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Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences - Part 2


It seems like forever since I wrote my first post. For anybody who wants to read my first post please check my profile. I would suggest you read that post before you read this.

Assuming you guys have read the first post, I am going to continue from where I left off in the first post. The last part of the post was about an experience in Singapore. I am still living and working in Singapore, still very much a skeptic, still baffled by happenings where maybe some of them could be explained by natural causes.

Getting into the incidents, first one was when I planned to move to another house in Singapore. I had contacted the agent and she told me that there was a room available which fits my requirements. So she shared the address and we decided to view the place before I move in. That fortunate day, I had some chores to complete so I scheduled the viewing at around 6 PM though it wasn't a working day.

Two things I want to tell you about Singapore before I go ahead. Firstly there are highways in Singapore where you cannot cross the highway, you will have to take an over-bridge to cross it. Secondly the rains in Singapore can be unpredictable.

I was travelling by public transport that day and I could have avoided one of the over-bridges. But I finished my chores earlier than I had planned. So I was free by 4 PM. With nothing to do, I decided I would walk from where I was to the place of the viewing as it was just few km away from where I stayed. On the way there was a mall, so I could while away an hour just roaming in the mall. I started on the journey at around 4 PM.

This is when things get weird. Around 10 minutes after I started walking, one woman approached me asking directions to an address. The address given by her was in the area I was going to view the place. As I wasn't aware of the exact whereabouts of the address I told her I will search for it in my smartphone. I put in the location specified in the address by her, and set the transport mode to public transport. I showed her the directions and told her how to get to the nearest train station. She said thank you and was about to leave, when I felt I saw a smirk on her face. Not thinking too much, I walked on.

We both were going in the same direction and I didn't want her to think I was following her, so I decided to visit a food court on the way and have a cup of tea. As soon as that thought came to my mind, she turned around and had a wide grin, which surprised me because as I recollected she had a small cute mouth, one of the features of her I admired a few minutes ago. She shouted out a thanks and I just smiled and walked my way to the coffee shop. I finished my cup of tea and left for the mall. After spending the hour at the mall, I left for the viewing at around 5:30.

Five minutes into my walk, the rain started pelting down. But as I was already on the way I continued. I walked slowly though it should have been a 15 minute walk to the place. I must have taken a wrong turn as I couldn't use my smartphone to navigate in the rain. I ended up coming to the point where I had to cross the highway and I would reach the area. To be specific, it was the PIE highway near Tampines (pronounced Tampa-nees). Now I was just thinking about crossing the over-bridge and nothing else occupied my mind apart from the fact that it was the longer way across the highway. I went up to the stairs of the over-bridge when I was hit by a cold gust of wind. I was already wet. I got pretty bad goosebumps as the cold wind hit me. I started ascending to the top. Halfway through, I was tired like someone knocked the air out of my lungs. I stood for a while. From the bottom I saw someone was crossing the bridge. It seemed like it was the same woman. Same attire.

The distance between me and her was not more than 25 meters. I could see her, but strangely she wasn't wet. Note that it was raining since 5:40 at least. It was going to be 6 anytime now. I was confused. Was I following this woman all the way? Wasn't she supposed to take the train? And the time I had spent in the mall? Why isn't she wet?

I felt uneasy, more so because I was catching my breath back. I felt fine within the next minute and started up the stairs again. I made sure to keep an eye out for the woman. By the time I reached the top the woman had reached the end of the bridge. I walked faster so that I could get a glimpse of her or maybe even talk to her and get her number and also get some answers. Who knows, stranger things have happened was the thought in my mind. When I reached the end of the bridge, I saw below and didn't find the woman anywhere. I had an aerial view and certainly would have seen her if she was below. I went down the steps as fast as I could but she wasn't seen anywhere. She must have been fast to disappear like that. I was a bit confused and dazed. But I had to meet my agent so I walked on.

Few months after I shifted to the place in Tampines, I was having beer at the food court with one of my friends and the topic of paranormal came up. I hadn't told him anything about my incident. He told me about the bridge and the fact that many people found it hard to cross the over-bridge. He said there was a girl who once jumped from the bridge. It was really creepy for me to recount this experience with him. The next day I searched online for any news item about a girl's suicide at the over-bridge. But didn't find any news item. Wonder if it is just an urban legend. But if so who was that woman?

