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Real Ghost Stories

The Cursed Farmhouse


This anecdote is more of a precautionary anecdote as to always check and do your research on new places, no matter how beautiful and grand they are and how excited you are. Some histories are dark and they haunt the place irrespective of the people that come and go. The evil is sometimes just evil and wanting to create the fear and agony that it once felt. If you're a person who's prone and susceptible to the supernatural, this might interest you. I can't seem to take a break from unusual happenings and occurrences around me and I definitely need to do my homework before my next trip.

July 10th, 2020. I was out with my friends for a simple get away from all the studies and work and home chores. We decided to travel to my friend, Ronny's farm house where we all could spend a good, peaceful and fun night. It was a lot of 7 people including me and everyone thought that this was a good idea. Once there, we all decided to take some rest and then gather together in an hour to go out for a walk in the gardens. Some context- Ronny's farmhouse was in the outskirts of the city right next to a huge forest area where elephants roamed about and hence, it was not advisable to roam outside the farmhouse's periphery after dusk. We all were aware of the dangers and decided to abide by the rules, unlike any horror movies you watch. First smart step, CHECK! And because we were in the outskirts of the city and knew that food couldn't get delivered to us at late hours, we carried all the materials we needed to cook a good chicken platter for the 7 of us. Second step preparation, CHECK!

So, as discussed, all of us napped for some time and were ready to go out for a walk in the gardens at around 4 pm in the evening. It was still 2 hours to dusk so we were safe. Once in the garden, we took a lot of pictures and had a lot of fun.

We came back inside and some of us were busy freshening up, when one friend of mine named Reenie shouted at the top of her lungs looking at her phone petrified. We ran to her and asked her what was wrong and she just handed us her phone. We saw a picture of Reenie standing in front of a tree and smiling. That's it. We were frustrated that she'd play such a stupid acting prank on us but she was even more confused to see the picture. She claimed that while she was going through today's pictures in her gallery, she saw a woman hanging from the tree that was behind her in the picture. We saw nothing! We explained it to her that it might have been some picture illusion and that's nonsense. She was hell bent that what she saw was true and right. It was no illusion.

Ronny exclaimed that Reenie was just tired and that she needed rest. We agreed. Reenie went to take a nap, against her will. We all sat downstairs chilling and laughing unaware of the weirder things that were coming up.

During our fun chats and stupid laughter, another friend, Awhan became quiet all of a sudden claiming that he felt as if someone was holding his hand. He felt a strong cold grasp on his right hand which was now gone. We again dismissed it as his body's reaction to fatigue but even he claimed that what he felt was real. He immediately fell sick and nauseated and went to take a nap as well.

At this point, Ronny started to look worried as well as perplexed. He went out to take an urgent call and did not come back into the house for a good 45 minutes. Everything started to look pale and we weren't having fun anymore. Another friend, Manish started to curse and abuse at us for absolutely no reason and even threw his phone at us which luckily did not hit any of us. That's when a friend, Gautam slapped him hard to get him back to his senses. And of course, he had absolutely no recollection of what he had just said or done. Now all of us were pretty sure that some thing was wrong with this place. Irrespective of how everyone was behaving or what everyone saw, we all were feeling sick from our gut. We wanted to leave the place asap, and we had our cars.

Finally, Ronny shows up and by this time, we have woken up Reenie and Awhan as we were all packed to leave the house. Reenie kept blabbering that the lady she saw was real and she saw her outside her window pane too. We were sweating and scared like a cat. We did not want any explanation. Just wanted to leave.

That's when Ronny told us something so weird and scary that we legit felt the ground below our feet swoop away. The urgent call he had to take was with his father and the subject of their discussion was the weird occurrences that kept happening to each one of us. With a very guilty face and mind, he told us that we couldn't leave the house right then as it was too dangerous to drive through the forest so late in the evening and that his father had mentioned that the house was the safest for us until tomorrow morning.

