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Strange Hotel Experience


This happened during a visit to Santiago de Chile, some twenty years ago.

I stayed at a hotel in a part of town called Barrio Brasil. My room was not fancy nor bad. Just a cheap stay for a couple of days. I got the keys, left my bag and headed out on town.

I got back in the evening and went to bed. Right there and then the atmosphere in the room started to change. A unpleasant feeling started to grow. After a while the feeling was so intense I put the lamp back on.

The feeling is difficult for me to describe. Strong general discomfort mixed with anger (someone else's anger) are the best words for it. Have you ever felt a bad feeling in a room after a feud between angry people? This feeling was similar. Only it was worse, much much heavier. There and then I thought it was all in my mind and tried to sleep but it was impossible. The feeling lasted.

At one point I got a vision of a person yelling. I don't know if the bad feeling created the vision or if it was the other way around. Nor can I give a good description of the "being", except for black hair and something like a negative glow of anger surrounding him or her. The vision ended quickly but the discomfort was still there, the lamp stayed on for the rest of the night.

I was still scared and very tired the next morning but too insecure to ask for another room. I was 21 years old and did not know how to handle the situation. I absolutely did not want to disclose the reason for changing to another room. The next night was as bad as the first if not worse. I've never experienced anything remotely similar to this day. I'm older now and certain that it wasn't my imagination.

The bad feeling lasted only as long as I stayed in that room. So what was it? A psychic I spoke to briefly said it could have been a memory of something negative that had been taken place there at one time. Santiago as many cities in Latin America has a history of war and suffering so what the psychic said sound possible. If someone has any thoughts, please share.



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DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-14)
Hi Alma,

"Empathic ability is always good, right?:) "

It depends on the situation or the person. It can be very overwhelming to other people to some extent that they get drained all the time especially if that person is constantly exposed to negative energies surrounding him/her. That is why some people who don't know they are empathic in nature suffers depression or fatigue especially if they have no idea to shield themselves from this negative energies on a daily basis.

It is good in a sense that you can actually use it for the benefit of other people. I am a Nurse and there are certain times that I can feel my patient's pain, especially the ones who are unable to speak for themselves, the bed ridden and very sick. At those times I may not be able to heal them supernaturally but I know I can alleviate their pain by giving pain medicines and it does help them.

" it was so intense but at the same time I oddly felt 'it'would not hurt me physically. So that was some kind of comfort I guess."

Most probably because the room was not haunted by an entity at that time? What you experienced is a residual negative energy picked up by an empath like you. That is my opinion though, I could be wrong.

"I hope someone capable will try to cleanse that room, try to get rid of whatever lingers. If it's possible that is. I don't know if it's possible to get rid of memories if that is what it is?"

I am speaking based on experience here. In regards to negative energies being picked up by empaths on a certain place, the only way, if there are no entities actively haunting that place, is by providing a positive energy. By just simply imagining and projecting a feeling of happiness, love, excitement, or any positive emotions on that place do help a lot on changing a certain vibe on a place. As simple as opening curtains and letting natural light flood homes and just simply be happy, cancels that overwhelming negative energies.

Thanks for sharing your story and God Bless.
Alma1980 (1 stories) (6 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-13)

Empathic ability is always good, right?:) Yeah the feeling was negative, it was so intense but at the same time I oddly felt 'it'would not hurt me physically. So that was some kind of comfort I guess. I hope someone capable will try to cleanse that room, try to get rid of whatever lingers. If it's possible that is. I don't know if it's possible to get rid of memories if that is what it is?
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-13)
your description of your experience regarding the sensations of heavy feeling, negative, and discomfort somewhat suggests of empathic ability in nature. You may have picked up a strong negative energy on that room.
Alma1980 (1 stories) (6 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Hi Tweed!
Thanks for commenting. It's probably possible that heightened alertness might make you feel/experience things that you usually don't. However I didn't feel particulary anxious there and then (at the location itself). It was a private room with a functioning lock for the door in a pretty small hotel. I've stayed in far worse places while travelling and still not experienced anything like that. I have also had some other possibly paranormal things happening to me over the years but nothing as unpleasant as this. That feeling of anger was something else.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Hi Alma,

When we stay anywhere away from home there's probably a primal survival part of our mind that kicks in, especially when we're about to sleep. Something of an internal security alarm. (This is my theory it's not any proven fact to my knowledge). If true, a heightened alertness, however slight and unnoticeable, could have allowed you to sense things in the room you otherwise wouldn't have.

Hope that makes sense.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-08)
Hi, I've been eavesdropping on this thread, and have found all of the topics fascinating.

Personally, I've often wondered about poltergeist activity being confused with, and possibly intertwinded with the effects of negatively charged energy vortexes. Most of us know that poltergeist activity can be attributed to active kinectic energy that can manifest into physical diturbances, having noticeable effects on nearby surroundings and the living. Similarly, energy vortexes can affect nearby surroundings and the living by emitting constantly charged energy (positive or negative) that can cause disturbances which can be physical, and somtimes emotional influencers. There are differences between the two of course; poltergeist supposedly being manifested stored energy from a living source, and energy vortexes acting as portals for energies to pass through. Although I've often wondered if one can enhance, or intensify the other. Personally, I believe I've worked in a home (for an EoLC patient) where I may have experienced both simultaneously. I don't know how often they may occur together in the same environment, but I can only imagine what type of impact that might have on 'sensitive' or 'very aware' people who have to live within that same space...