Moving on to the second story. This was when I moved out of Tampines and moved to Bedok. It is strange that I remembered the incident of the slap mark (read my first story for this) before this. As both happened when I was staying at Bedok. One of my friends lived nearby at Bedok Reservoir. We used to meet for a drink or two at a pub next to the reservoir. As I didn't live far from that place, I used to walk after we finished drinking. The reservoir has been notorious for suicides.

One night, we stayed on until 12 AM. After a fair share of beers, my friend decided we should leave. His face looked troubled. The pub had closed by 11:30 PM. We had ordered beers so we stayed there to finish the beers. And the place where we sat was pretty deserted at that time and right next to the reservoir. As my friend's face changed, I also noticed I was feeling really cold. We were sitting at the same place for over 4 hours and I don't remember feeling cold at all. Though the cold feeling was very welcome as I was literally sweating. It was one of the summer nights. After my friend suggested that we should leave, we hurriedly emptied our respective mugs and started walking.

My friend seemed lost in thought. I didn't think too much of it as the beer causing me to be a bit light headed. My friend said goodbye when we had to part ways. I started walking my way home. I had a very uneasy feeling though. I just brushed it aside thinking it's just the beer. I took out my phone and unlocked it. As soon as I unlocked it, my phone turned off and didn't turn back on. I was frustrated as I was sure it had enough charge left. Suddenly I felt the same chill again, this was just about 500 meters from the place we sat. This time I felt like something was pushing me on my chest as if somebody would push you if they didn't want you to leave. But I pushed forward as I was more concerned about my hand phone. Reiterating this was one of those summer nights and not even a leaf was moving to indicate a sign of wind. I reached home and the first thing I did was to plug in my hand phone to charge. The flash screen came up showing 63% battery left and charging. And there I was standing there watching the hand phone scratching my head. I don't know what to make of this.

If you guys read my previous story, you would have read the Ouija board incident. This next story will be an update to that.

It had been years since I ever touched the Ouija board. I had adopted a dog - a husky last year. I was excited about having a companion live with me as I lived alone all these years. Let's name him Frosty. Now Frosty is one hell of a calm dog. He doesn't really get into fights with other dogs. Even the people who were at the shelter and tended to him told me that he was super calm. I was done with the formalities and was waiting for a cab to get him home. He was very excited. I had interacted with him earlier as I used to volunteer in the same shelter. The cab came and we were on the way home and he was so well behaved all the way. Once we got to my place and I took him up to my unit, I opened the door and was expecting him to run inside and check out the place. But he stood at the entrance and was looking at one area in the ceiling as if he was pondering whether or not he should go in. I had to pet him and offer him some snacks when he decided to come in and gobble up the snacks. I let him relax for a while and had to give him a bath. Now we are talking about bathing a 26kg dog with fur that was really thick. I didn't really plan the bath well. So I put him into the bathtub and the struggle that ensued was nothing like I had ever had. Now bathing him was only half the struggle. Then drying him was hellish as he didn't trust me enough to let me touch parts of his body for drying. Somehow after about 2 hours of intensive struggle, Frosty looked clean and also smelt good. Sorry for such a long background, but it will help in the story ahead. I don't know why but Frosty's behavior changed after he entered the house. I had spent time with him in the shelter but he was never aggressive.

I had to go to my hometown for an emergency. I left Frosty with one of the pet boarders. Frosty was enjoying the stay. I did check on him each day. And one day I got a text from the boarder that he had bit her hand. It was so unlike him. She had a puncture mark. Possibly his canine dug into her flesh. I couldn't come back to Singapore immediately. So I asked the family to isolate him to avoid further incidents. Once I was back, I just left my bags and went to pick him up from the boarder. One of my friends was with me. She told me she saw his eye color changing to red every time I asked him what happened. I told her it was just the lights playing tricks on her. I got him back home and it was bath time again. This time he was way friskier. It took the both of us to bathe him and some bites on my hands though not severe. This was a dog who never even growled. After the bath and drying him, I gave him his food. Usually, he loves his food. He ignored the food I gave. I didn't think much of it and let him take his time with the food. I was tired with the travel and the bathing of Frosty that I sat on the couch and ended up passing out on the couch.

