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Meditation Encounter


I'm not sure how to start this really.

But here goes...

A little back history for this experience.

My mother's upbringing was quite tumultuous. Very chaotic, abusive etc. She brought that with her as she lived. She always had a dark cloud just lingering above her, and she never knew quite how to get out from under it.

One evening I decided to try to help her clear some of the negative energy around her or at the very least get a glimpse of what it was that has been plaguing her. Just to try to figure out how I could help her, in some way.

So I started off my meditation ritual, and soon ended up deep in.

I envisioned her, she was standing there. She was in the dark.

I began by asking for help with protecting her during this, and healing etc.

It was a good 30 minutes in when I was just about to end the session. All was going smooth until I envisioned a fire burning all that was not for her good, not of unconditional love, healing and protection around her protecting her from any negative, evil wrong doing. Encircling that was a dark blue light for protection and white light for healing.

I started to get a push back. I could feel it in my body and in the energy around her. I kept going repeating and envisioning the fire. And the push kept getting harder. The dark around her, looked and felt darker and stronger.

As I kept going my body started to vibrate. The energy was so strong it pushed me out of my meditation. When I opened my eyes I sat straight up and realized I had been sweating and breathing hard. Much like I had been in a physical fight.

I gave thanks to my spirit family and Team for the assistance and protection. I heard one of them say "it is not safe, never again."

I promised I wouldn't, and I haven't since.

That was the one and only time I tried helping my mother in meditation.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Spirit2022, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-07)

My mom loved Jesus and God. She loved reading her Bible before she went blind. She would repeat scripture etc. She wasn't extremely religious, but she grew up in church etc.

I wasn't the religious daughter, but wanted to make sure her passing was as easy as possible for her, so for the first time I prayed to whom she believed in. And asked her spirt family and team to help her.

She's been around to check in all of us. Especially when I talk to my baby about her. It's very peaceful.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-07)
I agree. She was a very independent woman. The accepting help from anyone was definitely something she did not like to receive whether big or small. She has many loved ones, guardians etc over there that I believe are helping with her transition. I've asked mine as well.

It was extremely painful to watch her drown in her pain. We tried repeatedly we just couldn't here on this plane.

I believe this was one her many lessons she was supposed to overcome this lifetime, but it had just too strong of a hold on her.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-07)
Spirit22, I'm sorry you went through this. I know how gut wrenching it is to want to help someone that can't or won't accept help. You really have to walk away sometimes and it can be the hardest thing in the world. That message from one of your helpers no doubt tells you all you need to know.
It may sound like a lame consolation and I hesitate to suggest it but if you feel it's safe you could ask your mother's helpers/guardians/loved ones to look out for her on the other side. This may be a healthier approach. Parents can feel like failures accepting help from their children. This could be a part of the push back. Big emphasis on 'part' of the push back, it sounds like there's a good deal better left to those higher up, so to speak. I don't believe in hierarchy but more experienced beings.

Thanks for sharing. Hope she's at peace now.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-07)
Very sad to hear this, Spirit. May her Memory be Eternal.

There is a Gospel lesson where Jesus asks the person, "Do you want to be healed?" Not sure if it was because of the attachment, or because of the emotional trauma your mom grew up with, but seems the answer here was no. And if I am right in this, then the comment by your assistant "it is not safe" indicates that something was fighting back, but you already knew that.

Sometimes, we are up against things that are more powerful than what we can bring to the struggle.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-06)

Unfortunately she recently passed. My sister's and I tried relentlessly to get her help. We tried therapist, psychologist to help her. She just wouldn't allow anyone in.

We even tried getting the state involved, she was legally blind 100% in both eyes. Due to a suicide attempt years ago.

She had her fair share of issues, all rooting from her childhood. Thus the reason I wanted her to work through, and start the process of healing.

I really do believe she had an attachment and it was taking her life from her.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-06)
Well, Spirit2022, you answered my second question already. Or else we're just thinking alike.

I also believe she had an attachment, or at least one as a result of her childhood emotional, physical, or whatever trauma. I would suggest she speak with a mental health professional, psychologist preferably since they cannot directly prescribe medication for issues. Working through the trauma and resolving it would help her much more.

So on to my third question: is your mother still among the living?
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-06)

At that time I knew it meant, whatever had a hold on her was too strong for me at that time. That she had a lot of healing to do. And what I believe was some sort of attachment.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-06)

This experience took place a little over 8 years ago. I apologize for not stating that in the experience.

I have been working on my meditation, healing and other works since then.

Thank you for your suggestion.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-06)

To answer your question, yes she knew I was trying to help her heal from her childhood. Or at least lead her in the right direction.

Thank you for asking
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-05)
What do you think that could have meant? Perhaps you should seek out someone who is more experienced.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-05)
Interesting experience. I have many questions. Let's start with: did your mother know you were trying to do this for her?

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