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A Ghost That Was Crawling Backwards


I also want to know if someone has ever seen this kind of ghost in their life. It is still strange for me whenever I think about it. It is the most traumatizing experience in my life and I still cannot forget it.

This happened when I was in college. It was around 2013. My family was preparing to go out, but I decided not to go out and just to stay at home because I wanted to watch movies and do my homework. It was on a weekend. I was left alone in our house. Our house is in Manila spacious, we have a bathroom on the third floor near the stairs and a clear hallway on the 2nd floor with a huge window.

I was staying in the living room, I suddenly felt the urge to go to the toilet, so I went to the bathroom on the third floor. It was already dark. I usually don't open all the lights to save electricity. As I was about to go downstairs, I opened the lights and I was shocked to the view that I had just seen on the hallway. It was all white, like a huge spider and a human figure at the same time, both of her hands and legs on the floor, crawling backward swiftly, her hair was also long following her own figure. My heart was pumping so fast because it was my first encounter to see this kind of ghost. And the ghost's crawling position really bothered me. I kept on crying, opened all the lights and messaged all of my friends to calm me down. I tried to relax, but I still did not tell it to my family because they will freak out and I know how scared they are of ghosts.

I always got anxious whenever I am alone after that time.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, asires85, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Yohanchan_MCT (8 posts)
2 years ago (2022-07-24)
Hi! How are you? I hope you are doing well. I've read your story and I loved it so much. I think I would shiat my pants though if that happened to me cause that's just insane.

I want to ask permission though if it's alright that I read your story for my YouTube channel. Of course, I will surely credit the story to you and will also be happy to plug your channel or any account you want me to. I hope that's alright? Do let me know your thoughts. Rest assured, I WON'T post or use your story without consent. Thank you and stay safe always!
outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-14)
Amazing stuff. If you were locked on the other side (not go to the light. Stuck here for years, on the other side do you think you would do something wild just to shake things up. Have the living talk about you while you as spirit maybe 1 foot away are listening getting attention. I feel these poor souls need attention just like the living. You said SHE, I think she wanted you to notice her. Just my opinion. It could of been much worse. Thanks for sharing. I send you peace love and courage. Pass it on.
TravisCannabis (70 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-09)
That sounds very scary! 😨 I would have c*ap my pants! I hope you have not seen that thing again.
4 years ago (2020-05-04)
When you described the ghost you saw, you stated "her hair was following"; I'm sure you meant 'her hair was flowing'.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-29)
Hello asires.

Thanks for your feedback, though I got confused with your following statements:

"but I still did not tell it to my family because they will freak out and I know how scared they are of ghosts."

"Some of my family members have also experienced a few as well, but different kinds of unexplainable creatures though. I discussed it with them but they always tell me it's just my imagination maybe."

Did you talk to your family about this particular encounter or did you not?
If more of your family members have witnessed some activity, why wouldn't believe you? Was it for the unusual appearance of the entity or because the family, as a whole, were more comfortable denying the activity happening in the house instead of trying to fight back and regaining their home.
What other kinds of creatures did they see? I know that Filipinos believe in a plethora of weird beings, were any of these "unexplainable creatures" seen at your place?

Could you describe the entity to more detail?

At first you say that:

"It was all white, like a huge spider and a human figure at the same time, both of her hands and legs on the floor, crawling backward swiftly, her hair was also long following her own figure."

And then:

"The body was just on the ground but the hair was following"

Do you mean it was on her hands and knees, or was it bent backward? Like the people in any of the following links, albeit backwards:





Okay... The second one is very creepy.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm only trying to have a better idea of whatever you saw that day.

It's difficult to say what was going on without knowing the history of the place and more details about your family's and your own encounters.

If the house is still own by your family and someone is planning to move back in the future, it would be a good idea to perform a blessing or a cleansing before living in it again.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-29)
Myst - yes, thanks for the correction. That is indeed what I meant (-:
asires85 (2 stories) (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-29)
Hello sds,

Thanks for your questions and feedback! Appreciate it.
This incident happened so many years ago. I live in Japan now and our house is in the Philippines so currently, no one is living there, the last time that someone lived there was 3 years ago.

The body was just on the ground but the hair was following, as I can remember it from my memory...

I was so scared so I ran downstairs and started to text my friends because I was anxious. I got so traumatized didn't know what to do. 😨
asires85 (2 stories) (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-29)
Hi, Alina5!

Thank you for your questions!

I also experienced a few encounters in this household. Some of my family members have also experienced a few as well, but different kinds of unexplainable creatures though. I discussed it with them but they always tell me it's just my imagination maybe.

I haven't seen a similar, so I didn't have any idea what it is. What kind of horror-thriller characters have you seen or imagined?

I'm interested to know about it more! Thanks for responding!
asires85 (2 stories) (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-29)
Hello, lady-glow!

It was actually the first time that I encountered this apparition, I meant to say that I ran downstairs quickly and texted my friends for comfort because I was having anxiety. I have no idea about the history of the house but I am interested to know about it! All I know is that when we moved there, it was already built. Thanks for your feedback! 😨
Myst (63 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-27)
Silverthane- Did you mean "The Dead Files? " Sometimes over the top, but interesting.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-27)
I do surmise you witnessed a trapped soul of an individual unable to cross over into the light, the action of her carrying out a human spider was probably seeded by her own subconscious when she was alive in the physical matrix, she probably had a fear of spiders?... Basically, she may not realise she has died and in that state of being her inner fear was reflected into your realm of observation.

Regards Daz
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-27)
Wow! Those kinds of creatures are usually only seen in the movies and horror shows! I recall a similar creature described in the show "The Dead Zone" where a psychic and a retired New York City policeman work together to solve ghost encounters. It was creepy and I do not wish this type of haunt on anyone!
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-27)
Hello asires85, Alina summarized the questions. Please do respond. Do you still live in the same house? If so, after so many years, you can discuss with your family members.

If you aren't living in the same house, that is also a reason to discuss with them.

And if the ghost was crawling back, then how the hair would follow it? It should be reverse right.

I am on the fence on this narrative. Because as lady-glow said people, who are scared, generally would run and not text friends.

Regards and respects to you.

Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-26)
Hello asires85,

Well, there is certainly not enough information in your narrative to deduct the true intention of this entity.

I'm not positive of providing an explanation unless you answer a few of the following queries:

Was this your first paranormal encounter in the household?

Is your household prone to such activities?

Has any other family member witnessed this entity described by you?

Lastly, have you researched the background of your house?

I believe you should discuss this event with your parents hopefully, they can be more insightful on this matter.

On this context, I don't want to be rude or deny your encounter in any way so please don't misunderstand,

Have you watched any horror movies portraying such back crawling ghosts before this incident?

Honestly, it can be a situation of post-hand delirium, trust me I have also been paranoid sometimes after watching these horror thrillers.

Thanks for sharing.


Irrelevant topic: Lady-glow your comment about the yogis cracked me up. Haha
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-26)
Was this the only time you saw this apparition? One thing is for sure, most people would have left the spot running as fast as their legs would allow them instead of taking the time to text all their friends.

What do you know about the history of the house? Being that flexible is the dream of all yogis and contortionists.

Thanks for sharing.

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