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Sister Phones Me After Killed In Car Accident


In December of 1990 I was living in New York City trying to make it in the rock music industry. The last time I saw my sister, D'Lea (pronounced "Duh-Lee"), was the year before when she visited us. One morning as I was getting ready for my day job I received the phone call no brother ever wants to receive. It was my mother saying three words I will never forget.

"Todd, she's gone."

And so began my new life. The life where my beautiful sister was no longer on this earth. D'Lea was one of those rare people that everyone loved. She had an incredibly caring Soul. I know we tend to only remember the positives about people and conveniently forget the negatives when a person dies, but I can honestly say my sister didn't have very many negative qualities. She was a soft, sweet, caring Soul that was apparently only meant to walk this earth for 25 years in this incarnation.

She cared deeply for me and nurtured me almost like a second mom. We were very close. We had both grown up in an abusive home after our parents divorced and when my mother remarried, our teen years were spent in a volatile home thanks to our step dad.

Which is why it wasn't any surprise (looking back now) that even in death she wanted to take care of me by letting me know she was okay. Now at the time I didn't know who was trying to call. It all started when I was alone in the apartment one night, not long after her accident. It was exactly 12:00AM when the phone rang. (I know this because I had a digital clock next to me with those big red digital display numbers).

I picked it up and heard what sounded like this loud white noise. Like TV static back in the day when you would turn the channel and it was just a static screen. "Hello? Hello?" Nothing. Not thinking much of it, I hung up and went back to bed. Then the phone rang again. I looked at the clock. 12:15AM. Same thing, loud static. Living in NYC at the time I started thinking maybe it was a band mate calling from a subway station and a subway was going by as they called. But I never did hear anything other than static.

Every time I would go back to bed, like clockwork (literally!), every 15 minutes on the dot, the phone would ring. 12:30AM, 12:45AM, 1:00AM, 1:15AM and so on. At this point, I KNEW it was my sister. Goosebumps came over me in that knowing only you can quantify without knowing how it is you know something. You just do.

This went on at precise 15 minute increments until the final phone call at 3AM. Then it stopped for good.

At the time I didn't know about spirits using the phone sometimes to try to contact loved ones from beyond. Then I came across a book a few years later that described my experience nearly to a tee. I'm not sure why she was unable to make her voice audible above the white noise... Perhaps her Soul was too new to the other dimension and wasn't able to project enough energy. No matter. In the end, I know it was her trying to tell me she was okay.

Sister Phones Me

I had many wonderful contact dreams from her in the following few years after her passing. At one point, I attended a psychic reading with a panel of respected psychics from the North East region of the US. They were providing readings using psychometry. I brought the framed photo D'Lea had given me of herself just a year before she passed. Which if you knew my sister, that in and of itself was incredible as she hated her photo being taken, but inexplicably, she had portraits of herself taken that she gave to her closest family and friends not long before her accident. That alone still blows my mind.

I raised my hand and offered the framed photo to the row of psychics. The information they provided me was nothing short of astounding.

The feeling of cold signifying the person is no longer in the earth realm.


The passing was due to a car accident involving a large truck of some sort.

(Yes, she was killed instantly on a rainy evening coming home and didn't see the semi-truck that was parked half in the road from mechanical trouble)

It was quick, she showed them "lights out" meaning she didn't suffer.


She was with a father figure and they are holding hands. The father figure had heart trouble of some sort causing his death.

(Correct, my father died 6 months after D'Lea in a car accident and we believe it was a broken heart that caused the accident)

I always gravitated towards the unknown and the paranormal but my interest in spirituality, metaphysics, consciousness and Life after Death didn't accelerate until after they died. In the years since I have had a full blown Awakening and my sister gets all the credit. While I am still struggling with the human part of myself and far from perfect, all of the good within me and my desire to always strive to be a better father, husband, friend, son and man is due to her influence, both while she was still on earth and even now in the afterlife.

