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Doppelganger Or Time Gap?


My name is Natalia, I am 30 years old, I'm Greek and I'm a psychotherapist.

This summer I visited my boyfriend in Pelio, where he worked for the summer. We stayed at his cousin's house which is an old traditional house in the woods.

To get to the door of the house you had to walk down a path off the road. Everytime my boyfriend and I heard someone walking the path we would run to the window to check if it was a stranger passing by or his cousin coming home. In that case, we would close our bedroom door. Soon, we realised that when laying in bed we could see who was passing by, simply by looking at the reflection of the open window. For that reason, we kept the window open at a specific angle and everytime we heard someone walking down the path we looked at the reflection and we knew who it was. It was a very rare thing for a stranger to pass by the house but it had happen a few times.

Everyday we would wake up and go to the beach bar where he was working and have breakfast together. The house was 20 minutes (driving) away from the bar.

One morning, I didn't want to go to the beach so early. Also, we had a small "fight" the night before and I was still a bit mad. I was awake because of his clock but had my eyes still closed. I was hearing him getting ready and I was wondering if he would kiss me goodbye. I opened one eye to see what he was doing and I noticed he had wore his swimsuit and a bright yellow t-shirt on top. I remember I thought "why is he dressed like Tweety in a swimsuit?" and then tried not to laugh because I was still a bit mad as I said. He said "I'm going, bye." and I said "Bye". When he closed the door, I watched his reflection, walking up the path to the road. When he got in the car and left, I grabbed my phone to text my friend and tell her about the "fight" we had the night before. At that point I was even more upset because of the way we had both handled it. I think it's important to make clear that I was upset, because being upset I couldn't go back to sleep! Therefore, what happened next could not be a dream!

I was texting my friend (I still have this conversation with date and time and everything) and half an hour passed. She was telling me her news when I heard someone walking down the path. I looked at the reflection of the open window and I saw my boyfriend, with his bright yellow t-shirt and his swimsuit, coming back. He was holding a plastic bag with (probably food) wrapped in foil so I assumed he had brought me breakfast. I found it a bit strange though that he wasn't in any hurry.

I immediately jumped out of bed to go and open the door for him and hug him and kiss him. When I opened the door he wasn't there. Also, there were no cats! You see, there was a cat family living in the garden and every time they saw him they would all run to the door because once he'd open the door he would pet them and feed them. Since he wasn't there I assumed the foil was cat food so I walked around the house expecting to see him feeding the cats. Nothing. I then thought, that maybe he forgot something and went back to his car to get it. I run fast up the path (barefoot) and he wasn't there either. Also his car was missing. I run back in the house got on the second floor and watched around the house to see if there was a stranger who simply passed by, wearing the exact same clothes as him. None. Then I realised that only half an hour had passed since he left for work so he would need 20 minutes to get to the bar and 20 minutes to drive back home. It didn't make any sense.

I called him and asked him "where did you go?". He said "what do you mean? I'm at work". I explained to him what I saw but I forgot to mention the food wrapped in foil! Then he put his cousin on the phone to assure me he wasn't around the house. I then texted my friend and told her about the incident.

Later that day, I fell asleep and slept until 20.00. I woke up by a knock on the door and when I opened it, the cats stormed into the house and there was my boyfriend standing, with his yellow t-shirt and everything, holding a plastic bag with food wrapped in foil.

I was speechless! It was like time continued from where it stopped earlier that morning.

I'm tired of people telling me I was asleep. I was not! I was running around the house, spoke on the phone and I was texting before and after the incident. Also, I was upset about the "fight" and the way we started our day so there was no way I fell asleep without even realising it.

Now, I want to add a story that my boyfriend told me in the past. Years ago, he used to be married. It was summer (again) and he and his wife were sleeping on the couch of their apartment. At one point she woke up and saw him standing in the kitchen and asked him to bring her some water.

He was not responding and he was staring at her with a flat, emotionless expression as she described.

She then realised that he was still sleeping next to her and woke him up! She told him "I can see you standing in the kitchen". He said "what?" And she repeated "I see you in the kitchen right now".

He then tried to get up, looked at the kitchen and he saw him too! As he says, "I was looking at me in the eyes". He then got up to get closer and no one was there.

Now, I googled a few things and I found about the term "doppelganger". The explanation of it though isn't clear to me.

I know it is not a exactly a ghost story but I still find it strange and confusing. Also, I am sure of what I saw and it was him! It was not blurry or unclear in any way. It was real!

So, does my experience make sense to anyone?

