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What Do Ghosts Need Money For Anyway?


I've debated for several years about submitting this but decided since there have been several other stories relating to the same thing, I may as well go ahead and submit it. As with most of my shared experiences, I am relying on my Journal entries for accuracy (getting old 👵)

Easter 2012: My daughter, Jerrica, was working and each payday would give me money for her expenses. If I wasn't home and she was leaving she would always, without fail, leave the money in the same place: on my dresser. The Saturday before Easter, we were at my parents' house. Jerrica was leaving and told me she left the money ($100) on my dresser. Awhile later I came home and looked for the money to put in my purse. There was no money on my dresser so naturally I called and asked where she put the money. She said the same place she always does: under my jewelry box on my dresser. It wasn't there. I looked everywhere for that money, to the extent of rearranging my bedroom hoping to find it. I didn't. As the days went on and the money wasn't found, I believed Jerrica had lied to me about the money.

Later that summer our washer quit working so we did our laundry at my parents'. Jerrica was doing her laundry when she realized she was missing $40 (2 20s). We searched her laundry, my parents' home, our home, the yard, her car, everywhere that the money could conceivably have fallen. It was never found. No animals were loose at the time and there was no wind to have swept the money away if she had lost it on the walk to or from our home to my parents'.

My son, Dalton, is very protective of his money (birthday, Christmas) and hides it. There were times he wouldn't even tell me where it was; just that he had put it someplace safe. Unfortunately, that didn't prevent some of his money from disappearing. On one occasion, we had gone shopping and he forgot to bring his money so I paid for what he wanted and he was to pay me back when we got home. When we got home, he went to his room to get his money. It was gone. All of it. Our doors were locked and Jerrica wasn't home when we left nor when we got back home. I did, however, ask her about it when she came home. She said she wasn't even aware he had any money. She assumed any money Dalton got, I put in savings. I had asked Dalton where he had hidden his money and when he showed me, I realized it couldn't have been visible. Someone would have had to have hunted, and I do mean hunted, to have found it. Again, we searched his bedroom from bottom to top with the same result.

January 2013: I don't remember the day (smack my hand LOL) but I had $20 disappear out of my wallet overnight. Jerrica and I were the only ones home that night. If she had come in during the night, I would have heard her. My bedroom doors do the haunted house thing: creak and groan. I also would have heard and felt her walking into my bedroom (sneaking is not an option in a mobile home LOL 👟).

This last one is by far the most in-your-face experience with money and what led me to believe Jerrica was telling the truth about the $100 that came up missing that Easter. This one I am taking straight from my Journal, with minor editing of things that are not relevant.

January 29, 2013: When Jerrica came home last night, she laid $90 on the printer for me: $70 (a 50 and a 20) was for me (her bill money) and $20 was for me to give my dad for gas money she borrowed.

This morning I picked it up and put it on the kitchen table next to my lunch. As Jerrica was getting ready to leave, I asked her if the extra $20 was for Papaw or me (cause she owed me a trillion dollars LMAO). She said yes, the $20 was Papaw's. At this point, I'm pretty certain I moved the money from one spot on the table to another. I do know for certain I picked the money up and all $90 was there. I just can't remember if I actually moved it or just picked it up and laid it back down in the same place because I needed to get my purse, which was still in the bedroom.

After getting my purse, I woke Dalton for school and we went about our normal routine, money still clearly visible, fanned out laying flat, on the kitchen table. Here is where it gets fuzzy (literally). As I was getting ready to leave, I got my wallet out of my purse... Money still on the table. I could see (2) $20 bills and (1) $50. But here is the crazy part. The money was blurry when I picked it up, sort of shimmering, and there was only $70. Where was the other $20? I picked up my purse, looked under it. There was nothing...anywhere! I looked on the floor, thinking maybe I'd brushed it onto the floor, the chair, something/somewhere. It was nowhere! Where was that 20 dollar bill! I searched the house over... My coat and pants pockets, but it was nowhere to be found. I repeated my actions again... Still nothing. I was beyond shocked because I know that money was there just a second before I picked it up. I SAW IT! Where, then, did it go?!

