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This experience is dedicated to Macknorton. The following is taken from my Journal.

"September 1, 2012

I was just standing at the sink, literally, getting ready to run water in the sink. I heard a little girl say what I thought to be "pink." I turned and said, "I heard you. I heard what you just said." Then I started wondering if I really heard "pink" or if it was some variation of ".ink" or maybe even ".ing" because I couldn't figure out why "pink." Y'all have to understand... I have had a migraine going on almost 24 hours so I'm a little slow on understanding and comprehending.

Then it hit me...duh! Two things: I have a pitcher of Kool-Aid (generic LOL) sitting on the kitchen sink that I had just emptied (very small amount left in it... It is "pink") and the Dawn is also pink LOL.

So I pointed these things out, acknowledging that I realized she had said "pink" and that both these things are pink and that Dalton had made the "pink Kool-Aid." Very cool experience because I haven't audibly heard her in a long time.

I also realized the tank top I had on was pink striped."

Sharing this experience in no way is meant to be offensive or imply that I know more than anyone else. It is simply something I wanted to share because it offers a different perspective.

There could be numerous reasons for material objects appearing as shadowy things as Mac referenced. I can only share what I have experienced. It doesn't mean I think I know better, because I don't. Maybe it is like someone being colored blind. Who knows? Maybe there are deficiencies like these once we pass, although I don't think I've come across anything to back that up.

And while trying to fill the character requirement here is other crackpot theory. Maybe seeing in color versus shadows depends upon how long someone has been a ghost/spirit.

Just food for thought.

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BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Hi everyone,

Rook just made me realise that I had an OBE and not astral projection 😳
Oh, the things I learn 😊

Still, I can clearly remember I didn't see any color... Maybe this just has something to do with me only...

Miracles, I am looking forward to your submission about the little girl that likes pink. 😉

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Rook - Thanks so much for your reply! This is something which has always confused me.

Sorry Miracles for detracting from your story but perhaps others share my confusion on this subject.

Rook from what you have described, I believe I have experienced both.

I will most certainly do a lot of research on this subject as it is something which has baffled me for some time 😊

Thanks again for your opinion which, by the way, means more than you can imagine. I have a tremendous amount of respect for your insight which is backed up by your personal experiences!

Regards, Melda
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)

Asking questions is where RESEARCH begins 😆!

Here is the way I define OBE and Astral Travel...

OBE: (Out of Body Experience) The individual has projected their 'spirit/soul/consciousness' (call it what you will) into the 'physical realm/plane/real world' (again call it what you will). Experienced individuals may be able to interact with sensitive individuals in this state. NDE (Near Death Experiences fall into this area because the individual is observing things happening 'to/around' them. Remote Viewing, due to it's 'real world/real time' nature falls into this category except one does not 'project' anything outward, they just open themselves up to 'see' a 'real world/real time' location.

Astral Projection/Travel: An individual has projected their 'spirit/soul/consciousness' (call it what you will) into/onto the Spirit realm/Astral Plane/across the veil (call it what you will). By doing so they can observe and/or communicate with spirits 'on the other side'. Interaction with the Physical World MAY be possible but very difficult.

For what it's worth those are MY personal belief's about OBE's and Astral Projection/travel.

Have fun as you take what I have shared here and continue your search.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Melda - I have only twice seen a ghost that wasn't in color. I am currently researching the location where my son and I saw the last one because it glowed. The others were so detailed I could describe them to a sketch artist.

And feel free to add your tuppence worth on any of my stories, related or not 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Miracles - I have been reading the comments here with great interest but didn't want to comment earlier as I didn't feel that I could add much to what has already been said by all the posters.

Well, I've decided to add my tuppence worth.

I have experienced OBE and astral travel, although it hasn't happened recently. These occur at random, with no intention on my part! I won't go into detail about that as it has nothing to do with your story. I must admit I do wonder whether the two, OBE and astral travel, are the same thing. I'm sure somebody would be able to enlighten me on that! Rook springs to mind 😊 He would probably tell me to RESEARCH.

Nevertheless, when I have experienced these events, they have always been in full colour. When I have experienced events in my "mind's eye" they have been in full colour. When I have seen people who have passed, they have been in full colour, except for a few entities which have appeared as either a white or grey mass.

Then again, I am not yet a ghost, so who knows?