The day we are reunited again will be one sweet day indeed.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aros, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-05-19)
valkricry yes I suppose she did... The both of us were far from perfect little angels growing up (although my mom always thought I was which bugged the heck out of my sister, lol) but mostly we were just doing what teenagers were doing back then.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-05-19)
Your sister is very pretty indeed. Thank you for sharing the photo with us. Although she does look a bit uncomfortable having her picture taken, I bet she had a very impish side as well.
Martin (602 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-05-19)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published 📷
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-16)
Also, an interesting side note... As I was typing that last post one of the songs I associate with my sister the most started playing. It's "Rooms on Fire" by Stevie Nicks. Goose bumps!
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-16)
Thank you MrsRamsay for your kind words and sharing your experience as well. Sounds like your mom certainly called you on that day. I would imagine it's just as frustrating for them as it is for us to not hear them as clearly as we would like to. As for the mountain home, I believe once we cross over we have the capability to create our reality and often that manifests for many to re-create the home and environment they loved and are familiar with. You may be accessing that home in the other dimension where your mom currently resides. Thanks again for your response and sharing your lovely experience.
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2021-03-15)
Hello Aros, a very nice story and I'm so sorry about your losses, so quickly, so close together. Wanted to comment to tell you that my mom "called me" shortly after she passed away. It was on my birthday, aout 7pm and I was inside alone while husband and kids were outside. I rarely have the tv on at that time, but did that evening, and when the phone rang the caller ID on the tv said, "CVS Pharmacy." It was January, and I sort of assumed one of my older kids had perhaps come down with a cold/flu or whatever, was at the pharmacy and maybe needed money (they were newly out on their own and sometimes would call). I answered with the expectation it was one of them... Heard the white noise sound, so said, "Who IS this?" wondering which kid. I heard "Mom. Mom." I thought they were calling ME as if they could not hear... I asked again, "Who is this?" I just couldn't make out the voice, still thinking it was a kid. The line went dead, and almost immediately, standing there in the middle of the room, I realized it was my mom ANSWERING my question, "Who is this." Mom. It was stunning. So then I looked at the phone caller ID and re-called the CVS Pharmacy number. Here's the weirder part: The particular CVS that the number matched was a store very near my parents' mountain house. The number rang to a voice mail that said the store was currently closed (weird, it was only 7pm) but... Since then, I've had multiple dreams that have caused me to believe somehow my parents are... Somehow at their mountain house, which we sold shortly after she died. The dreams I have are of the house, and we're all going there just like we did year after year for holidays, etc... And when I get there, well, there they are! Except almost immediately in my dream I realize I MUST hurry and pack up my kids and get out, because I realize the home is no longer ours and the new family will be on their way and I don't want to be discovered. Anyway, I'm a Christian too, but I believe when these things happen, you should go with the intuition and feelings it inspires in you. If it wasn't her, you would have some disturbing feeling, imo. Also, you sound like a good guy. I always believe we should honor our family who's died... Be the best we can and enjoy our lives as much as possible because they would want us to. Anyway, thank you for sharing.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-11)
Aros, Ok, My intuition was telling me it was one of those dates although the 15th was coming through the strongest...however,... "December 4th, 1990" when you add up the letters and numbers from the day she crossed over, it equals 15 in total? Perhaps that's the clue with 15?... The 4th was in the middle of my post with three numbers on both side so yes, I believe this message is for you.

Take this comment as further validation that your sister is with you and wants you to know you are on the right path in your life.

Someone was in my home last night Aros, not sure who it was, however, I did get a response when I thought about saying this to you, your answer makes me feel I can say this to you with some confidence.

No, I'm not a medium.

Regards Daz
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-10)
aussiedaz, well the 4th is when she passed. December 4th, 1990. Other than that, I'm not really sure at the moment?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-10)
Aros, I just knew you would understand what I meant on a Soul level relating to an exit point, just a question for you mate... Does the 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, 12th, 15th or 16th have any significance for you or your sister?

