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My Boyfriend Is Eating Pizza And I Can't Move


Hey All,

I have been visiting this site for about a month and I keep meaning to send a story but every time I try it's been disabled.

I have a few stories but I'll tell you the most recent as it just happened last night and scared the wits right out of me.

My boyfriend bought his house in July of 2009. He had brought me by the house but I hadn't had the opportunity to go through it until he moved in. I'm not sure if it's the law everywhere but where we live there is a disclosure clause in your purchase and sale agreement that states that if someone died there or if you have ever had a mold problem or a grow op in your house you have to tell the buyer. So anyway, after his offer was excepted he decided to tell me that a man had died in the house. That's it, we have no other information. No name, no age and no cause of death. I've tried to research our house but nothing comes up so I think it's safe to assume it wasn't murder. However, there is a dark stain on the floor in the office.

I moved in with my boyfriend in January and since then strange things have been happening. I always feel like I'm being watched, especially when I'm in the shower. Also when I'm in the shower I hear a bang from the living room. I used to think it was the pipes but I never hear it when my boyfriend is in the shower and he never hears it when I'm in the shower. Yesterday I heard it again but I wasn't in the shower and it wasn't on.

My boyfriend takes forever in the shower. Ordinarily, that would mean that by the time I get in there I should be getting cold water or at least have to turn it up a few times to keep myself warm. Not at my house. I have to keep turning it down because my darn ghost is trying to scald me!

When I'm doing chores around the house I like to have the television on for background noise, but if I'm doing the dishes in the kitchen and I make too much noise, my television automatically turns up and when I stop it returns to its normal volume.

None of this bothers me, well except for the peeping Tom part, but I can live with it.

My boyfriend recently got a promotion at work. During his training he's been working all sorts of weird shifts and its been very difficult for him to get a sleep pattern down. Last Thursday night he worked 2330-0800, he was off Friday but then he had to go back in on Saturday for 0630. He came home from working his night shift on Friday morning, slept for a few hours and got up again so he would be tired enough to go to bed that night.

We both went to bed that night around 1700 (9 o'clock). At around 0300 I heard him get up, put pants on and go across the hall to the office. He hadn't been feeling well earlier on so I got up to check on him, he said that he was fine and just couldn't sleep anymore. I left him there and I went back to bed.

Here is where my story starts to creep me out. My house is not old, maybe 35 years ish, but the floors creak really bad. My boyfriend just has to walk past our bedroom and the creaking floor will wake me up. This also happens every time he comes to bed after me as the floor boards creak in our bedroom as well. He also always asks if I'm awake and I always want to say "Yes, of course I'm awake you bonehead!", but I don't.

Anyway back to my story. So I go back to bed after checking on him and I fall right back to sleep. About a half hour later, I felt his side of the bed dip like he had come back and laid down again. I even felt myself roll a little closer to him because the change in weight on the bed. I didn't open my eyes, but I thought it was strange because I didn't hear the floor creak nor did he ask if I was awake, but I was half asleep and thought maybe he was being considerate for once.

10 minutes later I felt his side of the bed dip again, like he was getting up again, only this time I sat up immediately to ask him where he was going and I'm all alone. No one was there.

I jumped out of bed to see where he was and he was just coming back up the stairs from getting pizza in the kitchen. Turns out he had never came back to bed!

The next day I was doing laundry and just as I was about to open the bedroom door it opened and I felt a cold gust of wind. It had been chilly that day so all of my windows were closed, but it was not cold enough to warrant turning the heat on.

After this I decided that I was going to have a nice little chat with my ghost. I told him that I was perfectly fine with sharing the house with him as long as he didn't try to scare me, stayed out of the shower and no more sleeping with me in bed. I also told him no ghost parties, no inviting any ghost friends and if either of my dead uncles were to show up (hey you never know right?) he was to let them in. Other then that he was welcome to stay, but if he messed up he would be gone before he could blink. I even offered to convey any messages for him or help him find the light if he needed it.

Things seemed to be fine until last night. Now I will freely admit that I could have been asleep, but it just felt so real. I was in bed with my boyfriend, who was asleep and snoring loudly. I opened my eyes and looked toward the door and I see a dark shadowy figure standing there looking at us. As soon as I looked at him he started coming toward us. My heart started to race and I tried to turn my head away and scream but I couldn't move. All that came out of my mouth was a sort of strangled cry. As soon as he was above my head looking directly down at me he disappeared and I could move again. All I could think to do was to tell him that he was banished from my house to an address across the street. I even pictured the house in my mind. Sorry neighbour, I was panicked and it was all I could think to do. When I could finally think logically again, I looked at the clock and I had only been in bed for 40 minutes. I'm not sure how deep into a sleep I could have been, but when I "woke up" I was in the exact same position I had been when I saw it so...