Now that we couldn't leave, Ronny owed us an explanation as to what was so gravely wrong with the place. That's when he told us that everything that was happening in and about the house was because of their maid. Or to be more precise, dead maid.

2015- Ronny's father had purchased this farmhouse from another wealthy family who were permanently shifting to another State in India. The ex-owners were a very kind and old couple and they had another couple from the nearby village working in the farmhouse. The husband, Karim worked as the gardener and his wife, Anya, as a maid of the house. Ronny's father continued their employment at the farm house as he needed hands at the house to keep it fine and also set it right in case that their family was entertaining.

One such evening, in the month of December of 2015, Ronny's father had organized a success party of his company for his very close friends and colleagues at his farm house and Anya along with some of her sisters were responsible for the dinner. Karim on the other hand, served guests and took care of their needs and requests.

The party was over at about 10 pm and as it was too dangerous to travel back at such an hour, everyone had to stay over at the farm house.

This was the beginning of the grim part of the story. Some of Ronny's father's drunk friends molested Anya finding her alone in the kitchen trying to do the dishes. She was slapped, hit and tortured for not giving in to their demands. On hearing the loud noises from the kitchen, Ronny's father rushed to check and saved Anya from his friends. Instead of doing what was needed to be done, he tried to buy Anya's silence with money and his child's sponsored education in the city.

Anya's husband was present in the scene and he denied to accept Anya anymore due to what had happened with her. Ronny's father tried to explain Anya that the molestation was an honest mistake and that money would solve all her problems, even her not being accepted by Karim. Frustrated and agonized by all this, she hung herself from the tree that was in the picture Reenie had shown us. After the suicide, the farm house had become inhabitable, anyone who tried to stay the night at the place would fall sick or would do things out of their control, feel an unwanted presence around oneself, sometimes even hear loud agonized noises and screams in the house.

Ronny's father had also tried to sell it but to no avail. He had finally called on a Tantrik to help with sealing the negative energy off the place but he could seal it off only until outside the perimeter of the farm house. And hence, we all were the safest in the house.

We were afraid of everything that was just told to us and we had no other option but to spend the night in the house. Our friend Manish kept abusing at us at intervals and Reenie claimed that she could see the maid outside the windows at times and the way she described her shocked Ronny as she was being pitch perfect correct.

Awhan could feel the cold atmosphere around him and he was sick for the next few days as well and all we others experienced was the sheer fear in the air and occasional loud bangs and noises from right outside the door, where the tree was from which the maid hung herself.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dontbeme, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

itsdan4u (23 posts)
3 years ago (2022-06-02)
okay. I have a couple of observations here.
When u click a photo, you either catch something or you dont. There is nothing in between. A phone is a digital device. I have never and I don't think I would ever, come across a case where the phone shows you something unusual in an image a moment and shows up normal right the next. I don't think that can happen.
Secondly, cold grasps for one, mind takeover to abuse for another and manifesting in her true form to stand outside of the window being the third, don't you think its a kind of busy night for the maid?
Thirdly, if something wrong of sexual nature happens to someone the incident would mostly be suppressed. The possibility is even more so for a man (who was actually involved in the mess) while telling his son. I don't think the son would have known such details from his father.
Lastly, read in your comments, this dude was 1 year old, 25 years back. What studies were you 26 year olds were doing?
Just curious, no offense meant.
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-30)
As someone who's had some pretty weird stuff happen (and posted about it here on YGS), this story sounds very Netflix "Ghost story"-ish.
No offence meant.

