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Something Spooky Happened - Shadow People


Hey readers! I want to stop by, tell you what happened to me and my husband. This was not long ago. This happened in the last few days.

My children where with their grandparents. My husband and I were tired, so we decided to lay down for a little bit and then get up and watch a movie. This was early around 5:00pm after the kids get back from school. They went to their grandparents for a sleepover. Our kids do that a few times a month and it's great. I like that they can see their grandparents. My mom lives with me so they get to see her too which is awesome.

So at 5,we lay down and I think we both fell asleep not even 15 minutes later. Hours pass and I wake up and it's dark. I look

At the clock and it says 3:49. Then I look over and I see what I believe, to be is a shadow man. I don't know why I think the shadow person is a man but for some reason that is the feeling I got when I looked at it. My husband is lying right next to me. I tap him and ask him if he's up. He says yeah I am up but I have been laying here with my eyes closed.

I say look over to the left. Do you see that? My husband looks over and says yes I do see that. We both just looked at him. He was tall. I would say a little more than 6 feet. He had a person's shape but no features on the face. I looked at him for a little bit and then fell back asleep.

When I was looking at him I did feel scared. My husband and myself talked about him the next day and we couldn't think of a logical explanation. We both always try to be logical. But we honestly couldn't think of anything else but a shadow person. We both felt like he was a man. Just from the energy that I could feel.

Thank you for reading πŸ“–

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MrsRizzo2429, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
Thank you so much I am excited to read the article πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ˜Šβ€οΈ
I appreciate you taking the time to send that to me. Have a wonderful day
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Hello Mrs Rizzo,

Here's some more information on 'aswang'


It's a good read.
😘 ❀ 😘
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
I am glad that you got a coversation going about shadow people. It's so interesting and it is nice to hear about other people opinions. I also wonder about aswang I don't know if I am spelling it right but if anyone has any thoughts on that. I wouldn't mind. Thank you everyone that stopped by.:)
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
MrsRizzo and Bibliothecarius Thank you for your responses. -

Biblio ~ I was not as curious about the origin of the term, but I'm glad you provided it. Rather I was curious as to what brought it to mind, it's not a phrase I use often. Oddly I heard it later the day I typed...
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Hi there! No problem at all thank you for sharing. Stop in again:)
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Mrs. Rizzo, I have a quick note for cuddlebear:

In The Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1811 ed., Francis Grose claims: "Before one could say Jack Robinson" is "a saying to express a very short time, originating from a very volatile gentleman of that appellation, who would call on his neighbours, and be gone before his name could be announced."

Though this is *my* favorite source for the phrase, there's nothing of substance to support it. Apparently, Grose was repeating the explanation "everyone knows that..." which is the failing of that particular book as a reference.

In reality, no-one is sure who started it, but it did begin around the 1770s.

MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
No apology needed! I love talking about all this stuff. Do it anytime you want:) I like it when people stop by:)
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Shadow people are so interesting!
I have also wondered why some of them have a dog with them. There are so many questions about them that I have.
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-20)
Hey cuddle bear I am not mad at all and I am glad you stoped by:)
I think the reason I didn't run screaming is because my husband was laying next to me which did help a lot. If I had been alone I may have done that. I am glad I was able to observe it and not leave my room scared. I guess that's what husbands are for;) jk. 😁
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Smoki, CuriousDee, and Haven

This is exactly what I wanted to start! An intelligent discussion on a topic that, quite frankly, has been a burr under my saddle for quite some time.

Smoki - Absolutely terrific information. I'm not an intuitive guy, nor am I "sensitive" to the paranormal. I have heard of the "flight or fight" tendency, and I had added freeze on my own, based on personal observation.

My wife and my mother are both sensitive types. My father and I have often pondered the issue: do they (Mom and Wife) sense things I can't or do they sense things that aren't there? In truth, how am I to know? Is there an objective reality, or is reality totally subjective.

As to Flight, Fight, or Freeze there are likely pluses and minuses to each means of coping. As a young man I had aggression issues, which were curbed by my participation in sports - contact sports. To this day, at 58, I participate in Lacrosse practice with the lads I coach.

We may never perfectly understand each others points of view, if we can at least look into their rooms we can grow and and gain a better understanding of one another. To my mind that is the highest purpose of the World Wide Web.
Again I thank you for participating. Just a heads up my sweetie and I are going on a minication and I'll be off line unit Monday or Tuesday. So if you respond further it'll take me a while to read and respond.

To Mrs. Rizzo ~ I'm sorry if I've hijacked this discussion. You opened a door I find endlessly fascinating.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Cuddlebear - Ok, that was funny! 😁 I can understand the tendency to over think things as I've been known to do the same. I've investigated what I thought was something paranormal, only to find it was caused by the mundane too. There is something with shadow figures that seems to cause that freeze (or flight) response in many people. I can't pretend to know why, but I think Smoki's comment is quite interesting and enlightening. Like I said, I grew up in an active house that entailed shadow figures, lights turning on/off, voices, footsteps, banging, etc... So it may be an intuitive response. As in, sensing a certain energy. That's just my opinion though.