Thanks for your time!


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nataliciousss, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nataliciousss (1 stories) (7 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-16)
Hey Fenrispro!

Fortunately that was a summer job so we only stayed there for a little while. My boyfriend though, went back for work this summer but he doesn't live in that house. We haven't seen anything weird ever since! This winter, we will move into my parents house where strange things have also happened when I was a teenager. I will let you know if there's any activity.
Fenrispro (58 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-19)
I heard that when a doppelganger shows up, it's a bad omen. The person it imitates can have sudden death 😲 Have u invited some holy people to cleanse the place?
Nataliciousss (1 stories) (7 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-01)
Hey guys, even though no one seems to be certain about what this experience was, it keeps getting more and more interesting with all the stories you share! Thank you for that. I keep wondering what would have happened if I had called out his name. Would there be some kind of interaction? Who knows... I just wish I would experience that again!
alexandrapr369 (2 stories) (16 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-14)
hello Natalia, I agree with the time warp more. The astral Projection theory seems like there's too many requirements for it to happen at this point. It could be doppelganger it could be not... But the time warp seems the most reasonable explanation for me.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-07)
Natalia ~
Just an observation. From what I've read about astral projection the projector either has to be in an extremely relaxed state (even a trance) or a highly agitated state, like the Canadian solder mentioned earlier. I find it unlikely that your boy friend would be in either state while at work at any normal sort of job. Certainly as a primary responder or a member of military service you could find yourself in the later, but your boyfriend was wearing swim-trunks. I would like read an opinion from someone more knowledgeable than I on this subject.
Jetson (2 stories) (67 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-07)
Hello Natalia, to pick up on what Biblio spoke to... Years ago I read a story of a Canadian soldier who was left guarding a hospital and its wounded in Hong Kong when it fell to the Japanese in World War II. He was ashamed to say that he dropped his weapon and fell into one of the hospital beds and rocked himself back and forth in fear crying for his mother. After the war and his return home he wanted to speak to his parents about his experiences when his mother commented to him that she knew he would be alright as one morning she passed his room (the room in their house which he had as a boy) and there he was in bed rocking himself. She said she watched him there and felt all would be okay and told the 'image' which she saw 'all will be right'. The returning soldier mentioned that he at the time had felt some 'connection' with his mother during the wartime incident even though he was some 7,000 miles away from her. I gather he was able to astral project his thoughts/body to his mother who was able to see this and help. Thanks for your comments on my experience... And yes perhaps someone someday will explain what this all means but until then it really is a windmill in one's mind.
Sarah-E (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-06)
Hi Nataliciousss, Wow sis I don't know? It almost seems like you were caught up in some type of time warp. I mean the exact same thing happened hours later after you seen your boyfriend. Does he always come home carrying food wrapped in a foil?
Nataliciousss (1 stories) (7 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-05)
Biblio your story was amazing! Thank you so much for sharing it here. I will not lie, thinking of something like that happening to me makes me anxious! Therefore, I can't blame you for not taking it any further. I hope one day you'll find a safe way to see how far this thing can go. And I hope it will be really fun. If you do let us know! It will be very interesting.
You were absolutely right when you said that my boyfriend was thinking about bringing me food, while driving to work. I asked him today if it was possible for him to recall this memory and he said "sure I do! I was thinking that there was nothing for you to eat at the house and there were no stores near by. I wanted to bring you breakfast but I didn't have time. I decided to bring dinner instead and I was thinking about it while driving but also for the rest of the day." I guess the hypnotic state of driving the same road every day played a significant role as you said.

Thank you once again. Also I am very happy to have found such an interesting site!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-05)
Greetings, again, Natalia.

I'll freely confess to the part of my second response that I know first hand: "Some people find that they have separated their spirit from their body and panic;" I'm one of them. I'd love to be able to astral travel, explore sites of interest without paying for airfare, see beyond the normal senses to confirm what my intuition tells me is going to happen, etc.; however, the one time I even came close to doing it, my inner OCD/Control-Freak wanted to know who would be protecting my physical form from being hijacked while I wandered about unsupervised. In this event, yes, I could tell what was happening, even though I had not done it on purpose.

I have read accounts in which one person sees his/her spouse get up out of bed and behave in a manner consistent with whatever dream he/she is having, then realize that the spouse's body is still in the bed. This is similar to your boyfriend's *first* experience; he didn't know it was happening until he was told about it. With the caveat that I'm well outside of my comfort zone for documented data to support this, when I read your narrative, I got the impression your boyfriend would have been preoccupied/daydreaming about seeing you in the evening, and that's when you saw him in the reflection.

