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Across The Miles


It's been awhile since I've submitted anything. Not that there hasn't been activity in my home or experiences that I could share, it's just YGS and my paranormal life had to take a backseat to my real life. The following is one experience I have been meaning to share for a while.

Saturday morning, March 9, 2019, I was laying in bed trying to convince myself I really should get up and start my day. I'd been awake since 7:30 but had no desire to do anything other than lay there. Being productive was not on my list of things to do.

At 9:10a, I heard and felt the word "dammit" from underneath my pillow. I've been experiencing similar things since 2015 and have become accustomed to hearing a word or two come from under my pillow so this didn't freak me out. Kids were asleep; no one else in my home except our non-living housemates.

While waiting to see if I could hear anything else, the thought ran through my mind that I needed to check with Manafon, one of our members who had shared a similar experience with me ( I got up and sent an email to Manafon asking if he had experienced anything close to the same time.

"Well, I've been staying at a customer's house and the dog I'm taking care of was being REALLY bad at that time. If you picked up on a guy in America being really angry at a dog, that was me. What did you experience? I did hear what sounded like footsteps coming down the hall to the room I was staying in last night. I think you may have tapped into my anger too." I didn't hear the footsteps and if I had, I would have just assumed it was one of our non-living housemates.

Manafon and I both realize this could be coincidence; however, considering we had a shared, albeit long-distance, experience maybe it's more than a coincidence. I have also had shared experiences with other YGS members: Zzsgranny, cosmogal, BadJuJu, and ausiedazz. Those experiences I wouldn't share without their agreement.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-12)
lol two years, better late than never nice to see you around!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 months ago (2024-09-10)
Tweed - sorry it's taken me this long to check for comments. I agree, I think sometimes it's just for confirmation and I am happy to have an experience confirmed by someone else. Thanks!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-13)
Miracles, this is really cool. We've talked before about the randomness of why person A would connect with person B, and what the heck did I predict that for etc? I think it makes sense that you'd pick up on Manafon, someone you're familiar with. It might be over the internet but contact is contact and maybe that's all that's needed for a psychic link, or whatever you'd call it.

I had one totally random thing years ago where I predicted something about a wooden peg right before I read someone's experience about a floating wooden peg on here. But this person was like a YGS blow in, I don't think they stuck around, just wanted to share their experience. At least you tapped into someone you could confirm something with.

I believe peoples abilities are very unique. You have this pillow talk ability and roll with it when most people would just dismiss it.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-19)
Hi Miracles51031

That also makes a lot of sense, I've had similar experiences with either friends or family.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
3 years ago (2022-01-16)
MrsRamsay - thank you for sharing that experience. I believe your friend's husband saw your beacon and chose you to deliver such a wonderful message to his kids. If you weren't consciously thinking it, it was him. I hope it gave them some comfort.

I randomly hear words or get vibrations from under my pillow. I have done everything I can to debunk it, and there is nothing under my pillow that could or would create a voice or vibration.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
3 years ago (2022-01-16)
Rajine - it very well could have been our non-living housemate. But I honestly think, like Lost Voyage noted, because I immediately thought of Manafon, I had picked up on his emotion at the time.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
3 years ago (2022-01-16)
The_Lost_Voyage_11 - holy crap! I wonder if your dad picked up on your distress and "interrupted" your nightmare, or maybe redirected it, since he was being "pulled" out the window by the werewolf. 🤔 Thank you for sharing that.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-15)
MrsRamsay, I too had a similar experience at a memorial years ago. The night before I had dreamed a very vivid dream of my friend who had passed on and a dream that I'm quite sure was a visitation, I remember it to this day. The next day as I was speaking to his daughter at the service I was also overcome with a strong urging to tell her about the dream and assure her that her dad was OK, it was like something I heard and yet not with my ears. Thanks for sharing!
MrsRamsay (guest)
3 years ago (2022-01-15)
Lost Voyage,
My 30 year old daughter and I have had the same dream on the same early morning on two occasions. It was about her grandma/my mom and we dreamed the same thing though I can't remember now what it was!