Around 1 AM, Frosty started barking and howling like crazy. I was woken up and Frosty was barking aggressively at a painting. This painting was on top of a shelf. The painting was the only painting I didn't buy to decorate my home. It was left behind by the previous tenants. I had to make Frosty stop as he is really loud. I went into the bedroom and called him in. He didn't come immediately but when he came he started looking at the corners of the ceiling as if he was searching for something. Within few minutes he was fast asleep. I went back to sleep on my bed as I was really tired. The next day I started getting concerned as I leave him in the living room when I am at work and have a camera monitoring him. At least four times I was positive that Frosty was scared by the painting. The painting was in the living room.

After that incident, Frosty was plagued by a strange skin disease. Within a week, I noticed a bump on his back while petting him. I took him to the vet that weekend. They shaved the area and it looked like something had bitten him. He was given a cream and a shampoo which I used regularly and as prescribed. Within couple of weeks I noticed more bumps on his back. I took him to the vet again and they had to shave nearly half of his body. Again the infection looked like something bit him. I know he didn't bite himself as he can't reach the area.

One night I got the idea to use some of the paranormal investigation apps available online. I used one of the app where the app would scan for EMF and other environmental factors. It is said that spirits can manipulate these factors to communicate. As usual random words came on the screen. I tried for about half an hour. Nothing fruitful came out of it. I decided I would use the app whenever Frosty was in one of the barking spells.

Then one night Frosty sprang to action. He has arthritis and is usually slow but he just literally sprang up that night and started barking. I decided to turn on the app. I am not advocating the use of such apps. The initial few minutes I just let the app spell out whatever it wanted. I calmed Frosty a bit by giving him some treats and petting him. He calmed down and whimpered instead of barking.

Now that the sound levels were lesser, I returned to the app. I asked if anybody was there who would wish to communicate. I got nothing. I was about to ask the next question when the word 'positive' came across the screen. Then I asked who I was talking to. This time the answer was instantaneous - Anne. Now I started asking questions though not all got answered. But the weird thing that freaked me out was when I asked Anne how she died. The reply was a no immediately followed by the word painting. I felt it wasn't safe to carry on further and thanked Anne and said goodbye. I had the word no come up a couple of times when I decided to shut the app. I did tell Anne I didn't mean any disrespect but I had to end the session and that she wasn't allowed to harm me or my dog and she is not allowed to stay in my home.

Coincidentally, the hand phone I was using for nearly two years and didn't have even a scratch on the screen, fell down and the screen cracked the next day. I decided to change my hand phone.

PS. Frosty has been getting better. He does still see the painting and bark some nights but not like he used to. I shouldn't have used the app. I have been going through a string of bad luck or rather the lack of good luck. Explaining all those things would require a lot of time to pen and make the story boring. Until part-3 comes around, do read and I do welcome comments.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, the22centuryboi, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-16)
Thanks to Biblio for passing the link.

I'm glad to hear that things are getting back to normal and Frosty is up to the normal husky shenanigans of demanding treats. Stay safe, friend.
Dennis191 (1 stories) (36 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-14)
No problem, I found them interesting and well written.

3 axis detectors are basically the ones that detect in 3D, while single axis detectors will detect in the direction the device is pointed at.
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-14)
Hello Dennis,

First thank you for taking the time to read my experiences and to leave a comment.

I always try to elicit a response from the other side. I am wired that way. Curiousity killed the cat would be an ideal phrase if anything were to happen to me while I went snooping.

I am also glad that you read my previous post. I don't know whether it was a possession attempt gone wrong or not. I actually didn't have any other effects of using the Ouija board that day apart from the ones I mentioned in the previous post. Regarding the animals being more sensitive to the supernatural maybe due to the fact that they have such good ears. Maybe it takes effort for an entity to show itself either by an apparition or by sounds. Maybe sounds are easier to make. Just a thought.

I understand the questions you raise about using a mobile phone app to read emf and the app I used maybe flawed. I agree with your views on apps on mobile phones for measuring EMF. I don't condone anybody to go and start using such apps or even search for entities without knowledge. If anybody wants to do that then use an actual physical EMF meter than a mobile phone app.

The EMF meter is calibrated to read significant changes. The human body doesn't have enough EMF for the device to pick it up. The human body emits EMF at the rate where the meter wouldn't be able to pick it up. Just another thought. I am not sure what 3 axis detectors are really, but will try to do some research on that. I do agree that the ideal way to do an EMF sweep would be with the power cut off.