Then I did the typical "maybe I only thought I saw it" scenario. On my way to work I called Jerrica and asked her if by any chance she had dropped off Papaw's money to him (knowing two things: one, he wasn't up yet and two, she wouldn't have done that). Jerrica said the last time she saw it was when she laid it on the printer the night before.

I called home and asked Dalton to check the house and see if he saw it...no. (Not that he is a very reliable source. Kid can't see something laying in front of him LMAO!) Then I this thought, "Surely he wouldn't have picked it up and taken it? Would he?" So I asked him and he said no. Dalton has never taken paper money. Coins, yes, for extra lunch money LOL. But he had never taken cash before and after the dresser incident, Jerrica started leaving the bill money in the living room or kitchen; places clearly visible to anyone. There were times Dalton would ask whose money it was, but never picked up even a dollar. I just could not see him doing this. But I am not that mom who just knows "my kid would never do that". I did explain to Dalton that the $20 is Papaw's, just in case. Dalton doesn't deal well with guilt;) Dalton got the third degree twice and I was convinced he did not take the money.

That night Jerrica and I were discussing the missing $20, and she said to me, "Mom, this isn't the first time money has disappeared. Didn't you have a 20 disappear a couple of weeks ago?" I'd completely forgotten about that. And then she said, "And remember the $100 I laid on your dresser? And it disappeared? You never believed me either, but I did lay it there, Mom." I admitted that I didn't believe her, and apologized.

While we were tallying up how much money had come up missing, and that there was no logical, non-paranormal explanation, she said, "What do ghosts need money for anyway?"

The amount of money we consciously are aware of missing is more than $240. I have had another $20 wander off since Jerrica has moved out. I have learned my lesson and no longer keep much cash on me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rosebudx (1 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-15)
I had something exactly like this happen to me! Wow, I'm so glad Myst directed me to your page. It feels so good to know someone else has experienced this. I posted a story on my experience.

The very first incident that happened was my whole entire purse with everything in it! Luckily, it came back after my mom checked my whole room upstairs after I checked myself countless times. I practically turned the whole house upside down looking for it! The money disappearances I've had however, not so lucky. None of it has come back since they disappeared.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
Jubeele - Ask Tweed - at one stage she had a brownie. Perhaps she rents him out 😆. She also lives in Australia!

Miracles, I apologise for going off track here 😊

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
Melda, I do freak-out a little (ok, more than a little) whenever I hear of such things. I don't know the whole story about my aunt. It has gone into the family realm of Things-We-Do-Not-Talk-About. She seemed very frightened towards the end. Whether or not there was anything tangible, or simply a medical reason for her woes, it was very real to her. The problem with dabbling in occult matters is that the consequences can be costly, even if the effect is all in the mind.

Still, I believe the real evil lies in human beings who use the supernatural to excuse their actions; "The Devil made me do it". Too many times I've heard weak-minded individuals blame their behaviour on alcohol, drugs, their deprived childhood - everything but themselves.

Alright getting waaay too intense here. I had a really full-on day. If anyone knows a helpful kitchen fairy they can send my way, it would be much appreciated. I can give them food offerings of yummy pot-stickers (sorry Val - couldn't resist). 😆
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
Jubeele - Thanks for your reply.

We have a few very unsavoury meanies in South Africa as well, for which human parts are also apparently used but I view them as myths and legends created by those who practice the dark arts to scare the living daylights out of their enemies. (See tokoloshe on google, as an example) I'm not suggesting that evil spirits are never evoked, they obviously are.

I know that evil spirits can become attached to humans but I honestly think that some of these otherworldly demons are given unnecessary "credit" for some of the rather scary things which happen.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
Okaaay... I shall step in with my two bobs' worth.