Before last night I have never been scared or felt threatened by our ghost. I don't know if it was him or not, but whatever it is, it's certainly not welcome in my house anymore.

Anyway that's my story. My apologies for it being so long. I should mention that my boyfriend has not expeienced any of this, the ghost just leaves him alone.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fanny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-18)
Fanny's back! Welcome back lady, long time no see! Where did you go?

Jav ❀
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
ohh fanny!
Thanks for the comments on my stories have left you replys on them so feel free to go and check them out 😊
I will find a new name for you too soon trust me on that πŸ˜†
All the best
Grandma taz ❀
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
There are definitely several Canadians on YGS. Of those, old_dude ( is one of my favorites! His stories are *AWESOME*. I'm quite envious of them.:^D

I too quite enjoyed this story. And if I were a ghost, watching women take a shower would definitely be one of my favorite passtimes! The female figure is such an amazing work of art!

I also agree that the dark shadowy figure was either something induced by sleep paralysis or a spirit who was just passing through. I think that what geetha was trying to say was that it was probably shocked that you could see it.

Thanks for sharing!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
I know how it is when you feel like you have been targeted, fairly or unfairly, it doesn't matter at this point. What does matter is that you either want to stay on this site, or you do not.
If you feel you have been treated unfairly, then use your own thread to discuss that. Work it out, if possible, there.


~Just let it go, dude~

This comment from TIGERKING is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-13)
Geetha, my boyfriend thinks I've lost my mind. It didn't occur to me that the dark shadow was just passing though but you could be right. Like I said my regular ghost has never tried to scare me on purpose... But this was terrifying. Nice to see another Canadian on this site. It doesn't seem like there are a lot.

Tigerking, what's BS is you tying to hijack my feed to vent your anger because everyone saw your story about the golden dragon/dog for what it was... A lie. Grow up you Asspancake, you're really starting to annoy me and I'm probably not the only one. Do this again and I'll report you.

Taz, it's okay you missed my story, I usually have to play catch up. I've actually never met my neighbours. I've seen them outside a couple of times and they left their door open during a screaming argument once, but other then that I wouldn't recognize them if we passed on the street. As for the poem, my grandmother gave it to my sister and I when our 14 year old cat got cancer and had to be put down. I found it brought me peace to know that she's happy and whole and I'll see her again. It's not over! I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I didn't mean to make you cry 😭

In the three weeks since I posted this, my ghost has been mysteriously absent and I was beginning to worry I may have accidently banished him. However, yesterday in the shower the jerk returned. You know when you're outside on a sunny day and a cloud passes in front of the sun and you can see it get dark for a second? Well that's what happens in the bathroom. The lights dim for a second, which usually causes me to look over my shoulder in a panic and then the water gets super hot. I also forgot to mention the time I woke up in the middle of the night sitting up in bed talking to the corner of the room asking the ghost why I couldn't see him. That was weird.

Thanks everyone for the comments... Except Tigerking. I posted another story on Tuesday so keep a look out for it.

Fanny ❀
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-12)
fantastic post fanny loved it ❀
I guess your not that keen on the neighboursπŸ˜†
What does your boyfriend think to all this?
Look forward to any more sories from you
Now I have to admit I had missed this story and popped by to say thank you for the "rainbow bridge" link, cried my eyes out reading that and had to print it off too.
TIGERKING (2 stories) (60 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-12)
aww c'mon. Everyone is so quick to be all "na faq". Why does it all have to be like that? Talk about jumping the gun. You all need to relax. Look at the karma you fools gave me cause I spoke the truth! That's b/s
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)

OMG! I didn't realize how funny you are! I loved those one liners.

I couldn't believe I missed your story. After reading your profile, I wanted to see what another fellow Canadian experience with the paranormal.

The bed incident is really creepy. I think I would have had a heart attack if that happened to me.

As for the other incidents, I have to give you credit for standing up to the ghost and showing who's the boss. Like Champion, I wouldn't want to be your neighbour, if you are going to send a ghost my way.

As for the dark ghost you saw, my first thought was that it was a ghost that was passing though and was shocked to see you as you were to see him. (Probably, that's why you couldn't move).

What did your boyfriend have to say about your experiences?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
[at] T,
Apologies for assuming the worst. It was such an odd thing to say is all. Once again, sorry for asking a stupid question.


I could sure stand to hear a snappy comeback about now though... πŸ˜‰
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
Champion, thanks that just made my day!