Regards, Melda
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
bgp - you would not believe the questions I want to ask of a ghost LOL

You know, I never thought about getting a stuffed toy for her. I've put magnets on the refrigerator to see if she would move them. Never got any action from that. There have been times when my grandson's toys will go off, seemingly on their own. But we all know how electronic toys are if the batteries are getting old. So I can't claim anything paranormal with that.

As for my migraine, this was during the period in my life when my migraines could go last 15 days.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
roylynx - the little girl has been around for at least 7 years. The first time I heard her was in 2010. I may submit a story about her so I don't want to say too much.

I don't know who she was or why she is with us. Could be the land, could be just about anything. The ghosts we share our home with have had me wondering who they are from the first time we realized they were there.

And I agree with your statement that she is young. I feel that each time I have an encounter with her.

Psst - I don't like Kool-Aid very much either, especially the pink kind 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
BeautInside - it's funny how sometimes I can be so certain and someone will provide another possibility which makes just as much, if not more, sense than what I was supporting.

I fully get the mystery thing. I like mysteries LOL And thank you for the compliment 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Biblio - how interesting that you and I are very different in how we see during the pre- and post-cognitive events. Maybe you are right that they are related to the source of the image.

I'm going to do some digging in my Journal (spending a lot of time there lately) and see if, when I have a precognitive dream, they are crisp and clear in color or faded 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Randy - you're welcome 😊

Darn, you have provided your own thought provoking comment. I've never taken the time, I guess, to consider once we have passed, the body and all of its intricacies that kept us living no longer exists. Which brings a whole new set of hows and whys.

Very interesting, Randy, thank you:)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
I'm going to combine these two.

Trentinray and Tweed - I'm sorry for the confusion and not being clear (one of those times when I think y'all can read my mind LOL). It was Dawn dish soap, not sunrise. Unfortunately I can't see the sunrise from any of my windows 😢 but I have a great view of my parents' kitchen 😆

Tweed - I don't think I have written about her before. Odd 😕 I believe (but open to other theories) that a ghost appearing in shadow form is the amount of energy it takes to fully appear. I have other thoughts on it, so I'm definitely not knocking someone else's theory.

The only time I think I astral projected (jury is still out on that one), I saw in color.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Mack - one of the things I like best about this site is the fact we can do the back and forth. Not everyone thinks or believes the same way and my eyes have been opened more than once.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Manafon - that is a very intriguing theory about using the eyes of the percipient (had to look that up LOL). I've never considered that.

In our home, I think all of our resident ghosts are of the intelligent kind and definitely show signs of being aware of things in our home, including me when I backed into our Tuttle guy LOL

Talk about thought provoking, your quote by Tyrrell is indeed that. I've mulled that over and over for several days. Thank you:)
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-10)
No worries, Miracles. 😊

Biblio, about your pre and post cognitive colour palettes. Maybe it's your subconscious sorting one from the other. Sort of a psychological filing system. Just thought of that while reading your comment. (catching up on YGS)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-09)
Just want to let y'all know I am not ignoring anyone. My computer at home is less than reliable and I detest trying to type anything of length on my tablet or phone (they both have their unique personalities). I have to do anything YGS-related while at work.

So bear with me while I try to find time to answer questions, comments, etc.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-09)

I don't imagine this would be a question any ghost hunter would ask, "Do you see in color or black and white?", but it would be fascinating to ask and get an answer to! 😆

For some bizarre reason, the first thing I thought about was Tweed's "Green Room" account when I read this. I know Tweed herself was the one seeing the "green" in the room but I'm wondering if it had any significance to what/whoever was causing it.

Anyhoo... The little girl seems to like pink. You said you haven't heard her in a long time so you're familiar with her. Have you considered getting a little pink stuffed toy for her? And one other off-handed question. How was your migraine after this happened?
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Interesting one Miracles51031!
But who could the girl that you hear be? From the story I see that she might be attracted to the pink color, must be her favorite color (no, not sure). One thing sure is that the spirit is young, very young indeed.

Thanks for sharing and I like your theory!

By-the-way, my favorite is Cherry Jell-O, Kool-Aid is too sweet for me lol.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi Miracles,

Actually, this is one of the reasons the unknown is so fascinating 😊 There can be more than 1 theory and still make sense (I hope I am making sense myself). Then I keep wondering and sometimes when I think I found the answer and that is it, there comes another insight and I am wondering again lol
Well, I guess that's why it's called unknown, because we never know; there can be more than 1 possibility and each case is a case. Of course I am not talking about banal cases, this is more about what there's still to be explored.

