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Real Ghost Stories

Almost Killed By 2 "ghosts"


A couple of days after my grandpa's death, I was in bed with my sister, she was sleeping and I was watching Spanish telenovelas on the TV that was next to the kitchen door.

As I was watching I saw a light from a flashlight. I was very confused because I could see where it came from. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw 2 dark figures. One was tall and skinny, the other was short and "fat". The tall one was holding a kitchen knife and the short one the flashlight.

I panicked so I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, but after I opened them they were still there. Scared I tried to quietly wake up my sister so that I did not bring attention to myself so that they couldn't see me. She did not wake up so I closed my eyes and got under the blanket.

After a couple of minutes, I got out with my eyes closed and decided to check if they were still there. I opened them and they got closer. I started to get more scared and closed my eyes again, and after opening them they still got closer to me. They looked really scary and did not have any skin or clothes on them, it was like they were made out of a thick dark cloud or something.

I closed and opened my eyes a couple of more times and they came closer and closer until both of them were staring on top of me. So I screamed loud and they vanished. My dad came into the room and asked me what happened and I told him that I saw 2 dark figures that tried to kill me. He said that was just a dream, but I was still seeing the flashlight in the place where they first appeared. I told my dad " Do you see the flashlight on the floor?" and he did not and took me and my sister to his bedroom.

In the morning when I woke up I saw on my check 3 fingerprints, that I had not seen before.

PSI: The room I was sleeping in my grandpa died in.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, angelspit, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ven0m (2 posts)
4 months ago (2024-09-27)
Not to scare, but important to say so you take action. It could have been them that killed your grandfather. Tell this a loud "No weapons formed against me shall prosper in Jesus name, Amen!" And then pray for your grandfather, ask God and Jesus to please take your grandfather and forgive him, to have mercy on his soul. Just in case. You lose nothing by trying this. No weapons against you shall prosper, I pray
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-16)
I don't think that "ghosts" or spirits that were once human would be that vengeful to cause physical harm, I may be corrected, but that's just my view. Perhaps it was something else, something malevolent.

Spirits or ghosts can be happy, sad, angry etc...
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (90 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-13)
This is an amazing and scary visitation. A dead guy is carrying a flashlight that actually is working and throwing light and it's coming at you. And finally standing over you, and one has a knife. I do not think you will ever forget this night. WOW
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-12)
Bienvenid [at] a YGS.

Hola Angel.

That sure was an unnerving and puzzling experience. Personally, I don't think these figures were trying to kill you, though they definitely seemed to have been curious about you.

Do you know if any other family member, specially your abuelito, ever had a paranormal encounter in that house?
In my opinion, since your grandfather's death had been so recent, it's possible that he was still around and the knife and flash light might have been important/symbolic during an event in his life.

I'm glad your dad took you to his room even if he didn't necessarily believed what you saw.

Do you remember if you covered your mouth during the time these events took place? Would it be possible that the marks on your cheek were those of your own fingers?
By this I'm not denying your experience but only trying to think of some possible logical explanation for these marks.

Thanks for sharing.

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