Smoki - Great information on the fight, flight and freeze response. Thanks for sharing.

Smoki_Tabu (2 stories) (13 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Cuddlebear, that story had me cracking up. 😁

I know you didn't ask me personally, but I feel like speaking up anyway.

I am fascinated by the paranormal, but I am also interested in learning about how the human brain works. As someone with crippling anxiety, I'm particularly interested in the human fear response.

We all have a little guy in our brains called the amygdala that is responsible for what in the past we have called our "fight or flight" response. In recent years, specialists in cognitive psychology have broadened the term to include "freeze". A person with high anxiety (like myself) has an amygdala that works overtime. For example, getting a sharp criticism from my boss will result in the activation of this "fight, flight, or freeze" response, (even though it's primary function is to save me in the event of imminent physical threat, not merely embarrassment). It's a roll of the dice which one my amygdala will throw at me, and I don't know how my fear response forms until I'm experiencing it.

Your hypothesis that in this situation, you would be making a mad dash for the possible intruder, tells me that your amygdala prefers the "fight" response. It sounds like you have a good sense of self-awareness, and a pretty decently consistent amygdala.

"So I'd like to know why on earth you would lay there and wait for whatever to happen?" Because when the brain is sleepy, stressed, or in great fear, and the amygdala is acting up, rational thought is much harder to conjure. That is not a sign of weakness. Every brain is different. Some might have a macho, kick-its-a## kind of amygdala. And that is just fine. But the freeze response is no less valid. The brain is undergoing actual chemical changes.

If this doesn't help with your understanding, then that's ok! Hoping it will at least help someone somewhere. 😊
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Haven and CuriousDee ~

Thank you for answering my question. I'm not sure I follow your reasoning; but then I really don't need to. It seems to me if you're creeping around a dark house the most likely place to find people would be their beds; therefore hiding in the bed or pretending not to notice from the bed seems counter intuitive. But again I don't mean to judge. My wife claims I tend to overthink things.

From my personal experience (and no I've never awoke to find some one strange in my room - well except for my time in service on ships) I've found curiosity always drives me investigate. Admittedly I've not always found a cause, but that has not deterred me.

When we were first in our house my wife woke me up one night, she had heard something she could not identify. I listened for a couple of minutes before I heard the sound. I got up and walked down the hall, while the sound repeated itself several times. Upon exiting the hall I heard the sound to my left, looking I saw two red glowing eyes looking into our house through the French Doors that led to our deck. I backed into the hall took a breath and words I had heard on Coast To Coast came to my mind "I hate it when they have red eyes...". I then leave the hall a second time looking at the French Doors and there are the eye. As I approach the eyes I realize there is no thing there but the eyes, no face, no head, no body, nothing. At this point I hear the original sound again, it's behind me. I turn looking into the kitchen and notice that somehow the coffee machine had turned on without water in it. It was then that I realized the "eyes" were a reflection of the power indicator of the coffee machine in the double pane glass of the French Door. My wife still laughs at this calls this the night Cuddlebear met the Coffee Demon.

I mention this story because, well it's funny, and it illustrates my point.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)

That's a great point. I think the difference (in some cases) is that the person 'senses' the figure is not physical. Or, has previously searched for an intruder or realistic cause for activity, and after repeatedly finding nothing, chalks it up to the paranormal. Just my thoughts anyway. I grew up in an 'active' house, so I've laid still and quiet (played dead) plenty.

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Hi Cuddlebear -

Even though this questions was directed at MrsRizzo, I'm going to butt in and tell you why I have laid there in bed and 'played dead'. I'm hoping that whatever is there hasn't noticed I'm there and will just leave. I feel that if I get up and confront it there is no chance that I will win. I'm sure that if I knew it was a live intruder my mother bear instincts would kick in and I would get up and do whatever I had to do to protect my family. In the few experiences I've had where I'm awakened to find something "amiss" my instinct has always told me that whatever is there is not of this world. I feel that my survival instinct does kick and it's telling me not to confront it and just wait and ride it out. That's just me.

Your comments had me cracking up, you are totally right, everyone seems to do the same thing. This could be a 'girl thing", I could see how it wouldn't make sense to a guy to just lay there and wait to see what happens.

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Mrs.Rizzo ~ Salutations!

Your post brings up a point I'd like to see discussed at length here. I've read any number of accounts where the witness is in bed and asleep or nearly asleep and wakes to find something amiss in the near vicinity. When this happens the witness seems to do one of the following: feign sleep; pull up the covers and hide; or, as in your case, lay still and observe. Even if they sense some sort of danger.