Regards Daz!
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-09)
aussiedaz thank you very much for your comments. I do believe it was a chosen exit point on an unconscious/Soul level. I have a much better understanding of things of that nature then I ever did before. I know one day my time will come to pierce the veil of the afterlife and see my loved ones again, and all will be remembered. I'm not in any rush mind you, but it gives me terrific comfort knowing we are eternal beings with LOVE being the string that unifies and binds us all.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-09)
Hello Aros, you nailed the reason behind your own awakening... It was your sister and if I'm right, you also know that your sister chose her exit point?... You have made her so proud by your own awakening and it is most probable, the two of you planned this together before coming into the Matrix if my own theories and conclusions are correct about the afterlife and all that jazz in between?

I too strive every day to be a better person so I do resonate with that aspect of your story. Thank you for sharing it, I'm so pleased you were able to pull together the bigger picture with your sisters help from an account that may have destroyed you, had you let it.

Regards Daz
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-09)
BravelyKegger I appreciate your opinions and beliefs. While I do not prescribe to them, I respect that they are your own. My experiences have more than satisfied me knowing that our loved ones spirit/Soul/consciousness continues after death. That God/Source is pure, unconditional LOVE for us all. Yes, there are demons/negative spirits but they feed off of fear and other negative emotional states. When you are in the presence of, or given a sign from a loved one in spirit there is no fear, no negativity, only love.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-09)
Hi BravelyKeggar

Thanks for offering your opinion.

I see in your profile you declare; "...this world can be so boring so I get so excited by ghost stuff..."

Forgive me if I'm somewhat confused by your the apparent obvious contradiction to your posted comment and your profile.

Respectfully Yours,

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-03-09)
BravelyKegger - thank you for respectfully offering your opinion. If another member states a differing opinion, please remember your desire to not debate this issue.

To all Members: I will be watching this thread and if the comments take a belligerant, argumentative, etc tone, they will be deleted. As has been said many, many times, YGS is represented by multiple cultures, religions, races, beliefs, etc and we hope our members can be respectful of each other.
BravelyKegger (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-09)
Personally I do not believe in ghosts, I have a strong Christian faith and the bible very clearly says the dead know nothing, they have no more partaking in anything under the sun. I believe these calls are purely demonic, the fact that it starts at 12 am and ends at 3am which is the time when they say the spirit world is closest to ours. Listen I know it brings you great comfort thinking its your sister but I would warn you to be careful. I do not wish to start a debate with you, this purely comes from love and me wishing you the best, I said my piece so take this how you will, I hope you find the truth you are seeking.
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-08)
Thank you Rajine and The_Lost_Voyage_11 for the kind words. Other ways she has contacted me through the years are particular songs that come on the radio suddenly when I am thinking of her, and butterflies were a common theme in the years right after her accident, among other things.

To answer your question about the caller ID, unfortunately the phone did not have any identifier like that... It was a standard phone with a chord. I do agree that the static was likely vibrational/frequency differences and that is how it ended up sounding to me. Thank you again for the kind words!
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-07)
Hello Aros

Firstly I'm really sorry about the passing of your sister and dad, it's never easy losing a loved one but somehow we learn to live without them.

I do believe that your sister did contact you for one last time sort of to say that she's at peace, loved ones that pass are always looking out for us.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-07)
Hello Aros, thank you for sharing your incredible story and I'm so sorry about the loss of your sister. She sounded like an incredible individual with a strong presence, so it's no surprise she was able to reach out to you after she passed. It must have really been validating to get such confirmation from your visit with the psychics as well. As you've continued to evolve and grown beyond her death, it continues to prove that love doesn't die, it lives on stronger long after our physical bodies cease to function as such. It also proves our loved ones continue to stay connected to us even beyond the veil. So much out there we still have yet to understand, but the mystery of it is part of the fun and the journey. One question I did have, is I know you 'knew' it was her calling, but were you able to ever see 'where' the call came from? If it was a cell phone, did it display a number, or caller ID if a regular phone? I know the vibration of spirit/soul in their realm is much higher than here on earth. That probably explains why you couldn't make out what was being said, why it appeared as white noise. The vibration of the sound was too high for our plane of existence. Many have mentioned hearing Angels and departed loved ones speaking to them in higher pitches or squeals or ringing in the ears, just a difference in the vibration between dimensions. Thanks again for sharing!

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