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Wandering Orb Then Wife's Bad Dream 2016


We moved to Idaho from Hawaii and ultimately moved into an older 3rd floor apartment (2 BR, 1 BA) It had a great view of a creek and a river beyond that out the back windows. We were out looking, and found an amazing view lot across town, which we ended up purchasing. We were very happy and looking for a builder. I found a low paying job and we were just living and enjoying the bike paths and parks along the river's greenbelt.

One early morning, I was laying awake, as most mornings between 2:00 to 3:30 a.m. I was looking at the clock, and had to lie still because if I wake our Yorkie, he will bolt to end of bed and start biting my feet while barking and would wake my wife (little jerk). Anyway, we had a large King bed in a small room, so the door was very close to the end of the bed and to the right of my feet. The door is open and against the far wall we have little plug-in lights, so the living room and this doorway was kind of lit up. There was a flood light below our bedroom window outside, with slight light coming from sides of curtains above our head board.

I usually try to fall back to sleep, counting marbles, ducks, salmon, and calming things. I don't count sheep and I don't want to get a song stuck in my head. I was laying on my right side looking at the door opening and saw what looked like a very small Orb come around the door jamb at the doorknob area. It was moving very slowly and was about the size of a golf ball, about 6 feet from my head now, coming along the wall towards my head. Not really thinking, just watching it. It wasn't bright, like Orbs I have caught on my camera or when filming. It was almost a vanilla color (looked old?) less than 3 feet away against wall in front of my face now. I did not move and watched it. It looked dull in a small area top front of the Orb, like it was missing some of its shine (glitter, damaged?), and I watched it go past my head heading to the corner.

After that, I was heavy in thought and started questioning my sanity and started trying to debunk it - on the 3rd floor, could be car lights? But Orb was lower than the window and curtains were closed. Eye booger floating sideways? (Both eyes? Probably not). Would it have been brighter if room was darker? Did my imagination conjure this thing up? Half my life, I have been a very early riser and have never seen a little orb.

I can't honestly say how long I laid there - many minutes? - when all of a sudden my wife started stammering, along with heavy breathing. She was in a high-pitched verbal fight and her words were not understandable. Sounded like she was in trouble, and she yelled something high-pitched, stuttering and rambling. I yelled her name while rolling over to her to grab her and shake her awake. She tells me that a man was chasing her as a child and he was not a good man, and he was very scary. By the time she awoke later that morning, she had forgotten most of it. I found it strange that she had a nightmare within minutes of my seeing the Orb, and the timing of both had me wondering about Orbs getting in and being a part of our dreams.

In my present home, at the beginning of 2021, I had a crazy dream of an approximately 6" Orb of a dark-haired man (40ish?) his face filled the whole orb that was behind me at head level, chasing me from my garage into our laundry room and into the hallway landing, then into our bedroom (a strait shot) and telling me all the while to hurt (like hit) my wife. I was yelling at him NO, NO, I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT. I woke my wife and myself up from yelling at it. WTH?!

Thanks for reading. Good Luck out there. (Edited by Wife) Please only positive feedback.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CantunSEEit, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-08)
Hello aussiedaz, yes, it's been a while for sure, good to hear from you. The slow motion effect you mention is fascinating, I remember years ago witnessing an accident, an older couple wandering out into a lane and getting hit by another car (everyone was ok, no fatalities) while I and another friend were driving by and the whole thing went into slow motion, I can remember seeing the front headlights and grill being literally shattered and I could swear I saw the individual pieces scattering into the air and seeing all the spots they landed in on the road, it was the most bizarre experience!

As an aside, the consciousness existing outside the mind/body and the experiments you mentioned, perhaps that could explain premonitions/intuitive guidance and maybe even things like the Mandela effect. We 'receive' from whatever sources, constantly, like a radio tower, taking in multiple broadcasts. A lot of it, unless we become more aware gets lost in the 'signal noise' if that makes sense. As far as the Mandela effect or premonitions that maybe don't happen, like some of Da Vinci's, could be the mind including the 'unused portions' of the brain tuning into other realities/time lines etc and introducing that information into our consciousness.

Anyways good stuff for sure, thanks for sharing, I truly enjoy these thought provoking conversations with you! Hope you and yours have a great holiday season!

Sleeping-with-steve, good to hear from you and I appreciate the kind words!

CantunSEEit, great story, I appreciate your sharing and sorry if I hijacked your thread a little, but it led into some interesting thoughts relating to these types of encounters!

Glad tidings for a joyous holiday season however you all celebrate it.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-04)
Hello TLV,SWS, it's been a while between drinks, I hope all is well with both of you.

Yes, I too have studied some of these experiments TLV, I do concur with your own summary. The most profound experiment in my opinion, of which supports the duality of the mind (where the brain is receiving a signal) was on the BBC several years ago.