As for my own Astral-Projection / Out-of-Body Experience (O.B.E.), the details are peculiar: 1. I realized that I had better than 20-20 physical vision --including peripheral vision-- despite not wearing my glasses; 2. I knew I'd dozed off on the sofa, but I couldn't feel the breeze of the overhead fan; 3. I realized that I was looking straight through the palm of my left hand toward the bedroom door; 4. I'd sat upright, but thought that I'd better lie down again, until everything was "normal;" 5. I had difficulty getting "comfortable" as I tried to doze off, because my right arm was dangling off the side of the sofa, and I'd gotten it twisted while trying to get my right arm's astral form back into it (it was a bit like putting on a sweater in a confined space).

I had no intention of writing this up for YGS as a narrative, because *I* was the ghost in the ghost story, and I decided *not* to do anything. [Yawn!] In the seven or eight years since this happened, I have gotten annoyed with myself for not having taken the opportunity to wander around a bit and to learn more. Usually, I'm really interested in new events/experiences, but on that occasion, I was worried that I'd come back to discover I was no longer there. It's possible that was a paranoid over-reaction, but it's honest.

Nataliciousss (1 stories) (7 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-05)
Thank you for all your comments! I don't have any knowledge around the subject of astral projection. I read a few things but it seems that astral projection can vary in the way it can be experienced. So I would like to ask those of you who are more familiar with this phenomenon. When someone achieves astral projection, can he tell? Or only those who see the projection can tell? In other words should my boyfriend have also experienced something strange at the same moment I saw his projection? Ex: "I was driving and suddenly I felt my soul leaving my body" or "suddenly I was back at home for a few seconds."

Thanks for all your information!
MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-04)
Hi Natalia,

This is a very interesting story. Being a Harry Potter fan, it makes me want to believe that time travel is possible. But, that's not. What your boyfriend experienced was something else. I have not encountered an experience similar to this, so I also looked up what Biblio mentioned: the astral projection.

Thank you for sharing this story.

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-03)
Hi, Natalia -

Thank you for sharing such an interesting account. As I was reading your narrative I had the same thoughts that Biblio did. Only he explains it a lot more eloquently than I ever could.

I agree that your boyfriend has an ability to astral project, even if he doesn't know it.

Regards -
Nataliciousss (1 stories) (7 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-02)
Hi Jetson! I read your story and I suggest other people visiting your account and reading it too. It was unique! You and your ex wife must felt relieved that you had each other during this experience and you didn't have to convince one another when the incident was over.

You asked me if something felt worng during my experience. Well, It was really silent but I was alone in an empty house in the woods so I guess that was normal. Also it was the only time I spent the day there so I don't know how things looked normally.
What I found really strange though, was that when I saw him through the window he wasn't in any hurry. That seemed kind of wrong... Although I was all excited about him bringing me breakfast, I remember that I took a second to think "okay but... He left work and now he has to go back, why is he walking so slowly?" He was walking as if he was returning home, tired.
When he finally returned home this that evening and I opened the door, everything was as it was supposed to be... Ten hours earlier.
Jetson (2 stories) (67 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-02)
Hello Natalia... First, thanks for sharing your story. I find it interesting in the fact that perhaps it is hinting at a time slip; meaning a moment in time that is captured only to be played out again when objects, people and environments align or should I say re-align. I wanted to ask you if there was any fear or dread while you were immersed in your experience? Having had a strange occurrence of a time slip happening to me many years ago (you can check out my profile and read my story if you would like) I wonder if when the incident played out for 'real' did you feel as if time and space caught up to itself and then when it did you could once again 'relax'? In my experience everything seemed 'real' yet experiencing it made me wonder if I was losing my mind as what had been presented to me in a matter of a few hours later was not as it had been. Thanks again for sharing. I love Greece. It's an amazing country.
Nataliciousss (1 stories) (7 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-01)
I can't thank you enough for taking the time and reading my experience. It is nice to be heard.
Biblio, I was reading your comments and I didn't want them to end. You explain things so clearly.
To be honest, I am not familiar with astral projection but the information you gave me make sense! I mean... There has to be an explanation after all!
Lucia thank you for your comment! I read a few stories and I find doppelgangers very interesting as well! I read one in here where a doppelganger was cooking!
I keep wondering what would have happened if I had called out his name through the window! If there was a way not to break the contact.
Although it was a creepy experience I can't wait for the next one! If it has happened twice maybe it will happen again...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-31)
Greetings, again, Natalia.

