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Creature In My Hotel Room


This story happens exactly one week after my first story which I posted this morning. It may be connected because it contains a similar creature as the second creature that I encountered in Dad's house on the day that I left. But as I reported in the previous story, it was difficult to identify more than the outline of the second creature at Dads house. Go find that story if you want more on that. This creature however, had a very different demeanor then that one.

After I left my father's house, I went on a vacation to Tennessee. At this point, I was in Memphis, in a hotel room on a high floor where my shepherd (who was with me) was taking a keen interest on the activities outside the window. Not on the ground below the window that is, she was looking *straight out*. I had my curtains open because the lights were fluorescent and I'm a migraineur and was opting not to have crushing head pain that night. The front desk would not initially provide me additional towels to cover the shades at check in, leaving the sodium halide or whatever-they-are road lights as my room lighting. I feel like I need to explain this because who leaves their curtains open, right? Anyway, after initially thinking that the dog was looking at traffic, it occurred to me that she's much smarter than that. I started to feel uneasy, closed the curtains, noticed the dog looking around the edges, called her away and phoned the front desk to ask again for some extra towels for the lamps. The dog and I settled in for some tv and then bed.

The creature showed up in the middle of the room the next day, a Sunday at 4:30am. I was woken but groggy when my dog jumped off the bed and walked ¾ of the way around it, sniffing it. It raised its muscular hand, turned outward and hooked it in the air above my big shepherd. This seemed to make my shepherd lay down on her belly right there next to the beast. As I woke, and before it noticed me, I was lying on my side facing the center of the room where it stood. At first, I thought I had an intruder and then it occurred to me that the door was deadbolted. After that thought, it became invisible, surprising me, and then visible again in exactly the same spot, (ostensibly?) a little angry that I had witnessed all of this.

This creature looked like a short burly man with a long torso and short dark, possibly furry legs. I did not get a good look at the legs. He was very muscular, about 4'-6" tall but you could have put his torso on a 6' man and it would have been proportional. He had dark, curly hair and a dark, curly, medium length beard shaped to a point. He also had what looked like something poking out above his head toward his face, either ears or small horns. This is the best I could make out since the room at this time was just lit from a light from the bathroom, so he was strictly backlit and lit with reflected light to my eye. By any measure, I'd say it looked like a satyr but until this day thought these to be strictly members of the fantasy realm.

So what is a demon to do when it's mad? If there are demon phones, the word is out that chucking a fit doesn't get much traction with me in the moment (reference first post). So this one... Tries to kill me? While one hand was over my dog (and she wasn't moving) he pointed two fingers at me and suddenly my heart started racing like I was finishing out a stress test. Part of me was afraid and part of me was impressed that he could throw energy around like that while having some confidence that I'm a poor candidate for this particular attack. I thought to myself "he's not going to have any luck with this." And then I rolled flat on my back, crossed my arms over my chest and started softly singing hymns because I didn't want him reading any other thoughts. This went on for at least five minutes- what seemed forever and then he just gave up and left. I haven't seen that guy since. Anyone know who he was or why he stalked my room? What is the best tactic to take when dealing with hostiles? I feel like I was lucky in this case but now I've met (at least) two hostile demons and am concerned the next one could be worse.

I've been to the doctor since and my heart rate and pulse are still very slow.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Junglecat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-05-07)

You ask an excellent and I offer, an important question. After my experience at my dad's house which you read about, I also questioned my own bias in this regard. After all, the second creature there, which I had guessed to be either a faun or small satyr was quite benign. I discovered that many translations of the Hebrew and Christian bible equate satyrs specifically with demons. This was news to me because I tend to use my NIV version that does not use the word satyr but satyr is in many other versions in that context as is "wild ones". Because ultimately, there isn't much difference in actual meaning of the various translations once understood, this required deeper digging. I found an excellent scholarly paper that specifically looked at the demonology of fauns, satyrs & incubi in particular called "how the devil got his hooves and horns" using a cross section but primarily Jewish scholarly text. It examines the question from all angles. Just google it and it will be your top hits. If you're not in the mood for homework. My take from this is that these are always demons but not necessarily the "fire and brimstone" sort. That said, a stag isn't a demon and I wouldn't want one running loose in my father's house and very much stand by my decision to ask them to leave.