About the "toyol". The practice does still exist, unfortunately. Being of Chinese-Malay-Thai heritage, with a paternal Thai great-grandmother who was a village headwoman back in Thailand during the last century, my father's side of the family has some knowledge on the subject. Thankfully, I'm not privy to all the details. There are things better left alone. One of my (late) aunts was thought to have possessed one. NOT to be recommended (and not my story to tell). If anyone intends to read up about it, please take note of the cautionary tales.

Apologies if I'm coming across a bit strong folks. This practice has always upset me. I've strong beliefs against interfering with children (even unborn ones). I've wondered if the "toyol" was also part of the activity at Grandma's house in Cairnhill. That particular aunt lived with Grandma then.

Miracles & Melda - my Mum had problems with disappearing money & jewellery in our flat back in Queenstown, Singapore. It was built over Chinese cemeteries in the 1960s. Hmmm... Wonder if they were playing tricks on her too?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
aisyah - If such a thing as a toyol actually exists, whoever summons it to do their nasty work must be very evil and very, very sick!

Regards, Melda
aisyah1987 (2 stories) (31 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
Hey there!

Greetings from Singapore! Do check up on this Asian mischievous ghost that we call " Toyol ". This ghost is very very sneaky and will steal money, jewellery & anything valuable in a household, and pass it to its owner.

Yes; it has an owner.

These creatures can be passed around and is easy to get in a way, if you know the right person.

There are also steps on how you can stop the trespassing of these hooligans, so its owner can no longer send it anywhere for personal gain.

It is somehow listed under " Black Magic ".

Could or could not be!
Just read up on it...

Hope the slight information below helps a little!


" This creature can be evoked to work with a human under its own terms. There are different methods to possess a Toyol:

Purchase a Toyol from a magician.
Making use of an aborted baby and through special embalmment techniques.
Evoke a Toyol from its dwelling place.
A Toyol is like an animal, so it needs to be treated as such. In order to foster a closer relationship with this creature, below offering should be presented:

A cup of milk every morning.
Some toys, clothing, sweets and biscuits.
A black candle and incense accompanied with mantras.
Some will smear a few drops of the owner's own blood to the Toyol statue.
A person who owns a toyol uses it mainly to steal things from other people, or to do mischief. According to a well-known superstition, if money or jewelry keeps disappearing mysteriously from your house, a toyol might be responsible. One way to ward off a toyol is to place some needles under your money, for toyols are afraid of being hurt by needles.

According to Javanese mythology, the creature is believed to be kept by a person practicing pesugihan toyol black magic. Pesugihan is derived from Javanese word sugih means "rich". It is a kind of magic to help people to become rich instantly, but in exchange he or she must perform some rituals or offering tumbal (sacrifice something) to keep the toyol happy. According to Javanese myth, toyol can be kept for financial gain, but in exchange a female member of the family must allow it to breastfeed from her, sucking blood instead of milk.

People normally associate the appearance of a toyol with that of a small baby, frequently that of a newborn baby walking naked with a big head, small hands, clouded eyes and usually greenish skin. It can be seen without the use of magic, though they are unlikely to be spotted casually.

Those who did claim to encounter it described its actual appearance to be childlike (a toddler) with green/gray skin, bald, big red (alien-like) eyes, pointy ears and rows of sharp teeth, and sometimes reported with hairs, like a monkey. Its behaviour is more animal-like. It tends to climb on rooftops either to play or prior to entering houses. "
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-02)
Hawskeye - I have had a similar thing happen and it left me feeling blessed to have the money, but then guilty because it surely had to have belonged to someone else.

Almost 25 years ago, my husband at the time and I had gone to Walmart. Our daughter was just a baby and we needed diapers. I wasn't working and he had been on paid leave so we truly were scraping pennies together. We spent $23 and some odd cents, leaving us with no money for a few days.