This is a note of clarification. LuciaJacinta questioned my initial reaction to your narrative; I have absolutely no problem with her doing that. We are a *discussion* board, so I customarily check recent messages I've left to see if the Original Poster (OP) or another member has responded with additional data or a simpler solution.

LuciaJacinta stated, "I have no explanation." Ok, that's fine; not every reply will be helpful in resolving the issue, but it's nice to get supportive messages. Then she wrote, "I'm not sure about astral projection." It's a very good reaction to question/doubt other people's assertions; for one thing, it provides an opportunity to discuss the phenomenon more deeply. For another, It gives the write the opportunity to clarify, to correct, or to retract a statement.

She asks, "Wouldn't the person performing such an act be aware of doing so?" Well... No. There are people who have mastered the technique and use it with great skill; there are several YGS members who are in this category. Often people find out that they capable of astral projection through an initial experience of projecting *by accident.* Some people find that they have separated their spirit from their body and panic; others find they've got a great opportunity to develop a talent, to learn more about themselves, and to discover additional aspects of reality.

LuciaJacinta writes, "I just assumed that there was an intent of the will in astral projection?" Why? Upon what is this assumption predicated? As I indicated in the previous paragraph, people learn astral projection on purpose, or they learn about it because they've done it by accident.

If I may re-focus my initial response, I acknowledge that *deliberate* astral projection does require focused effort. However, I wrote that your boyfriend "MAY have" this ability, but there's no guarantee that he knows that he is doing it, nor how to go about doing it on purpose. That is why I suggested "the SUBCONSCIOUS ability," meaning that his conscious mind is concerned about an issue, wrestling with the ideas, etc., and his subconscious mind projects that image.

Doppelgängers do operate with their own sense of priorities and willpower; this is what makes them so peculiar a phenomenon. One will mimic a living human being, sometimes for days, who is not present; in one case I read, the doppelgänger travelled around Sweden a few weeks before the person arrived for his first visit. It had interacted with his Swedish colleagues, stayed in a hotel, etc., etc., causing the man to have some awkward conversations with strangers who'd already met his doppelgänger.

If I am mistaken in my response, it is an honest mistake that I based upon both the evidence both in your experience and in the second-hand narrative of your boyfriend's previous supernatural bilocation. He "was not responding and he was staring at her with a flat, emotionless expression as she described." This is the opposite of the doppelgänger experience. Then "he then tried to get up, looked at the kitchen and he saw him too!...He then got up to get closer and no one was there." To the best of my knowledge, this is consistent with astral projection narratives, but not with doppelgänger events.

Of your two initial guesses (in your title), I'd suggest that a time-slip is the more likely option. If my idea of projection (again, based upon both times your boyfriend did it by accident) is wrong, then it was a brief interaction with the future reflected in your mirror's view of the window. I don't think that we can rule out your having created the conditions for a psychomanteum effect, which is more a remote-viewing & ghost communication technique than it is a time-slip phenomenon.

I do apologize if I was unclear in my initial message, as I was was getting sleepy around 1:30 or 2am when I typed it. I also hope that I've not given offense to LuciaJacinta in explaining my thoughts. Feel free to disbelieve my suggestion's validity; after all, it was only a guess on my part.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-31)
Very interesting account. I find it fascinating. I have no explanation. I'm not sure about astral projection. Wouldn't the person performing such an act be aware of doing so? I just assumed that there was an intent of the will in astral projection?

Regardless, this topic of the doppelganger has always interested me. My personal feelings are that it's a familial spirit/entity that may or may not be good following you around that takes your form on as itself.

Although, I have no idea what or who these "twins" really are.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-30)
Greetings, Natalia, and welcome to YGS.

Your inclusion of his previous experience suggests to me that your boyfriend may have the subconscious ability to 'astral project' and that this ability is triggered by emotional conflict or upheaval.

I'm going to speculate that your boyfriend was also upset by the previous night's disagreement. If that is the case, then it is entirely possible that he was considering returning to the house with the food as a peace offering. Your sighting of his return, then, would be consistent with his intention to bring food home while he was thinking about how to resolve the hurt feelings of the previous evening. I think that what you saw was an astral projection of his desire to resolve the conflict. He may have been thinking this over during his drive to work, as sitting alone in a car gives people time to reflect and to plan.

There are several potential causes for the phenomenon you witnessed, but this is the one that I felt drawn toward as I read your description of the events.


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