My dog did not revere any of the entities she met. She was confused by the succubus because she could not see her. She wanted to chase the second creature. I held her back to give it a chance to leave the house. Afterward, she asked to go out and would not reenter the house. There was a genuine fear there. As for the creature in the hotel room, she knew that she had been beaten by a larger, stronger creature (which she did see) without even firing a shot and there is nothing she could do about it. Like I said, she is very smart. She was fine to stay after it left however, because unlike the creature in the house, once it left, it was gone.

The entities do not continue to visit me. I have not been visited since the hotel room in January (although I must confess that I feared that I would be). The better question is why was I attacked by this creature exactly one week after an attack from another entity? And so far away from the other attack? Just chance? Dumb luck? I don't tend to believe in those but it seems to be over now.

I did visit my doctor upon my return. Everything is as it always was and not for alarm. But to be certain, these entities were not trying to warn me, unless you count the noisemaking starting day one in dad's house, most likely intended to scare me. In reflection, it seems more like they were trying to get rid of me. The last one did try to kill me, after all. Now, this does fit my definition of pure evil but yours might be more specific.

I know the drug that your friend takes. She might eschew her side effects by reducing the dose 25%. That worked for me when I did take it. I do not take it anymore. There is no reason for any migraineur to subject themselves to those side effects. The drug doesn't warrant them.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-05-06)

Definitely! It wasn't a dream because I was legit wide awake. It was a lot like a hallucination except the part where I was feeling intense chest pressure which is a thing I characteristically *never* feel and pain isn't really part of hallucinations, as far as I know. There were no other people in the room, just the dog who was in on the experience. I don't know what to say about that.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-05-06)

I enjoyed your stories. Thank you for sharing them. I posted a theory about why the stroller might not have set off the alarm.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-05-06)
My apologies about the delayed responses. I had a death in my family and have been off site for a while.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-20)
I don't quite know why the concept of a satyr or fawn is being automatically conflated with a demon here - they really aren't necessarily the same thing. Its the difference between radical neutral/earth spirit and pure unadulterated evil. And whereas the experiences the OP has had with these entities have not been stricktly positive - they don't seem like your typical brush with pure evil. Add to that the dog's lack of reaction to almost reverence of these entities (until one started pitching a tantrum and, in my experience, dogs don't particularly like it when even the most otherwise benign humans start that up) and the case for earth spirits is even further bolstered in my mind.

Why do they continue to seek contact with the OP? Well, fairies have never been known to take kindly to intrusions. They may have felt intruded upon at the OP's father's home. Or maybe they are trying to warn you of something. You mentioned a family history of heart failure - one way or another, every encounter you have had with these entities has effected your heart and circulation - maybe they sensed your heart slowing down too much in your sleep. Maybe schedule an appointment just to be safe.

After all that, in mentioning doctors, I do have to put it out there that I have a friend who has serious migraine troubles and a couple other things. The migraine medication she takes if it is not timed correctly or interacts with something else or isn't properly dosed can cause her to have very realistic and visual and auditory hallucinations.
Filmbuff1234 (13 stories) (33 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-19)
This sounds like a very intense experience. It could be a dream or hallucination but if it is paranormal then it sounds like a demon for sure. Have you checked to see if any other people who was in that hotel room experienced anything similar. I haven't read your previous story but was the creature similar?
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-18)
JungleCat ~

Sorry for the delay, been somewhat out of sorts here about. Sadie Mae, our pooch, and I had an odd encounter earlier this year. I totally outlined it in a tale I called "A Man I Can Not Explain" which you can get to from this my profile page.

