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Refuse To Move On


Since I've moved to the Pacific Northwest my psychic ability has expanded HUGELY!

It was acutely tested when we stayed at an Historical Hotel in Hood River. The Hotel was built in 1888 & is haunted by the woman who originally owned it, I'll call her Jane.

The 1st time we stayed Jane walked down the hall & knocked on our door at night. After she'd done it a few times, I sat by the peephole to watch. Seeing nothing but hearing footsteps & knocking... She even turned the doorknob! The 2nd night I heard noise in the room & looked down to see my clothes scattered on the floor. When I sat up, there were footsteps running down the hall. I later found out a few employees hear Jane. Jane's original quarters were just down the hall from our 1st room.

Underneath the hotel is a banquet room that used to be a Saloon and Dance Hall. When I went down there I stood where I was sure there'd been a gunfight. You can almost hear the old time piano and see the railroad workers. The original floor and pillars are still there and it hangs heavy with memories.

The 2nd time we stayed on bottom floor. The 1st night I smelled hay & I could hear horses in the hall. The next morning I asked the front desk and found out those rooms used to be stables. The long hall went to the street, which is how the carriages entered and exited.

The next night I PURPOSELY tried to contact Jane. I went to her floor & talked to her for 90 minutes. I told her that she didn't need to stay & could move on & be with her loved ones. At first I felt a child walk around me. I heard hear a faint giggle as the little ghost hugged my legs. Then I felt a breeze & smelled a strong scent of lavender (her perfume). I asked Jane to follow me. I went downstairs & felt her behind me. I could hear her softly humming.

When we got to the 1st floor balcony. I told her to let go & move on. I could see the glow of her spirit. I told her to go up and embrace her loved ones who've been waiting so long for her. I said that this world has moved on and there's no more place for you here. Let go and rest.

I felt a SQUEEZING around my throat & knew she was VERY ANGRY. She surrounded me with a loud NO! I apologized & broke the tie. I was coughing and spitting from being choked. She rushed back upstairs. I realized at that moment the reason why she hadn't moved on. She was deadly afraid of what lies beyond. She's afraid of going to Hell.

I wondered who the child was and hoped she'd be ok. I went back upstairs to see, but Jane was too angry to let me. I felt pressure & darkness pushing on me. It was a warning to stay away.

Unfortunately, my sleep was disturbed with nightmares all night long. Jane scalded me in the shower the next morning (I know it was her). I won't be going back there.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sublimefeline, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3179 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-18)
"this spirit is VERY possessive of her hotel. When they replaced all the original sinks, baths, showers & faucets she made them ALL run full force on and off for a week or two. She gets angry when an antique piece of furniture is replaced"

It seems like the links I provided in my previous comment are just the tip of the iceberg.
Would you be able to share the source of the above information?

I would like to know as much as possible about this interesting haunting.

Thanks in advance.
Sublimefeline (1 stories) (4 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-15)
I wondered about that too Rajine, but this spirit is VERY possessive of her hotel. When they replaced all the original sinks, baths, showers & faucets she made them ALL run full force on and off for a week or two. She gets angry when an antique piece of furniture is replaced (not sure exactly what she does). I've had a demon in my house and this was NOT that.

Thanks for your input.:)
Sublimefeline (1 stories) (4 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-15)
Hi MackNorton, You make a lot of sense. I got the impression from the desk clerk I spoke with that they'd rather me be hush hush about it as not to scare other guests.

Since it was my experiences were violent, I agree that warning people is prudent.

It was The Hood River Hotel and the ghost's name is Ola Bell. We stayed there 9/2017 & 9/2019

Thank you very much!
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-07)
Sometimes Earth bound spirits stay back because they weren't ready to move on or they have unfinished business, never got to live life to the fullest, but eventually they do move on, I just feel that maybe it's not a spirit that walked this earth but rather a demonic force that's taken place of the spirit, but that's just my opinion, I'm glad that nothing serious happened to you.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-07)
Hi Sublimefeline

Thanks for sharing. This was quite the experience you had there!

You wrote; "...I did not name the Hotel to give them a break from people coming there just to see the ghost. When we went to this place I was unaware it was haunted..."

Looking at those links that Lady-glow supplied, it would appear that the owners would prefer people knowing, or at least, believing the Hood River Hotel was haunted, rather than having anonymity.

It appears to be a way of attracting ghost hunters / thrill seekers which, in turn, would generate business / revenue for the owners.

In terms of your point about ghost stories can be enjoyed without knowing exactly where and whom it's about, my opinion on that is if it's a genuine experience then why not share those details?

Providing actual details of the location and time of a paranormal encounter (especially one of the intensity, length and the incredible caliber of the "physical" interaction during yours) helps to verify the experience. Especially in a public space such as a hotel where your experiences could be corroborated by others who stayed there.

One could also argue that because your experience included a violent assault on your person, whereby you were being choked, you may have a responsibility to warn other people NOT to stay at that particular Hotel, for their own personal safety?

At the end of the day, aren't we all just trying to better understand what lies on the other side of the veil? So why not share as much information as possible so that we can all try and increase our knowledge. That's my 10 cents worth.


Sublimefeline (1 stories) (4 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-07)
I PURPOSELY gave the hotel anonymity. But, yes it's The Hood River Inn.

I did not name the Hotel to give them a break from people coming there just to see the ghost. When we went to this place I was unaware it was haunted.

I believe a ghost story can be read and appreciated without knowing exactly where it is and whom it's about.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3179 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-07)
Welcome to YGS.

I assume you are talking about the same "Hood River Hotel" as in the following links:




Although the previous articles report experiences similar to yours, the character of the resident ghost, Ola Bell (Jane), seems to differ from one article to the next and she's been described from "making guests feel welcome" to something more sinister and unwelcoming.

Knowing your own abilities, I hope you take the due precautions and have learnt to protect yourself before entering any place with a known history of paranormal activity.

Thanks for sharing.

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