We get to the parking lot and after getting my baby settled in, I started to get into the driver's seat. As I opened my door, I saw a bank envelope on the ground by my front left tire. I picked it up, expecting it to be someone's discarded trash. Instead I found $23: one 20 and three ones.

I looked around; not a soul walking anywhere near our car. There were no cars parked beside or in front of us. I started to take the money inside but he convinced me no one would claim it, or else one of the employees would pocket it.

I still feel guilty about that, but I also appreciate the blessing we received that day.
hawkseye12002 (3 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-01)
Very interesting! To see it actually disappearing...wow...

I also had an incident that involved a strange appearance of money.

When I married in 1997, my husband and I moved to the area where he is from. I worked in a furniture store and worked with a lady who was getting married. Even though our finances were tight, I talked to my husband about giving her a card with money instead of a tangible gift. We discussed it and settled on $40, even though it was a strain on our budget.

I arrived at a local shopping center, one of those strip malls that has a few large stores and then smaller, specialty stores. The parking lot was busy as usual, there were people going to and from the shopping center. I tend to look down to see where I'm walking when I cross a parking lot, so I knew my path to the store was clear.

Almost to the store, I was about to cross over the "lane" (that driveway that goes past the stores) so I looked up then looked back down. Two steps in front of me on the ground was paper money. I stopped in my tracks and stared at it, then bent down to pick it up. It was $40, 2 $20 bills. My first thought was, somebody dropped this... I need to see who is closest and find out if it's theirs. I looked around to see who it could have belonged to and to my surprise, everything was STILL. It was very unnerving... There were no cars moving, no people in the parking lot AT ALL... Nobody coming in and out of the stores. I had a chill run up my spine when I realized this. I held the cash in my hand and crossed over into the store I was aiming for (card store). I never saw anyone that was in the area where I found the money, so I just thanked God for His blessing and put the money in the card.

My husband couldn't believe our good luck and all I could do was just feel weird about it, lol.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-01)
babygoatpuller - I don't remember feeling a vibration or anything when I saw the money shimmering/blurring. If I remember correctly, and because I didn't put anything like that in my Journal, I believe it was just visual.

The thing with your pill? That happens to me more often than I like to admit. I search everywhere, even to the extent of turning off the light and using a flashlight, but the freaking pill is gone! Mine haven't yet reappeared, though, just like my money LOL

When I was younger, I was very guilty of being unable to account for $20 every payday. It would take awhile, but I eventually was able to figure out where I spent it LOL
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
Wow Miracles! Talk about money flowing through your fingers like water. 😆

That "shimmering" aspect is what intrigues me also. Did you feel anything like a vibration or buzz or something while you were looking at it as it shimmered and literally disappear from your hand?

I was taking some meds last week and dropped one on the floor. I felt it hit my toe and heard it hit the floor. It was tiny so it couldn't have gone far. I took the other 3 pills and looked for the one on the floor. It's a large kitchen floor and I looked EVERTWHERE. I gave up and took another one.

The next day I had to run out for a few minutes and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. When I got back, I needed more water and right there on the middle of the top shelf of the fridge where my water is, was my little pill. I told whoever, "thanks".

Can't say I've lost any money the way you have. I lose mine the old fashioned boring way. Carelessness and stupidity. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
Tweed - your comment about leaving the money out for them sparked a theory (thanks!). Since we have a little girl ghost, maybe she thinks of it as play money, or doesn't even realize what it is. I've never been able to determine her time period, but I feel she is between 3 and 5. Being that young, a $20 is just like $1.00.

And the $20 disappearing while I was looking at it definitely ranks at the top of my coolest experiences LOL
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
Miracles, I'm stuck on the money's fuzzy, shimmering, disappearing act, WOW! Like Manafon said, seems like you saw something in the process of what the heck!😆
Over the years I've wondered what happens to my reappearing tarot deck that ended up changing box colour (!). I've always wanted to know *exactly* what happens when it goes AWOL and turns up. Sounds like you saw something very rare and cool, and sooo annoying! Tarot weirdness is intriguing but having money go for a walk, that would drive me nuts! But that said, as you'd have your home cleansed and shielded I guess this to be the work of something/someone innocent or well intended. Just a thought could there be a misunderstanding, like maybe a ghost thinks you're all giving them the money by leaving it out? 😕

Baffling stuff!