In short Sadie and I ran into something or someone on our morning pooh stroll. There were a couple of odd things about whomever, or whatever, we ran into, but they really didn't become apparent until after we passed him, or it, and exchanged greetings. Sadie essentially treated the stranger as she does most people she meets with me. Oddly when she's with the Cuddlewife she's much more protective and will get a tad aggressive with strangers.

It is also possible that Sadie may have come in contact with the spirit of a cat, Spaulding, we had. Sadie knew Spauldo and doesn't seem to take much notice when he returns if he returns. The Cuddlewife is sure he does, I'm a tad sceptical on this. This is partially addressed in my tale The Famous Cat Named Spaulding.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-12)
Thank you Ladyglow.
The loss was many years ago. I'm glad that I was able to clarify my experience.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-12)

You are correct; my dog had not made up her mind until he forced her to lay and then it was decided: there was nothing she could do. She is technically a Shiloh Shepherd, (rare and quite similar to a GSD) which if you Google that, will explain why she is more inclined to ask questions first rather than attack. It's in the breed. That said, when she is in her back yard and another dog passes by the house she feels that she has all the information she needs and starts "resource guarding" all her bones, the house, the treats inside, me, etc. That's fairly common dog behavior. I.e. She acts exactly as your dog did with the larger dog. But this only seems to happen at home and with other dogs. I've been trying to train her not to carry on about other dogs by the house in that way to absolutely no avail. She is oddly welcoming of people in my home. She will greet workmen at the door, sniff and stare them down, and then follows them around the house as if she's looking over their shoulder to "make sure they're doing it right". I'd be curious to read about how your dog does around paranormal entities.

Come to think of it, it might be because the creature was unfamiliar- not human, not exactly beast that she took a cautious approach. In retrospect, that was a wise move. She's quite a smart dog (though she definitely fakes a comprehension of plumbing or electricity).
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-12)
Junglecat - thanks for the explanation, it definitely helps to understand better your experience.

I'm sorry for the loss.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-11)
Thanks for answering Junglecat. I was very curious as to you dog's reaction as I recently shared an experience with my dog, Sadie Mae. Sadie is not as big nor as imposing a creature as your German Shepard, but she is an Icelandic Shepard and, save the size, shares many traits with the GSD.

The actions of your pooch still puzzle me. When Sadie senses a threat she attacks, regardless of the size discrepancy. She once chased a Rotty, who outweighed her by nearly 100lbs (45kg), under our trailer to the extent that the Rottie's dad and I had to crawl under there and coax/pull the big boy out.

It seems as though your dog could not make up his mind about this thing.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-11)

Thank you for your questions.

I had a sense of what the creature wanted by reading the room and by the way it glared at me. The creature did not speak to me. No paranormal creature has ever spoken to me. Maybe I'm thick that way.

So there is stress, such as the fear that one may feel at any sighting of a paranormal entity, or the skipped heart beat of a fire alarm going off unexpectedly or someone sneaking up behind you. Nerve-wracking, for sure. I'm describing an incident where my heartbeat, normally around 55 beats per minute, went up to approximately 170 beats per minute for the full 5+ minutes that the creature was there.

For me, getting my heart rate up like this takes a full 12 minutes sprinting full bore on a treadmill, as if my life depended on it. I know this because I have had a stress test. It is super unpleasant. You feel like you are almost about to die when the techs decide that you're done. It was extremely difficult to get my heart thumping like this when we were trying to do it in the hospital. Of course, during my experience in the hotel room, I was not on a treadmill going full bore for 12 minutes. I was lying in bed. It felt identical to the stress test in the hospital, just at the point where they let me off the treadmill with my heart at a sustained pounding which is why I did not describe my experience as nerve-wracking or frightful.