Thanks for the best wish, Dennis. I hope the same for you too. And if I didn't worry about these things too much, I guess I would have some thing else to worry about. Human beings are like that.


Dennis191 (1 stories) (36 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-10)
Well... Me thinks Ouija stuff is always dangerous, definitely out of question for my own "investigation".
As for the phone turning off, it happened to me before, I thought I had only unlocked it but it registered a long press and so it powered off, but that still leaves the question: If it really had over 60% of battery life, why wouldn't it turn on again.

The rest is weird, and the previous story, with the grinning woman... Downright creepy. The trance like state... Possession attempt maybe...? It does sound potentially dangerous. But then again, I'm no one to say... But I do know for fact that animals are more sensitive to things like that than people, but I never thought about it too much. As for the apps detecting EMF. Well given the fact the device you used for that is basically capable of detecting EMF as both WIFI and mobile networks are sorts of EMF, so apps can make your device display what it reads, and for once I can say I have tested several EMF apps on my phone, they do pick up on the same things a real detector picks up, however I've read somewhere that there are certain limitations when it's a phone in question. Going further, I personally couldn't find evidence that ghosts or other things can be detected by EMF detectors, maybe only when they choose to influence your device, and I'll leave that open to debate, and there's this one argument on the emf thing that just shattered the possibility of using it for ghost hunts is: It doesn't detect our physical bodies, our bodies that have thousands and thousands of reactions inside leading to electric transfer of reaction from certain places to others... So then how would it pick up a ghost, that in my understanding doesn't have a measurable physical body? But that still leaves the question what if that being is strong enough to manipulate your device, however... To prove that you would need to do tests of the place you're trying to do the ghost detection for days on end, with 3 axis detectors, to get the average reading of areas in the house see if certain appliances influence the readings when they turn on and off and if so to what extent... Now after that was done... Since magnetic anomalies also show up on such devices, you still cannot completely rule out something that was completely natural when you get a sudden increase in your readings. However all that is just the science, and still leaves the possibility that these entities may on purpose influence any of our devices. So all in all, I hope you get the best of life, without having to worry about these things too much
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-09)
Hello Miandra,

Sage does help with my sinusitis.

The wound on my leg has healed. The painting has been packed and moved to the attic. Things are slowly improving. Frosty seems to be more active and energetic. But it may be just my perception. It is funny for a skeptic like me to believe in stuff like this. If it helps Frosty what harm can it do. The barking has reduced a lot. He barks at me more now as a way of scolding me for not giving him treats. Lol. Hope it continues. Unfortunately, the sage I ordered is going to take a couple more weeks to be delivered. I have been using incense sticks in the mean time. Though Frosty doesn't like the flame when I light up the incense, he seems to be fine with the perfume later. Thank you all for coming by and commenting. I will update once I sage my house.
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-09)
Hello AD,

I understand what you mean by saying 'send me to the nearest church' and not the nearest sage dealer. As I am non believer in religion, it wouldn't really help me out. I use sage as it has been used long before certain churches can even be dated back to. It has been used extensively in the Egyptian civilization and records of its use date back 4000 years But I do understand we can agree to disagree as our belief systems are different.

Regarding the place I live in, it is pretty big. And Frosty's irritability is directed towards the painting. Though I can't confidently say I know what is going on in Frosty's mind. I do agree it can be an irritability of a new place as well. But it has been 10 months now.

Anyway with that said, I respect your comments and thank you for taking the time to comment. Sometimes we can only take a guess and we have no idea whether our guess is correct or not.

Thanks once again.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-06-06)
Hello the 22centuryboi,

Thank you for your reply. I agree sage has a lovely scent. I've been keeping some by the windows in my unit. When the window is open a lovely scented breeze flows through.

Keep us posted.


😘 ❀ 😘
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-06)
HI the22centuryboi, those who "know" me here will attest I will lead you to the nearest church πŸ˜†, and not to the nearest sage dealer (of which I know none). In any case, I am not fully convinced that your dog's irritability is caused by the supernatural. A husky is a terribly large dog to keep in an apartment, she may be irritable due to the lack of space.
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-31)
Hey Miandra,

I did read Rookdygins cleansing ritual. I prefer a more sealed way of cleansing. So I plan to sage out my house. I haven't had anything like this happen ever. And I am not sure it is an entity either as I am forever skeptical. Unless I see the entity plain as day I can't fully believe. But I do use sage for the reason it is pleasant smelling. I have sinusitis and am very keen about scents in my house. My friends always ask me why I have so many different bottles of diffuser oils in my house.