Thanks to the OP for being so gracious while we share 😉
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-08)

I do agree spirits and physical beings can project vibes of positive or negative energy however, I'm fascinated with how a poltergeist works? There are some scientific studies and theories that suggest the transposing of emotions from human to home is what causes a poltergeist although they do fall short of claiming the action of cause rest in the atom? I did however read a study on Dark matter of which this one particular lot was moving things around the comos like a poltergeist?

Anyway, I better get out of here in case one of our members takes me to task on physics we may end up with more questions than answers and me ending up with egg on my face.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-08)
You make some good points Aussiedaz.

Pondering further; I wonder why an atom would absorb a particular kind of energy and then proceed to emanate that energy outwards? If the negative / positive energy is not a "living" thing but produced BY a living thing, then one would imagine that the energy's actual energy (ouch my brain) would eventually cease to exist in that form?

I don't know enough about molecular science or energy so I'm just being imaginative and am probably way off the track. Bear with me...

We don't understand, from what I know, is how we get a "bad vibe" off people even when they often appear to be perfectly normal (case in point Ted Bundy). What energy, exactly are we sensing?

Perhaps the vibes we get in houses, places, are a host of unseen entities who are gathered in the spirit realm, that relates to a physical point on our material plane, unseen to our eyeballs, but sensed by our higher self.

I imagine people still gather together in groups and organisations in spirit as they did on Earth. Maybe when there's a concentrated collection of these entities, both positive and negative, we can really sense it?

Taking that further if we believe in spirits guiding and even influencing people; artists, musicians, reformers (and all the bad people too) then perhaps large groups of spirits are attracted to an Earthly individual in order to influence and guide that individual to help carry out that earthly individuals goals and desires? Whatever those desires are, good and bad.

So in summary, I agree that this "energy" certainly could be absorbed into our physical plane but also it may be lingering, or vibrating at a higher rate, in the ether (which if air is atoms, then they are moving around a lot right? Which further complicates some theories about "vibes" in the "air") around us and we simply cam't physically see it, but psychically sense it?

Just what that is, and what it binds to is still a freakin' mystery!

It's food for thought. Thanks for setting off my brain!

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-08)

Just to add my 2 cent worth relating to sensing an energy with in a home.

When you consider Timber is profoundly made up of Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms as is the human body made up of Carbon,hydrogen,oxygen and nitrogen, I do theorise just like experiments demonstrate with intangible particles that interact with each other across space and time and if consciousness is fundamental to our reality?... It may be the case, if a house has a happy tenant with positive energy, some of that energy may transpose itself via the oxygen atoms and into the walls of the given structure alas why you were picking up a good vibe at Jacko's house?

On the contrary with phenomenons like a poltergeist or a negative Nancy occupant, I do surmise it is the "atoms" with in the structure of a home to be the culprit that basically projects human negative or positive emotion?

It's probably also the reason cleansing a house works? The new occupant is basically flushing the negative charged atoms out of the joint and replacing them with positives atoms and a belief the house is cleansed. I would surmise the power of the mind/belief makes it work for those who feel they have succeeded.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-07)
Thanks Alma - If you are interested; Peter Jacksons house at that time was in Wellington - New Zealand's capital city was pretty cool. From memory I think it was in the suburb of Seatoun or somewhere around that coastal area - I'm sure he wouldn't mind me sharing this as he's since moved out to the Waiarapa area to some huge walled-off mansion - and frankly, does he troll YGS? If you are reading this, apologies Sir Peter if I have crossed the line!

Anyway, he had a couple of life-sized suits of amour in the large front room area where we entered, and I remember seeing framed pictures of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters from what I assumed were actual stills / drawings from Disney films. There was a very friendly woman there sitting in that room on some stairs with a small child - I now assume she was his current partner Fran Walsh?

Anyway, me and Vince (I'll call him Vince for this story because that was his actual name) went up a tight staircase to the upstairs bathroom where Vince worked his plumbing magic. I waited outside in the hallway and right next to the bathroom was a room with a shelf that had tons of miniature stop-start animation monsters and creatures on it. It was so cool! Anyway it reads like I'm name dropping but anyway, any fans of Peter Jacksons work might enjoy that little vicarious experience.

But back to your other point about why are some people able to sense these unseen environments? I don't have any answers other than perhaps it's the same as why some people have abilities in art, music, sport, mathematics, or mediumship etc? Probably a combination of genetic chance, their spiritual / soul development as well as how much that individual works on developing those abilities and is open to them.

My wife has never had any spirit / ghost experiences so maybe she's not tuned into those very subtle vibrations? Or probably more that she's simply not that interested in that aspect of "otherworldly" Life.