(Still stuck on that shimmering cash, far out!)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
BeautInside - your experience fit perfectly here, thanks for sharing it 😊

I like to believe that whatever reason the money is disappearing, it is helping someone who is needier than we are. I won't even pretend that there aren't times I really need that money, but I also know there are people who are far worse off financially than I am 😊

If someone finds $20 (like Manafon LOL), then I am going to believe they need it more at that time than I do.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
Hi Miracles51031,

Waw, that is a lot of money! Now the theory to those in need, if I may call it, it remind me of a ocasion where I went to na ATM near my work place about na year ago... And I would like to share it with all of you:

It was early morning, and as my wallet was completly empty I headed to the ATM before going for my breakfast, where the ATM stands is na open area (I don't know how alse to explain it) just like the sort where you can pretty much see claearly the ground before reaching the ATM machine. Anyway, I got my money and there already was a mother with a teenager daughter and a toddler waiting for her turn, I moved away from the machine, the mother aproached it and then suddenly I hear them asking me if I dropped a 10 euro bill. I double checked my wallet and my money was all there and I am 100% sure I didn't have any before going to the ATM. Now funny thing is, that 10 euro bill appeared right by the foot of the teen girl just like it dropped right there! They were dumbfounded because neither they brought money with them, and so was me... I just told her, as there was nobody and I MEAN NOBODY around, that founders are keepers. 😊 And actually, I know them from here, and they are a family in need... A humble family in need... 😊

I'd just like to share it with you, because there was something funny about it at the time, then there's miracles complaning about money disappearing mysteriously, and the theory to those in need. I thought this occurrence would fit here.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Oh, and justme? It wasn't dumb 😊 I personally do not believe any questions, comments or theories about the paranormal are dumb. None of us know what is really going on, so how can one question, etc be dumb and not all others? Nope, not dumb at all. It's just bouncing an idea or theory off others to get thoughts flowing 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
justme - I have never really given a thought to there being a portal 😕 I hope there isn't one because I believe they are a two way street and I don't necessarily want anything coming back through. Thanks for the thought though. It certainly would make sense.

Ha, this is how my mind is working today. What if it's a portal to an alternate reality? Maybe I, in an alternate world, need the money and alternate me takes it? Good grief, this could cause my head to spin 😆