I should rather have said for clarity, that it is good for me that the entity did not choose to slow my heart rather than speed it. When my mother died of heart failure, her heart simply slowed and then stopped pumping. When my father had his heart attacks, his heart pumped harder to push blood though blockages. I don't have any blockages myself, which is why I have some confidence that I am not a good candidate for a heart attack.

Also, although I was afraid, I was not terrified. This is now the worst entity that I have met. It is dangerous. It is decidedly aggressive and I had little power against it. But somehow having encountered other entities on occasion, (a while ago, most of the rest don't merit stories) I'm a bit less shocked at them as I once was.

My apologies for the confusion. I hope I answered all your questions now.:)
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-11)

I should add that I don't know why my dog would be familiar with this creature. She was addressing it as she might a horse that she hasn't met- with cautious curiosity. I do walk her in wooded areas and grasslands in summer but have never seen her behave strangely. The only time we saw something similar together was the week prior (other story) and it wasn't an aggressive thing as far as I could tell.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-11)

Thank you for your great questions. My dog was curious, initially unafraid. Yes, the creature did force her down. Her paws had been making noise as she walked around him. She seemed at that point somewhat fearful and did not try to fight with him.

Bright lights are terrible for migraineurs and fluorescent lighting specifically, is the worst. But if it is indirect, it is negligible. This hotel room had only fluorescent lights in the room and I could not turn them on, not even if I had to find my way to the bathroom at night. So I threw a towel over the fixture in the bathroom (so it would bother me less when I was in there) and left the door reasonably open so I could find my way back there, if needed.

Indeed, I did mean elicit. Thank you for the correction! I try to catch the spelling on here but invariably miss one or two!
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-10)
Lady-Glow ~ It's hard to believe that English is your second language, you seem to have a much better grasp on it than many native speakers, myself included.

With the passing of many of my elder relatives I rarely get the opportunity to speak or write my second language, but I recall hearing my grandfather tell tales of the black forest in his native tongue, a language I rarely used.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-10)
Cuddlebear - I don't know if this happens to everyone reading something in a second language, but I usually have to complement my poor and broken English with movie-like images. Sometimes it is easy for me to understand an unfamiliar word based on the context of the text I'm reading, but some other times a known word alters the mental image playing in my mind.

So, I was visualizing this "short burly man with a long torso and short dark, possibly furry legs" and the word "illicit" made my mind to dress him in a black-and-white striped shirt and a mask covering his eyes, walking on tiptoes while tampering with a bleeding heart!

Junglecat - in my opinion, it would have been more fortunate for you if the entity's strategy was to try to elicit heart failure rather than heart attacks. The chances of living with the former are higher than surviving the latter.

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-10)
Lady-G ~
I think the OP intended the word "elicit" rather than "illicit". Could be a function of some weird auto-correct or I could be totally wrong...
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-10)
JungleCat - after rereading my previous comment I realized that it came too harsh, my apologies.

Still, I find the part about your heartbeat and your heart condition a bit confusing.
I'm glad to hear that a medical team is looking after you.

It's always a good idea to read our narratives and comments several times before pressing the submit/publish button in order to prevent future misunderstandings.

It seems to me like praying is working well for you. I have nothing else to suggest but to keep doing it. 😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-10)

"My heart rate is always rather slow... This is why I had some amazement that the creature in my hotel room could increase my heart rate to the point where it felt like I was having a stress test."

The truth is, any "stressful, exciting, dangerous, or threatening situation" would cause a rush of adrenaline in your body regardless of what woke you up (a loud noise, a burglar braking into your room, an alarm going off, etc). Or in any other nerve-racking circumstances (a bad driver cutting you off, an earthquake, gunshots, etc); speeding up your heart beat.
Why is it amazing about getting frightened at the sight of a stranger in your room? And on top of it not just any stranger, but a demon?
Though it is possible to control the way one reacts to a stressful situation, neither a person nor a demon would be able to curb the reaction of the body at a rush of adrenaline.

"It is fortunate for me that the entity's strategy was to try to illicit heart attacks rather than heart failure"

Illicit: illegal or disapproved of by society.

