it... I thought it was just my imagination or my mind playing tricks on me. After reading your experience and reports of more similar experiences I have too admitt that it is very strange indeed. 🤔

Does anyone think it to be possible that a sound/voice coming from outside, for lack of better term, can "ricochet" and create some sort of echo to be reproduced in the pillow?

Thank you for sharing! ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-08)
Hi Miracles, and everyone. If I may be so bold, a quick survey?

To all who've heard voices under/between/near pillows, what are your pillows made from? Wondering if a material is conducive to paranormal voices. A dumb suggestion, I know, but a valid dumb suggestion if it leads anywhere. Maybe if you couple a certain material with being relaxed you get a hello.

I mean something's going on, clearly enough people are reporting freakishly similar stuff. It's really interesting, thanks for sharing. 😊
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Oh my... I wish I didn't just find out that voices under pillows is "a thing"! Super creepy! I've not any advice for you, Miracles, besides maybe trying to record it like babygoatpuller mentioned.

Is there any chance you're picking up sounds of a nearby highway or a neighbor's television?
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Hey Miracles- Like Manafon said, this is very "thought provoking" stuff!

Would there be any way for you to have a recorder on hand to maybe record any of this. I'm not saying to put a recorder under your pillow every night, maybe the next birthday coming up, but to have one close to you in case it happens again and you can easily slide it between the pillows? If you have a mic you can hook up to the recorder and just slide that in between the pillows so it won't shut off when you're laying down. Don't know if that would make anything any clearer but you never know.

Or maybe just holler at them to enunciate! Lol

This one's a quandary and I'll probably be thinking about it all day. If I come up with anything more plausible, I doubt it, but if I do I'll be back.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Miracles - I've been thinking about your experiences with your "pillow voices" on and off during the day and a thought came to me. It might be a very stupid thought but I'm throwing it out there nonetheless 😁

Are there such entities as ventriloquist ghosts? 😕

Regards, Melda
lookingforamiracle (3 stories) (16 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Hi Miracles,

Interesting experience.

One of my colleague shared a similar experience. He said he was home alone sleeping when around 11 or 12 at night he suddenly heard a woman's voice crying from under his pillow. The voice woke him up and he checked under his pillow, under his mattress and then under his bed, but there was nothing that could explain this crying sound of a woman.
I think what he experienced is really similar to what you experienced but he is also not sure about what was the actual source of the sound or what it means.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-05)
Hi Miracles - I find it fascinating that the voices of spirits are so often heard in conjunction with pillows. You have had an impressive number of incidents with this phenomenon. The only thought I have about why this might occur is that a person is stationary and mentally winding down from the day while lying in bed, which might present itself as an opportune time to attempt to make contact from a spirit's perspective. You're, in essence, a receptive audience of one.

You probably remember when I described a woman's voice my wife and I heard in the middle of the night at a customers house. It emanated from the space between my wife's briefly raised head and her pillow. It was quite startling!

Thought provoking stuff.

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