When we first moved to our house it was in a wooded area and both my wife and I are from a more urban area and we were frequently awaken by odd sounds. It never failed that I'd be up investigating. It still happens today, and I shudder to think what my wife would do if I didn't get out of bed to investigate. Now if I woke up to find someone in my room, other than my wife, I'd be out of bed and bull rushing that SOB faster than you could say "Jack Robinson" (really, I have no idea where that comes from).

So I'd like to know why on earth you would lay there and wait for whatever to happen?

I am really quite serious, and intending no disrespect.
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)
Thank you for stopping by! It's so nice that my husband is there to validate what we are seeing. I would really think I am losing my marbles if he wasn't there to be like yes I see it too. We look to see if there is a logical explanation always. I will keep everyone posted. 😊
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Hi, MrsRizzo -

Sounds like a scary experience, it would probably have been scarier if your husband wasn't with you and experienced it as well. Serves as validation that it's not your imagination or that you were dreaming.

I hope it was just 'something' passing through and not something that wants to take residence.

Keep us posted!
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-13)
Thank you! That is so nice of you. I appreciate your help😊❀️😘
Please keep us posted with how things are with you.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hello Mrs Rizzo,

You wanted to know more about shadow people so I copied a link for you. It's a really good read.


I look forward to reading more.

😘 ❀ 😘
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Miandra thank you for your kind words! It means a lot! Because I can't talk about this stuff with everyone I am lucky that some one my family understands but not all of them do which it's nice to be able to have this web page to go to. So Thank thank you for being so nice ❀ ❀
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hey everyone I am going to do my best to answer everyone. I myself am interested in shadow people because I am not sure what they are but I think they are so interesting especially the ones who have a dog 🐢 with them. I am so glad to talk to everyone on here because this is my passion so thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by. I am so lucky to have my husband for so many reasons and it's so nice to have him be a witness. Its nice to know I haven't lost all my marbles haha. Anyways, hey sleeping with Steve:) yes I get tired with my 3kids and my husband and pugs, I also love my pug. I didn't know the shadow person and I haven't seen him
Since but something very spooky happen yesterday which I will explain later. But I did feel scared when I saw him but now as I thinking about it it seemed like he was there to watch. Watch what, I am not so sure yet. But it very well could be the mist. I am really not sure. But I felt like the shadow person was almost told to go to my room and look but I am not sure why or if that's what happened, it's Just a guess. Hi Lady glow:) before the house where built it was a huge forest. I don't know what went on in the, forest if anything did but I for sure will help a sprit go to the light. I would like to help anyone I can. And your right hiding from, sprits can be hard. I didn't know I just found out my oldest daughter was playing with a oujjia board with her friend at our house with she had a sleepover the other night which has brought activity up a little. I didn't recommend my daughter play that game because it's not a game. Kids! Haha
I felt scared when I saw him but it felt like he was watching and looking for something. I kind of felt for a few days after that someone was watching me when I was at home. But I haven't seen him since that night. Shadow people are so interesting I would love to hear about how people feel about shadow people and what they are.

We are safe from the storm and thank you so much for asking. I hope everyone else was safe too!
If there is something I didn't answer. Please feel free to ask.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
I feel like a healthy majority of paranormal encounters are that of shadow figures. It's quite interesting if you think about it... The numerous theories on what shadow figures actually are. Partial manifestation? Accumulated energy? Non human entities? The list goes on and on.

I think our best bet is to focus on how we feel during and after an encounter and if there is any other activity surrounding the 'visit'. Some feel fear but realize no harm was meant after pondering the situation (similar to your experience).

You are lucky to have had your husband witness this too, it's very validating. Many people are alone and fear that others will think them crazy. I wish I had an answer for you, just know you aren't alone. πŸ˜‰

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Unrelated but I hope the recent storm didn't impact you or your family. If it did I hope you are all well and safe by this time.

It's a creepy story. I never know what to make of Shadow People. What sort of entity are they? Are/were they human? I'd like to hear theories from other readers.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hi MrsRizzo

From your previous stories, you're the first occupants, and builders, of your house, and you admit to be sensitive to spirits.

Do you know anything about the history of the land where your home seats? Would it be possible that this shadow person is the mist from your previous story taking a different form and appearance? Did you feel the same vibes during both occurrences?

Would you be willing to acknowledge the presence of any spirit that comes to you and to help them to find their way to the light?

If you're a sensitive, it might be difficult to 'hide' from spirits, perhaps the only thing for you to do is to embrace your ability and use it on helping those in need regardless of their nature.
Just my opinion. πŸ˜‰
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-11)
Hello Mrs Rizzo,

You must have been very tired for so many hours to go by whiles you slept. Kids can do that, make you very tired.

Did you feel like you knew the shadow person? Or was he a random spirit? Did he come back? Have you ever felt his presence before that night?

They say that spirits, demons, ghost, shadow people etc lurk between the hours of 3am and 4am when the gates of hell open apparently.

That must have been a scary encounter. 😨

Lucky your kids weren't around.

Keep us posted if you have any more visits.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

😘 ❀ 😘

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