They basically wired up the brain of 1000 subjects with a little toy stick in both hands and then asked them (on the count of every six seconds) to make a random choice of squeezing the left hand or right hand in sequence to a bell.

As the subject awaited their random choice (without fail) the observers knew which hand they were going to squeeze 100 percent of the time prior to the subject making it... Of which probably indicates, the brain is receiving a message and acting out the direction.

They didn't offer any explanation and as we know science rarely explains the reason beyond something they can't measure.

On a side note: The Orch Orr theory suggests we have 40 conscious moments per second that give us the illusion of motion. When I hit a tree head-on at 45 mph back when Adam was a boy... The car I was travelling in, went into slow motion and apparently, many people have experienced the same phenomena Michael Jordan being the most famous one when playing basketball?

I do theorize, (for what it is worth) between the six-second delay experiment, along with the duality of consciousness, receptor theory and Orch orr theory tied in with the account of going into slow motion it just may be conclusive evidence consciousness exists outside our bodies and that it alone is solely fundamental to our reality.

Throw in the double-slit experiment as the icing (another mystery science can't explain) I don't need anymore convincing it makes sense to me.

Anyway, food for thought mate and I always enjoy reading your angle on these types of conversations.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
3 years ago (2021-12-04)
Hello CantunSEEit74,

I really loved this post. Thank you for sharing it with us on YGS.

Hello Aussie Daz and The_Lost_Voyage_11,

The two of you have really fascinating information on this thread. I love reading and learning from your comments.

Best wishes,
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-04)
To aussiedaz, interesting information (as always) regarding our cells acting as receptors and it makes sense, just as our cells are receptors for anything that happens within the body, signals from nerves etc, it seems they could pick up from outside sources as well. Your theory about something interfering with the transmission as it were, such as outside energy, is akin to the moon passing in front of the sun and causing an eclipse, the light is dimmed and affected for sure. Many scientists are really behind the idea that our mind itself is merely a transmitter like a radio which can receive multiple broadcasts. Our minds are just receivers of our consciousness, in effect more proof that the consciousness exists outside the body, and how it can remain behind when the body and mind cease to function including near death experiences. This of course could explain possession as well. Cases of people doing things that are so unlike them, like extreme rage, are situations attributed to the person being hijacked by the collective unconscious, the field where all human thoughts and emotions, including the thoughts that seem to constantly replay in our minds, seems to coalesce. This argues that our entire body and mind are essentially just receptor/receivers. There's been study into this and our telomeres, and the so called unused portions of our brain that some tend to believe are actually communicating and receiving information from other planes of existence. Interesting stuff for sure!
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (91 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-03)
aussiedaz and CrimsonTopaz Thanks for your comments. I feel I am only an Experiencer as it seemed I was looking in the right place at the right time. I have never really felt anything before a sighting but maybe they hit on my receptors to signal me to be aware. I really feel good now about the receptors theory and maybe I have not walked by or missed many other sightings. I am here to learn, and this is a step forward. Thanks, and Good Luck out there.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-03)
Aussie Daz
I understand now. That makes sense. Really interesting reply. I enjoy different interpretations of our experiences. Mainly experiences with ghost. Maybe we see or feel their presence when they block or interact with those receptors? Very interesting indeed.
Thank you.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-02)
Hello CrismonTopaz,

'if an energy of consciousness gets into our own space of consciousness we can transcribe the sensation physically and that feeling can feel quite uncomfortable'. * * * *
How is it uncomfortable?

From memory, it was Bruce Lipton (bioloigist) who claims we have 56 trillion cells with their own unique receptors of which are picking up a signal from somewhere? In he's words, physically we are like moon rovers picking up a signal from earth.

Basically, there is a duality between the self and the higher existing in unison.

For mine, this would explain how we survive death right? Mind doesn't belong to body, body belongs to mind? When your moon rover blows an engine it's game over on the moon where the hangover begins on earth (via his analogy)?

To answer your question, if we are picking up a signal from another dimension or spirit world as Bruce Lipton believes and then some other field of energy gets in between the transmission or your own energy field.

Perhaps it's the clashing of energy that interrupts those 56 trillion cells on the macroscopic level (physicality) leaving you with the sensation of feeling uncomfortable? It's actually hard to put words to the actual sensation however, it's not a nice feeling and it makes me wonder if this also explains possession? Another energy fighting for control of those cells and mind does that make sense?

