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Adventure Gone Wrong


This is my child hood incident and occurred about 30 years ago;when I was about 12 years old. I was born and raised in Mumbai and had shifted to a small town in rural Maharashtra, the same year due to father's change of job. We rented a small first floor apartment in a very beautiful bungalow located at the outskirts of the town. I was super excited at the prospect of lots of open spaces and beautiful surroundings and quickly made many new friends in the neighborhood.

In our neighbourhood there was on old unfinished bungalow, which had been abandoned for many years. It was rumoured to be haunted and cursed. We children hardly paid any attention to any such useless things. The old bungalow had a common compound wall with our bungalow, which seemed to have been built as an afterthought (as other bungalows in the neighbourhood were not separated by a wall but only by some temporary fencing). We kids were fascinated by this compound wall and it was our favourite past time to climb the wall and walk its entire length. It seems to be quite a challenge due to dirt covering the wall and over grown trees and weeds surrounding it and we called it our adventure wall climbing game. I took part in this game very often and was thrilled at the adventure, however I never feared the climb or walk or had any odd feeling ever. However our parents prohibited us from playing this game and this made the game more interesting.

One winter evening our parents were busy with some meeting at our place when we decided to play this adventure wall climbing game, without fear of getting scolded. As we got engrossed in the game, gradually it was twilight. I was the last one to go and for some unknown reasons felt a bit scared. Although I climbed the wall, I was walking very slowly due to growing darkness. My friends kept teasing me all through out for being a chicken, which made me increase my speed.

Once, I reached the far end of the wall I felt as if someone, some unknown force was pushing me from other side, I lost balance and fell in the compound of the old bungalow. By this time I was really scared and hurt my knees, which sacred me more and I started crying at the top of voice. All my calls to my friends went unanswered I attempted to get up but it felt as if I was unable to get up and someone was pinning me to the ground. I lay in this state for few minutes and just prayed to God to send my mummy. Luckily after some time one of my friend's mother, come out of our bungalow and heard my crying or screams and rescued me from there.

She narrated the entire incidence to my parents, who seemed quite tense and luckily did not scold me. I had high fever after the incidence for about a week and was badly hurt. I don't recollect event thereafter, but it seemed like we visited some temples on our way back from doctor and my parents had special Pooja for me, which seemed to cure me.

We stayed at the place for another two-three months and in school break shifted to another place. None of my friend had courage to continue the adventure wall climbing game and all felt sorry for abandoning me on the fateful day. I on my part became vary of any adventures and fear heights until date.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kimayakk, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-18)
Thanks to everyone who responded concerning the reason for the fever. I have always just wondered why this phenomenon so seldom, if ever, occurs in western countries.

Regards, Melda
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Hello Ravishingroxy,

Thank you for all your information on ghost fever.

I found it interesting.

😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Thanks Sushantkar for the information on ghost fever.

I found some information online if anyone wants to read it.


😘 ❤ 😘
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Ghost illness is a cultural believe and thus it's effect and way of illustration is different in different part of the world. People from place to place have evolved different theories, have added different procedures just to make it rich as per their own religious believe for communicating with the otherside (spiritual world).
Ghost illness related sculptures and techniques are generally hypothetical and works moreover on human physiology i.e. The more you believe the more effective would the result be. It could also be said as the way you worship and your religion actually influences the ghosts you see.

Why especially in India, people suffer from sickness (fever) after being haunted by ghost, the most prominent reason that I found is that it is due to the spiritual teaching which started way back from their childhood.

In hinduism we burn the body quite early when some one dies, because after that astral body wouldn't have physical body to hover around, and can loose the memory of physical world.
As the time passes in astral world the astral body starts forgetting, and loosing the memories of physical world. This astral body is ghost.
Now so called hell and heaven are nothing but states of the astral body, depending upon your types of karma and your time of death and astrological effect, you may either feel very blissfull in that state or very restless in astral world. Now if the karma, the astrological effect and time of death is bad then you astral body or say your ghostly body started emanating impure energies which may cause disturbances to the earthy body or say physical body came across to the path which may cause or have bad effect on the victim.
As said above, it's all depend on your believe and your way of seeing and handling it.
It's my interpretation for ghost illness and I am very curious about other theories submitted to make it more clear and understanding for us.

Ravishingroxy (4 stories) (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Hey everyone... I am from india and thought I can shine some light on the 'ghost illness' theory. In india it is believed... Often heard of that if you come in contact with a spirit and get scared... It feeds off that fear and that makes you sick. This sickness is often a fever. I have heard about 2-3 such cases among my family n friends. How this belief translates into reality... And if the cause is psychological and the victims develop a fever after they experience the paranormal just because this belief has been ingrained into them since childhood... We will never know, I guess.
RSAChick (115 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Hi Melda, not sure if the article will help much - we need some expert inside info.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
RSAChick - Thanks for taking the trouble. I'll definitely be taking a look at that.

Regards, Melda
RSAChick (115 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
I found an article by searching 'ghost illness india' in google. A pdf download.
I was however not allowed to post the link here: word too long.
Anyway it is about ghost illness in India, but I think many aspects in the article can be debated for days.

I think this notion of ghost illness (which includes fever as a symptom) is engrained in Hindu beliefs. But not believed by all Hindus or villages in India.

Hoping someone from India or the poster of this story could enlighten us?
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Hi Kimayakk,

I think we all know how challenging a parents order makes it funnier. 😁

Just like my good fellows, I am too very intrigued about this pattern of developing a fever we seem to find after a supernatural experience in India.
In this particular case it is a bit out of norm. I mean, if it was a virus the fever would only last 3/5 days, if it lasted a week and though possible it is very uncommon for a fever caused by a virus to last that long.

Can you confirm if you full recovered after having the pooja? Do you know what your doctor said?

Thank you for sharing. ❤
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Greetings, kimayakk

I'm not surprised to read you defied your parents. After all, they're old. They don't know how to have fun. They've forgotten what it's like to be a kid. And as kids we think we know a lot, and until something happens to instill a sense of fear in us - we're fearless warriors.

It would seem there was an entity who felt, 'If you kids won't listen, you must feel'. A tough love approach that thankfully didn't have tragic results.

Go well.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-15)
kimayakk - Lesson well learnt 😊 I'm not saying that to be nasty but I find it so interesting that most children will defy their parents especially where there is a little danger involved and unfortunately for the kids, they tend to come off second best! Don't worry, it happened to me on numerous occasions during my childhood.

You did mention that you were frightened when it was your turn to walk the wall. Whether your fear was because you knew you shouldn't be there or because there was in fact some form of spirit on the other side, I don't know. I think you lost your footing because of the fear that you felt.

Perhaps you were held down by some unseen force or, as LG said, you might have been in shock.

I have read many accounts on YGS from posters in India where people who come into contact with spirits develop a fever. This intrigues me and I would really like to know how or why this happens. If anybody has a good link for me to read on this, please forward it to me.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-15)
Regardless if you fell because an entity pushed you or if it was because the force of gravity pulled you towards Mother Earth, I'm glad you didn't brake a bone on impact (ouch!).

Would it be possible that the reason why you couldn't get up was because your muscles were in shock after hitting the ground,? How high was the wall?

It was nice from your friend's mother to rescue you though, it is not easy for me to imagine the woman in a saree climbing a wall without loosing her clothes and/or getting tangled in all that fabric! - Just kidding, I know Indian women not only dress in sarees.

Thanks for sharing.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-14)
No greater motivator to do something than to be told not to do it. Am I right? 😜

At least things worked out for you, but I am growing more and more curious about entities in India.

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