And I am glad I spelt your name right. Actually Miandra is a nice name. I like it. It is unique and sounds like somebody who meanders. I like the word meander. It is a word that perfectly defines life.

I will keep you updated as soon as anything happens here. Do check in some time.


Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-05-30)
Hello again the22centuryboi,

Yes, it must be scary for you, you poor thing. I've had my fair share of spirits visiting me since I was very young. I've been doing Rookdygins cleansing ritual which has helped.

Let us know how things work out.

Stay safe,
(Yes you spelt my name right) A lot of people automatically think my name is Miranda. Lol. My mother spelt it wrong on my birth certificate and so Miandra it is. Lol.
😘 ❀ 😘
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-30)
Hello Miandra,

Hope I spelt your name right. Dont know why I thought your name was Miranda.

First of all, thank you so much for reading my experiences.

Second, thanks for suggesting the other story. I have been reading these stories. It gives me a calmmess knowing I am not alone. But in turn scares me as most of these cases, people have gotten rid of the paintings.

It is like somebody in the house hates dogs. I have heard sometimes severe emotions can leave a scar. Wonder if we carry some scars beyond the grave. Just some food for thought.

My line of thought is the entity had bad experiences with dogs before death. For all I know, it could have died by dog bite. But it is just an idea.

Finally, thanks a lot for reading my story and commenting on it.


the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-29)
Hello Biblio,

Thanks so much for the link. I did search for that story.


Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-05-29)
Hello the22centuryboi,

Bibilo has found the information you require and posted a link.

I have found an interesting post and copied the link for you. It's worth a read and the comments are really interesting too.

Thanks for sharing your experience.


Best wishes, Miandra
😘 ❀ 😘
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-29)
Hi, 22CB:

Junglecat is referring to one of YGS's Sister Websites,, which is the first option on the drop-down menu "our other sites."

The story she mentioned about the painting is here:

the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-28)
Hello Junglecat,

I tried searching for that story but couldn't find it. Could you please share the link in the comments here? It is more like the entity is using my dog against me.

Thank you for reading my stories. More than stories, these are experiences and I have tried to pen them down as clear as I remember them. I appreciate you taking the time to read my stories and commenting on them.

It certainly is hard work. The aircon must be on 24/7 or they sweat so much and the sweat lead to awful odour. I did try giving a bath to Frosty in the balcony. But he would roll in the dirt and get dirty again. And it solved just one of the issues. Drying him is still a huge task. So nowadays I give him a bath in the bathroom but not in the tub. Not that I don't struggle but he feels a bit better being on solid ground rather than in a tub.

As I said in the previous comments to AD and Jubeele, I am planning to sage the place and maybe observe Frosty as well. Will keep you guys updated on comments.

Once again thanks for the comment.
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-27)
Hello Jubeele,

Been ok. But I have given an account about what is going on in my previous comment.

How have you been? I can't agree more with the Umbrella. I think we both have the wrong vibes with umbrella. I don't complain though. Getting drenched in the rain is sure a welcome break from the heat.
Curiously enough, I felt she did give a weird smile. I can't really put it in words. It left me amused. I did get a feeling she was 'testing' me rather reading me. Like she could read my thoughts. Though I would say I had to get that glimpse of her on the bridge. Something inside me says so. I believe the link you sent talks about the PIE bridge in Eunos. I have tried searching for the incident on the Tampines bridge but haven't come up with one. Let me know if you do get any links pointing to the same.

I would not say it wasn't the alcohol's effect, but I wonder what happened to my phone. I have heard there are places of high magnetic flux that could drain devices of their battery. But this was a malfunction which never happened again.

The painting is just some bamboo stems. Cant be sure. Could be sugarcane too. I have never touched that painting ever. It has been as it is since I moved in. How do I upload a picture of the painting here?

I am planning to do a cleansing on my own. It is something I learnt when I was very young where I use sage and use mental visualization to do the cleansing.

I hope Frosty changes soon. This time his bite has incapacitated me. I am literally limping.