When Biblio commented (wise Biblio I might add), I was brought back to that time many years ago... And it was strange back then already, but the unkown is also about mystery. And this matter is a mystery to me, perhaps because it makes sense if some ghosts can see colors and others can't, and it also makes sense to me if none can. 😊

Ironically, I am in limbo here lol

And yes, I agree that one doesn't need to write much to make a point. But yours was beautifully written... Please keep them coming!😁

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
BeautInside - I have no idea if my theory is even a possibility. It just fascinates me the endless possibilities we can think of on this side. And thank you for the compliment. Over the years, I have learned sometimes too much detail really isn't necessary as long as the relevant information is there. I go back sometimes and reread earlier submission and think to myself, "Oh my goodness! I really talk a lot LOL!"
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi everyone,

Biblio's comment made me go back to the (only) time where I believe I had an astral projection- I think that's how it's called- back when I was still young, single and still living with my parents lol Yeah, that was along time ago heehee

Although it has been a long time since that experience, I can still remember that I felt myself floating, could still see myself asleep and then I felt something like a spasm and woke up. What I find intriguing, and noticed by the time I had what I think to be the astral projection, is that I was wearing a pink pajamas and had green blankets on my bed but during the OBE my pajamas were greyish color and my blankets were whitish (or the other way around)... Coincidence or not the whole experience, which wasn't very long, was in grey, white and maybe black colors.

My point is, my retina was in my physical body obviously so while I had this astral projection and if it was like my soul leaving my body I might not had the "tools" to see colors. Perhaps this is how spirits' vision works.

trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Biblio- Could it be something along the way of the images coming from different areas or sources? For instance, the images of the future come more from your spiritual being while the past images are created/provided by, your earthly being (or visa versa) That would make a little sense if they come to you at different states of consciousness.
Just a thought of mine 😁
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Thanks for sharing this, Miracles.

I'm just going to add my odd thoughts to the pile here, as everyone else seems to be chiming in with colorful tid-bits. (See what I did there? 😜)

Tweed's astral experiences got me thinking about my precognitive and post-cognitive experiences. When I have a precognitive dream, the images are in sharply-defined focus and vividly colored, as though my line of sight encompasses the 180° vista in front of me without any blurring of peripheral vision or distance, until the details I'm supposed to pay attention to become apparent (like a movie director is saying "Aha! He's paying attention; now, zoom in on *this*..."). These experiences occur when I'm sleeping, and they're the only time I'm aware that I'm *not* dreaming. When I have ordinary (nonsensical) dreams, I don't question them because it all seems perfectly reasonable at the time. The precognitive ones, though, are similar to leaving a hot parking lot and walking into an air-conditioned store; there's a sudden awareness of clarity and sensation.

The post-cognitive events, though, are not as clear-cut. They happen when I'm wide awake (or, if stressed, when I'm so worked up I wouldn't be able to fall asleep). These events are usually from a "third-person limited" perspective, like I'm watching documentary footage. These experiences are unsettling because as I'm watching/seeing, it feels like there's an intimidating presence behind me who is standing just a little too close for comfort. What I'm seeing, though, is similar to watching a movie using a lens gel to make afternoon filming look like night-time filming. There's a slate/blue "dullness" to the images that I'd never really considered before. It's a bit like looking at a sepia print of generations past, and you're convinced that one woman in the picture is wearing a periwinkle-blue dress, even though the whole image is in shades of brown, beige, tan, and black.

I wonder if that's somehow related to the source/origin of the image I see? I'm open to suggestions as to why the future's in color but the past appears a bit washed-out. If anything, I'd have thought that the past, which can be established/verified through research, would be more easily specified than the future. (I know I'm employing a subjective view of a quantum-state phenomenon, but it doesn't make sense the other way around, either.)

Thanks for letting me ramble,
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Hello All and Miracles for the story

Very interesting subject about how those on the other side "see"

Considering the environment and how its laws operate under a different set of rules I would be inclined to think that the same may apply to the way the senses work. We often hear about how they often send words straight into our mind and we "hear" the words but not with our ears.
From what I understand they "see" in their
Memories and in energy patterns. And sense things more than seeing them because they don't have eyeballs and optic nerves sending information to a living brain.
I've often wondered if that is why we hear so much about activity picking up during remodeling. A couch is suddenly where they don't remember one being and their energy bumps into it. It seems that if the spirit world operates under a vastly different set of physics as our own 3D world then it would seem that an accommodating set of working senses would be needed to live there. Maybe some of those senses are locked away in our own minds now and are the ones that some gifted people are able to tap into.