Maybe others with more knowledge on the subject than me on this site have their theories and experiences as to how and why some individuals / empaths are the way they are.

It is fascinating stuff.

Alma1980 (1 stories) (6 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-07)
Mack! Do not apologize for telling your story. It was great. It gave me shivers. I think we felt exacly the same thing. Only you had the better sense to the the hell out of Dodge.😆 It's interesting that your girlfriend didn' feel a thing and you almost bolted out of there. Why are some people more sensetive to theese kind of things? Whats decides who should feel what? It opens up a spectrum of questions really. I was also facinated about the Peter Jackson- story. I would like to get to feel the better side of houses one day. 😊 Thank you for letting me know your story.
Alma1980 (1 stories) (6 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-07)
Hello RCRuskin!
Yeah memories fly away. If I experience something simular in the future I will write it down. Thanks for writing!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Hi Alma

Thanks for posting this experience. I had a similar experience about 6 years ago when my (long suffering) wife and I decided to buy a new house. So during this process we visited a lot of what we call in New Zealand "open homes"; a day, usually a Sunday afternoon, where potential buyers are welcome to wander around the house and have a good old nosey (inspection).

This particular day we had viewed maybe 2 or 3 homes. All pretty standard, wandered around the homes and noted good and bad features etc as one does; all pretty standard and kind of dull.

Anyway, we get to the last house of the day; very ordinary looking home, standard layout etc, except as soon as we walked in I suddenly felt this overbearingly oppressive atmosphere. I still remember very clearly this feeling. My first thought was; "I want to get the hell out of here ASAP" but I tried to shrug that feeling of foreboding away as we walked around.

The house was well lit, tidy, very normal furniture, it appears there were young-ish kids living there. My point is, we weren't confronted with rooms painted black, giant pentagrams on the walls or strange human-sized mounds of freshly dug earth in the garden etc. There was just this AWFUL feeling of oppressive dread pervading the entire house.

My thoughts were basically; "Sweet Baby, teenage, and adult Jesus! What the hell has gone on in this house?" My wife didn't notice anything odd and as soon as we exited, which was as soon as I could, the feeling instantly stopped.

I can't explain that other than the atmosphere was thick with "something" residual, or possibly something / someone present. I can't say 100% those feelings were not emanating from myself, but I could not put my finger on ANY aspect of that house that would have given me such a massive case of the heebie-jeebies. I remember saying to my wife afterwards that basically I didn't care how much she may have loved that house, there was no way I would ever live there, let alone set foot in it again. Turned out it didn't interest her much anyway... The ceiling was too low and the kitchen was too small or something normal like that...

That wasn't the first time I had been blown away by a vibe. Around 1995-96 I was sharing a flat with a plumber with whom I would occasionally accompany him to jobs to keep him company and "help" I guess. Anyway one day we went to Peter Jackson's (legendary producer / director Lord Of The Rings etc) house to unblock a bathroom pipe or something; I can't exactly remember why.

At this point Peter Jackson was still relatively unknown but Holy Sh*t...when we walked into that house I have never felt such an incredible feeling of intense Love, creative energy, lightness... Just indescribable, incredible vibe in that house. Remember too, dear reader, at that point he wasn't anything global or anything, so it wasn't like I was already overawed or in some fan frenzy worship mode. Again his house was nice, open, airy but it wasn't palatial or anything.

So, in summary, I understand, and believe, that intense emotions (both good and bad) can be "recorded" in the ether and some people can be sensitive to these emotions.

Interesting, and thanks for sharing. And apologies for me blowing on and on... I have that problem.


RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Hi, Alma.

Memories are fuzzy things, so not surprising you don't remember much about the hotel, and what you do remember is probably mixed in with other hotels and hotel rooms. Eh.:)

Like Lady Glow said. Too many questions, but too many years have passed. Still, an interesting experience and thank you for sharing.
Alma1980 (1 stories) (6 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Hello lady-glow! Thank you for your welcome! It was indeed an unnerving experience, not at all pleasant. But I'm here to tell the tale at least. I agree with you that it would be interesting to find out more about the location and the hotel. Sadly I do not remember the name, I could find out but it would take some serious digging through boxes. I can say that the hotel was suggested to readers in Footprints travelers (Chile) guide. Most likely 2000 or 2001 edition, depending on how often they updated it. I tried to google hotels in Barrio Brasil and hauntings but came up with nothing. The building as I remember it was wery plane and in a light color/shade. I can not remember the number of the room. Maybe 80 or 60. I'm truly sorry for the lack of details. But the effort from my side to remember this experience was low at the time. I regret that now. But anyway, thank you for your kind words about my experience.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)
Welcome to YGS.

What an unnerving time you had in that hotel room! I agree with the opinion of the psychic about a negative memory recorded in the room and you sensing it.

It would be interesting to research if somebody else has reported having experienced what happened to you. Does this happen to every person staying in this room or only to a few lucky (?) ones? Does it take place every night or only at an specific date?
Too many questions... Perhaps googling the name of the hotel could lead you to reports of people who has have experiences similar to yours.

Great story, thanks for sharing.

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