On another occasion, I was drying my hair one afternoon when I heard a neighbor's name, super loud in my head. It was so weird I literally turned the dryer off to see if someone had called out to me (answer was no). I distinctly remember thinking to myself, "Why in hell would I have thought about THAT GUY?! I never thought about him, I knew his wife and kids but not really him. It was highly weird. Later that day I was heading out as a neighbor drove by. She stopped to tell me that our friend's husband in Afghanistan had been killed. Yes, it was the same person whose name I had heard while drying my hair! A few weeks later at the memorial service, I was in line waiting to hug his family (five teenagers) and I kept on hearing, "Tell them how proud their dad would be of them." I don't know if that was ME talking to myself, or if that came from somewhere else, but I did tell them, each one.

I can't imagine hearing a voice from under my pillow though.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-15)
Hello Miracles, what an incredible account! I believe we can definitely share paranormal encounters as well as other things. Since many believe time and space are mere constructs, several ghost encounters people have had such as 'seeing' civil war battles, may not be residual but rather a peek back in 'time' as it were.

There are so many experiences I've read, some psychic/intuitive where a person will suddenly have a name pop into their head and then that person seems to call them out of the blue. From the science end, the experiments with remote viewing where one person can tap into what the other is 'seeing' without knowing where they have projected their consciousness, to the experiments on a cell, divided and then separated by miles. Whatever they did to one cell, the other reacted the same way.

I think we are connected in so many ways and it's coming out in more and more instances.

I remember in my own experience a few years back, I had a nightmare wherein I was in my own home and for some reason peering cautiously out of a window, when suddenly a huge hairy beast, akin to a werewolf popped up on the other side of the window and I woke up with such a start. I remember it so clearly because it was so real and so unusual, I rarely have nightmares. Some time later, in a casual conversation with my mom, she told me my dad had a brutal nightmare one night, that shook him pretty bad. When I asked what he dreamed, my jaw almost hit the floor when she told some huge hairy creature was attempting to pull him through a window! I had never mentioned my nightmare but the similarities were so bizarre. I wasn't able to establish the time frame as there was some time that elapsed between my dream and that conversation, to see if it occurred at the same time, but it was still so uncanny!

Anyways, I think it entirely possible that you and Manafon tapped into one another, specially since his name sprang to mind right afterward and you felt compelled to reach out.

Thanks for sharing, more food for thought!
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-14)
Hi Miracles51031

I myself had a few lazy days where I just didn't feel like getting out of bed and start my day.

I wonder if what you heard was from a resident spirit?
GingerRead (17 stories) (35 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-13)
I did hear some accounts from those who claimed to feel a freezing, damp sensation. I have never experienced it, but I have no problem believing those who have.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
3 years ago (2022-01-11)
Manafon - hey! Thanks for stopping by. 😁I just checked and I don't have anyone saying "hello", but I did hear a man early this month.

From My Journal entry on 1.09.2022: "One evening this past week I was sitting on the couch, Dalton at his desk, when I heard a man's voice behind me (which would be toward the hallway). I don't know what he said."

Hearing "hello" in our home is pretty normal anymore. LOL
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-10)
Hi Miracles--I remember this well. The timing was such that it seems at least possible that it was a shared paranormal experience. A week ago I was outside at a customer's house filling up a bucket with birdseed from a small shed, when I heard a somewhat somber young boy's voice say, "Hello." Thinking it was an autistic boy who lives next door and likes to chat, I said "hello" in return and turned around to see nobody was there. It then struck me that the voice wasn't at all upbeat and the kid next door always sounds excited and happy. All I can surmise is that it was the spirit of a young lad passing by.

I should have written you to see if anything similar happened to you around the same time!
GingerRead (17 stories) (35 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-10)
No, I just remember hearing the noises. As soon as I heard them reach my feet, they stopped and it was completely quiet again.

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