Regards Daz
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-02)
Aussie Daz
Hey there fellow Australian. I loved your comment. I laughed my head off reading about you fighting of the orb with your pillow and pulling muscles. Lol.
I'm interested to know more about * * * *
'if an energy of consciousness gets into our own space of consciousness we can transcribe the sensation physically and that feeling can feel quite uncomfortable'. * * * *
How is it uncomfortable?
CantUnseeit, I'm sorry to use your thread to communicate with Daz. I'm not sure where else to respond to his comment.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-02)
Maybe Martin can help you get back into your original profile or maybe combine both new and old.
You have so many situations on your old profile it seems a Shame to leave it dormant. I've enjoyed reading your situations and added a couple to re-read.
Your wife must be enjoying editing your work. I find you both have much to tell.
Thank you for sharing.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-04)
Hello cantunSEEit,

I can resonate with your story, I had a similar experience around 5 years ago with my wife making the same noises however it wasn't an Orb, it was more like a small mist. It startled me that much I went into fight mode swinging away it with my pillow lmao... I shouldn't make light of it however, in the heat of the moment It just felt like the only thing I could do.

It slowly moved away from my wife across the wall of our room with me still swinging at it like a maniac. Post maniac injury assessment, I think I pulled out muscles I never knew I had up and down my back and legs to keep it away from her. My wife then woke up thinking it was me having the nightmare yelling out my name and asking me to wake up... Counting sheep some half an hour later something or someone flicked me in the back of the ear? So I guess what ever it was, it didn't enjoy the pillow fight,lmao. Geezus, what can you do but laugh right? Anyway,

Can orbs, mist etc enter into our dreams? They probably can if we are in the right phase of sleeping state however, if an energy of consciousness gets into our own space of consciousness we can transcribe the sensation physically and that feeling can feel quite uncomfortable. I have experienced that sensation in a waking state a few times and it's not a nice feeling.

Regards Daz!
CantunSEEit (16 stories) (17 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-02)
MrsRamsay, I hope you are well. Positive feedback-this story has 2 dreams in it. I know this is not a dream site, but thought butthead orb guy was pertinent to our story and hope no one gets irritated with us going off-script of YGS. We moved from mirror home early 2014 and have since lived in 5 different places. We have sold a couple of homes and bought a couple. Not bragging, the moving around might cause some confusion with my stories. We bought a view lot, had custom home built, and lived in it for 2 1/2 years. Due to Covid concerns, we sold it in Summer of 2020, bought this smaller home with RV parking and now I'm retired. We have our first garden growing, have made our front and back yards our oasis of flowers, with bird feeders, and watching the squirrels, pigeons, and a mouse picking up what's fallen is entertaining. If we have a nightmare we make sure to talk about it right then, so in the morning we can remember the visit. I love the orb with arm around you. In my opinion, in death you go outwards not upwards. I have 1 last story left and I will be current. I finally filled in the Bio on this site. Take care! Wife edited.
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-01)
I just realized something after I posted. I have a photo of a man's face in an orb. Am pretty certain it's my deceased husband who was tagging along for our tour of the Marine Corps Museum when it first opened in Virginia. We stopped to take a family photo outside and I remember initially being so disappointed that the photo turned out so blurry. A couple years later, when I realized I could see paranormal type things in photos, I saw the orb resting on my head (which I initially thought was a twinkling light of the building behind me) and a partially formed arm sort of around my neck. If you look real close, you can see the face in the orb. Not scary though, just a loved one.
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-01)
Oh my, you ask for positive feedback? I always enjoy your posts (edited by your kind wife).

I'm laughing in delight at specifically two points in your story yet cringing at the rest, it's really scary. First, trying not to get a song stuck in your head just cracked me up. When I wake at night to use the bathroom (sometimes a couple times if I couldn't hydrate until evening, tmi, sorry) I almost always have some random song in my head. I think I count it as a blessing though. Because if I focus on that, I can't notice other things. Like orbs. Or men's faces in orbs. OMG, scary. And the dreams, yes, scary too. I have told my husband I think that the songs in my head at night is a coping method I've had since young, same as when I wake up at night I rarely look around or even up, I look down while walking to the bathroom and try not to see. I'm 60 and never even realized I do that until just a few years ago.

Oh, the second funny thing: eye booger. If the bad man ever attempts to scare either of you again, you should call him out as an "eye booger." Tell him to get away from you, please, he should not be there. Good luck with your insomnia, in all seriousness. I have also had similar dreams, mostly when I started living in this house, never really before. It gets scary when your kid tells you about a dream that is almost the same. I still have not figured out what to do about these strange dreams, which are very infrequent, so am looking forward to reading the advice you get. PS is this a different house than the one with the mirrors? I might've missed that part.
CantunSEEit (16 stories) (17 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-01)
Rajine I have had only 2 spirit crossings in Idaho in over 5 years. This one was in large apt complex. I feel this orb was a local wanderer. But will never know. I've had 1 crossing in this home been here 10 months. Don't believe I have a follower. Take care. 😊
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-01)
Hi cantunSEEit

Scary but interesting experience you had, do you think perhaps whatever it was followed you to your present home?

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