I also just wanted to add that my sister refuses to come to and visit at my house. She says she doesn't want my ghost watching her in the bathroom.

She also says if she were an 80 year old man (ghost) and she had a 26 year old lady in the shower she would peek too! I guess she has a point.

I haven't noticed any more activity since my banishment last week, I think it make have accidently worked! 😲

Fanny ❀
T (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
Jav, that's a pretty bold conclusion to come to about my thought process. Ok... I just mixed up my stories here. Fanny, I sincerely apologize. I meant to post these comments on a different story I had read. I somehow got mixed up. Again I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make any accusations or dismiss anyone's experience.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
Fanny- I have to say that your story is great and hilarious because you touched on issues that plague us all everyday. My son is the worst ever at waking me up. He will shake me while saying are you awake, I really won't to slap him but I restrain myself from doing so because of what he says next "goodnight I love you" No offense but I'm glad your not my neighbor because I don't want any peepin tom ghost who doesn't respect ground rules poppin in for a visit. Please keep us up-dated if your banishment worked. You are awesome and my new hero!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
Are you saying that you are going around to the experiences that people have said something about sleeping and posting this stuff?
Dude, stop and check your meds, that's not right.

Jav 😐
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
T: Um, maybe I missed something, but where did Fanny mention using any kind of sleep aid? πŸ˜• πŸ˜•
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
Jav, those are funny. I'm going to steal them!

T, no problem. I did just have my wisdom teeth removed but by that point I wasn't on anything anymore. Just my good old imagination.

Fanny ❀
T (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
I have no idea who harlow is... My mistake. I apologize, fanny. I'm only asking about the sleepers because some medications have really wild side affects.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
Bwahahahaha! Holy crap! You killed me with the banishing! That's priceless! Oh geeez, I'm still laughing...
Granny's got a great idea there, maybe even add a whole slew of snappy come backs since he makes it a regular thing to ask. That used to be one of my favorite sections of "Mad Magazine". 'Snappy comebacks for stupid questions', it was hilarious!
Q) Are you awake?
A) No, I'm just checking for holes in my eyelids!
A) Yes, but don't tell my husband, he'll just get jealous!
A) Yes, but I sent my eyes out to get cleaned and they haven't come back yet!
A) No, I'm playing hide and seek with the boogeyman and he's winning!
A) NO! Who is this "Awake" person you keep asking for?
A) Yes, Fanny is awake. But she refuses to answer your stupid questions any longer. If it's an emergency, call someone who gives a damn!

Sorry, couldn't help myself. πŸ˜†

Jav 😊
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-26)
To Granny, I'm going to do that and scare the crap out of him too! Thanks for the advice.

To Miracles, I agree with you and Granny I probably was asleep but it scared me for sure.

To Jim, Thanks for the advice but I'm not religious in any way and I think if I were to try that my ghost with know I was full of it. Also, I'm not one of those people who jump to conclusions and I don't feel that this is a demon, but again thank you for your help.

And last but not least, to T, who is Harlow? Or did I miss something?

Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate the comments.

Fanny ❀

This comment from T is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-25)

Dark shadows (darker than the surrounding darkness) are tell tale demonic, when combined with the other occurrences, i.e. Not being able to move. Other symptoms are: cold spots, night time scratching's, night time whisperings, sudden depression, intrusive thoughts - especially about suicide, fear,etc. My counsel is using Catholic Holy water and invoking 'Jesus and Mary' for assistance. Email me, if you need more. Just my two cents; no preaching. God bless you.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-25)
Miac: I'm sorry, but the "Comments Guidelines" state that you must be 13 years or older to comment...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-25)
Fanny - like granny, I love your story. Just the right touch of humor to make it enjoyable. Thank you.

I'm inclined to believe your last episode was either a dream or sleep paralysis, as granny suggested. Normally, when living with an amicable ghost like the one you've been sharing your home with, they don't just suddenly decide to scare the crap out of you like that. At least, that's my opinion.

However, if this wasn't an episode of sleep paralysis, I'm wondering if, when you set the ground rules, he was testing you to see if you really meant them? Imagine his surprise when you banished him πŸ˜‰.

Please continue to keep us updated.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-25)
Fanny: I love this story... Wonder what your boyfriend would do if you sat up in bed and said, "No, I'm sitting up and talking to you in my sleep!"πŸ˜†

I feel you did the right thing by setting the ground rules... I don't really know if your last experience was a dream or episode of sleep paralysis, but it seems like it could have been... If not, then your neighbors are in for some fun filled nights πŸ˜†

Please keep us updated on any further happenings, and thank you for posting!

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