Did you mean induce?

How did you know the entity's intentions? Did it communicate with you telepathically?

This post is getting too long. In my opinion, your comments are not helping to clarify some obscure aspects from your original narrative.

I have nothing else to say.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-09)
JungleCat ~

I'm somewhat confused on a couple of points.

"I was woken but groggy when my dog jumped off the bed and walked ¾ of the way around it, sniffing it. It raised its muscular hand, turned outward and hooked it in the air above my big shepherd. This seemed to make my shepherd lay down on her belly right there next to the beast."

It seems that your dog was not afraid of the apparition. What was your dog's reaction? Do you believe the thing in some way controlled your dog? Does it seem that your dog is familiar with the thing? Or am I totally misreading what you wrote?

While I am not given to migraines my kid sister was. I noticed that lights caused her pain. Given that it seems odd that you went to be with the bathroom open and the lights on. Did the thing turn on the light, or did you go to sleep with the light on?
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-09)
Dear Lucia and Ladyglow,

Thank you for your time and comments.

I do take several preventative Rx for migraine and hallucination is definitely the first thing to check off the list. Only one of my Rx could have that side effect and in quantities much higher than I take it, also only immediately after taking it and not seven hours later, as my experiences did occur. Lastly, since hallucinations aren't generally felt physically, I eliminated that possibility first. That includes migraine aura which I rarely get but are just stormy in nature, affect only vision and are always followed by a brutal migraine for me. So I had no consistency there either. I have even seen a psychiatrist and a sleep doctor to make sure I'm not crazy because we all need a second/ third opinion sometimes. So according to the two doctors, I can check schizophrenia off the list of explanations.

My heart rate is always rather slow. Slow-normal when I'm healthy, too slow if I get sick. This is why I had some amazement that the creature in my hotel room could increase my heart rate to the point where it felt like I was having a stress test. (You know, where techs put you on a treadmill and test your heart to see if you have blockages/ if you are near to having a heart attack.) Except in this case, I was simply lying in bed. I eat a healthy diet and have a healthy heart. My chest was sore for the rest of the morning. It is fortunate for me that the entity's strategy was to try to illicit heart attacks rather than heart failure, which is why I was expecting that his attack should fail if he didn't have any other tricks.

I suspect that it wasn't just the hymns, per se that sent him off. I suspect that it's because I wasn't afraid enough of him and thus his attack failed. He wanted me to be scared, I could feel that. To that end, the hymns gave me strength.

I was not followed back to my home after visiting various relatives following that episode, but I did drive back home to Fargo during the polar vortex. Nothing was outside, on or off the road when it was -30 outside. Maybe something will show up when spring comes next month? Hopefully not. I just proactively smudged my house even though it was a bit chilly. Either way I am not looking to returning to my father's house, even for a cleaning after this last episode.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-08)
I got confused:

"suddenly my heart started racing like I was finishing out a stress test"

"I've been to the doctor since and my heart rate and pulse are still very slow."

Correct me if I'm wrong but, the way you worded it suggests that your heart rate has been very slow from the moment you had this encounter, nevertheless your first statement establishes that your heart was racing, which is understandable since this is a symptom of an adrenaline rush.

Not meaning to be nitpicky, just want to be sure that I am following you. 😉

You're lucky that singing hymns was enough to banish the thing... Most demons would have been nastier and more persistent.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-07)
Like the other story. These are all pretty intense experiences.

I'm just going to throw this idea out there... Do you take any prescription meds for the migraines? I'm just wondering about hallucination effects. And with sincere hugs I know how bad they can be. I've suffered from them as well. People have suggested to me that it could be due to vitamin deficiency or other physiological things going on... Just a possibility they could be producing hallucination.

If you really are experiencing these entities I do think these are very strong spirits and you should seek some outside help.

Try writing down all other details too like time of day, temperature outside, anything and everything.

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