Please believe I am not making fun of your theory at all. I appreciate the idea and the endless possibilities it provokes.
justmenoname (3 stories) (14 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
This may sound dumb, but maybe there's some sort of portal?
Or it's really haunted. I had a similar problem, many things disappearing... And we found it all one day, hidden in a closet we never use. And someone mentioned to us it might be a portal
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Holy moly, val! That sent chills all over my body! First, incredibly scary moment. Anything could have happened with Steak guy going off like that. Second, lady, I think you had an angel watching over you ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
I quite agree with you. I can recall several times when I was the recipient of money in unusual ways. I can't wait to read your next submission!
I will share one of the oddest times with you though. I was waitressing at a truck stop, working the large U shaped counter area.
It was during a slow point, when these two guys came in and sat at opposite sides of the counter. To make a rather long story short, one ordered a well done steak (and it had better be DONE!), and both ordered coffee. It started off with Steak guy being upset that the other guy got his coffee before he got his steak and escalated from there, including throwing his cup at me when he felt I didn't refill it fast enough.
Coffee guy, was the long haired hippie type, pretty quiet saying things to me like, "Jesus sees what you're going through" and "Jesus knows." I'm thinking, "Great I've got Satan on my left and a Jesus freak on my right. I'll take Jesus." Of course when the cup came flying that tore it, and I demanded Steak guy to leave. Things became very vocal at that point. Steak guy actually pulled me across the counter. Only to have Coffee guy right THERE. How he moved so fast is beyond me. He literally stepped between us and said words to the affect of "Jesus doesn't like what he sees," to the guy. By now the cook and other staff are pouring into my area. Steak guy makes to storm out, but Coffee guy touches his arm and says, so very calmly, "Aren't you forgetting to pay your bill? Don't forget to add a tip." Steak guy stares at him a second and then just tosses a couple of 20s down on the counter. Now, I don't know if all the credit goes to Coffee guy, or if it dealt with cook and other staff being right there. All I know is he left, with no blows exchanged.
Coffee guy ambles back to his stool like nothings happened, I scurry around and refill his cup, and begin to clean up the mess left by Steak guy, while asking him if he'd like something along with it - even a meal on the house. He shook his head no, and said he needed to be going. Now here comes the weird part. He took my hand between both of his, pressing something into my palm and closing my hand around it. He said, "This is for you to help in your need. But I need you to remember this: No matter what you are told, Jesus and our Father loves you." Then he left. In my hand was $75! Who the heck tips $75 on a dollar coffee?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Melda - thanks for the tip LOL I'll try and remember that. Well, maybe. I've had a couple pair of underwear come up missing too and I do my own laundry 😆
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Val - You're quite correct, what I actually meant was more needy. I used the wrong word there! At night my thinking process slows down a bit - I'm an early morning person.

I know when I was a kid cotton candy ("spook asem") always seemed to be pink, so I'm wondering whether this sweet-toothed ghostie might take on a pinkish hue?

Miracales - if you catch a fleeting glimpse of something pink in your house, there one second and gone the next, shove all your cash in your underclothes 😆

Regards, Melda
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Hahaha Manafon, your CD comment made me remember the incident with new CDs I had bought Jerrica for Christmas one year. Ghosts and CDs. Wonderful combination 😆
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Miracles--There was a cd I wanted to order (I'm still stuck in the past) and it did come in handy!

Valcricry--Exactly, all the particles vibrating. It seems that Miracles might have caught the process "in the act". Very true about people noticing a "shimmer" only to find an object, or a sign they need to see and so on. Much to ponder! Oh yeah, I'll write you an IOU for that twenty 😆.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Val - this conversation made me think of another money episode that I'm in process of combining with the one I mentioned to Melda. Sometimes money does show up when you least expect it, and in the most unusual ways ☂️ 😉
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Manafon - I think that 20 was meant for me. Fork it over, son. 😜
Actually, I don't think I've ever seen anything in the act of disappearing. I mean, I have seen the here one second, gone the next, but not the actual mid-act. But 'shimmering' or blurring makes sense, all the particles vibrating. I'd think the same type of shimmering would take place as it materialized where ever it was going to.
How many times have you heard someone say, "Something must have caught my attention, and when I looked I found ___" Maybe it was a bit of shimmer that caught their eye.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Melda, I had to read your comment twice, because it's very close to what my Mom use to say, in regards to the explanations.
Only she didn't say "more deserving" but someone more in need. It makes as much sense as anything else, and for me, a bit less peeved over the loss.
I wonder if a ghostie eats too much cotton candy if it gets a tummy ache or cavities?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Manafon - hahahaha you are so very welcome!😉 I hope it came at a time it was needed, not that an extra $20 isn't always appreciated LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Manafon - that's exactly what I thought! I saw it when it literally disappeared 😲 There have been a lot of things that happen that cause surprise or shock even but they are still amazing and I appreciate every opportunity I am given witness these events ❤

Thanks for reading this and sharing your experience with me/us 😊
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-26)
Miracles--Melda made me think of something. What if money does suddenly appear in front of people who need it? I am not hard up for extra cash (not that it hurts) but just last Friday I found a twenty dollar bill while out walking. It made my afternoon, so if it was yours-thanks!

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