Thanks for your reply. Appreciate you reading my story.
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-27)
Dear 22C B,

I read a story on an associated site linked above entitled "paintings can be portals". The author accounts similar health conditions brought on when her husband brought home a pre-owned painting. In your instance, the thing using the portal may have turned it's focus from the dog to you. It hasn't left the building if the painting is still there. You can find that story under "spiritual experiences". Your other stories are spooky too.

How is it to have a snow dog in Singapore? Mine looks at me sideways if I take her south of the 45th parallel. It might be easier to hook Frosty up outside and bathe him with the hose that the gardeners use at your apartment building, if there is any gardening there- kind of like you would a car. At least it will save your tub drain from clogging if that option is available.
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-27)
Hello AD,

Thanks for reading the story. I always see that when I take an umbrella it never rains. Kind of defeats the entire purpose of taking an umbrella. But I do agree it does pour here in Singapore. I don't know what is wrong with the painting. But I never had anything happen before I got Frosty in the house. Wonder if spirits get agitated with animals. I don't know for sure. Just last week, frosty left puncture marks on my feet. Though they werent very serious, they have handicapped me and I am walking with a limp as it was in between the 2nd and 3rd toe and it did swell up. Wonder what is happening. I am thinking of using sage in the house. Any pointers as to where I can find sage in Singapore?
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-24)
Hi PJ,

How have you been? Anno_Domini is right about the umbrella. For some reason, whenever I carry an umbrella in Singapore, I won't get rained on but the one time I forget, it will be a drenching in a monsoonal downpour! πŸ™„

When that woman smiled at you, was it a friendly look, amused or mischievous? Did you get the feeling she was 'testing' you, to see how you would behave? This thought came to me: maybe it's because you were polite to her so you were able to cross that bridge relatively unscathed, by following after her.

It doesn't get cold in Singapore, even when it rains; that gust of "cold wind" is rather odd. I wonder if some people find it hard crossing the bridge because of the negative energies from all the suicides. There have been a number of distressing accounts about the 'suicide bridge' in Tampines, along the PIE (Pan-Island Expressway). I found a few references online to an incident in 2016:

Bedok Reservoir has its own dark history of suicides and untimely deaths. Not sure if you were being held down and stopped from leaving, or whether it was the beer making you sluggish. But alcohol can have a limiting effect on our faculties and inhibitions, making us more vulnerable. Glad you made it safely home.

About Frosty and the painting, perhaps it smelled 'bad' to the dog. Something it had been in contact with. Just curious, what does the painting look like? Since you can't get rid of it, you might want to take the precaution of getting it out of the house. Or maybe get the real estate agent to return it to the landlord. You might wish to have a cleansing done on the place as well?

Hope Frosty continues to get better and things will improve for you too. Be safe and well. 😊
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-24)
Hi the22centuryboi,

Take it from a born-and-bred Singaporean (Jubeele would agree with me on this too I'm sure), always, always carry an umbrella with you. I have one in my work bag as I type this.

It's true, Bedok has had quite a number of suicides in the last 1 or 2 decades, especially at the reservoir.

Also there are a number of reasons I can think of that would cause your dog's unease, there is a varied culture of spirit / idol-worship (kumanthong, toyols, etc) that is quite prevalent here, originating from neighbouring countries. I believe some of these idols have spirits / demons attached to them. Perhaps your landlord / neighbour above / below you is dabbling in these dark arts.
the22centuryboi (2 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-23)
Thanks Roxy and Biblio for reading my story. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of the painting as it belongs to the owner of my place. I plan to put the painting in the attic kind of storage place. Do let me know if you liked the way I have narrated the incidents.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-23)
Greetings, 22C.B.

I'm in agreement with Roxy on this; why do you still have the painting in your home? I wouldn't recommend destroying it or anything extreme, but you could donate it to a charity shop or something. If it has been upsetting Frosty on a regular basis, that's sufficient motive for getting rid of it.

I had a beautiful, self-centered, and unhinged Siberian Husky for over a decade; she was fun and lovable, but my god was that animal stupid. You've got a Husky with a great personality given the description, and to protect his personality from any supernatural interference or toxic chemicals in the painting, you need it to go **now.**

Ravishingroxy (4 stories) (18 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-23)
Get rid of the painting! Dont keep it with you. If the spirit is attached to it, it will move with itπŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„

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