I don't quite follow how the incident 25yrs ago (or maybe 6yrs ago?) that led to a girl hanging herself, would remain a secret for such a long, or not so long, time.
Did Ronnie never go to the farmhouse before this night? If nobody lived there for 25, or 6, years, sure the place would be in disrepair?
dontbeme (2 stories) (10 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-27)
It is an honest mistake to have jumbled up the dates. I sincerely apologize. I seem to have given some wrong info in the comments. I did cross check with other friends before I started to write up this story. And as per Ronny and his parents allowing us to that farmhouse evenn with its grim history, is due to the tantrik who had blessed the house. Also, like some of you people asked, going out during the high peak of covid- i'd like to mention that I live in a state where the covid cases did not rise until September 2020 and back again in March 2021. Thank you all for your valuable comments.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
Not even the official self-appointed defender of Indian questionable-stories of the forum could deny that this "real enperience" makes no sense.
gypsyking410 (13 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-22)
"July 10th, 2020. I was out with my friends for a simple get away from all the studies and work and home chores. We decided to travel to my friend"

Covid19 first wave was still at its peak in India during that time brother, how did you manage to meet up with friends and go out?

Maybe diff rules in your state? 😆 😊
ishan (1 stories) (36 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-20)
I also noticed the same thing which lady-glow did.
The incident took place in Dec. 2015 as per the story, and in comments you told it was nearly 25 years back.
Seems like this is a story involving time travel and Ronny was from future. 😆

Please get your facts straight.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-16)


"One such evening, in the month of December of 2015"

"the incident had taken place nearly 25 years back when Ronny was probably 1 or 2 years old"

2015 + 25 = 2040

Am I missing something or your math is a bit off?
dontbeme (2 stories) (10 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-16)
Hi lady-glow - haha, I'd prefer the elephants any day over the spirit. And yeah, we went out when there were no restrictions of covid 19. Also, you're very correct about Ronny's dad and his friends, shiat of people. Thank you for the comment.
dontbeme (2 stories) (10 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-16)
[at] Rajine the story is sad and tragic indeed, and yes we too hope that her soul rests in peace.
dontbeme (2 stories) (10 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-16)
Macknorton Hey! Please do not be sorry for the questions you asked, they are perfectly legit. First answer is that Ronny was actually not aware of the seriousness of the hauntings happening in the house as he hadn't visited the place for such a long time. And second answer is that the incident had taken place nearly 25 years back when Ronny was probably 1 or 2 years old, and his dad tried to sell the place after the incident but couldn't do so. As he explained on the call is that he was quite sure that the house was fine after so many years and that we would all just be fine. Third, we are all adults, so we didn't adult supervision and the house was the safest because it was blessed by a tantrik so that the spirit could not enter the lines of the house. I hope I answered all your questions. Please lemme know if there's anything else I can help you with! 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-16)
I imagine that the herd of wandering elephants wasn't the only danger around the cursed farmhouse... I bet a cloud of covid viruses was floating around the place too.

You're so lucky by being allowed social gatherings during those times!

That poor woman didn't deserve be treated like that. Roony's father is a man without honour and his friends a pile of stinky dung.

I like butter chicken and naan bread.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-16)
Hi Dontbeme,

Thanks for sharing this epic tale. I have a couple of questions, if you wouldn't mind clarifying some things?

You wrote: "July 10th, 2020. I was out with my friends for a simple get away from all the studies and work and home chores. We decided to travel to my friend, Ronny's farm house where we all could spend a good, peaceful and fun night. It was a lot of 7 people including me and everyone thought that this was a good idea..."

If this place was so haunted, and Ronny knew all about it's dark and violent history, why did he think it was "a good idea" to spend the night there?

After all, he did know, as you wrote: "...That's when he (Ronny) told us that everything that was happening in and about the house was because of their maid. Or to be more precise, dead maid..."

And in terms of having to spend the night there, you wrote:"...he told us that we couldn't leave the house right then as it was too dangerous to drive through the forest so late in the evening and that his father had mentioned that the house was the safest for us until tomorrow morning..."

Why did Ronny's Father think it was too dangerous for all of you to be driving home in the early evening, but perfectly safe for you all to be spending the night, without adult supervision, in a remote and deserted farm house that Ronny's father knew was haunted and not safe for people to be in? After all, he had tried to sell it due to the "hauntings" going on inside. 😕

Sorry for my questions, but to me there's a lot of illogical decisions being made by some of the people in the story.


Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-15)
Hi dontbeme

This is quite a tragic and sad story. I hope her soul finds some peace.

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