Great point about how many encounters seem to be accidental. I can imagine that spirits are in more places than we think and do not want interaction a lot of times thus when we happen to encounter them it is because of a slip up.

Great topics for discussion

trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Not that it matters at all, but was the "dawn" dish soap or the sunrise? I loved your experience and had the same question as to if you'd had experiences with her before. Great story!
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-05)
Miracles I'm interested about the girl you heard. Have you written about her before, do you know who she is?

Man pink sunrises are awesome, love them. Another angle, literally (!), is the angle the girl was looking from. If she was, say standing behind you, with a window above the sink, she might have had a better view of a sunrise from her lower viewpoint. Just a thought. Bur yeah, emptying pink liquid would be pretty fascinating to child too.

Mack, I've gotta say I was pretty confused by your shadow theory the other day. You know Scooby Doo when he's confused he goes 'Ughhhh?!' That was me. 😆
I'd never considered the physical realm appearing different in spirit because of light and our senses. I believe the senses serve consciousness, not the other way around (as most tend to think). By the same token I think our senses are a part of us. We've all heard people who've had limbs amputated talk of feeling their limbs still, 'phantom limbs' - mental perception. Or maybe because it's really still 'there', a part of them.
Ugh I really don't want this to sound 'braggy' but here goes. While on astral jaunts I've never noticed anything different about the way light behaves. Things appear as they are, with the odd 'added' paranormal phenomena thrown in - different types of 'cloud masses' (energy build ups I guess), shields, parts of residual locational history. But these paranormal 'tidbits' aside a physical location appears the same.

As for why some ghosts appear as shadows and others not so much, I've always thought this was just different levels of manifestation. Which could depend on loads of things, environment, ghost's energy at that specific time, the recipient. When I've seen shadows flit by I always get the impression it's unintentional. Like the ghost is 'there' doing something and doesn't mean to be seen. But for whatever reason is. 😕

Cool discussion guys! 😁
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
A dedication! For me?! I don't know what to say! 😆

All good Miracles - I say we all throw all the theories and information and experiences we have out there for discussion and hopefully we can better understand this mystery that is the "Other Side" and also better understand the perspective of those passed over.

Until we eventually join them and find out for ourselves, it certainly is an intriguing mystery!😊


Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Miracles--This was a thought provoking account. If I can put in my two cents into the back and forth about the vision of spirits you have bee having with Mack, I do believe that spirits of the deceased can see colors, as your account fascinatingly suggests. Well documented cases of full body apparitions convincingly shows that they behave as if they are acutely aware of their surroundings. Importantly, ghosts regularly show awareness of furniture, doors and so on as they move about a room. They also can perfectly "impersonate" a living person. So much so that they are often mistaken to be living people.

With this in mind, an unprovable but logical conjecture could be to state that this mimicking of human appearance, voice (as in your case) and awareness of immediate surroundings, could also encompass a spirits ability to perceive colors just as the living do. Ghosts, as many cases show, can hear and on occasion speak like a living person. It seems quite probable that they can see as vibrantly too.

In some cases this might have much to do with the interaction a "telepathic" apparition has with the person perceiving them. In other words they very well may "use" the eyes of the percipient to get their bearings and to see the world. Hence they would see in color

It is of course all speculation but cases like yours provide tantalizing evidence. To quote the late psychical researcher G.N.M. Tyrrell in his watershed theoretical study, "Science And Psychical Phenomena", "The world reflects man like a mirror, but nature has skillfully blinded him to the fact... To penetrate behind the mirror and discover what lies there is, indeed, a very difficult task. Yet we can penetrate a certain distance--far enough, I think, to see signposts pointing into the unknown; but whether we shall ever travel far along the roads they indicate is very doubtful. The human mind is a very limited thing, and man is not born to solve the problem of the universe, but to find out where the problem begins."

Ghosts, you gotta love 'em 😁.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Hi Miracles, 😊

That is a very interesting theory... If a while after passing a ghost can see colours but after a long time they become colorblind then everybody is right. But I still have one doubt left, why? (Truly hope someone can come up with an explanation/theory, the game is on 😁).

By the way, loved the way you narrated the experience!


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